Bare copper wires

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Engineering diversity achieved using Bare Copper Wires

Copper wire is the most popular metal element used in electrical circuits as well as electronics industry. Being good conductor of electricity as well as heat, copper is used abundantly in appliances and wirings. Copper finds wide scale utility in aerospace industry and transistors owing to great flexibility and ability to be drawn into thin wires. Usually copper wires come coated in alloy of tin and nickel. Insulated copper wires have cadmium and tin in their composition that makes it resistant against corrosion and more flexible to industrial applications. When the wires are manufactured without the tin coating or alloy coating, the category of wires is called bare copper wire. Here is a highlight on a few characteristic properties that make these wires find entry into abundant applications of engineering and science.

Bare copper wires are made of hundred percent copper with zero impurity. It allows higher conductivity and greater flexibility. This allows it to be drawn in complex shapes of wire and cable. These are classified under following categories: Hard drawn bare wires Medium hard bare wires Annealed bare wires Bare strands wound over Concentric layout Tinned conductors Uni-lay stranded annealed wires

Glorious applications of Copper Wires The copper wires laid bare find their applications in vastly distinct industrial segments. They are used in overhead transmissions and lighting solutions. In addition to them, common applications include use in street lighting and heavy transmission lines. They are also used in mines and industrial overhead cranes owing to their standard tolerance and high conductivity. Copper wires in bare mode are used in touch conduits.

Bare copper wires continue to be used in circuits of telegraph industry and Morse coding. Since they have good signal conditioning against interference, they are also used in signal grounding cables.Copper retains its elemental properties and characteristics even when submerged under mediums other than air, like oil, hot fluid or salt water, they are used in submersible motors, bus bars and transformers.

Reduction of CO2 Emissions and Energy loss Electrical appliances like washing machines, television, music players, microwave ovens and computers are packed with complex circuits made of bare copper.Since these units are prone to fluctuating voltage and lightning incidents, bare copper offers excellent grounding and signal conditioning. Copper provides high energy efficiency reporting minimum loss due to heat dissipation and loss of electrical charge. It is reported that each tonne of copper used in industry cuts down carbon dioxideemission by two hundred tonnes per year.

Ganpati Engineering Industries C-27, Bais Godam Industrial Estate, Bais Godam, Jaipur -302 006 (Raj.) India Phone : 141-2211977 Mobile No: 94140 48492 Website:

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