Contract for Services Handbook - 03.03.2025

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1. Our business

Originally founded in 1998, we are now one of the top five largest industrial providers in the UK, supplying temporary, contract and permanent workers to companies across industrial, commercial, technical, construction, fmcg and healthcare sectors. We offer nationwide coverage through high-street branches, specialist divisions and onsite managed solutions. With a turnover of almost £200 million in 2019, we currently payroll in excess of 12,000 temporary workers each week and cover more than 3 million shifts per year.

This policy is applicable to all businesses,offices andoperationswithin the gap personnel group, including: gap personnel HoldingsLimited – Company Reg –3589208– GLAA – CAST0004 – gap technical Limited – Company Reg – 5646432 – gap personnel (TELFORD) LTD – company Reg – 13377649–GLAA – GAP0008 – Quattro Recruitment Limited –Company Reg –7131120 – GLAA – QUAT0001– Quattro Healthcare Ltd – Company Reg - 9389534-

Through collaboration and innovation, we increase our Hirer’s productivity andexceed their efficiency targets, all while maintaining full compliance andcommitment to service excellence.

Thishandbookhasbeencreatedwith the intention of providinginformation toourapplicantsandworkersaboutimportantindustry legislation, basic healthandsafety information,social andethical compliance practices,key expectationswe have ofyour conduct whilst representing the employment business, followed by key policies and procedures you need to be aware of. Please ensure you take the time to read this handbook,if there is anythingyou do not understand or need further advice on please feel free to ask us.

Thishandbook isto be usedin conjunction with ContractForServicesagreements. Alternative handbooksare providedwhere other Employment Status agreements are enteredinto

2. Understanding employment status


Contract For Services is the most common contractual scenario engaged between employment businesses and workers. Workers providelimitedamountsofworkthroughtemporaryassignmentsandhavenomutualityofobligationtothebusinesstoacceptany assignments offered, in the same way, the business has no obligation to offer assignments to the contract for services worker. Contract For Services workersdo not have employee status.


Contract Of Service agreements are rarely used within our business however, those who are engaged under a Contract Of Service are describedas employed workers and benefit from a guaranteedset number ofhours overan agreed period of time. A Contract Of Service isanemploymentcontract whichisbetween andemployer and anindividual and as suchthere becomes amutuality of obligation. Employed workersare considered as having employee status.


An intermediary is where you work for a Hirer through an intermediary. If working via an intermediary it is essential, you fully understand your employment status and responsibilities based on the model you are engaged. We have a strict PSL of approved intermediaries, please checkwith aconsultant to make sure the intermediary you wish to be engaged by is on our PSL.


A limited company is when you run your business and services are supplied through the business rather than yourself as an individual. Operating as limited company means you are fully responsible for everything it does and its finances. On condition that the necessary documentation is provided, we will engage a Ltd company via a business-to-business contract. The determination of IR35 status ofa LimitedCompany will be established by the endclient as per the IR35 rules.


CISarrangementsarerestrictedtoindividualswhoarefullyregisteredunderthegovernmentCISscheme;andwheretheandwhere the assignmentonofferisauthorisedto becompletedunderCISregulations.Ifyou areCISregisteredpleaseadviseyourconsultant who will informyou whether the assignmentis approved forCIS priorto you accepting an opportunity.

3. Entitlement to work in the UK

You mustbelegallyentitledtoworkin theUK.The local office are legally requiredtocheck andvalidateyouridentificationandRight to Work in the UK prior to placing you onto an assignment. Should your documentation and therefore Right to Work in the UKexpire whilstyou are inouremploymentyou will be requestedto provide newdocumentation.Ifyou are aware ofany pendingchanges to yourvisa orother permissionsto work in the UK, you must inform the employment businessimmediately.

If we discover you do not have permission to live and work in the UK, and or your permission to do so is revoked or expired and you cannot provide new documentation, we are entitled to terminate your assignment immediately without giving you any notice or payingyou in lieu of notice and will be obliged to informUKVI

4. Our professional reputation

Please conduct yourself professionally at all times. Be polite and aim never to cause offence or misunderstanding. Remember that when on assignment you are our ambassador and we request you do your best to promote the interests of us and uphold our policiesat all times.

Below is anon-exhaustive listof expectationssurroundingconductwhilston assignmentwith us:

a) Co-operate with the Hirer, its employees and other workers. Accept the supervision, direction and control, and instruction of any responsible person in the Hirer’s organisation.

b) Observe any rules and regulations of the Hirer’s workplace to which your attention has been drawn or to which you might reasonably be expected to anticipate or have been delivered.

c) Treat with courtesy and respect the Hirer, all fellow workers,our staff andany site visitors.

d) Conform to the standard operational working hours and rest breaks for the Hirer’s workplace (unless alternative arrangementshave been made in advance bythe employment business and the Hirer).

e) Take all reasonable steps while working for the Hirer to safeguard your own, and the safety of others who may be present or be affected by your actions during the assignment andcomply with the health and safety policy of the Hirer.

f) Do notengage in any conduct detrimental to the interests ofthe Hirer, the employment business,yourself and or others.

g) Do not use any motor vehicle or any mechanised equipment in connection with any assignment unless you hold the relevant certification, have undertaken the necessary training and have confirmed the proper insurance cover is in force for such use.

5. Assignments


Once successfully registered with us you will be placed onto our availability list and considered for suitable assignments. It is your responsibility to notify us of your availability thereafter and we would encourage you tokeep regular contact with the branch every Fridaydetailingyouravailability for the comingweek.By doingso you ensure thatyou are consideredfor all positionsincomingthat week.This will also demonstrate yourenthusiasm andcommitment to obtainingemployment opportunitieswithus.


Where you are offered an assignment that we believe to be suitable, you will be notified by telephone and provided full information regarding the Hirer, the role and the assignment. If you accept you will be provided with confirmation in writing in the form of a “Temporary Assignment Details Form” detailing the Hirer and site-specific information including pay, any anticipated AWR enhancements, holiday entitlement and health and safety details.

Reminder: Employment is freely chosen, you are free to accept or reject any work offered, and we would stress the importance of only accepting an assignmentwhere:

a) you are confident the Hirer, role and assignment match thecriteriayou are seeking;

b) you can commit tocompleting the assignment infull.

If you are uncertain about the assignment on offer please reject it providing reasons so we can improve our understanding of what opportunities to offer you in future. Where suitable assignments are continuously rejected (five or more occasions) this may be cause for consideration toremove you fromour availability.


You are not contracted to work for us and as such you are free to seek and undertake employment or assignment opportunities elsewhere. If you do undertake any assignments elsewhere alongside those undertaken with us, you should inform us of any hours completed.ThisistoensurewemeetWorkingTimeRegulationrequirementsandwhereapplicableensurecompliancewithanyvisa restrictionsyou may have.


Whileon anassignment,youmustnotcarry outanyjobfunctions ortasksthatareoutsidethe scope ofyour assignmentasnotified to you. If, whilst working on an assignment, you are requested by the Hirer to carry out a task outside this scope, or for which you have not received required training please contact the employment business immediately.

6. Conduct


Our workers are renowned for maintaining a high level of personal appearance and dress at all times. Presenting a professional imageisveryimportant. Inparticular,youshouldfollowallinstructionsfromtheHirerregardinguniforms,safetyequipmentandPPE, acceptable dress andconduct,specifically with reference tohealth,safety andhygiene.Ifdressedinappropriately you may be sent home and required to return suitably attired. In such circumstances, no payment will be made for time spent away from work. In circumstances where you may consider that observing the dress code may contravene principles regarding discrimination, you should contact the employment business in order todiscussthe issue.


Some Hirers may operate a work wear / uniform policy on their site. You will be advised in advance of an assignment the specific detail of a Hirer’swork wear/ uniform policy.


From time to time you may be issued with other items such as locker keys, swipe cards or other equipment to undertake the assignment.


PPEmeansallequipmentandclothingwhichisintendedtobewornorheldbyapersonatworkandwhichaffordsprotectionagainst one ormore risks to health orsafety. PPE includes the following:

a) aprons, gloves and safety footwear;

b) safety helmets;

c) high visibility jackets;

d) clothingdesigned to protect against adverse weatherconditions;

e) eye protectors, safety harnesses, respirators andlife jackets.

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (the PPE Regulations) state that workers must have suitable PPE whenever they may be exposed to a risk tohealth and safety whilst at work.


Should you wish to provide / purchase or source your own PPE or work wear, you are entitled to do so, providing the items meet regulatoryortheHirer’sstandards.Indoingsoyoupermittheemploymentbusinessand/orthehirertoinspectitemsthat youhave providedyourselftoensure theycomply.You may requesttheloanof PPEor workwear,subjectto theconditions below,atany time.


a) You will be advised for each assignment of any health and safety risks and the PPE required reducing risks associated. It is a condition ofyour contract and responsibilitiesunder the Healthand Safety at work act that, where itisrequirementof an assignment for PPE items to be worn, that you will do so at all times. By accepting an assignment, you agree to adhere to the work wear / uniform code and accept that failure to do so will result in the termination of your assignment and your removal from site.

b) Where required, PPE, work wear items and/or equipment will be provided free of charge, for use during an assignment. FormalwrittenagreementwillbeenteredintoasavariationtoTermsofEngagement,whichwillincludeascheduleofitems and the associatedliability issue of any PPE/work wearor equipment provided by the employment business.

c) By accepting PPE or work wear provided by the employment business or the Hirer you agree that such items remain the property of employment business or the Hirer until 60 shifts have been completed (average of 12 weeks work), save where the variation of Terms of Engagement specifiesan alternate timeframe

d) It is the employment business policy to reissue previously used and returned PPE or work wear, provided it is in a fit state and cleaned for use by another user.

e) If the employment business or the Hirer provides any PPE, work wear or equipment to you to be used in the course of an Assignment with the Hirer, you must take reasonable care of those items. Should items require re-issue due to loss or damage beyond fair wear and tear, the employment business reserves the right to deduct the cost of replacement from any sumsowed to you, as provided for in the variation to your Terms of Engagement.

f) Where required to, should your assignment end, or the employment business or the Hirer so request, you agree to return theitemsinareasonablecondition,subjecttofairwearandtearandcleaned,within48hoursoftheendofyourassignment or such request.In the event that you do notcomply with these obligations, the employment business reserves the right to deduct the costof replacement from any sums owed to you as provided for in the variation to your Terms of Engagement.

g) The question of the reasonable care of the equipment or clothing will be solely assessed by the employment business ’s reasonable judgement.


PleaseensurethatyoucomplywithHirersecuritymeasuresatalltimes,includinganyinstructionsrelatingtothewearingofsecurity badgesoridentitycards.Pleasekeepconfidentialinformation,valuables,equipmentandmaterialsadequatelysecuredat alltimes. You must never be in unauthorised possession of any property, including cash, belonging to the Hirer, your colleagues or the employment business.Reportsuspiciousincidentsorloss ofitemsimmediately to the Hireror the employment business.


Both the employment business and the Hirer reserve the right to stop and search fully any workers (or their vehicles), prior to entry or before exit from the working location or during your shift, using whatever reasonable means are at their disposal. A search may be made ofyour office, desk, filing cabinet, car, bag orperson.


It is illegal to smoke inall enclosed or substantially enclosedpublic places and workplaces. You must adhere tothe Hirer’s smoking policy onsite and only smoke in the permitted areasor off site if smoking areas are not provided.


Weregarddrunkennessordisorderlyconduct(includingbeinginpossessionoforundertheinfluenceofalcohol,drugs,unauthorised substances , misusing substances or legal highs) whilst at work as a serious matter, such behaviour will not be tolerated and if identified we reserve the right to inform the police of any such behaviour. You may be asked by us or our Hirers to take part in a random alcohol or substance test. You should inform us of any prescribed drug(s) you are taking or course of treatment you are following which may impact on the result of a random alcohol or substance test or which may have an impact upon your ability to properly perform yourjob( making you drowsy, affectconcentration or have limitations on operating machinery).


Please be mindful whenin contact with employeesofcompetitors or suppliersofthe needto avoid(intentionally orunintentionally) revealing information which could be used by a competitor. Should you be contacted by any section of the media in relation to us or any assignment through us, you will inform the employment business immediately before making any response. In no circumstances should we or any Hirer’s name be identified in any statement, interview or other communication. If you have any doubts as to what is expected, please ask the employment business’ representative. By accepting an assignment you agree that you will comply with requests outlined. Failure to comply will result in you being immediately sent home and your assignment may be terminated.

7. Working time regulations

TheWorkingTimeRegulations1998areprimarilyhealthandsafetylegislationandareintendedtoprotectworkersfromtherisksthat arise outof workingexcessively long hoursor for long periods without breaks.

The Regulations provide that all workers should be entitled to:

a) a maximum average workingweek (inclusive of overtime) ofnot more than48 hours (the averaging period to be 17 weeks or longer in some cases),except where the individual hasinwriting agreed tothe 48 hour opt out;

b) a 20 minute rest break where the working day islonger than 6 hours;

c) a minimum daily rest periodof 11 consecutive hours in each 24 hour period;

d) a minimum of 24hours restevery 7 days (or 48hours every 14 days). This rest period doesnot have toinclude a Sunday;

e) a restriction of 8 hours night work in every 24 hour period, the restriction of 8 hours to be averaged except where the work involves special hazards or heavy physical ormental strainin which case it can neverexceed 8 hours; and

f) 5.6 weeks paid annual leave - apart from the excluded sectors no opting out of the annual leave provisions, no carrying overofholidayfromoneannualleaveyeartothenext,subjecttoanyexceptionsdetailedwithinyourtermsofengagement and no paymentsin lieuexcept on termination of employment;

g) protection through the Employment Tribunals from suffering detrimental treatment or dismissal by the employment businessfor taking entitlements under the Regulations.

There are alternative regulations in place for young workers,if you are a youngworkeryou must have:

a) a 30minute break if they work more than 4.5hours;

b) a minimum of 12 hours rest between shifts;

c) cannotwork more than 8hours per day / 40 hours per week;

d) a minimum of 2 (consecutive)days rest in a7 day period

If, while working with a Hirer, you are not provided with your statutory rest breaks, you should raise this immediately with the employment business.

8. Recording hours worked

Before each assignment you will be advised of the process you will be required to follow for recording hours worked at the given Hirer’s site. This information will be communicated by your consultant and is available on the Temporary Assignment Schedule which isemailed to you at thestart of each assignment.

Different methods may apply at different sites. Generally the process will follow one of the following formats:


You would be issued with an individual timesheet which will be renewed on a weekly basis. Each week, simply follow any clockingin and out procedures required by the Hirer, enter the hours you work on the timesheet, have this signed by an authorised representative of the Hirer and return it tothe employment business by no later than 6.00pm on the Friday ofthe assignmentweek.


Attendance sheets will be present on site for you to log yourname, start time, end time and require a signature. Where this method is in place please ensure you print your full name including any middle names, clearly and in capitals to reduce any errors in processing. The Hirer will transfer hoursto a bulk timesheet and submit to us ona weekly basis.



Some sites may issue you with a swipe card to provide access into and around the building and also to log your hours of work. It is essential that if provided with a swipe card you have this with you each day or hours may not get recorded and there will not be a guarantee that you can evidence being on site. You are not to give your swipe card / fob to anyone else and this must be returned to us orthe Hirer shouldyourassignment cease.


At some sitesbiometric handscannershave been installed to recordhours worked.Ifworking at a site containing these you will get set up on the hand reader prior to your first shift, you will be issued a pin number that is personal to you and you will need to enter thepinnumberandplaceyourhandintothereaderforverificationatthestartandendofeachshift.Shouldyouhaveanydisabilities or conditions that you feel may hinder your usage of the biometric hand scanner, please speak to your consultant as we have alternative measuresto avoidany detrimenttoyourabilitiesto signin andout.In some casesyouwill also be askedto registeryour department and/ or category of work. Remember, it is your responsibility to follow the correct procedures and failure to do so may result in delay orerror in processingyour pay.


Thehoursofworkapplicabletoanyassignmentwillbenotifiedtoyouinadvanceoftheassignmentstartdate.Ifovertimeisavailable youwillnormally be toldin advance.You are free to acceptor rejectovertime offered.Ifyou are askedto work any hoursdifferentto those notified at the start of the assignment, please tell us so we can confirm the arrangement, adherence to working time regulations and the rate ofpay. Additional hours are not always paid at ahigherrate.


The total hours workedin any7 day periodshall notexceed60hours,exceptin exceptional circumstanceswhere all of the following are met:

a) Thisis allowed by National Law;

b) This is allowed by a collective agreement freely negotiated with a workers’ organisation representing a significant portion of the workforce;

c) Appropriate safeguards are taken to protect the workers’ health and safety;

d) Theemployercandemonstrate thatexceptionalcircumstancesapplysuch asunexpectedproductionpeaks, accidentsor emergencies.

If at any time, you are requested to complete hours in excess of 60 hours please speak to the employment business in advance so we can ensure the request complieswith the criteria detailed above.


Always arrive for work in a good time before the time you are due to start in order to ensure you arrive at your work station for the start of your shift.If you anticipate beinglate at any time,contact the employment businessimmediately.

Punctuality is very important. On the first day of an assignment we recommend that you always allow for unexpected delays and aim to arrive in good time ready to commence work.

9. Absence from work

As soon as you are aware that you are not going to be able to attend your shift you must notify us by telephone. We offer a 24/7 service meaning you are guaranteed to be able to get in contact with a member of our team. By notifying us as early as possible it will enable us tocommunicate to the Hirerand arrange any necessary cover for your absence.

You should try to ensure that, wherever possible, any medical or dental appointments are made outside your shift hours. Holidays, JuryService,MilitaryServiceorotherreasonsshouldbeagreedinadvancewiththeemploymentbusinesswhowilladviseyou ofthe procedure to be followed.


Where your absence is related to sickness you must make this clear when you call to notify us, providing full details and where possible,yourexpecteddateofreturn.You mustnotify us each day of absence whereitissickness relatedunless otherwise agreed.

Pending the type of sickness and environment you are working in you may not be permitted to return to work until you have been clear ofillness for 48 hours –e.g where you are workingin afood environment andhave been vomiting.


If your absence meansyou are away from work for up to 7 days, we may request a self-certification form from you whenyou return to work. Ifyour sickness absence takesyou over7 daysin arow (includingnon-working days), itisadvisedyou visityour Doctor/GP who would provide you with afit note. The fit note will advise whetheryou are either ‘not fit for work’ or‘may be fit for work’.

Employers can take a copy of the fit note, you should keep the original. If you do not qualify for SSP we will provide you with an SSP1 form which you canuse to facilitate aclaim through the jobcentre.


Ifyou become pregnant,you shouldinformtheemploymentbusinesssotheycan arrangefor arisk assessmentto becarriedout to ensure the health andsafety of you and your baby whilst atwork.

To ensure accurate information is provided in relation to your eligibility to maternity / paternity / adoption / bereavement entitlements please contactCharlotte Owens viaour payroll helpline on 0808 1785534.

10. Pay, Holiday Pay and Pay Queries

We know how important it is to be paid promptly and it is always our intention to ensure your pay is accurate. Provided the appropriate timesheet procedures have been completed as instructed, payments will be made directly by credit transfer into your bank or building society account on the Friday following the week you worked. Payments will only be made to a bank account of which you are the registered account holderor joint accountholder. Full payment detailswill appearin yourpay adviceslip.


You will receive your pay advice slip by email on a Thursday prior to moniesclearing in your account on the Friday. Your pay advice slipwillbesenttoyouusingthee-mailaddressyouprovidedinyourregistrationdetailsorCV. Papercopiesmayberequestedfrom yourlocal branchinexceptional circumstances.Youmustinform theemploymentbusinessof anychangestoyourpostalore-mail address. Payslips will contain a reminder of:

a) yourholiday leave year start date;

b) the factyou have 12 months from that date in whichto take any accruedholiday leave.


We have a legal obligation to deduct PAYE and National Insurance Contributions from your pay. To avoid paying more tax than necessary or any delays in processing your pay, we must receive your P45, P46 or a P38s before you start your first assignment. If you do not pay PAYE and NIC in the usual way, special arrangements must be made through your branch.


Once you have supplied us with your tax documents, and started working, any queries relating to your tax code should be directed to HMRC on 03002003300. Please quote the reference no that relates to your employer:

gap personnel HoldingsLimited - 914/BA20477

gap personnel Holdings ta Hawk 3 Talent Solutions - 914/BA20477

gap technical Limited - 475/AB40131

gap personnel (TELFORD) LTDemployerPAYE ref - 120/AE31648

Quattro Recruitment ta gap personnel - 531/JA43719

Quattro recruitment ta gap healthcare - 475/XB25299

You will also need to provide your Temporary Worker Reference number, which is on your pay advice slip. If you are being engaged via an intermediary please contact them directly to obtain their reference no, you would need to quote their reference no to HMRC not that of the employment business.


YoumustprovideuswithproofofyourNInumber.IfyoudonothaveanNInumberyet,youcancommencework,butyoumustapply for an NI number and provide us with proof of your application. You can apply by contacting the NI number application line - open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm:

Telephone:0345 600 0643.Text phone: 0345 600 0644

Remember tobring in your NI Number as soon as you receive it.


We recognise the right to paid holiday by our temporary agency workers and employees and at all times seek to comply with legislation.


a) UndertheWorkingTimeRegulations1998you qualifyforpaidholiday.Yourholidayentitlementis5.6normalworkingweeks (28 daysifyournormal working week is5 days) paid holiday in each holiday year. Thisincludes public holidays;

b) HolidaypaywillbecalculatedandpaidinaccordancewiththerelevantprovisionsoftheEmploymentRights(Amendment, Revocation and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 relating to Agency Workers defined under the regulations as IrregularHours orPart-Year workers atminimum of 12.07% ofhours worked;

c) At some clients, your holiday entitlement may increase following completion of the 12-week AWR period, your consultant will notify you at the point of placement and this will be detailed on your assignment schedule if this applies and to what value;

d) Leave entitlement accrues in proportion to the amount of time worked by you on Assignment during the Leave Year. You do not accrue annual leave when you are noton anassignment;

e) TheLeaveYearmeanstheperiodduringwhichyouaccrueandmaytakestatutoryleave,yourspecificleaveyearisdetailed within yourcontract;

f) Asyouarepaidweeklyinarrears,asmall%ofholidaymayaccrueinthefollowingweekspayrollprocessingrelatingtowork completedupto andincluding the final weekofyourleaveyear.Thisholiday accrual willbe made available for you totake in a reasonable timeframe of the new leave year. The timeframe will be agreed with the relevant Regional Director, taking into accountyourparticularcontract arrangements, the date ofyour proposedholiday request andclient requirements;

g) Any otheroutstanding annualleave not taken during the leave year will be lost subject to:

• Otherstatutory entitlement preventing the leave from beingtakensuch as:

Ifaworkerisunabletotakesomeoralloftheirannualleaveasaresultoftakingaperiodofmaternityorother familyleave. Inthesecircumstances,annualleavethathasbeencarriedovermustbeusedwithin12months starting from the end of the leave year in which it was accrued;

If a worker is unable to take some or all of their annual leave as a result of being off sick. In these circumstances,annualleave thathasbeencarriedovermustbeusedwithin 18monthsstartingfrom theend of the leave yearinwhich it was accrued.

• The Employment Businessnothaving complied with itslegal obligations to: Recognise the Agency Workers right toannual leave, or payment for thatleave; Give the Agency Worker areasonable opportunity totake the leave orhavingnotencouraged themtodoso; Inform the Agency Worker that any leave not taken by the end of the leave year, which cannot be carried forwardislost.

h) Holidaysmaynotbecarriedover,paidontopofafullweeklywageortocoversicknessorunauthorisedabsence;itwillonly be processed where the holiday is actually taken. This is clearly stated in the Terms of Engagement that are issued to ALL temporary workers


After6weekscontinuousemploymentatthe Basicof40hrsperweekyouwillhave accrued28.97hourswhichwouldbe roundedup to 29 hoursentitlement.


After 6 weeks continuous employment at the Basic of 16 hrsper week you will have accrued 11.59 hours which would be rounded up to 12 hours entitlement.


After 6 weeks continuous employment at the Basic of 40 hrs for 3 weeks and 16 hours for 3 weeks you will have accrued 20.28 hours which would be rounded down to 20 hours entitlement.


a) HolidaypaywillbecalculatedandpaidinaccordancewiththerelevantprovisionsoftheEmploymentRights(Amendment, Revocation and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 relating to Agency Workers defined under the regulations as IrregularHours orPart-Year workers.

• at the average remuneration for all hour’s worked on which holiday has been accrued in the preceding 52 weeks workedon assignments;

• no accountshall betakenof aweekin whichno remuneration waspayable,insteadearlierweekswill beincluded to achieve the average.

• Where Salary Exchange for Pension Contributions (SXP) applies, The Company preserves the pre-SXP level of holidaypayentitlementandthereforeholidaypaycalculationsarebasedon‘referencepay’,thatistheratebefore and SXP reduction is applied.


After 6 weeks continuous employment at 40 hrs @ £11.44 per week you will have worked a total of 240 hours and earned £2745.60 gross pay.Yournormal hourly rate for holiday pay would be £11.44 (£2745.60 /240).


After6weekscontinuousemploymentat16hrs@£11.44perweekyouwillhaveworkedatotalof96hoursandearned£1098.24 gross pay. Yournormal hourly rate for holiday pay would be £11.44 (£1098.24 /96).


After 6 weeks continuous employment at 40 hrs @ £11.44 for3 weeks and 16 hrs @ £12.00 for 3 weeks you will have workeda total of 168 hours andearned£1948.80 gross pay. Your normal hourly rate for holiday pay would be £11.60(£1948.80 / 168).


a) Applications for holiday mustbe requested throughyour local branch andauthorised by the client;

b) You shouldnotify usof the datesofyourintendedabsence givingnotice ofatleasttwice the length ofthe periodof annual leave that you wish to take. We will advise where the holiday is authorised, at times it may be necessary for us to give counter-notice to you to postpone or reduce the amount of leave that you have requested to take. In such circumstances we will inform you in writing giving at least the same length of notice as the period of leave that it wishes to postpone or reduce it by;

c) In certain circumstances the Employment Business may require you to take paid annual leave at specific times or notify you of periods when paid annual leave cannot be taken;

d) Holiday destinationsmustberecordedonthe holidayrequesttoenable“Return toWork”procedurestobecarriedout(this is particularly applicable to our industrial food clients).


For any questions or queries regarding pay, please contact the local office immediately. We know how important it is to be paid promptly and it is always our intention to ensure your pay is accurate. As a business we get paid by Hirer’s based on what we have

hadauthorisedandpaidto you soifyouhaven’treceivedaccurate pay,we couldalso bemissingout,resolvingqueriesquickly and effectively is a priority to us.

In the unlikely event that you need to raise aformal pay query, please do so as soonas possible. Where it requiresinvestigation:

• We commit to providing a response within 24 hours of a pay query beinglogged duringoperational hours;

• Emergency advance paymentswill bepaidat70%of the total value,where thevalueisover£50,wewillaimto process the advanceinlinewiththeoriginalpaydate;theremainderwillbeprocessedinthefollowingweekspayrolltoaccountfortax, NI andother legal contributions which must be made;

• Amendments under£50value cannot be advanced and will be processedthe following scheduled pay date;

• Errors in payments due to inaccurate banking information being provided cannot be rectified until monies are returned from the bank.If moniesare not able to be returned by the bank paid to a repayment will not be made;

• Errors in payments due to inaccurate signing in / out by the worker cannot be processed until signed agreement received from our client that hours were completed.


For queries relating to eligibility of, or payment of SSP (Statutory Sick Pay), SMP (Statutory Maternity Pay), SPP (Statutory Paternity Pay),SAP(Statutory AdoptionPay)or BereavementLeave,pleasecontactCharlotte Owensviathe dedicatedPayroll Helpline on Tel: 0808 1785 534


Should you wish to cease working for the employment business, please request your P45 from your branch. Your P45 will be processed the week followingyourfinal wages being paid

11. Changing your details

Weappreciateitmaynotalwaysbepracticalforyoutoattendourofficesaroundyourworkandwherepossibleaimtoalleviatethis by allowingyou to change the followingdetails by email notification:

a) Changing your bank details - please note, we cannot change bank details without proof that the person is the account statement.Any changesto yourbank accountmustbe requestedby 9amon theMonday of the weekyou are due to be paid to guarantee moniesclearingin yournew account on the Friday;

b) Changingyouremail address;

c) Changing your address - please note, proof of address e.g. tenancy agreement, utility bill etc is required and should be attached to the email with the change of address request. If for any reason you are unable to provide proof, are awaiting suitable proof please contact the employment business priorto emailing your requestin;

d) Changingyourtelephone number;

e) Changingyournext ofkin.

Please note, notification of changes via email will only be accepted where it originates from the email address held on record and to whichyourpay advice slipisissued. Whereyoucannotaccess the originalemail address for any reasonyou mustcomeinto the office to complete the change of detailsform in person andprovide necessary evidenceswhere detailed.


If you are changing your name, you must attend our offices, this cannot be completed via an email notification. Your change of name proof must be presented in person along with your Right to Work documentation e.g. if you get married and change your name,wewillberequiredtoobtainacopyofthemarriagecertificate.Theemploymentbusinesscanadviseonwhatdocumentation you need to present based on yourcircumstance.


Whereverachange ofbank detailstakesplace,an SMSwillbe sentouttoyouaheadof the payroll run to advise achange of details hastakenplace,andforyoutocontactourcentralteamatheadofficeon01978890000ifyouhavenotactionedthisrequestyourself quoting reference number COD999. This message is legitimate communication from The Company, it does not contain the bank details just a prompt that changeshave been made.

12. Agency worker regulations - worker rights

TheAgencyWorkersRegulations(AWR)cameintoeffecton1stOctober2011,andtheyareprobablythebiggestchangetolegislation for temporary workers since the introduction of holiday pay rules in 1998. It aims to ensure the fair treatment of temporary workers who are retained on long term assignments at the same hirer. In some cases this will mean that workers will eventually be entitled to receive the same pay, along with some benefits as if they had been engaged directly by the Hirer. There are also some changes to your rights that will apply from the first day of your assignmentwith any hirer thatwe place you with.


From your first day on site you will be entitled to access to ‘Collective facilities and amenities’. This is not intended to extend to all benefitswhichahirermightprovideto directlyrecruitedworkersoremployeessuch assubsidisedaccesstoanoff-site gymaspart of a benefit package to reward long term service or loyalty. Rather, it applies to collective facilities provided by the hirer either to workersoremployees asa whole or to particular groups ofworkersor employees. These may include:

a) a canteenorothersimilar facilities;

b) toilets/shower facilities;

c) staff common room;

d) mother and baby room;

e) prayerroom;

f) food and drinksmachines;

g) car parking;

h) information aboutjobvacancies direct with the hirer;

i) a workplace crèche (NB If there is a waiting list for the child care facilities or other facilities, you would also be able to join the list and wouldnot be givenan automatic right, you just add yourname to the bottom of the list.)

Thisis anon-exhaustive list and acts as an indication of which kindof facilities should be included.It applies tofacilities by the hirer and therefore these facilities will usually be on-site.


After an agency worker completes a 12 week qualifying period with the same hirer, in the same role, they will be entitled to have the same basic terms andconditions ofemployment asif they had been employed directly by the hirer.They are;

a) key elements of pay - basic pay, overtime etc., and personal performance bonus that are the same as you would have receivedifhireddirectly.Thisdoesnotincludeprofitsharesorwholecompanybonusesthatarenotrelatedtoyourpersonal performance;

b) duration of working time e.g.ifworkingislimited to amaximum of 48hours a week;

c) night work;

d) rest periods;

e) rest breaks;

f) annual leave;

g) paid time off forantenatal appointments.

For any entitlement requiring a period of service – e.g. enhanced entitlement to annual leave after 12 months – the period starts at the time the qualifying period commenced (not 12 months and 12 weeks but 12 months)


a) If your assignment with the end Hirer does not exceed 12 weeks (counting from either the start date of the assignment or the 1st October2011 – whicheveris later) then obviously you will not be entitled to post 12 week Qualifying Period rights.

b) If you work throughyourown limitedcompany then you are likely to fall outside of the scope of the legislation.

c) If you are a professional worker (e.g. Doctor, Nurse, Architect) then you are likely to fall outside the scope of the legislation.


We operate a policy whereby all assignments will be for an initial maximum of 11 weeks. At 11 weeks we will review the requirements of the Hirer and contractual arrangements, this is called the review period. During the review period, we will consult with the Hirer, if you are still working in the same assignment at the endof the review period we may:

a) extendyour assignment withthe Hirer;

b) offeryou a different assignment with the Hirer;

c) terminate your assignmentwith the Hirer;

d) offeryou an assignment with anotherHirer.


Once you have completed your 12th continuous week, you will be entitled to receive equal pay and benefits to a comparable permanent employee of the Hirer. If you are offered an extended assignment, we will advise you of any changes that will be made to your pay and benefits at the end of the review period. However, you are entitled to request this information at any time during your assignment with the Hirer.

HowcanIcheckifIamreceivingmyfullentitlementunderAWR? If you have any questions about your entitlements you should submit these to your account manager at the earliest opportunity

The legislation specifies a written request for information and twenty eight day response period. If you do not receive an adequate response after 30 days, you can escalate up the chain to the Hirer. However, we will normally respond to your request within 7 - 14 days.IftheinformationyoureceivesuggeststoyouthatyouhavenotreceivedyourfullAWRrights,thenyoushoulddiscussthiswith us totrytoclarify anyissues.Ifweidentifyanyerrorswewillrectifytheseissuesimmediately (includinganyhistorical back payetc.), or agree revised terms and compensation as appropriate. If you feel we have not resolved the issue adequately then you should

escalate a complaint to the Managing Director. Once this process is exhausted, should you feel unsatisfied with the resolution you can refer yourcomplaint to ACAS.

IfIsubmitarequestforinformationaboutmyAWRentitlements,isthereariskthatmycontractmaybeterminated? Absolutely not! We respect the rights of our workers and whilst our principle concern is to maintain regular flexible employment for our workers, we will always protect our workers rights whilst doing so. Your rights to request information and take action under this legislation are specifically protected by regulation 17 of the AWR and to take action against a worker for exercising rights under the regulations is anoffence.

13. Equal opportunities

Wearecommittedtotreatingeveryoneequallyandwillnotdiscriminateonthegroundsofanindividual’s“protectedcharacteristic” under the Equality Act 2010 (the Act). We will not discriminate on the groundsof an individual’s membership or non-membership of a Trade Union and all workers have an obligation to respect and comply with this policy. As a business we embrace diversity and aims topromote the benefitsof diversity in all of our business activities.

Whilst representinguson atemporaryassignment,you must conductyourselfinan appropriate mannerwhilstyou are in work and ensure that you do not discriminate against another person or engage in any conduct which may result in discrimination, harassment, bullying or the victimisation of another individual which will not be tolerated. For the avoidance of doubt, the following passageshighlight areas of the Equality act2010 which you are expected toabide by.


The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful to discriminate against people with a ‘protected characteristic, those protected characteristics are listed anddefied below:

a) age;

b) being or becoming a transsexual person;

c) being marriedorin acivil partnership;

d) being pregnant oron maternity leave;

e) disability;

f) race including colour, nationality orethnic origin;

g) religion, belief or lack of religion/beliefs;

h) sex or sexual orientation.


The Act protects people of all ages. Age is the only protected characteristic that allows employers to justify direct discrimination.


Under the Act, a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effecton theirability tocarry out normal day-to-day activities, which wouldinclude thingslike usinga telephone, readinga book or using public transport. The Act includes protection from discrimination arising from disability. This states that it is discrimination to treat a disabledperson unfavourably because of somethingconnectedwiththeir disability.


The Act provides protection for transsexual people. A transsexual person is someone who proposes to, starts or has completed a process to change his or her gender. The Act no longer requires a person to be under medical supervision to be protected – so a womanwho decides tolive asa man but doesnot undergo any medical procedures wouldbe covered.


TheActprotectstemporaryworkerswhoaremarriedorinacivilpartnershipagainstdiscrimination.Singlepeopleare notprotected.


A woman is protected against discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy and maternity during the period of her pregnancy and anystatutorymaternityleave to whichsheisentitled.Duringthisperiod,pregnancyandmaternitydiscriminationcannotbe treated as sex discrimination.


For the purposes of the Act ‘race’ includescolour,nationality and ethnic ornational origins.


In the Equality Act, religion includes any religion. It also includes a lack of religion, in otherwords temporary workers are protected if they do not follow a certain religion or have no religion at all. Additionally, a religion must have a clear structure and belief system. Belief means any religious or philosophical belief or a lack of such belief. To be protected, a belief must satisfy various criteria,

including that it is a weighty and substantial aspect of human life and behaviour. Denominations or sects within a religion can be considered a protected religion or religious belief. Discrimination because of religion or belief can occur even where both the discriminatorand recipient are of the same religion or belief.


Both men and women are protected under the Act.


The Act protects bisexual, gay, heterosexual and lesbian people. Discrimination can come in more than one form, when you are speaking to individuals you need to be aware of what topics you choose to share within your working environment in order not to offendothers andpose a risk of discrimination. All protectedcharacteristics are relevantinassociation to discrimination


Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic they have or are thought to have or because they associate with someone who has a protected characteristic.


Paul, asenior manager, turns down Angela’s application forpromotion toa supervisor position. Angela, who is alesbian,learns that Paul did this because he believes the team that she applied to manage are homophobic. Paul thought that Angela’s sexual orientation would prevent her from gaining the team’s respect and managing them effectively. This is direct sexual orientation discrimination against Angela.




June worksasaprojectmanagerandislookingforwardto apromisedpromotion.However,aftershe tellsherbossthathermother, wholivesathome,hashadastroke,thepromotioniswithdrawn.ThismaybediscriminationagainstJunebecauseofherassociation with a disabled person.


This is direct discrimination against an individual because others think they possess a particular protected characteristic. It applies even if the person doesnot actually possess that characteristic.


Jim is 45 but looks much younger. Many people assume that he is in his mid 20s. he is not allowed to represent his company at an international meeting because the Managing Director thinks that he is too young. Jim has been discriminated against on the perception ofa protectedcharacteristic.


Indirectdiscriminationcanoccurwhenyouhaveacondition,rule,policyorevenapracticeinyourcompanythatappliestoeveryone butparticularly disadvantagespeople who share aprotectedcharacteristic.Indirectdiscriminationcan bejustifiedifyoucan show that you acted reasonably in managingthe situation,i.e.that it is‘a proportionate meansof achieving alegitimate aim’.

A legitimate aim might be any lawful decision you make in running your business or organisation, but if there is a discriminatory effect, the sole aim of reducing costs is likely to be unlawful. Being proportionate really means being fair and reasonable, including showing that you’ve looked at ‘less discriminatory’ alternatives to any decision you make. Annex 1 contains an example of indirect discrimination.


A small finance company needs its staff to work late on a Friday afternoon to analyse stock prices in the American finance market. The figures arrive late on Friday because of the global time differences. During the winter some staff would like to be released early on Friday afternoon in order to be home before sunset – a requirement of their religion. They propose to make the time up later during the remainder of the week. The company is not able to agree to this request because the American figures are necessary to the business, they need to be worked on immediately and the company is too small to have anyone else able to do the work. The requirementto workonFridayafternoonisnotunlawfulindirectdiscrimination asitmeetsalegitimate business aimandthere isno alternative means to available

14. Dignity at work

Aspartof ouroverall commitmentto equal opportunities,we are fully committedto promotingaharmoniousworkingenvironment. Allworkershavetherighttobetreatedwithrespectanddignity,inanenvironmentfreefromharassment,victimisationandbullying.


Harassment is “unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual”. Harassment applies to all protected characteristics except for pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil partnership. Temporary workers will now be able to complain of behaviour that they find offensive even if it is not directed at them, and the complainant need not possess the relevant characteristic themselves. Temporary workers are also protected from harassment because of perception and association.


Steve is continually being called gay and other related names by a group of employees at his work, homophobic comments have been postedon thestaffnoticeboardabouthimby people from thisgroup.Stevewas recently physically pushedto the floorbyone member of the group but is too scared to take action. Steve is not gay but heterosexual; furthermore the group know he isn’t gay. Thisisharassment because ofsexual orientation.


The Equality Act makes you potentially liable for harassment of your employees or workers by people who are not employees or workers of your company, such as customers or Hirers. You may be liable when you are aware that harassment has taken place, and have not taken reasonable steps to preventit from happening again.


Chris manages a Council benefits Office. One of his staff, Frank, is gay. Frank mentions to Chris that he is feeling unhappy after a claimant made homophobic remarks in his hearing. Chris is concerned and monitors the situation. Within a few days the claimant makes further offensive remarks. Chris reacts by having a word with the claimant, pointing out that this behaviour is unacceptable. heconsidersfollowingitupwithalettertohimpointingoutthathewillbanhimifthishappensagain.ChriskeepsFrankinthepicture with the actions he is takingand believeshe is taking reasonable stepsto protect Frank from harassment.


Bullying means any unwanted behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated, degraded, humiliated or offended. It is not necessarilyalwaysobviousorapparenttoothers,andmayhappenintheworkplacewithoutanemployer’sawareness.Bullyingcan be between twoindividualsoritmayinvolvegroupsof people.Itmightbeobviousoritmightbeinsidious.Itmay be persistentoran isolatedincident.Itcanalsooccurinwrittencommunications,byphoneorthroughemail,notjustface-to-face.Examplesofbullying behaviour couldinclude:

a) spreading maliciousrumours,or insultingsomeone;

b) exclusion orvictimisation;

c) deliberately undermining an individual byconstant criticism;

d) unfairtreatment.


Victimisation occurs when a temporary worker is treated badly because they have made or supported a complaint or raised a grievanceundertheEqualityAct;orbecausetheyaresuspectedofdoingso.Atemporaryworkerisnotprotectedfromvictimisation if they have maliciously made or supported an untrue complaint. A complainant will not need to compare their treatment with that of a person who hasnot made or supported aclaimunder the Act.


Anne makes a formal complaint against her manager because she feels that she has been discriminated against because of marriage. Although the complaint isresolved through the organisation’s grievance procedures, Anne issubsequently ostracised by her colleagues, including her manager. She could claim victimisation. With this in mind, regardless of your individual beliefs or opinions whilst you are in work representing us, yourconductshould reflect this and you should treat all individuals how you expect to be treated.

15. Worker Protection Act – Prevention of Sexual Harassment

TheCompanyiscommittedtoprovidingaworkingenvironmentwhereallstaffaretreated,andtreatothers,withdignityandrespect. Sexual harassment or victimisation of any member of staff, or anyone they come into contact with (third-party) during the course of theirwork, is unlawful and will not be toleratedin any form. We recognise that sexual harassment canoccur:

a) In awork situation.

b) During any situation related towork, such asat a social event with colleagues.

c) Against acolleague or other person connected to us outside of a work situation,includingon social media.

d) Against anyone outside of a work situation where the incident is relevant to yoursuitability to carry out your role.

In addition to the physical, mental and emotional harm sexual harassment can cause a victim, sexual harassment can also result inlegalliabilityforboththebusinessandtheperpetrator,whethertheyworkforusorareathirdpartyoutsideofourcontrol,negative publicity can cause reputational damage, impacting ability to recruit or even loss of business. Sexual harassment and conduct in

breach of this policy may result in warning the harasser about their behaviour, banning them from our premises, termination of an assignment, disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, termination of supplier or client relationships and reporting any criminal acts to the police.

ThispolicyadherestotheEqualityAct2010(asamended)andprovidesaprocedureforpreventing,reporting,andaddressingsexual harassment within the workplace, including on-site placements with clients and interactions with third parties within the supply chain. This policy covers:

• Recognising what constitutessexual harassment, third party harassment andvictimisation

• Preventative measures

• The SHIFT method and how this can be usedto combat instances ofsexual harassment

• ReportingProcedures

• Protection andsupport available


Sexual harassment is any unwanted verbal, non-verbal, physical, visual/written conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of violating a person's dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. Sexual harassment mayinclude the following (this is not an exhaustive list):

Asingleincidentcanamounttosexualharassment. Italsoincludestreatingsomeonelessfavourablybecausetheyhavesubmitted or refused to submit to unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, or that isrelated to genderreassignment or sex,in the past. A person maybesexuallyharassedeveniftheywerenottheintendedtargetandevenwheretheharasserperceivestheactivityasharmless. It isthe effecton the victim that establishes whethersexual harassmentis aconsiderationnot whether there wasintent.



Third-partyharassmentoccurswhere apersonisharassedor sexuallyharassedby someonewho doesnotwork for,andwhoisnot an agent of, the same employer, but with whom they have come into contact during the course of their employment whether that be in person or remotely.

The Company will take active steps to try to prevent third-party sexual harassment of staff. All staff are encouraged to report any third-party harassment they are avictim of, or witness, in accordance with this policy.

All agreementswith our directly engaged third-partiesdetail:

• Our expectations of conduct to prevent sexual harassment;

• Requirement for effective collaboration where complaintsare received;

• Our policy and reportingmethods in relation tosexual harassment;

• Agreements with acommitment to maintaining aharassment-free work environment for our ‘associated persons’ they engage with;

• Requirement for appropriate measuresto be in place with their own third party suppliers.

If any third-party harassment of staff occurs, we will take steps to remedy any complaints and to prevent it happening again. Consideration will be givenineachinstance whether an outcome warrants in warning the harasser about their behaviour, banning them from our premisesor even termination of supplieror client relationships.

Any sexual harassment by our associated persons against a third party may lead to warning the harasser about their behaviour, termination ofan assignment,disciplinary action up to and including dismissal

In all instances, where necessary, any criminal actswill be reportedto the police.


Anyone who witnessessexualharassment orvictimisation isencouraged to take appropriate stepsto SHIFT the situation.

Dependingon the circumstances, thiscouldinclude:

▪ Speak up - Intervene where you feel safe and able to do so.

▪ Hold off- Ifyou do not feel safe orable to intervene, wait and check in with the victim as soon aspossible.

▪ Involve others – Considerwhoelse could supportin the situation eg a trustedcolleague, mental Health first aidersor HR.

▪ Fake it –Considerwhether you can discreetly cause a distraction to either stopor change the focus of the conversation.

▪ Take notes –log the date, time and asmany detailsas you can, these are extremely useful during an investigation.

In all instances it is key to support the victim to report it or reporting it on their behalf, especially where you feel there may be a continuing risk if you donot report it.


The Company aims totake active and reasonable steps to help prevent the sexual harassment and victimisation ofall staff. There is acall to action foranyone who is avictimof, orwitness to,sexual harassment to reportitin accordance with this policy.Thiswill enable us to take appropriate investigation, action andprovide support.


If you are being sexually harassed, consider whetheryou feel able to raise the problem informally withthe person responsible. Only if you are able and feel safe todo so:

• Explain clearly to them that theirbehaviourisnotwelcome or makesyou uncomfortable.

• Ifthisistoodifficult,youshouldspeaktoyourlinemanager,whocanprovideconfidentialadviceandassistanceinresolving the issue informally.

• Ifyou feel unable to speak to yourlinemanagerbecause thecomplaintconcernsthem,youshouldspeakinformally to the HR Department.If this doesnot resolve the issue,you shouldfollow the formal procedure below.

If you are not certain whetheran incident or series of incidents amounts to sexual harassment, you should initially contact your line manageror the HR Department informally for confidential advice. FormalReporting:


Staff who make complaints, report that they have witnessedwrongdoing,or who participate in good faithin any investigation must not suffer any form of retaliation orvictimisation as a result.Anyone foundto have retaliated against orvictimised someone inthis way will be subject to disciplinary action under our Disciplinary Procedure. Ifyou believe you have sufferedany such treatment you shouldinform the HR Department.If the matterisnot remedied ,you shouldraise it formally using our complaint/grievance procedure.

16. Preventing hidden labour exploitation & Stronger Together

We are proud to be approved business partners of Stronger2gether. Stronger Together is a multi-stakeholder initiative aiming to reduce human trafficking, forced labour and other hidden third-party exploitation of workers. The initiative was developed by the ALP, GLAA and migrant helpand is being driven by the majority of the UK’s major supermarkets and retail chains.

As a UK leading industrial recruiter, we realise we are in at the front line of the recruitment process and key to tackling the problem of hiddenlabour exploitation.We commit to developing andadopting a proactive approach to tackling hidden labourexploitation. Hiddenlabour exploitation isexploitation ofjob applicantsorworkers bythird party individuals or gangsother thanthe employeror labourproviderincludingrogue individuals workingwithinthese businesses but without the knowledge ofmanagement.It includes:

a) forced labour and human trafficking forlabour exploitation;

b) payment for work-finding services;

c) work-relatedexploitation suchas forceduse of accommodation

It is understood that itis often well hidden by the perpetrators with victims, if they perceive of themselves assuch and are reluctant to come forward.


a) Complyingwith HumanRightslegislation ensuring all employment is freely chosen;

b) Precluding the use of child labour and ensuring that the minimum age for workers is consistent with national laws and regulations;

c) Respecting the rights of temporary workers to join or form legally recognised trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively;

d) At no point will we retain the identity papers of any applicants or workers;

e) Accommodation will not be sourced, provided or recommended by us. it is the sole responsibly of our workers to source theirown;

f) Accept that jobfindingfees are a businesscost, and will notallow these to be paid by job applicants.;

g) Ensure thatlabour sourcing,recruitmentandworkerplacementprocessesare underthecontrolof trustedandcompetent staff members;

h) Provide information on tackling “Hidden Labour Exploitation” to our workforce through a variety of formats such as workplace posters, workerleaflets, induction,other training;

i) Positivelyencourageandsupportemployeesandagencyworkerstoreportsuchexploitationwhichmaybeoccurringwithin theircommunities.

j) Should you be concerned, have suspicion or become aware of human trafficking, forced labour and or any other hidden third-partyexploitationofworkerspleasemakeyourmanagerawaresowecanreportittotheappropriateauthoritiesand work together toabolish these illegal activities


17. Just Good Work App

JustGoodWorkisafreeinteractivemobileapp,givingjob-seekersandworkerscriticalinformationandadviceforeverythingneeded on the journey to work, from recruitment, to employment and life in a new destination, to moving on or returning home. We encourage all job applicants to download the ‘Just goodwork app’.

Key featuresof the app:

• Available in multiple languages (inc. English / Ukrainian / Polish / Bangla);

• Accurate and up-to-date information and advice ranging from employment rights to practical aspects (e.g. weather, culture and housing);

• Advice on goodrecruitment practices,immigration requirements, travel andpracticalitiesfor migrantworkerswhilst still in theircountry oforigin;

• Allows the user to store personal documents on the app that they may need to provide when seeking employment e.g. copy of c.v./ references / proof of identity documents;

• Interactive checklists to help users track what they may need and when whilstseekingemployment;

• Includes the answers tomany frequently asked questions regardingemployment inthe UK

18. Ethical trading

As a responsible corporate business,we aim toactina socially responsible manner at alltimes byrespecting the economic, social, cultural, political andcivil rights of those employed through our business and complying with Human Rights legislation. Assuch, we and our supplierscommit to ensure that:

a) employment isfreely chosen;

b) freedom of association and the right to collective bargainingare respected;

c) workingconditionsare safe and hygienic;

d) childlabourshall not be used;

e) living wages are paid;

f) workinghours are not excessive;

g) no discrimination is practised;

h) regularemployment is provided;

i) no harsh orinhumane treatmentis allowed

19. Complaints Policy and Procedure

TheCompanyiscommittedtoprovidingahigh-levelof service toourcustomers.Ifyou arenotsatisfiedwith thelevel of serviceyou have received, we encourage you to inform us. This will help us to improve our standards. The Company procedure requires a specific escalation route to be followed for all complaints. In the first instance, please contact your local branch and escalate your concerns tothe branch manager byphone so that we can try to resolve your complaintinformally.

Ifyoufeelthattheresponseisunsatisfactoryandrequiresfurtherinvestigation,pleasereferyourcomplainttoanOperationsDirector – contact details for the Operations Directorbest suited to deal withyour complaint canbe obtainedfrom your local branch.

If at this stage you are still notsatisfied with the response, you canthen submityourcomplaint directly to the HR Department.

In all instances, to obtain correct contact details, whether that be for post, email or telephone please refer to the contact details section ofourwebsite


The HR department will investigate complaints in a timely and confidential manner. Individuals not involved in the complaint or the investigation should not be told about it. The investigation will be conducted by someone with appropriate experience and no prior involvement in the complaint. The investigation should be thorough, impartial, objective and carried out with sensitivity and due respect for the rights of all partiesconcerned.

The HR department will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and keep you informed of all updates throughout the process. An investigation meeting will be held with you usually within one week of receiving your complaint, so that you can give your account of events. The investigator will arrange further meetingswithyou asappropriate throughout the investigation.

Where yourcomplaintis about an employee orworker ofThe Company, the investigator will also meet with the alleged person who have the right to be told the details ofthe allegations against them, so they can respond.

Where your complaint is about someone other than an employee or worker, such as customer, supplier or visitor we will consider what action may be appropriate to protect you and anyone involved in the pending outcome of the investigation, bearing in mind the reasonable needs of the business and the rights of that person. Where appropriate, we will attempt to discuss the matter with the third party.

Itmaybenecessarytointerviewwitnessestoanyoftheincidentsmentionedinyourcomplaint.Ifsotheimportanceofconfidentiality will be emphasised to them.

At the end of the investigation, the HR department will write a report of the findings of the investigation and the outcome to your complaint.

You will be keptinformed at all stages ofthe investigation process andshould there be any delaysyou will be informed.


Ifthe HR Departmentconsidersthatthe pointsraisedinyourcomplainthave been upheld,promptaction will be taken toaddress it.

If, following the investigation, you are still not satisfied you can write to the REC, our trade association of which we are a member marked for the attention ofthe Consultancy andCompliance Team: REC, Dorset House, 1st Floor,27 – 45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT).



TheCompanyiscommittedtoconductingitsbusinesswithhonestyandintegrityandaimstoachievethehighestpossiblestandards of service and ethical standards in all of its practices. We expect all staff to maintain the same high standards too; however, all organisations face the risk of thingsgoingwrong and sometimesmalpractice andwrongdoingcan take place.We take suchcases veryseriously andaimto preventandeliminateanywrongdoingormalpracticewithintheorganisation.We thereforeencourageall staff to raise any concerns they may have about malpractice or wrongdoing within the organisation freely and without fear of sufferinga detriment ordismissal to enable us toeliminate and prevent these practices taking place within the organisation.

Wewilltreatanyconcernsraisedseriouslyandwillprotectandsupportanyindividualwhomakesadisclosureinlinewiththispolicy. Thispolicy doesnotformpartof anycontract,TheCompanyreservesthe rightto amendthispolicy atany timewithout priornotice.


This policy applies to all current and former employees, workers, officers, consultants, contractors of our business, including home workers, trainees, apprentices, agency workers, casual workers and limited company contractors. No qualifying length of service is requiredin order to raise aconcern under this policy.


This policy should be used to report concerns of malpractice or wrongdoing in relation to our organisation’s activities where you have information which you reasonably believe tends to show one or more of the following:

• that a criminal offence has been committed,is beingcommitted orislikely to be committed; or

• that a person hasfailed,is failing or islikely to fail to comply with any legal obligation to whichhe orshe is subject;

• that a miscarriage of justice has occurred,is occurring orislikely to occur; or

• that the healthorsafety of anindividual has been,or is beingor is likely to be endangered; or

• that the environment has been, is being orislikely tobe damaged; or

• that any of the above malpractices have been, are being or are likely to be deliberately concealed. This applies whether the malpractice hasalready occurred,iscurrently in progress, or is likely to happen in the future.

Youmustreasonablybelievethatthedisclosureisbeingmadeinthepublicinterest.Itdoesn’tmatterifyouaremistakenaboutyour concern butyou musthave information that tends to showsome malpractice orwrongdoing ratherthan anopinion or afeeling.

Any other concerns about our services generally which are not related to the types of wrongdoing or malpractice covered by this policy shouldbe raised usingourcomplaints policy instead.


If you have any concerns of the types of malpractice or wrongdoing covered by this policy, you should in the first instance make a disclosure to your immediatesuperior. Agencyworkersshoulddisclose concernsto theconsultantwhoisresponsibleformanaging theirassignment.

• If, for any reason, you feel that you cannot tell your immediate superior, or in the case of an agency worker the consultant responsible for managing your assignment, you should raise the issue withThe Company’sHR Department;

• If you have made a disclosure and are still concerned, or the matter is so serious that you feel you cannot discuss it with either of the two persons named above, you should raise the matter with the following member of management: Mark Roberts, Managing Director.

A disclosure of a concern can be made by telephone, in person or in writing (including by email). However, it is preferable for the disclosure to be made in writing so that we can keep an exact record of your concern. You are not expected to prove the truth of your concern beyond reasonable doubt or provide any evidence; however, you will generally need to provide the following information as aminimum:

• the nature of the concern;

• why you believe it to be true;

• the background andhistory ofthe concern; and

• relevant dateswhere possible.

You can raise any concerns anonymously; however, we encourage you to give your name when reporting your concern wherever possiblebecauseitmaybemoredifficultforustoprotectyourpositionorgiveyoufeedbackontheoutcomeofinvestigationsifyou choose to remain anonymous.

You may wish to consider discussing yourconcernwith acolleague before raisingit formally under thispolicy.You canalso choose to raise a concern under this policy alone or with a colleague; however, it is in the interests of all parties to maintain confidentiality once you have raised a formal concern.


Allconcerns raisedwillbetreatedasconfidential andeveryeffortwill be madenottoreveal theidentityof anyindividualwhoraises a concern. Unless the law requires otherwise, we will only make disclosures to third partiesor other staffwith your consent.


TheCompanyiscommittedtogoodpracticeandhighstandardsandtobeingsupportiveofstaffwhoraisegenuineconcernsunder this policy, even if they turn out to be mistaken.We hope thatall staff will feel able to voice their concerns freely under thispolicy.

• Any individual raising a genuine concern must not suffer any detriment as a result ofdoingso. Ifyou believe thatyou have suffered such treatment,you should inform the HR Department immediately;

• The Company will not tolerate any harassment or victimisation of individuals who raise concerns about wrongdoing or malpracticeintheworkplace.Nomemberofstaffmaythreatenorretaliateagainstanindividualwhohasraisedaconcern. Any person involved in such conduct may be subject to disciplinary action and in some cases, will be liable to a claim for compensation brought against them personally;

• To ensure the protection of all our staff and the integrity of our business, those who raise a concern frivolously, maliciously and/or for personal gain and/or make an allegation they do not reasonably believe to be true and/or not made in the public interestmay alsobe subject to disciplinary action;

• Ifyou are nothappy with theway inwhich amatterhasbeenaddressedor dealtwithyou shouldraiseitformally usingour complaints procedure.Employees of The Company can use our grievance procedure toaddress the issue instead.

21. GDPR - Privacy Notice


The Company will collectyourpersonal dataandprocessyour personal data,which mayinclude sensitive data,for the purposesof providingyou with our services.


The legal baseswe rely uponwhen providing and/oroffering to provide these services toyou are:

a) Legal Obligation

b) Contractual Obligation

c) Legitimate Interest

d) Consent

e) Public Interest

f) Vital interestof data subject


The Company may transfer the information you provide to us to countries outside the European Economic Area (‘EEA’).


To a limited extent, certain activities within the screening and suitability process will include automated decision-making. The primary function where automated decision-making processes are utilised is via technology platform implemented to validate an individual’s Right to work in line with government legislation. The outcomes of the technology implemented may produce legal effects on the individual or similarly significant affects fortheindividual.Where the automated decision-making process:

a) Validates anindividual’sright to work, the services maybe provided;

b) Is unable tobe validatedandan alertisissued by the technology platform, amanual checking processwill be engagedin ordertoidentifyiftherighttoworkoftheindividualcanbeestablishedandthereforwhetherornotservicescanbeprovided;

c) Determines the individual does not have the right to work, services will not be able to be provided;

d) Identifies the right to work documentation submitted for validation does not belong to the individual presenting it or it is stolen,fraudulentorcounterfeitthiswillbereportedtothenecessaryauthoritiesandserviceswillnotbeabletobeprovided.


The Company will retain yourpersonal data and/or sensitive data only for as long as is necessary. Different laws require us to keep different data for different periods of time.

Where services have not been provided

If we have not provided you with our services, or had valuable contact with for two consecutive years, your personal data will be deleted from oursystemssave where we believe in good faith that the law or other regulation requiresus to preserve it.

Where services have been provided

Your personal details may be included in several documents created during the course of our contract with you. To comply with legal requirements e.g. HMRC, UK Visas and Immigration, The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003, Agency Workers Regulation, HSE and tax legislation, your data will be kept by The Company for 7 tax years from the last date on which services were provided to you.


We are committed to taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, loss,or unauthorised access.We do this by having in place a range of appropriate technical and organisational measures,e.g.:

a) Encryption:Implementingencryption methods for sensitive data both in transit and at rest.

b) Access Controls: Utilizing access controls such as strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access control to limit who canaccess personal information within the company.

c) Regular Security Audits: Conducting regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly.This mightinclude penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, andcode reviews.

d) Employee Training: Providing comprehensive training to employees on data protection policies and procedures, including how to handle personal information securely and recognize potential security threats suchas phishing attacks.

e) DataMinimization:Adoptingadataminimizationapproachwhereonlythenecessarypersonalinformationiscollectedand retained, reducing the risk exposure in case of a security breach.

f) Secure Software Development: Integrating security into the software development lifecycle by following secure coding practices,conducting security reviewsduring development,and implementing secure coding standards.

g) RegularUpdates andPatchManagement: Ensuring thatsystemsandsoftware are kept up-to-date withthe latestsecurity patchesand updates to address known vulnerabilities andreduce the risk ofexploitation.

h) Data Encryption in Storage and Transmission: Encrypting personal data both during transmission over networks and while storedon servers orother storage devices to prevent unauthorizedaccess.

i) Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: Implementing robust data backup procedures and disaster recovery plans to ensure that personal information can be restored in case of data loss or corruption due to unforeseen events such as hardware failure,natural disasters, or cyber attacks.


Please be aware that you have the following data protection rights:

a) The right to be informed aboutthe personal data the Company processes on you;

b) The right ofaccess to the personal data the Company processeson you;

c) The right to rectification of your personal data;

d) The right to erasure ofyourpersonal data incertaincircumstances;

e) The right to restrict processingof your personal data;

f) The right to data portability in certain circumstances;

g) The right to object to the processing of your personal data that was based ona public orlegitimate interest;

h) The right not to be subjected to automated decision makingand profiling; and

i) The righttowithdrawconsentatany time.Where youhaveconsentedto theCompany processingyourpersonal dataand sensitive personal datayou have the rightto withdraw thatconsentatany time bycompletingon-line request(click here) or emailing Data Protection Officer


If you wish to complain about this privacy notice or any of the procedures set out in it please contact: Data Protection Officer by emailing You also have the right to raise concerns with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on 0303 123 1113 or at or any other relevant supervisory authority should your personal data be processed outside ofthe UK, ifyou believe that your data protection rights have not beenadhered to.

To view our up-to-date privacy notice, please visit:

22. Benefits - pensions FAQ’S

1. What is auto-enrolment?

Anewlaw thatmeanswemustautomaticallyenrolevery workerinto aworkplace pensionschemeiftheyare agedbetween22and State Pension age, earn more than £10,000a year andwork inthe UK.

2. What happens ifI already pay into aprivatepension?

It is possible to have both a workplace pension and your own personal pension and continue paying into both. Unless you opt out you will also be required topay into the workplace pension.

3. IfI wereto leave, do I losethe money I paidin?

No, the money will remain in your pension fund and will be available to draw out once you reach pension age.

4. IfI join andthen return to my nativecountry, what willhappen to my contributions?

Please speak tothe workplace pension provider for more information.

5. What happens ifI havemore than onejobwith theemployment business?

The pension contribution will be calculated on the pensionable pay you receive each week.

6.What happens ifI don’t want to join theauto enrolment pension scheme?

If you are automatically enrolled into the workplace pension, or elect to join, you will receive some useful joiner information about the scheme and about managing your pension online. This will explain the process for opting out and further action can only be takenwhen you have receivedthe pack.

7. What is Salary Exchangefor Pension Contributions (SXP)

SXP is our default method for making contributions to the company pension scheme. Where, and to the extent they are eligible, workers give up an element of pay in exchange for contributions that are made by us. More information is available in a SXP Q&A document made available to all workers in the Welcome email and again in the pensions postponement email issued upon your first weekspayroll processing.

Furtherinformation is available at:

The Company pension provider is The People’s Pension. Save where you are engaged by Quattro Group Holdings Limited / QuattroRecruitmentLimited/QuattroHealthcareLtdthePensionProvideris Nest

23. Benefits – Care First

Through our partnership with Care first, we are proud to offer a free worker support line to help you with all kinds of practical and emotional issuesincluding:

• Work-life balance

• Relationships

• Childcare

• Health and wellbeing

• Debt

• Disability andillness

• Careers

• Bereavement andloss

• Stress

• Eldercare

• Life events

• Immigration

• Anxiety anddepression

• Family issues

• Bullying andharassment

• Sexual Harassment

• Education

• Consumer rights

• Workplace pressure

• Translation services

The serviceisfree to all of gappersonnel’sworkers.There isno registration processandallconversations are strictly confidential.To use the worker support line simply call 0800 174 319 to speak with a professional counsellor or information specialist. For more information please visit:

24. Health and safety - the policy

It is our policy to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that we protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of all temporary workers through the provision of a safe workingenvironment, safe equipment and safe systemsof work.

Additionally,itisourintentiontosafeguardallpeopleandassetsinsofarastheyareaffectedbyouroperations,includingtemporary workers,visitors, contractors and the general public.

Our Hirershavearesponsibility to:

a) comply with all requirementsof The Healthand Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (as amended)and otherlegislation and codes of practice;

b) review health andsafety arrangements on an ongoing basisto ensure theireffectivenessand continuous improvement;

c) provide and maintain locations, equipment and systemsof work that are safe and without risks to health;

d) establish emergency procedures asrequired;

e) promote safety and reduce hazards;

f) detail specialist skills or qualifications required by the temporary worker to carry out an assignment together with related health and safety information;

g) pass to the temporary workerall information on health and safety issuesconnected with the assignment;

h) unless otherwise agreed with us, our Hirers are to complete a health and safety induction for all new staff (including temporary staff), retain induction and training records on file and where requested make these available to us;

i) tell the workforce the name of the authorisedhealth andsafety representative;

j) record any accidents orinjuries intheiraccident record book and report tothe healthand safety executive,in accordance with current requirements.Pass on the information to the local branch of the employmentbusiness.

Theemployment business’responsibilities:

a) toconductinspectionsofHirers’premisestosatisfyourselvesthatthehealthandsafetypracticesofthesiteareacceptable prior tothe initial introduction of a worker;

b) to obtain information in relation to any risk assessments conducted by the Hirer, health and safety training that will be delivered to the workers and obtain evidence of the necessary liability insurances being in place by the Hirer, prior to the initial introduction of aworker;

c) to pass on to the worker all relevant information obtained from the Hirer in relation to known health and safety risks, measurestakenbythe Hirer topreventor control risks andany information regardingPPE,Uniform, orequipment required;

d) to ensure workers have received health and safety training from the Hirer and to act immediately should it become apparent that traininghas notbeen delivered;

e) to co-operate fully in the investigation of accidents.

Temporary worker responsibilities

Every Temporary Workerhasalegal duty to take reasonablecareof theirown health andsafety andthatofotherpersonswho may be affectedby their actionsand/or omissions. In particular,every Temporary Worker has aduty to:

a) Observe the Hirer’s Health andSafety Policy at all times andask for sight of the Policy before starting any assignment;

b) Take care to follow any safety regulations, including wearingthe correctPPE requiredfor the assignment;

c) Beresponsibleforyourownhealthandsafetyatworkbutalsotakereasonablecareforthehealthandsafetyofothers(e.g. other Temporary Workers,contractors, customers etc.), who may be affected by youractsor omissions at work;

d) Nevermisuse orinterfere with anything providedin the interest ofhealth, safety or welfare;

e) Neveroperate/handle equipment for which they have not been trained;

f) Immediately report any perceived hazard or risk, accident, injury, dangerous occurrence or damage to property to their Line Manager;

g) Co-operate fully in the investigation ofaccidents.

25. Health and safety - manual handling

Asthe majority of roleswillinclude some aspectof manualhandlingwehave detailedsome importantinformation foryou. Manual handling regulations cover the tasks involving supporting or transporting loads by physical human effort. You should familiarise yourself with good handling techniques as hazards are not only presented by heavy loads. The basic rule of manual handling on your assignmentis “think before you lift”. Please remember all of the following and, ifin doubt, then ask.

a) You must inform your Line Manager if you have had a previous history of back pain;

b) Stop and think before you lift. Ensure you have enough space, be aware ofany obstructions,don’tliftunless you have to!;

c) Get helpif the loadis beyondyourcapacity, don’t try to liftiton yourown;

d) Look out for sharp edges, nails,wires and splinters;

e) Stand close to the load, feet slightly apart, one infrontof the other tobalance the load;

f) Bendyour knees;

g) Keepthe back upright (thismaintains the spine’snatural curves) andlift with the legs;

h) Keepthe shoulderslevel andin the same direction as the hips;

i) Keepthe loadclose to the trunk for aslong aspossible and do not twist when turning toone side;

j) If you need to position the load, put it down first then slide it into the desired position

26. Health and safety - first aid and accidents

Reporting accidents is really important. All accidents, no matter how small, must be reported to us, the employment business, and the designated Hirer representative. All accidents must be recorded in the Hirer’s Accident Record Book, maintained by the Hirer’s designated First Aider. If you have an accident, get first aid treatment immediately. The smallest cut, if neglected, could result in infection.

27. Health and safety - fire

Learn the fire drill for every place you work - each one may be different.Make sure you know:

a) how to raise the fire alarm;

b) the fire evacuation procedure;

c) where the fire extinguishers are andhow to use them;

d) the whereabouts of all fire exits.

You must ensure that you are fully conversant with and comply with the fire and other emergency procedures and take part in all drills asorganised / notified by us and /or the Hirer.

You must ensure that you do not render any fire escape or fire escape routes at the site unavailable for emergency use, nor cause any obstruction at any time toany staircases, passages,walkways, entrances and exits orany other partof the site.

28. Health and safety - special notes for food production assignments

Temporary workers must inform us immediately if they are suffering from any of the following conditions and are due on an assignment within a food production environment: food poisoning; typhoid/ paratyphoid; dysentery; hepatitis; influenza; ear or throat infection; stomach upset; open sores; eczema. Please note that under no circumstances should you work in a food environment whilst suffering from any of these ailments. After an instance of sickness and diarrhoea you must stay off work for 48 hoursafter the last instance.

If you become ill whilst on shift, you must notify your supervisor of the circumstances immediately. In any event of sickness related absence, areturn to work interview will be completed prior toyou returning to site.

General procedures

a) Hands must be washed frequently, especially after using the toilet, after breaks, before starting work and between tasks. Cuts andsores must be covered. Nailsmust be short andunvarnished. Acrylic false nailsare not acceptable;

b) Hair must be clean and neat.Iflongit must always be tied back and secured under protective head wear when working in a food preparation or service area;

c) Jewellery: with the exception of plain wedding rings andplain studearrings, should not be worn while on duty;

d) Personal hygiene: please take care with personal freshness. Frequent washing and the use of deodorants are recommended. Ensure that your uniformisclean andfresh;

e) Sickness: Ensure you donotcough or sneeze near food.If you do handsmust thenbe washed immediately.

29. Statement of best practice

Wecontinuallyreviewourtermsofengagements,rulesandpoliciestoensurethattheyremain,atleast,comparabletobestpractice withinsimilarorganisations.Appropriateamendmentswillbemadetoreflectchangestobestpractice,forreferencethemostrecent version will always be available on our website.

gap personnel group

Pulford House,Bell Meadow Business Park Park Lane,Pulford,Chester,CH43 9EP Tel: 01978 294201

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