2 minute read
EXECUTIVE PROFILE Constance Hill-Johnson
What professional accomplishment are you most humbled by and why?
Owner/Managing Director
Visiting Angels Senior Homecare Board Chairperson
The Cleveland Foundation
HOMETOWN: Cleveland, Ohio
• MPA, University of Southern California; BA, Speech Communications, Case Western Reserve University
• Board Chair
The Cleveland Foundation
• Board Member
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
• Board Member
Adults at Risk
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries
Lead with love!
Rent your title, own your character
Being elected as the first African American woman to Chair the Board of Directors for the 109 year old Cleveland Foundation (the world’s oldest community foundation).
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion is vital to the longevity and success of any professional. On your most challenging day, where do you draw inspiration to continue feeding your passion for this work?
I always ask myself “what is my why?” when engaging in work that I believe in. My heart is bent towards serving others so when I’m working anywhere that allows me to serve, I’m at my best.
What’s the toughest decision you’ve made professionally?
Becoming an entrepreneur and stepping out on my own. I purchased a franchise in 2002 and I was so nervous writing the check.
The essentials of creating a harmonious work environment are...
Listening to others; always asking if I can help in some way; inquiring about a person’s life outside of the work environment (everyone likes to talk about themselves).
What have you come to learn about success?
I’ve learned that success and happiness, more particularly joy aren’t the same things. One can experience success in terms of their career or even lifestyle, but it doesn’t mean that they are happy or full of joy.
What have you come to learn about balancing career and lifestyle?
It isn’t always easy. I must be intentional about prioritizing that which is important to me personally, and not putting my career first all of the time. I wish the phrase was life/work balance, versus work/life balance. We seem to all think that we live to work... when I believe we work to live!
What part of your job brings you the most joy?
Being in community with others while serving others.
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned professionally? How do you apply this lesson to the work you do?
Always esteem others higher than oneself. I try to practice speaking less and listening more. One of my favorite radio hosts says often that one is to “listen with a 3rd ear.” I try to practice that.
My ideal vacation is...
Laying on the beach looking at a teal-colored ocean with a good book in my hand.
G E T T H E B A G.
■ Grow your business to $1Million+.
■ Transition from side-hustler to CEO.
■ Be inspired by and learn from a community of BOSSES.
■ Easily access info about small business grants, funding and business opportunities.
■ Gain insider tips and information about business funding options.
■ Succeed in business AND be inspired to practice self-care.
■ Discover Black women-owned and socially responsible brands.

■ Meet authentic champions of Black women-owned businesses who want you to succeed.
■ Have fun!