3 minute read
and the Schizophrenias A Psychodynamic Research Study: Symbiosis and
Complex causality of the schizophrenias
Environmental factors, 30-32. See also
Home environment Escalona, S. K., 26, 56 Etiology, 3-4, 5, 8, 13-33, 67 biochemical theories, 21-24 rnltural variables in, !l0-3 l, 33 developmental theories, 21, 24-30 genetic theories, 5, 15-18, 20-21 "magic bullet" view of, 21-22, 67 perinatal factors in, 24-25, 60 psychophysiologic theories, 18-21 sociocultural theories, 30-33
socioeconomic variables in, 31-32 Evaluation, patient, 63. S,e also Diagnosis Eye movement disorders, 19-21
Falloon, I. R.H., 30 Family (-ies), 14, 15-16, See also Parents competence of, 29, 47, 49, 50 communication in, 28-29, 38-39, 49, 50-51 development within, 24, 27-30 high expressed emotion (EE), 29-30, 49,51 longitudinal study of, 42, 56-61 rating, 29-30 Family relationships, 14, 15-16 Familv studies, 27-30 Family systems, 18-51 Family svstems research, 5, 47 Faris,'R.·E. L, 31
Father, communication dysfunction and, 28.
See also
Parents "Feedback, positive/negative," FeedbackJoops,4,8 Fink, E. B., 46 8 Fischer, M., 16 Fish, B., 21, 26, 56 Fish, B., et al., 21, 26 Fleck, S., 28 Forrester, J. W., 4 Freud, S., 14 Fromm-Reichmann, F., 25
Galvanic skin response, 27 Garmezy, N., 25 Genetic loading, 46, 47, 50, 53, 60 Genetic studies, 5, 15-18, 20-21 Glazer, W., 7 Goldhamer, H., 30 Goldstein. \I. J., 38 Gossett, J. T., et al., 50 Gonesman, I. l., 16 Gunderson, E. K. E., 31
Hagin, R., 21, 26, 56 Haier, R., 7 Halev J 28 Hall��i1;:Jgem, endogenous, 45-46, 48 Halpern, F., 21 Hertzig, M., 25 Heston, L. L, 16
Himwich, H. E., 46 Hoffer, A., 16 Hollingshead, A. B., 31 Holmes, T. H., 31, 47, 50
Holzman, P. S., 19
Holzman. P. S., et al., 19, �0
Home environment, 29. See
"Homeostasis," 8 Hrubec, Z., !6 Family
Hughes, D.S., 19 Hun, S. W., 19
Individual development, 2426 Infant/mother relationship, 25-26, 40, 54 Infants, "temperamental types," 26
Jablensky, A., 31 Jackson, 0., 28 Jacobs, S., 3 I Jacobson, B,, 15 Jerauld, R., 26 Jones, J. E., 38 Jung, C. G., 18
Kafka, J. S., 28 Kallman, F. G., 15 Kallman, F. J., 16 Kandel, E. R., 7 Kaplan, A., 37 Karlsson, J. L., l 5 Kayton, L., 20 Kennell,]. H., 26 Kety, S.S., 17, 18 Kety, S.S., et al. (1968), 16, 17 Kety, S.S., et al. (1975), 15, 17 Klaus, M. H., et al., 26 Klerman, G. L., 13 Knobloch, H., 24 Index
univariate, 3, 4 Steff a, :Vf., 26 Steffy, R. A., 19
Steinglass, P., 4 Steinschneider, A., 26 Stierlin, H., 52
Stott, D. H., 24 Strauss, J., et al., 7 St.reitman, S., 25 Stress, 11 autonomic over-responsiveness to, 27 in evoking schizophrenia, 31, 32-33 measurement of, 47 Subjects, research, selection of, 39, 4i-48, 50 23, 37Subliminal stimulation, 54-55 Sullivan, II. S., 14, 25 Support systems, I I Symbiosis, 51-56 Syndrome, schizophrenias as, 9-10 Systems theorv, 4, 8, 12. See also . Family systems Terry, D., 28 Thomas, A., 26 Thomas, A., et al., 26 Tiernari, P., 18 Toohey, '-·!. L., 29 Training, 65-66 Transference relationship, 51-52 Transmethvlation, disorders of, 22 Treatment,' of schizophrenic patients, 63-65 Treatment-response variables, 40-41, 47-48 Tsuang, M. T., et al., 15 Twin studies, 16, 17, 21 Vaillant, G. E.. 41 85
Van Dyke, J. Variables L., 53 constant/intermittent, 40 familv/nonfamily, 48-S I gene(ic, 17 hierarchical interrelationships arnong, 8 measurement of, 39-40 model of causalitv and, 8-9 process, 2'1 selection of, 6-7, 39-41 Vaughn, C., 30 Vaughn, C. E., 29, 51 Visual disorders, 19-21 Vulnerability, l l, 25. 26, 27, 28, '.ll
Waxler, I\'. E.,3! Weakland, .J. H., 4, 28 Weiner, H., 7, 15, 16 Wender, P.H., 16, 17, 18 Wender, P. H., et al., 17 West, K. L., 38 Weston, D. R., 2S Wille. R.,21 Wimberly. F., 56 Wilson, E. 0., 7 Wiug, J. K., 29 Winokur, G., 15 Wohlberg, C. W., 19 Wyatt., R., 7 Wynne, L. C., 28-29 \Vynne, L. C., et al., 29, 50
Yasillo, N . .J., 19
Zahn, T. P., 53 Zax, M., 38, 40, 56