iv intro personal details
Aditya Satya Putra Malang, 20th April 1995 Bukit Cemara Tidar F2/11 Malang 65146 East Java, Indonesia 085706399665 additionaladdict@gmail.com behance.net/aditya-s saturasi20.tumblr.com instagram @garang__
education 2013 - Present | Malang State University Visual Communication Design 2010 - 2013 | SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
currently listening Capital | Kaveh Kanes The Many Failing Of Bugsy Moonblood | Marsh Kids Speakerzoid | The Jungle Giants Selftitled | The Temper Trap
v intro
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe Ilustrator CorelDRAW
main influences Sagmeister | Wes Anderson | Sachin Teng Deconstruction |Existensialism
interest Graphics | Illustration | Cooking | Musics Coffee | Books | Movies
personal details
software skills
Table of Content Branding 001-004 Packaging 005-006 Prints 007-018 Illustration 019-020
personal project
002 branding
Established in 2014, Nomaden Coffee has brought up “pedaling and brewing good coffee cultures” concept. Starting the business with coffee cycle concept, a nomadic coffee cart and bicycle, which is meant to focus on introducing and selling manual brewed coffee. In early 2015, Nomaden Coffee succesfully opened its own spot, a coffee shop located on the downtown of Malang. Henceforth, the business starts to develop its goal to familiarize people of Indonesian’s coffee and “good” coffee via manual brewing methods.
personal project
Nomaden Coffee
003 branding personal project
Logo Concept
peruvian pattern
Wishing to spread the coffee cycle concept by having nomadic coffee carts or permanent shops in Indonesia, this logo concept is created by combining visual elements, supporting and representing Nomaden Coffee’s characteristics as an entity. The concept of ‘nomadic’ (means ‘Nomaden’ in Bahasa Indonesia) is represented by the llama, which is essentially a migrating buddy by the nomads of Latin America and South America and the symbol of friendliness as one of characteristics of Nomaden Coffee. The patterns of the logo is the synthesis of ethnic tribes in South America and their coffee beans, resulting ornamental shapes which appears primitive while keeping the boldness. The ornamental of the logotype will be extended into various applicable visual patterns in the future.
personal project
005 packaging personal project
Marathon Cortado A take away product by Nomaden Coffe that aim to supply a boost for people in their daily routines. Marathon Cortado has a unique, vigorating taste.
006 packaging student project
Selecta Fruit Chips Selecta is a local fruits chips brand based in Kota Batu East Java. By incorporating the name “Selecta”, which is synomous with “Selection”, the visual of the design is taken from the stamps used to sort selected goods. The “stamps” that are made for the packaging are created based on the fruits/vegs that’s used for the main ingredients of the fruit chips. With a very minimalistic elements, this packaging would stand out in the current local trends that uses rather busy, noisy design in their packaging.
007 print student project
Maaf, Ikan Habis A poster about fish population decline for a PSA poster project. The fish declination mainly caused by human over consumption of fish products in the past decades, and I try to bring awareness for this issue via the message “Maaf, Ikan Habis” or “Sorry, Out of Stock”.
008 print student project
Oreo’s Wonderfilled My interpretation of Oreo’s Wonderfilled campaign for layouting class, I draw a boy that floating between his imaginations represented by chalk drawings creating a lightbulb shape when seen from afar.
personal project
010 print personal project
Designoholic 4.0 Designoholic 4.0 is the fourth biannual exihibition showcasing students’ latest projects. This exhibition aims to introduce students’ works and capabilities to public.
personal project
012 print personal project
Mmmm Hiring Posters Mmmm is a new coffeeshop in Malang that needs the best human resource in order to thrive in the coffee industry.
013 print student project
jeune magazine A redesign concept of the currently inactive lifestyle magazine, Jeune.
student project
student project
017 print personal project
Mmmm Bulletin This bulletin are created in order to educate the Mmmm customer about coffee and it’s culture in order to improve the customer value about coffee.
personal project
019 illustration personal project
Various Ilustrations
Muse, 2015
Euthanasia, 2015
Ghastly Visage, 2015
Goldfish Daydreams, 2015
020 illustration personal project 0100100001001001, 2015