4 minute read
Psychology Today blog on Roadmap and Homelessness was submitted and approved, is receiving a lot of positive attention.
9 Roadmap to the ideal Crisis System (2021)
Our ongoing work is disseminating this work, enhancing our website to promote this work www. crisisroadmap.com and creating supplemental materials for this work, which can be put on our website and disseminated to other forums. The Committee will be working on this for the coming year.
Update on Roadmap website, review of progress on Roadmap Learning Community facilitated by Balfour, Minkoff, and Jackson. Draft evaluation by Jackson completed. Jackson and Goldman working on an intermediate length piece about populations in frequent crisis with complex challenges, such as people experiencing homelessness. Hackman, Le Melle, Baker and Feldman working on a training curriculum about Ideal Crisis Systems for medical students, resident and psychiatrists. Balfour and Goldman working on a special issue of Psych Clinics of North America that will be built on Roadmap -discussed potential chapter.
We meet monthly.
Continue following the thread of the various projects that we are under way building on the Roadmap and crisisroadmap.com.
Members Attending: Jacob M. Appel (co-chair), Peter Ash, David Cash [consultant], Richard Frierson, Abhishek Jain (guest) Phil Resnick, Renee Sorrentino (guest)
Members Attending Virtually: Jackie Landess (co-chair)
Regrets: Susan Hatters Friedman, Debbie GiorgiGuarnieri, Richard Martinez, Alan Newman, Debra Pinals
Fun Greetings
• Members offered updates on their lives over the past six months.
• Rick F. appeared in the documentary Con Girl, where he was referred to by the staff as “The Talent” (which henceforth may be his GAP nickname)
• We welcomed Beesh Jain and Renee Sorrentino as first-time guests; they were invited to return again in Spring 2023 as second term guests, at which time a decision will be made regarding full membership on the committee and in GAP.
Jacob informed the committee that he has reached out to the fellowship committee about having a new fellow join the committee in the coming year.
• The updated contact list (for internal committee use) was updated and circulated via email.
• Copies of completed chapters and chapters in progress will be sent via email to the guests, Beesh and Renee, for their review and feedback.
• The question was raised on whether or not GAP should work to expand its public profile and the possible reasons for doing so (e.g. increased awareness of GAP products, increased fundraising), but the consensus of the committee was that this was not a priority.
• The publications board recently sent around a document with recent publications by each committee noted. Both Peter and Jacob independently contacted David Adler at the publications board to offer corrections, as multiple GAP projects were inadvertently not included.
• Jacob noted the death of former committee member David Kapley.
CURRENT PROJECT: Psychiatry and the Law Website
• Jackie described the current website project to the guests and updated the committee on the status of various chapters.
• Jackie noted that we have a web address, that GAP agreed to pay for the site, that it will be linked to the GAP site and that her cousin will design and upload the content.
• We will check which program (e.g., wordpress) the site is to use so it is compatible for transfer to other servers if necessary.
• The site will be a living document, so that material can be added to it. New chapters will require publication board review, but updates/revisions to existing chapters generally will not.
• Some chapters have been approved by the president, others by the publications board, still others are with individual committee members for review.
• The chairs will clarify with David Adler the details of the process for presidential approval.
• The goal will be to have the chapters completed and the site up-and-running before the next meeting.
• Phil noted the importance of an easily searchable site with keywords.
• The suggestion was made that users of the site be able to send responses, comments, suggestions for updates to GAP; this feature will be available on the site and Jacob agreed to monitor in perpetuity.
• Peter noted the importance of screening the chapters for bias, gender balance, etc.
• Phil emphasized the importance of making others aware of the website as a resource.
• We may wish to contact program directors about the site in a format they can then forward to their trainees; we could also contact APA/local chapters or AAPL about contact info for trainees who are also APA and/or AAPL members.
New Business
Blog invitation:
• All GAP members and committees have been invited to submit posts to the GAP blog.
• The committee discussed the possibility of individual committee members or teams of members writing posts for the GAP blog on Psychology Today.
• The ideal approach would be for committee members or guests to write potential posts, to be published under their own names, but to circulate to the committee for feedback prior to forwarding to Jack Drescher and the Media Committee for approval.
Discussion of Potential new projects
• The committee picked up on its discussion of potential future projects.
• Jacob advocated for a more traditional project like a book or possibly an article; Peter noted the merits of an article
• It was noted that the committee last left off this discussion in April discussing the possibility of a book on the 8th Amendment.
• Jacob read the list of possible projects discussed prior to the choice of the current project. These included a book on impairment for duty, which might be divided into chapters based both upon profession and then on common issues between professions; an article on the hazards of forensic psychiatry (violence, burnout, etc.); or a project related to corrections.
• New topics that were proposed for discussion included:
- an article on the use of social media in forensic
- a project related to inequity or structural bias in forensics
- a project related to the decent legal issues in reproductive rights as they related to forensic psychiatry (but law in this area thought to be fast-moving and beyond the scope of expertise of some committee members)
• The Committee will reconvene in April 2023