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6. “Living in Fear”

Project Leader: Dr. Majeed


Fast track: Originally written as OpEd piece about anti-Muslim attitudes/behaviors/violence

Anticipated audience: general

Potential journals: Psychology Today blog.

Any ways in which the Publications Board might be helpful: Submitted to Board 4/14/21 and feedback reviewed and incorporated in further revision.

Work accomplished during meeting: We have been holding the manuscript for the next Unfortunate “right moment” when editors may be most interest in the piece.

Plans for between meeting work: With the discussion about the Psychology Today blog, we will be sending the latest version to Dr. Drescher for feedback about revising to fit the Psychology Today blog format. It is already in the right word count range.

7. “Pastoral intervention in dynamically-oriented therapy”

Project Leader: Dr. Nields

Fast track: A moving description of the challenges a patient from years ago faced, which may be re-developed for a psychotherapy journal.

Potential journals: TBD

Any ways in which the Publications Board might be helpful: not at this time.

Work accomplished during meeting: Reviewed publishing ethics of writing about a patient’s story, when the patient and his wife are both deceased and have no known heirs who might provide explicit consent. The patient and his wife had been pleased to share their stories with medical students in an educational format but was never asked to consent to publication of the story.

Plans for between meting work: Dr. Nields will share the piece with other committee members for their suggestions and input. Further discussion of the publication ethics.

Other projects on hold ( for possible future consideration): a. Religious Literacy in Psychiatric Education

Project Leader: Dr. Nields b. The decline in faith in medicine

Project Leader: Dr. Merlino c. COVID effects on faith services

Project Leader: Dr. Nields d. CBT, Yoga, Mindfulness for COVID anxiety

Project Leader: Dr. Fallon


Winter interim Zoom meeting. We plan to meet next on January 28, 2023 at 11 am via Zoom.


Present: Adler, Berlant (virtual), Brunette, Dixon, Edwards, Erlich, First, Oslin, Siris (virtual), Talley (virtual), Ethel Ginsburg

Fellow attending: Matthew Edwards

Fellow not attending: Liza Wagner

The Committee is working on two early stage projects for peer review publication with the topic

Chosen and first draft in preparation.

1. How do we understand the phenomenon of increasing mental distress among young adults and what can we do about it?

2. Whether DSM-IV Axis IV and its importance in addressing social determinants of health

This is planned to be completed in 2023. The target audience will be practicing psychiatrists, psychiatry residents, training directors, psychologists/other mental health, and the general public.

To be submitted to: Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases or Psych Services


We are in that wonderful time of idea creation and wide-ranging discussion that always leads to interesting topics and ultimately manuscripts. The best of GAP! We look forward to who will be selected as the first Adler Fellow of our Committee.

The next meeting will be scheduled by Zoom to continue working on our new topic.

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