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Getting to Know Dr. Victory
Early Years:
Reflecting on my early years, there were several individuals who significantly influenced my professional journey. However, I must emphasize the profound impact of my parents, Ocie and Dorothy Williams, as well as my sister, Deloris Carr. Their prayers, encouragement, and unwavering love guided me through my formative years, shaping me into the wife, mother, and servant leader I am today.
One professional accomplishment that humbles me is the divine calling and faith to serve and lead God’s people in their spiritual journeys. And among the multitude of hard decisions, my toughest one has been to refuse connections and opportunities that didn’t align with the mission and vision of our ministry and calling.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is vital to the longevity and success of any professional. On your most challenging day, where do you draw inspiration to continue feeding your passion for this work?
On my most challenging days, I draw inspiration from the belief that equity, diversity, and inclusion are fundamental pillars for the longevity and success of any professional endeavor. I am fueled by the understanding that embracing and championing these values leads to positive transformation, equal opportunities, and a stronger, more vibrant community. Ultimately, it is my desire to make a tangible difference and leave a lasting legacy that keeps me motivated and passionate, even during the most challenging times.
What is the toughest decision you’ve made professionally?
The toughest decision I’ve made professionally was having to say no to individuals, places, and positions that did not align with the mission, vision, and goals of our ministry and calling.
It is simultaneously both a difficult and simple choice. Because I’m committed to our convictions and what we’ve been called to do, the answer is always simple for me; however, it can be difficult to refuse connections and opportunities when I know others may not understand my why.
To build and sustain a harmonious work environment, I believe in the power of community and family connections. This involves collaboration on projects, overcoming obstacles, navigating crises, and celebrating victories together. Additionally, I firmly believe in the importance of the three C’s: competency, chemistry, and character, as they contribute to the success of our organizational culture and ensure long-term sustainability.
Through my experiences, I have come to learn that success comes with its own set of challenges. As the saying goes, “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” The greater the success, the greater the problems and the potential for a harder fall. But I’ve learned to stay humble, hungry, and holy, understanding that God has the power to give and the power to take away.
Balancing my career and lifestyle has been an ongoing journey for me. Rather than striving for perfect balance, which can sometimes be more daunting and arduous, I channel my energy into being a great manager across all areas assigned to me.
My Confessions:
The greatest joy in my job derives from working alongside my husband to inspire and reshape a generation. One profound lesson I’ve learned and strive to apply is to exude love, honor, and respect to everyone I encounter.
Fun Fact: My ideal vacation?
Simply being with my husband and our children, relishing our togetherness.