Garden Glow Magazine- August 2014

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What’s worse than not working out? Working out the wrong way!

Sarah Rallo Certified Yoga Instructor & Fitness Guru RYT 200

Good News! Yoga is one of the safest exercises out there. It’s a perfect compliment to any fitness program and can be a beautiful mental, physical and spiritual practice on its own. However, there is always risk of injury in anything physical so check out my list of tips and unwritten “rules” to avoid injury and get the most out of your yoga practice.

Read her tips…

View your practice as a work in, not a work out The physical asana (posing) of a yoga practice is only a portion of the full picture of yoga. Of course there are endless positive physical benefits of a regular yoga practice, however the student must not view the poses as expectations of how to do yoga “right”. Instead of trying to make your body look like a certain shape, move inward and away from ego. In yoga, some days the perfect pose is there, and some days it’s a modified version and even some days you just want to rest on your mat…and that is perfectly okay! The goal is to look inward and see and feel what is happening within your own self at that present moment. The posing is just an avenue to an inner awareness.

Listen to your body The most important “rule” to follow in a yoga practice is to listen to your body. The instructor is there to guide you through a suggested sequence of poses, however your own body is always your #1 teacher. Yoga should never feel painful. You should feel a stretch and an opening in different parts of the body, but never a strain in which you feel like you can’t maintain the pose with ease and comfort. Never be afraid to back off a bit. A good instructor should offer modified versions of the pose to meet the needs of a range of abilities.

Look for the “sweet spot” Your yoga poses should be a blended effort of ease and comfort while challenging your limits. Think of your ultimate effort as an edge. You want to bring your asanas to your edge so that you are challenging your ability and building strength, however you never want to jump off the cliff and throw your body into something it’s not physically ready to maintain. Play the “smart edge”. It should feel challenging but not painful or too tense.

Leave competition at the door Never try to keep up with your neighbor. Your focus should be within yourself and all concentration should be kept within the boundaries of your own mat. Yogis are the least judgmental and most accepting people I’ve ever met. I can promise you that no one notices or passes judgment on whether you can do a fully expressed version of a pose or the modified more stabilized version. Always honor your own ability and limitations.

Keep an awareness of a strong core The core or low belly should feel toned throughout your yoga practice. You can do this by gently pulling the abdomen in toward the spine. This low belly tone (called Uddiyana Bandha in the Sanskrit language) will protect the spine by supporting your structure through muscular pressure. A good instructor will give cues and reminders to keep this bandha in place throughout your asana practice.

Christen Michel Esthetician & Skin Care Founder

Two things I’ve discovered about my skin this summer. It may be happening to you too!

I have always paid very close attention to my skin. I have always been sure to keep my skin clean, hydrated, and protected. Nothing has changed about that. However, some things about my life DID change this summer. My fitness level has increased and I’m spending more time working out outdoors than I ever have in my entire life. Now, I’ve realized it’s time to adjust the way I see my skin and the way I take care of it. Here are 2 things I’ve discovered about my skin this summer.

#1 Increasing my fitness level and losing

weight has been wonderful, but there was one thing I forgot about… for many people, losing weight means losing volume in their face. This can often lead to an older appearance. Not only that, but some people notice drooping in their face that they didn’t have before. This has been the case for me. The lost volume in my face has lead me to many nights in the mirror, pushing my face up (you know you do it too). I’m not going to let it bring me down! My solution: Giving my skin extra attention by staying hydrated, never skipping my facial routine, and keeping my body fueled with the proper vitamins, antioxidants, fruits, and vegetables.

#2 I’ve never really been one to sit outside all summer gardening, lounging at the

pool, or doing the other things that most people do, but this summer has been much different. With my run training schedule and outdoor workouts, I’ve discovered that sun damage and fine lines can happen quicker than I ever imagined. Physical activity keeps your SPF from staying on as long as it normally would and before you know it you’ve developed wrinkles around the eyes from the constant squinting in the sun. My solution: Never leaving the house without my sunglasses and keeping my SPF spritz with me at all times for constant reapplication.

Discoveries were meant to be shared. Sometimes it’s the little things in life that


make a girl smile

Discoveries by Christen Michel

What a wonderful piece of jewelry to add to your collection. A necklace created with your signature can be handed down from generation to generation. Get this treasure at

I love coffee so much that I believe it deserves its own accessory. Get these Snug Mugs at Onana Knits Etsy Shop. Awesome! The Watermelon Tap by KegWorks is a summer BBQ party-maker.

Is it just me? Or does the sound of doors constantly slamming or shutting around the house drive you crazy too? This may just be a “mom thing”, but I think these are brilliant! Get them at

I’ve seen several outdoor wine sets, but the stake on this one is what sold me. I love this Bamboo Wine Table from Uncommon Goods.

Attention all runners! Certified Personal Trainer and running guru, Carri Marlow, tells us why it is so important to cross train. Many runners seem to avoid this. Are you one of them?

I realized the importance of cross training after suffering repeated injuries during training for my first half marathon in the fall of 2011, and then again while training for my first full marathon in the spring of 2012. After adding cross training back into my training plan, I've had less injuries and am able to recover faster when injuries do happen. Carri shares with us the top 4 reasons why she encourages everyone to incorporate cross training into their running programs: 1) Helps balance all muscle groups. It strengthens non-running muscle groups and rests running muscles. Runners have a tendency to have tight hips and a weak gluteus medius. Your hip is your center of gravity, and a weak hips can have disastrous effects—particularly on your lower limbs because the hip is where all motion in the lower leg starts. Hip muscles and ligaments are among the strongest in the body and they can affect gait, quickness, agility, and explosive power. Strength training, swimming and biking are all great exercises to balance the non-running muscles and strengthen your core. A strong core is essential in maintaining good form and avoiding fatigue. Upper body is also important because neck and shoulder muscles often become fatigued when running. Yoga is excellent cross training to help with flexibility. 2) Injury prevention. Cross training reduces the chance of injury by balancing weaker muscles with stronger ones. It also helps prevent overtraining. 3) Adds variety. By having variety in your training, you avoid getting bored. Running several times a week, hours at a time can be boring for some people. At some point, many people become bored and unmotivated to lace up and run. Cross training can help keep you motivated. 4) Rehab. You can continue to train with certain injuries. Cross training can help injured runners maintain their fitness and deal with the frustration of being sidelined from running.

Its travel season… What kind of adventure floats your boat?

Experience the simplicity of the island life in Vieques, Puerto Rico.

There’s no stop lights, no stop signs, and barely any rules to abide by. What you will find on this island is the most amazing Puerto Rican dish called Monfongo, crystal clear water, peaceful beaches, and animals that are free to live life how it’s intended. In the summer, you’ll find bartenders and waiters that have left the city life in the states to get some summer serenity and rest while working in Vieques. You don’t visit Vieques to party all night and sleep all day. And you definitely do not go there without visiting the Bioluminescent Bay. Once you get to the island, the first thing you’ll do is grab a jeep rental. Don’t try to cruise this island in a tiny little sports car because an adventure like this requires some serious off road abilities. Keep in mind, the roads are quite different!

Why an island vacation trumps the typical “touristy” spots… • • • •

You won’t need a vacation from your vacation. You can truly reset your body and soul. Meeting and talking to the locals in their true habitat is enlightening, fulfilling, and fun. Enjoying the authentic food rather than the food made for tourists is incredible. Bragging rights. You can say you’ve experienced something that most people never will.

Adventures by Christen Michel

{Coming Soon} Inspire with us.

Learn more at

Christen Michel Esthetician & Skin Care Founder

Think you can lie to your Esthetician? Think again. We know more about you just by looking at your skin than you could ever imagine.

• “No, I have not been tanning”

How we know you’re lying: Believe it or not, we keep a mental snap shot of you at each appointment (this way we know if you are seeing results). If you come in 3 shades darker than last time, we know it. Not only that, but tanned skin has a certain type of texture, and often times the pores are a little larger than usual, almost as if they are irritated.

• “I have not been picking at my blemishes”

The most common “little white lies” Estheticians hear in their treatment rooms.

How we know you’re lying: When you try to do minor surgery on your blemishes at home with your fingernails, it’s an obvious disaster. We can see the major inflammation that you’ve created around the blemish, the scabs that you created from picking until it bled, and often tiny bruises appear from the injury. We can tell when you’ve taken matters into your own hands…and it backfired. • “Yes, I wear SPF every day” How we know you’re lying: Besides the fact that you get a little squirmy and uncomfortable when you say it, we can tell you’ve been effected by the sun since your last visit for many reasons. The most common way we can tell is by the results you are getting. For example, if we have been working on your sun spots, yet they are getting darker not lighter, this is because you aren’t using the SPF every day or you are not reapplying as directed. Additionally, if you have started to become sensitive to your skin care or your treatments (and you weren’t before), it’s because you are going in the sun without UV protection.

The Make-Up Free Challenge Christen Michel Esthetician & Skin Care Founder

You think you look horrible without makeup, but chances are…YOU DON’T. Stop the heavy makeup madness and focus on your natural beauty. But first…take a selfie (yes, I said that) first thing in the morning. What bothers you? Chances are, it’s not as serious as you think. There’s a chance that make up is not even the answer to the things that are bothering you the most.

Instead of covering it up, fix it! Here are my morning complaints and what I do to correct them: Waking up with dark circles and tired eyes Instead of loading up on concealer and eye shadow every day, I make sure I never skip my eye cream, especially at night. Before bed I drink a full glass of lemon water, and when I wake up, I run for the lemon water before I let myself drink coffee. Take your showers in the morning to get the stagnant blood moving in your face. With a little bit of your favorite mascara, you’re good to go!

Losing the color in my face while I sleep, resulting in the “zombie” effect Instead of heading for the heavy foundation and powder, I keep a light liquid bronzer and hydrating spritz on hand. Spend a couple minutes waking up your face in the morning by massaging your moisturizer into your skin until you see your face getting a little pink and you can feel warmth in your face. Apply bronzer, a pick-me-up spritz, and your favorite lip gloss and you’re ready to conquer the day. Also, having a brightening serum in your skin care routine in key.

Some other easy tips for getting to your “makeup free” goal •

Ask around for the best person to use for your eye brow waxing. Getting the perfect eye brown arch for your face shape and eye type can change everything. • Removing toxins from your life will enhance your natural beauty and brighten your complexion in no time. • Make sure you are using the right skin care routine for YOU, skin care is not “one size fits all.”

Erin has always been a creative inspiration to the people around her. She’s a midwest girl who was always ahead of her time when it came to fashion, accessories and styling. Even at a young age her wardrobe was bold, innovative, and unique. With her mindset and willingness to express herself creatively, it was obvious she would dream big and follow those dreams. After traveling the world, living in fashioninspired cities, and landing amazing jobs in the fashion industry, she was able to pursue her dream.

Erin Peachee Jewelry Designer & Creative Inspiration

This summer you will be able to wear her creativity and innovation around your neck (and on your ears and fingers). The launch of her very own jewelry collection is not just exciting for her, but for those of us who also want to feel unique and innovative…and beautiful, just like her.

Her collection will be available at the end of this summer at

1.) When wearing a statement necklace or earring, remember to keep your outfit simple. Let your necklace do the heavy lifting! Wear an ornate necklace or earrings with a white tee and jeans for an everyday look, or a simple LBD for a night out. 2.) DO add a major eye grabbing statement necklace OR statement earring. Never both at the same time. Make sure you are wearing the jewelry, not vice versa. 3.) If you don't have a major statement necklace or if you’re on a budget, make your own! Layer multiple necklaces or chains for a DIY, super unique, one-of-a-kind look. 4.) Start building a collection that you will cherish forever. Good jewelry has an heirloom quality that most clothes don't. Mix your fine jewelry, with the cheap, and even vintage. Have fun with it! 5.) Don't give yourself restrictions. You may be a strictly gold or silver girl, but its super fresh to mix it up and put on everything you love at once. Don't be afraid to experiment. The best part about wearing jewelry is that it’s super personal.

Erin shares her accessory secrets! 5 simple ways to keep your look unique and fresh forever.

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