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Open-Handed Issues

There are a variety of other doctrinal and philosophical issues that Garden City Church intentionally does not take a formal position on. These are issues that we would consider “open-handed,” meaning that while individuals within our leadership and church may have convictions about them, they are secondary issues and freedom should be given within our church to believe differently as long as the beliefs remain within the spectrum of biblical Christianity.

Some open-handed issues are listed below as well as a clarifying statement to ensure that we are clear about what we would not consider to be within the spectrum of biblical Christianity.


Spiritual Gifts

While we believe “spiritual gifts” to be an open-handed issue, we do not believe that the gift of tongues (or any other individual spiritual gift) is required as an evidence of salvation. We believe the Holy Spirit is alive and active today just as he was in the frst century church, but what exactly that is to look like we don’t hold a position on.

End Times

While we believe “end times” to be an open-handed issue (the exact time and way in which Jesus will return), we do not believe that Jesus has already returned. We eagerly anticipate his future coming.


While we believe “creation” to be an open-handed issue (the exact nature of God’s creation of the universe), we do not believe in atheistic or naturalistic evolution.

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