L4C ESD report malaysia

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W.O.R.K.S.H.O.P R.E.P.O.R.T Learning for Change Workshop : Education for Sustainable Development in Malaysia Danau Golf Club . UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia 4 – 6 December 2012 !





The Institute for Environment and Development, better known as LESTARI, was established on 1st October 1994 as an independent multi-dicipinary research institute within the structure of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia), to build a foundation and framework for research and training in the areas of environment, economic and social sustainibilities, sustainibility science and governance and Langkawi Research. It was formed to fulfill the aspirations of the university, as envisioned by the United Nations Conference and Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, to realise the goals of sustainable development through research and capacity building. LESTARI was also established to serve as a reference centre capable of dealing with environment and developmen issues, assisting government in formulating poicies based on research of a holistivc and balance kind. The development function is directed towards enhancing human resource private sectors. The main thrust of the programmes at LESTARI are research and development, postgraduate education, training and technical assistance. This is supported by publications, conferences, seminars, dialogues and outreach programmes. [http://www.ukm.my/lestari]

The Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD) at Gotland University, Visby was established in 2008. The Centre is financed by Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. SWEDESD's mission is to facilitate the development of the capacity of the leaders, members, employees and other stakeholders of key organizations and communities to carry out educational and communication programs and interventions allowing people as members of households, communities and organizations to make sense and meaning of the social, economic and ecological challenges surrounding them and to find appropriate responses and actions. SWEDESD's activities support the further development and practice of education for sustainable development through education, training, learning, research, evaluation, information exchange, networking, partnerships, policy analysis and capacity development. All activities are designed and implemented in close cooperation with national and regional partner organizations in countries in the Global South with which Sweden is engaged in development cooperation, while building on experience and expertise available in Sweden and elsewhere. [http://www.swedesd.se]

Global Action Plan International is an international network at the forefront of Education for Sustainable Development and related programmes for sustainable behaviour change – including 'carbon neutral' households, communities and work places. GAP is a network of organizations working for a common goal - empowering people to live and work increasingly sustainably. Each member organization is an independent entity with full responsibility for designing and delivering appropriate programs, and for its own funding and financial management. GAP International supports exchange of experience, including workshops and other events; analyses, synthesizes, and acts as a repository for the growing body of knowledge concerning empowerment. [http://www.globalactionplan.com]

The International Hydrological Programme is a vehicle through which Member States can upgrade their knowledge of the water cycle and thereby increase their capacity to better manage and develop their water resources. It aims at the improvement of the scientific and technological basis for the development of methods for the rational management of water resources. The programme constitutes a framework for applied research and education in the field of hydrology and water management. It should be regarded as a dynamic concept whose aim is to improve the links between research, application and education and to promote scientific and educational activities. The National Committees have been set up by the respective governments taking into account that the IHP is an intergovernmental programme. Where no National Committee has been established, a Focal Point or National Correspondent in the form of an organization or individual has been identified for channelling information about IHP to and from the country. The composition of the National Committee differs from country to country, but the IHP Council recommends that the composition includes public agencies in hydrology and water resources, private individuals, relevant university faculties and departments, research institutes, consulting agencies, professional and learned societies. The National Committees play a critical role in the implementation of the IHP. These roles differ from country to country depending on the national capabilities and the institutional structure for hydrological studies and water resources management.. [http://hydroftp.water.gov.my/ihp]



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Organizers & Their Representatives MAIN FACILITATING TEAM Dr. Shepherd Urenje, SWEDESD, Gotland University, Sweden Mrs. Marilyn Mehlmann Global Action Plan (GAP) International Mrs. Dang Huong Giang, Action for the City, Vietnam

ADDITIONAL FACILITATORS Dr. Rahmah Elfithri, Institute for Environment and Development, UKM Assoc Prof. Dr. Ruhizan Bt. Md Yasin, Faculty of Education, UKM Assoc Prof. Dr. Anizan Bt. Isahak, Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM Dr. Zanaton Bt. Hj. Iksan, Faculty of Education, UKM Dr. Sharifah Zarina Bt. Syed Zakaria, Institute for Environment and Development, UKM Dr. Mashitoh Bt. Yaacob, Centre of General Studies, UKM Mrs. Wan Nur’ashiqin Bt. Wan Mohamad, Centre of General Studies, UKM Mrs. Siti Nur Diyana Bt. Mahmud, Faculty of Education, UKM Mrs. Tuan Mastura Bt. Tuan Soh, Faculty of Education, UKM

RAPPORTEURS Ms. Aisyah Nur Handryant, Institute for Environment and Development, UKM Ms. Siti Nurain Zulkifli, Institute for Environment and Development, UKM Mr. Aswady Ahmad, Institute for Environment and Development, UKM




The Learning for Change Workshop: Education for Sustainable Development in Malaysia held in Danau Golf Club, UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, from the 4th to 6th of December 2012, brought together 65 stakeholders actively involved in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from 4 countries (Malaysia, Sweden, Vietnam and Abu Dhabi) and representing the University, School, Government Agency, NGO and Ministry in order to learn more from shared experiences of working with ESD in their national or local context. Learning for Change (L4C) Workshop in Malaysia is supported by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education and is collaborative effort between Institute Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM); Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD), Gotland University, Visby, Sweden; Global Action Plan (GAP) International, Sweden; and the National Committee on Training, Education and Awareness Programme of UNESCO-IHP Malaysia. L4C workshop engages the participants in intensive interactions, thus enhancing their capacity to continue their work with greater effectiveness and longer term impact.




Contents(( The report has five main parts. The first part is introduction consist of workshop background and methodology. The second part is a summary of the workshop proceedings. The third part presents the findings of a survey that was conducted subsequent to the workshop, including a documentation of learning outcomes as well as an evaluation of the workshop. The four part is a description and documentation about technical visit. The fifth part consist of a participants list followed by the annex, workshop programme and detail workshop related documents in mind maps showing the outcomes of the different sessions of the workshop that were posted on the walls of the workshop venue.

About Learning for Change Workshop Summary of the workshop proceedings Learning outcomes Feedback Evaluation Technical Visit Participants list Annex

6 8 16 18 19 25 27 31

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( ( ( ( 01(About(the(Learning(for(Change( (






Background(and(Methodology(( Sustainable Development is an invitation for a change that is not clearly defined. There are no experts, and many forms of sustainable living are yet to be developed or refined. For these reasons we were looking for a process that would go beyond supporting us to learn and would, in its core, promote transformative learning in the service of action. In addition, a common challenge is that to work with SD is to navigate in uncharted waters. The methodology used in this workshop comes from a challenge that Global Action Plan International, as many others organizations, has faced when developing processes and programs related to SD and ESD. We felt that every time we were “reinventing the wheel�. We felt the need to more effectively learn from our own experience, as well as to learn from the experience of others. In addition, a common challenge is that to work with SD is to navigate in uncharted waters. SD is an invitation for a change that is not clearly defined. There are no experts, and many forms of sustainable living are yet to be developed or refined. For these reasons we were looking for a process that would go beyond supporting us to learn and would, in its core, promote transformative learning in the service of action The workshop is developed with close relation to a Pattern Language, and it is part of a larger project intended to lead to the establishment of a Pattern Library. The idea is to identify and develop generic patterns of beliefs and action related to sustainable development and ESD. This work does not only benefit the larger project but has proven to be very beneficial for the individuals participating in it. It helps to identify patterns and challenges with more clarity, as well as to explore ways to move forward, as described in the workshop objectives. The development of patterns is a work in progress, and it is envisioned that these patterns will be accessible for SD practitioners. Several patterns have already been identified and documented.

Objectives ! ! ! !


To create conditions for participants to assess and learn from/for their ESD projects. To enable participants to experience new approach, tools and models, for planning, designing, managing, implementing and evaluating ESD projects. To support ESD educators in Malaysia to adopt the new approach, tools and models within their own projects and as a working tool for ESD. To promote exchange and cooperation among the participants, while strengthening the existing network.



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02(Summary(of(the(Workshop( ( ( !

Process(( ( (



Workshop(Programme( (

The first day focused on identifying strengths and challenges. The challenges were further investigated by looking for their main causes, and by starting to develop new insights and solutions. On the second day feedback focused on each case study, and on addressing participants’ issues. The development of “advice to myself” and the formulation of a possible action plan concluded this round. The third day was used for participants to get a deeper understanding of the tools, to ask questions, and to reflect about how to turn the learning points into practice. Details of workshop programmes are attached as annex in this report.

Home(Group At the workshop seven home groups were created around common themes according to the specific focus of the participants and were facilitated by one or two assigned facilitator as follow:


Group 01 |

Group 02 |

Facilitators: Assoc Prof. Dr. Ruhizan bt. Md. Yasin Dr. Sharifah Zarina bt. Syed Zakaria

Facilitator: Dr. Zanaton bt. Hj. Iksan



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Dr. Sharina Bt. Abdul Halim Mr. Akmal Reza Awang Hamat Ms. Muzirah Ab. Makuti Ms. Rukiah Muhamed Ibrahim Ms. Izzurazlia Ibrahim Ms. Noorleha Mohd. Yusoff

Mrs. Tan Pey Fang Assoc Prof. Dr. Azizah Binti Endut Assoc. Prof. Gunasagara Ms. Nur Aidillina Mohd. Ramli Ms. Vijaya Sengodan Ms. Zubaidah Mohd. Nasir



Group 03 |

Group 04 |

Facilitator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anizan bt. Isahak Dr. Rahmah Elfithri Members: 1. Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad 2. Assoc Prof. Edmond Zahedi 3. Ms. Nor Azila Talib 4. Ms. Woo Yoke Ling 5. Ms. Izzurazlia Ibrahim 6. Mr. Tiew Kian Ghee

Facilitator: Dr. Mashitoh bt. Yaacob

Group 05 |

Group 06 |

Facilitators: Mrs. Siti Nur Diyana bt. Mahmud Ms. Rasha Al Matfai Members: 1. Prof. Dr. Maimon Abdullah 2. Ms. Nur Fatehah Raudhah Ariffin 3. Ms. Hafiza Bt. Hassan 4. Ms. Norliyana Md. Aris 5. Ms. Elmira Shamhiry 6. Ms. Najah Sofia Md. Zaini

Facilitators: Mrs. Wan Nur’ashiqin Wan Mohamad

Members: 1. Mr. Muhamad Harz Mohd Zain 2. Dr. Shariff Che Ibrahim 3. Ms. Nor Hamidah Abd. Malek 4. Ms. Norhayati Ngadiman 5. Ms. Muzirah Bt. Ab. Mokhti 6. Ms. Nur Ajlaa Mahmood

Members: 1. Assoc Prof. Dr. Noor Ezlin Bt. Ahmad Basri 2. Ms. Norhafiza Ibrahim 3. Ms. Kamelia Abdul Khadir 4. Ms. Norsaadah Yailani 5. Ms. Fadhilah Hanani Bt. Mohd 6. Ms. Miza

Group 07 | Facilitators: Mrs. Tuan Mastura Tuan Soh Ms. Gayatri Ragwa Members: 1. Mr. Fazly Rahmat 2. Mr. Og Sy Ing 3. Ms. Rukiyah Mohamad Ibrahim 4. Ms. Nur Fatin Md. Saad 5. Mr. Arij Bt. Yusof

! Workshop(Report(!!




Tuesday, 4 December 2012 M O R N I N G


01. Case Study Presentation Analytical session Formulation of personal experiences from working within change projects. Letting the elephant talk. Individual reflection on the things that participants were proud of. Dealing with the issues that empower us to engage with the things we want to change. Identification of personal satisfactions. Presentation of projects and successes to members of the home group. Sharing of personal satisfactions. Participants had bring and presented their own case study in the break up group. The feedback from others members is very variety with active respond. This case study presentation had being good platform for further session at this workshop. 02. Nom inal Group Technique, NGT: ‘Dissatisfactions’

The word cloud below represents the synthesis of the dissatisfactions of each group. During the workshop each home group was invited to share their dissatisfactions and synthesize them in topics using the nominal group technique. The results of this exercise are registered in the following pages. Most of the participants feel dissatisfactions when peoples in community not aware much on environmental issues. Other dissatisfaction was emerged the community still not hundred percents involved on program that have been conducted to care the environment. 03. Reflections re m ethod?

Figure o1. introduction session by throwing ball method at firts day had starting the workshop full of warm and friendly athmosphere.

Shared reflections on the participants’ experiences from their individual projects. On the one hand it was the ambition to stimulate ”triple loop learning”, On the other hand the workshop sought to enable the participants to use the tools in their own projects after return to their home countries, as a means of project assessment. Some of the good methods and approach are considered to be applied at their home countries.

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04. Key em powerm ent principles Introduction to the pattern laboratory perspective on increasing the efficiency of change projects. Presentation of the empowerment spiral. An alternative approach to change, revising the knowledge/action model. Strengthening care, joy of experimentation and the orientation of working with the intervention points that the empowerment spiral provides. The first step to reach empowerment in sustainable development is by finding out the issue followed by acting with full of intention and finally it will create care and awareness to environment. That key principles has been derived into circulation mode. AHA!




Figure o2. Sticking ideas, dissatifaction, aha’s ideas during Learing for Change Workshop .










! Workshop(Report(!!


05. Ahas!; link dissatisfaction and satisfaction After searching for deeper significance and ways of overcoming their dissatisfactions, participants reported some of their insights. Participants were invited to add their insight to a list on the wall. Below is a list of the insights registered during the workshop. Acknowledgment of satisfaction and dissatisfaction leads to better improvement. From Ahas! Session the participants realize that every problem have it solutions and it need to think the pro’s and con’s about an issue. Sharing knowledge and experience will lead to a sustainable collaboration between community and stakeholder. The changes of behavior into sustainable development can be started by the smallest element which is self reflection. Knowledge transferred should be made in simple way in order to make community understand an issue easier so that they tend to change their behavior. Critical approach on sustainable lifestyle should be widespread increase in individual awareness, easier for every aspect to have the approach of green practices. 06. Deep Listening Introduction to the concept of deep listening. The quality of listening. An approach to listening which lets the speaker, the coached person, steer how he/she wants to be coached. Deep listening is haracterized through attention, nonjudgmental, empathic, nurturing, the empty vessel. Deep listening is the nurturing of the ambition to support the speaker to formulate and to touch upon the issue s/he wants to explore, letting the flow of telling decide how the speaker wants to be coached. Deep listening is one of the important methods to change behavior into the sustainable development because knowledge itself cannot change human behavior unless they have to understand the issue. By being the dee p listener people can understand and get the message deeply, so the issues and problems can be detected, analyzed and solved wisely.

Figure o 3. Deep Listening session

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07. W hy, W hy, W hy, How, How, How Introduction of a mutual coaching method. The intention is to work both with the mind and the emotional engagement of the individual person. After working with the satisfactions in session one, session three encourages participants to first identify their own dissatisfactions and to formulate them as part of a mutual sharing process. The two key questions: Why is this a problem for YOU? If you can change the problem, how would you do that? The purpose was to learn from our own and others reflections. Why, why, why, how, how, how is one of the method to clarify and analyze the root of problems so it easier to solve the problems holistically. By this method participants realize that it is important to analyze problems in detail because sometime one problem has a linkage with another problem.

! Workshop(Report(!!




Wednesday, 5 December 2012 M O R N I N G


01. I W e It The day started with three theories/models: “I, We, It”, “Social Diffusion of Innovation” and “The Elephant, The Path and The Rider”. Other theories/models had been presented on the first day, such as, the empowerment spiral. One point emphasized was that these models are meant to help better understand one’s own experience. If they don’t, they can be ignored.

02. Synergy Method and M eeting Experimentation with the Synergy method. Participants use this method in groups in order to create a collective agenda for a meeting. The method allows each participant to raise topics that are important to them and to negotiate the agenda and minutes that are available with the group members. The method was used in order to discuss what the participants want to do differently once they are back and continue working with their projects. Through the Synergy method and meetings concept, participant realizes the importance to priorities the issues and using time efficiently. They also are willing to practice this concept when they back to their home country.

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Thursday, 6 December 2012 MORNING SESSION 01. How To Apply The M ethods as Tools for Reviewing a Single Project Outline of a project workshop. Preparations; NOT evaluation but review or assessment. Instead of ‘when we get home’: clarify opportunities Participants experimented with known and new methods in order to apply them as means for project assessment. Brainstorming, NGT, prioritization, synergy meetings, giving and receiving feedback, why, why, why, reflection praxis theories – change. Methods that were used: Prioritization, Devil’s advocate, 60-second pitch. Most of the participant responds that some activities such as NGT, deep listening and questioning should be implement as pedagogical approach. Participants willing to accept change and adapt changes well in life, they also willing to improve communication skill so the message of environmental awareness can transfer better to community.

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03(Learning(Outcomes(and( (



! Workshop(Report(!!


Learning(Outcomes(( The survey that was sent to participants at the end of the workshop was designed to capture the learning outcomes of the workshop by asking the participants to state their dissatisfactions, their new insights, and applicability of the presented tools. Dissatisfactions One of the learning outcomes of the workshop was a refocusing from external factors towards internal aspects of the project, which also becomes apparent in the dissatisfactions. For example, participants possibly gained new perspectives on the need for mutual reflection as a prerequisite for finding a common strategy/vision. This lack of mutual reflection and absence of a mutually shared vision can further be seen to be linked to the identified lack of shared care and commitment. Many participants identified the need to pay increased attention to shared care and commitment, as important intervention points to be worked with in their project in order to address existing dissatisfactions. The analysis of dissatisfactions shows that in comparison to the dissatisfactions raised during day one of the workshop, participants identified shared care, intention (strategy) and feedback as intervention points, and were to some extent moving their focus from external factors that they have limited control over to a new focus on a lack of cohesion and exchanges within their project which were identified as possible intervention points for pattern laboratory tools. These personal dissatisfactions of the participants will hopefully also allow the organizers, facilitators and participants to compare them at a future point of time with those stated earlier. Ahas & Insights One of the key purposes of the learning for change workshop is to learn from personal experience that can produce personal and individual insights which can become important outcomes both for the participants as well as facilitators, since they can provide new insights on how to use the tools and what results experimentation with these tools can bring about. The insights and Ahas! session shows that a commonality exists in regard to the relationship between elephant and rider, heart and brain. The insights suggest that the learning for change workshop tools can be used in many different settings and as a means for working with the elephant (heart) through creating an interpersonal space and a tension between dissatisfaction and hope in order to stimulate behavioral change. This insight can be interpreted to mean that one key element to learning and change is increased awareness by listening to others and oneself. Many of the other insights touch upon areas of application, dealing with the multiple ways and areas in which the different tools of the pattern laboratory can be used.

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At the end of the learning for change workshop, participants are able to share experience and knowledge in order to implement education for sustainable development. The feedbacks from participants are listed as bellows: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

To overcome weaknesses and to improve potential for better society Give insight into strategizing change Establish environmental governance and policy Awareness from stakeholders the importance of engaging the students in the caring activity Expand the programme for green laboratory or workshop Organize the training programme for green laboratory Empowering people More seminars and workshop to the coordinator as a reminder for them Use social media facebook, youtube, twitters for ROSE Increase participation and initiatives Documentation or record the changes happen (photo, journal, etc) Learn from other mistake Willing to change from heart Self reflection to improve ourselves Think out of the box Aware and alert of situation – get prepare Be more realistic to strengthening our main focus Be more transparent in changing your way of thought Transfer of positive energy Concern in analysis, synthesis, critical thinking and solution Find more alternatives to solve our problem Think big, start small! Two ways conversations are very important. Realize potential that we have The important of honest approach toward change Highlight the core of issue

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The workshop evaluation was intended to elicit participants’ expectations as well as suggestions for improvement of the workshop. The results of the evaluation are based on the survey that was given to the participants during the last day of the workshop. Out of 44 participants, 32 responded to the questionnaires. Methods that participants expect to find useful in future (n = 32)



A Bit


Not at all


Passing the ball Nominal Group Technique Why, why, why Synergy meeting Deep Listening Asking and receiving feedback

14 26 24 30 25 26

43.75 81.25 75.00 93.75 78.13 81.25

18 6 8 2 6 6

56.25 18.75 25.00 6.25 18.75 18.75

0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 3.13 0

From the above table shown that synergy meeting method is the method which participants feel as most useful, where there were 30 participants chosen this method (93.75 %), and only two participants who think that this method a bit useful. From this evaluation result also shown that participants found that most of the methods that has been taught during the workshop are very useful. But there is only one participant who found that deep listening method is not useful at all. Theories/models participant find useful (n = 32)



A Bit


Not at all


Spiral model of behavior change Group dynamics: I, We, It Social diffusion of innovation Change; The elephant, the rider and the path

20 18 24 20

62.50 56.25 75.00 62.50

12 14 8 19

37.50 43.75 25.00 59.38

0 0 0 3

0 0 0 9.38

Most of the participants found that social diffusion of innovation method are very useful (75 %), followed by spiral model of behavior change (62.50 %) and Change; The elephant; the rider and the path model (62.50 %). But also there are three participants who thought that Change; The elephant; the rider and the path model is not useful at all (9.38%). Overall, most of the participants get well with the methods that had been taught during the workshop.

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From the questionnaires also have found that after Learning for Change Workshop, almost all of participants (29 (90.63 %) from 32 participants) were intended to change something in the way they work, their intending were listed as below:

Intending(to(Change( 9.97%

Yes! 90.63%


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Try to be a deep listener even though I have to be a decision maker Deep listening and be a critical friend By applying the synergy meeting method and feedback while completing the works The way I teach Use synergy meeting, deep listening asking and receiving feedback The way I manage the lecture and other project I will apply the feedback session with my colleagues Apply synergy method and meeting The way I deal with my own problem and dealing with others Flexibility of organizational management / project management Focus more on work Time management planning the future program Make a full use of resources within my capacity Change my meeting to be synergy meeting Use synergy meeting To improve on communication and the diffusion of knowledge Deep listening Deep listening experience Attitude toward mother earth to concern more participate How I manage my work How to handle problem The way I work nowadays is not much systematic, I need to be systematic Synergy meeting I want try to change the time I consume to done my work To be more proactive Pedagogy in teaching and learning in the classroom The approach method will be apply Have a synergy meeting with my project coordinator

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Rather than that, it is also found that 26 participants (81.25 %) feel definitely better equipped for their work, while 5 participants (15.63 %) feel not so sure definitely better equipped for their work, and there is one participant (3.13 %) feel not really definitely better equipped for their work, those feelings are listed as bellow: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

L4C has introduced valuable technique which are not only energizing but also lead close to outcome ideas I expect or would like Deep listening and synergy meeting How to share knowledge and to get people to be more involve How to share ideas with others Many tools that I can apply in my PSP Aha! ways new thing and use the group work instead of individual Circle or learning Everyone can get involved in the meeting / save a lot of time / more work more fun! Deep listening Empowered L4C methods Find better solution for my dissatisfaction To be a better listener, and synergizing energy and way of work Open up myself in dealing with my works Apply synergy Spiral model of behavioral change Organize programmes, Input for the study I am currently conducting Synergy meeting, deep listening Theories / models in this workshop guide me to improve my idea of change Systematic planning in creating the way to a better work To practice synergy meeting, and implement the spiral model in the project

Feel(Be0er(Equiped( 15.63%

3.13 %

deďŹ nitely! 81.25 %

not!sure! not!really!

! Workshop(Report(!!


Besides, the questionnaires also shown that 26 participants (81.25 %) feel great about their insights/Aha!s, while 6 participants (18.75 %) feel satisfied, those feeling are listed as bellow: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Not enough information for the discussion to feel at AHA moment, but after 2 days it’s ok. I think this workshop is more like methodology / approaches that we can used to do something Care about the environment is in everybody concern Potential solution of the problem Innovative idea to encourage change There are many projects are running around the world in ESD methods of management and etc New ideas, potential solutions regarding SD perspectives especially from feedback session Focus on diffusion of information Many things happen around us are the answers to most of our question Number of valuable / useful models / techniques in promoting ESD, but if would be better to have an interactive music and outdoor activities (get in touch with nature) Don’t judge!! I can get more if try to understand others In order to change others I need to came for what people care about Do meeting without stress Just the meeting method gives me good excitement! Other than that quite boring Yes, in my idea and insight the workshop was good and I will do the same method whenever start work in university of my country because most of work for education is individual and not group People do care about nature!, I’m not alone in the journey! Give a lot of idea for my research Role models cases that can inspired me to o back and to my own project The techniques and methods are very useful and related to my life Synergy meeting is the best insight and useful for my meeting later on Never looked a synthesizing only analyzing, even though I thought I was

Amount(of(Insight( 15.63 %

Plenty! 34.38 %

50 %

Enough! Few!

Out of 32 participants, 16 participants (50%) told that they had plenty about the amount of insight, 11 participants (34.38 %) told that they had enough, while the rest 5 participants (15.63 %) told that they had few.

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From the questioner known that after Learning for Change Workshop, 20 participants (62.50 %) feels very useful about the work in home groups, while the rest 10 participants (31.25 %) feel useful, those feeling are listed as bellow: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Make me see other views / windows Lots of ideas that is useful for me Many ideas I got It is useful people can interchange their problems, thoughts and idea Experience in the workshop make me realize a lot of importance thing Very resourceful, we exchange ideas and experiences Some persons has many experiences especially last section group work, today one of them answer my question clearly We can shave experience about our case study but still there something I want more from this workshop! Learn a lot from workshop Empowering In the sence of communication and sharing the ideas Comfortable to work and share with close members as we should stay a change from home Facilitator played her role actively in coaching and mentoring all members, very useful platform to share ideas with no barrier. Easier to express and discuss – practically of the methods learn Useful practice from synergy My home groups member always not complete, not enough when I get back home. Need more time for the home group activities Very fruitful discussion Every group member are very active, cooperative and willing to give constructive idea / comment Home groups provide more space and feedback for us to give opinion and worries I think work in home groups are the greatest, we are free and comfortable express what do we really feels. Good things to know each other narrowed the gap and gathering / sharing ideas.

Usefulness(work(in(home(groups( 6.25 % 31.25%

very!useful! 62.50%

useful! not!really!

! Workshop(Report(!!


In regards to the suggested ways of improving the workshop, some of the suggestions that have been made are such as documentation on the theories and methods, which should have been provided prior to the workshop. Suggestions touched also upon the issue that facilitators should spend more time on detailed explanation of the theories and exercises, clarifying their purposes and linkages to broader theory and models behind the workshop. In order to increase the possibilities for exchange of knowledge and experience, participants also suggested that facilitators should complete the teaching materials with some illustrations and pictures. In particular the suggestion was made to use more examples and to show cases or examples where the workshop has been applied; especially successful examples of application of the methodology in different areas working with ESD were called for. In addition, it was suggested to include means of measuring outcomes of change projects and their efficiency.

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Technical(Visit( Technical Visit was held in Dewan Tanjung, Perbadanan Putrajaya main office. 50 participants were joined this visit and were received information about Putrajaya Sustainable City and Local Agenda 21 of Putrajaya, that was given by M r. Noor Azhar Bin Zainal, Corporate Communication Division of Putrajaya Coorporation. After two-hours briefing sessions, the visit were continued to Putrajaya Lake Cruise for closing sessions and certificate giving ceremony. The closing ceremony was officiated by M r. Akashah Bin M ajizat, Head of Lake and Wetland Division Putrajaya Coorporation, the workshop have been summarized and wrapped up by Dr. Rahmah Elfithri as a Coordinator of this workshop. During this session all trainers, facilitators and participants were given opportunity to raise their feedbacks and comments regarding this workshop as well as for future ESD programme. It is found that most of the participants were enjoyed the workshop and especially the technical visit that has been organized. They

! Workshop(Report(!!


felt happy and grateful for a great ending of the workshop.

Putrajaya Sustainable City Putrajaya is a model city planned with a strong emphasis on environment protection.. The city plans to embrace two main themes: city in garden and intelligent city. Putrajaya is equipped with a good inter—and intra-city transport system, including monorail and water taxis, a broadbrand global multimedia communication platform, and a common utility tunnel for services, hospitals, and schools. About 38 % of the land is being developed into parkland. Putrajaya has the largest man-made wetland in Malaysia with a total area of about 160 hectares (ha), which is used for recreational activities as well as scientific and biological research. It is also has been acknowledged as one of the Ecohydrology Demonstration Project under UNESCOIHP Ecohydrology Programme (EHP) since 2010. Putrajaya is the country’s largest urban development project on a greenfield site, set to be a model city for sustainable development. The intention is to build a city that reflects the natural and cultural heritage of the country with the capacity and amenities to meet a challenges of the millennium.

Local Agenda 21 Putrajaya Local Agenda 21 is a program aimed at implementing sustainable development at local level. Local Agenda 21 is also known as Eart Summit, from Rio de Janeiro Conference 1992 which is provides basis for debate on and awareness of sustainable development at the community level. It will guide the communtiy and stakeholders to be involved in sustainable development planning in major areas of physical, economic, social and environmental development. The main elements of Local Agenda 21 are Integrated decision making which takes all foreseeable physical, social and economy, and environmental considerations into account, changes and resolution which promote a continual improvement toward sustainable development, long term perspective ( development, implementation and periodic review of long term, integrated action plan which incorporates sustainable development principles), think global act local and stronger community and local government partnership (consensus & partnership) . !!

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PARTICIPANT LIST LIST OF TRAINERS, FACILITATORS AND SECRETARIATS NO . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



Dr. Shepherd Urenje Mrs. Marilyn Mehlmann Mrs. Dang Huong Giang Dr. Rahmah Elfithri Prof Madya. Dr. Ruhizan Bt. Md Yasin Prof. Madya Dr. Anizan Bt. Isahak Dr. Zanaton Bt. Hj. Iksan

SWEDESD, Gotland University, Sweden GAP International, Sweden Action for the City, Hanoi, Vietnam LESTARI, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM

Dr. Sharifah Zarina Bt. Syed Zakaria Dr. Mashitoh Bt. Yaacob Mrs. Wan Nur’ashiqin Bt. Wan Mohamad Mrs. Siti Nur Diyana Bt. Mahmud Mrs. Tuan Mastura Bt. Tuan Soh Mr. Nik Mohd Noor Faizul Md Saad Mrs. Nurul Safaniza Che Ani Mrs. Rd. Putri Khairani Bt. Khirotdin Mr. Mohamad Mahathir Bin Amir Sultan Mr. Bisharuzi Omar Mr. Muhd. Yusairi Mat Yusop Ms. Siti Nurain Zulkifli Ms. Aisyah Nur Handryant Aswady Ahmad

LESTARI, UKM Centre for General Studies, UKM Centre for General Studies, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM

EMAIL shepherd.urenje@ngo.se mmehlmann@gmail.com giang.dothi@gmail.com elfith_ukm@yahoo.com ruhizan@ukm.my anizanisahak@yahoo.co.uk naim@ukm.my /zanatonmdnoor@yahoo.com szarina@ukm.my mash@ukm.my wanshiqin@gmail.com diyana.mahmud@yahoo.com tuanmastura@ukm.my nikhmohdnoorfaizul@gmail.com nieza_nurul@yahoo.com qyra.putry@gmail.com mahathir.amir@gmail.com bisha@ukm.my ery@ukm.my nurainz.1287@yahoo.com aishasadja@yahoo.com wardee123@gmail.com

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Mr. Nazim Adam Mr. Ir. Suaimi Ramli Ms. Rasha Al Matfai Ms. Gayatri Ragwa Prof. Dr. Maimon Abdullah Prof. Madya Dr. Noor Ezlin Bt. Ahmad Basri Dr. Sharina Bt. Abdu Halim Mr. Tiew kian Ghee Nur Ajlaa Mahmood Zubaidah Mohd. Nasir Izzurazlia Ibrahim Najah Sofia Md. Zaini Nur Fatin Mat Saad Arij Bt. Yusof Miza Nur Athirah Elias Fadhilah Hanani Mohd. Ali Mrs. Tan Pey Fang Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad Muhamad Harz Mohd Zain Nur Fatehah Raudhah Ariffin Norhafiza Ibrahim Fazly Rahmat Akmal Reza Awang Hamat Prof. Madya Dr. Azizah binti Endut Dr. Shariff Che Ibrahim Izzurazlia Ibrahim Zubaidah Mohd. Nasir

UNESCO-IHP Malaysia Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM LESTARI, UKM Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Ministry of Education Malaysia UM Cares, University of Malaya UM Cares, University of Malaya UM Cares, University of Malaya UM Cares, University of Malaya UM Cares, University of Malaya UM Cares, University of Malaya Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA) Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM

EMAIL nazim@water.gov.my suaimi@water.gov.my ralmadfai@ead.ac gayatri.raghwa@gmail.com Maimon.abdullah@gmail.com ezlin@eng.ukm.my szarina@ukm.my taw8383@yahoo.com nurajlaam@yahoo.com zuenasir@yahoo.com izzurazlia@gmail.com sofiamz88@gmail.com fatensaad01@yahoo.com arijyusof@gmail.com Zuhan_89@yahoo.com athirah_elia@yahoo.com fadhilahanani@yahoo.com tanpeyfang@gmail.com zeeda21@um.edu.my umcares@um.edu.my theriverits@yahoo.com umcares@um.edu.my umcares@um.edu.my akmalrezza89@yahoo.com.my enazizah@unisza.edu.my sha88@salam.uitm.edu.my muslimah_mn@yahoo.com muslimah_mn@yahoo.com

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NO . 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

NAME Hafiza Bt. Hassan Kamelia Abdul Khadir Muzirah Bt. Ab. Mokhti Noorleha Mohd. Yusoff Nor Aidillina Mohd Ramli Nor Azila Talib Nor Hamidah Abdul Malek Norliyana Md Aris Nursaadah Jailani Og Sy Ing Rukiah Mohamed Ibrahim Wan Nasriha Wan Mohamed Salleh Vijaya A/P Sengodan Woo Yoke Ling Norhayati Ngadiman Elmira Shamshiry

ORGANISATION Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Faculty of Education, UKM Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Sepang LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM LESTARI, UKM

hafizahassan23@yahoo.com kamelia_ukaym@yahoo.com mus_zera85@yahoo.com noorleha69@yahoo.com.my aunihanaa@gmail.com mermaidnat_uyen@yahoo.com norhamidah_am@yahoo.com norliyana63902@yahoo,com nursaadah@smkdabb.edu.my ongsying@gmail.com kayreena78@yahoo.com nasriha.dns@yahoo.com antilove86@hotmail.com yoke1983@yahoo.com norhayati.ng@gmail.com ele-shame19@yahoo.com

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