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Admission to Gannon University
Admission Policies
While the requirements for admission to various programs differ, the general requirements and procedures are listed below. Please refer to the individual program description for specific details. Please note that the Ruskin, FL campus is actively seeking approval to recruit and enroll students from countries outside of the United States.
General Requirements
Applicants for graduate study must hold a bachelor’s degree from an appropriately accredited college or university, and demonstrate the motivation, ability, and preparation needed to pursue graduate study successfully. A determination of this capacity will be made by the graduate program director and/or the respective Academic Dean, based upon records of undergraduate achievement, prior graduate work (if any), scores on required standardized tests (GRE, GMAT, etc.), letters of recommendation, and other information. Official transcripts and test scores must be sent directly from the appropriate institution to the Office of Graduate Admissions of Gannon University.
Prospective applicants must submit a completed application for graduate study. Applicants should direct all application materials and questions regarding the process of admission to the:
Office of Graduate Admissions
109 University Square Erie, PA 16541 (814) 871-7474 800-GANNON-U Admissions representatives assist prospective students with questions regarding program admission requirements or he decision process.
Programs may require students to apply through a Centralized Application Service (CAS) – i.e. CASPA, CSDCAS, OTCAS and PTCAS. Each academic program’s national organization hosts an application service for institutions to utilize. Gannon University currently utilizes the CAS system for the Physician Assistant, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology programs. All external university applicants are required to complete an application and submit all materials through their program’s CAS system.
Standardized Admission Tests
Each graduate program has its own requirements with regard to standardized admission tests. Please refer to the individual program descriptions for the appropriate tests or contact a graduate admissions representative. An applicant who already holds a graduate degree is not required to take an exam when applying to a Gannon master’s degree program. The results of standardized tests should be sent directly to the above office from the test administrator.
Transfer of Credits
Transfer credits from other institutions are accepted at the discretion of program directors. Generally, a maximum of six credits from an accredited university may be accepted in transfer for courses in which a student received at least a grade of “B” (3.0). Transfer of credit both to and from the institution is at the discretion of the accepting institution, and it is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not credits will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.