JULY 2014
instagram.com/gardenoakscoc #dailybiblereading #readwithus
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4926 North Shepherd Drive, Houston, TX 77018 www.gardenoakscofc.org
July 2014 Daily Bible Lesson Guide Table of Contents Daily Bible Discussion Questions………. Pages 3-17 July 1 – July 2… Page 3 July 3 – July 4… Page 4 July 5 – July 6… Page 5 July 7 – July 8… Page 6 July 9 – July 10… Page 7 July 11 – July 12… Page 8 July 13 – July 14… Page 9 July 15 – July 16… Page 10 July 17 – July 18… Page 11 July 19 – July 20… Page 12 July 21 – July 22… Page 13 July 23 – July 24… Page 14 July 25 – July 26… Page 15 July 27 – July 28… Page 16 July 29 – July 30… Page 17 Daily Bible Discussion Answers….…… Pages 18-25 Daily Life Lessons Applications………. Pages 26-55
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Daily Bible Reading: July 2014 ! BOOKS OF THE BIBLE (Schedule by Day/Chapters) July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 31
Romans 1-3 Romans 4-7 Romans 8-10 Romans 11-13 Romans 14-16 1 Chronicles 1-3 1 Chronicles 4-6 1 Chronicles 7-9 1 Chronicles 10-12 1 Chronicles 13-16 1 Chronicles 17-19 1 Chronicles 2-23 1 Chronicles 24-26 1 Chronicles 27-29 2 Chronicles 1-4 2 Chronicles 5-7 2 Chronicles 8-10 2 Chronicles 11-14 2 Chronicles 15-18 2 Chronicles 19-22 2 Chronicles 23-25 2 Chronicles 26-28 2 Chronicles 29-30 2 Chronicles 31-33 2 Chronicles 34-36 Nehemiah 1-3 Nehemiah 4-6 Nehemiah 7-8 Nehemiah 9-10 Nehemiah 11-13 Esther 1-3 2 | P a g e
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Daily Bible Discussion Questions ! July 1
Romans 1-3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Christ was made of whose seed? The Roman believers' faith was spoken of where? What did Paul want to impart to the Romans? What was Paul not ashamed of? The judgment of God is according to what? What will lead one to repentance? What is blasphemed among the Gentiles? What is the chief advantage of the Jew? What have all people done. How is man justified?
July 2
Romans 4-7
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
What was counted righteousness for Abraham? How do we have peace with God? What works patience? When did Christ die for us? How many were made sinners by one man's disobedience? What abounded where sin abounded? What has no more dominion over Christ? What should we not let reign in our mortal body? What is the wages of sin? A woman is bound to her husband for how long?
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! ! July 3 Romans 8-10
1. There is no what to those in Christ Jesus? 2. What do those after the flesh mind? 3. What is it to be carnally minded? 4. Who cannot please God? 5. If we are led by the Spirit of God whose sons are we? 6. In who shall Abraham's seed be called? 7. Who did God love and who did God hate? 8. Who has a zeal of God but not according to knowledge? 9. What believes unto righteousness. 10. Who will not be ashamed?
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July 4
Romans 11-13
1. Through Israel's fall salvation is come to whom? 2. Of whom was Paul an apostle? 3. What of God is without repentance? 4. To what should we not be conformed? 5. What is to be without dissimulation/hypocrisy? 6. What are we to abhor? 7. In what are we to continue instant/be faithful? 8. Before whom are we to provide things honest? 9. What are we to be subject to? 10. What worketh no ill to his neighbor?
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July 5
Romans 14-16
1. Who lives and dies to himself? 2. Who shall give an account to God? 3. What is the kingdom of God not? 4. What is that which is not of faith? 5. Why were things/Scripture written aforetime? 6. Where had Paul fully preached the gospel of Christ? 7. Who laid down their necks for Paul's life? 8. What deceives the heart of the simple? 9. Who will the God of peace bruise? 10. Who wrote the epistle of Romans for Paul?
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July 6
! 1 Chronicles 1-3 !
1. Who "began to be mighty on the earth?" 2. From whom came the Philistines? 3. What happened in Peleg's days? 4. How many sons did Esau have? 5. How many sons did Jacob (Israel) have? 6. How many sisters did David have? 7. Name the three sons of Zeruiah, one of David's sisters. 8. Who was David's first born? 9. How long did David reign in Jerusalem. 10. In what city was Solomon born?
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! ! July 7
1 Chronicles 4-6
1. Who was more honorable than his brethren? 2. Who asked God to "keep me from evil"? 3. Name Caleb's three sons. 4. Where did the tribe of Simeon go to seek pasture? 5. What did Reuben lose through bad conduct? 6. Whose birthright was given to Joseph? 7. Who was the father of Moses? 8. Name Aaron's four sons. 9. Name Samuel's two sons. 10. What famous city in Judah was given to Aaron's sons?
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July 8
1 Chronicles 7-9
1. Which tribe had men who were "valiant men of might?" 2. What man of the tribe of Manasseh had only daughters? 3. From what tribe did Joshua come? 4. Who was Joshua's father? 5. Who was Benjamin's firstborn? 6. Who did the inhabitants of Aijalon drive away? 7. Who was Saul's father? 8. Where was Judah carried away for their transgression? 9. Who lodged "round about the house of God?. 10. The showbread was prepared on what day?
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July 9
1 Chronicles 10-12
1. What people slew Jonathan? 2. Where was Saul's head put by the Philistines? 3. What men retrieved the body of Saul and Jonathan? 4. In what town did people anoint David as king? 5. Who became the chief captain of David's army? 6. Who of David's men slew 300 with a spear at one time? 7. What could some of David's men hurl with either arm? 8. What tribe had understanding of the times? 9. What tribe could keep rank. 10. What tribe was expert in war?
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July 10 1 Chronicles 13-16
1. What did David want to bring to Jerusalem? 2. What was used to carry the ark? 3. Who was killed for touching the ark? 4. Where was the ark left after the killing incident? 5. In what valley did the Philistines spread themselves? 6. Who did David say should carry the ark? 7. Who was the chief Levite to minister before the ark? 8. David said to worship the Lord in the beauty of what? 9. For what purpose was Israel to be saved? 10. Who did David return to bless after the ark moving?
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July 11
1 Chronicles 17-19
1. Who said to David, "Do all that is in thine heart?" 2. What man told David he could not build a house for God? 3. Who was the king of Zobah that David had killed? 4. David went to establish his dominion by what river? 5. Who was the king of Hamath who congratulated David? 6. Who slew 18,000 Edomites in the valley of salt? 7. Who died that had shown kindness to David? 8. What did Hanun have done to the servants of David? 9. How long were these servants of David to say in Jericho. 10. Who would the Syrians not help anymore?
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July 12
1 Chronicles 20-23
1. Where did David tarry when Joab was at war? 2. Who had a spear like a weaver's beam? 3. Who provoked David to number Israel? 4. Who was displeased with the numbering of Israel? 5. How many days was the pestilent punishment? 6. Where was David commanded to build an altar? 7. Who brought much cedar wood to David? 8. Who did David charge to build the house of the Lord? 9. How many Levites were there. 10. Who were the two sons of Moses?
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July 13
1 Chronicles 24-26
1. What two sons of Aaron died before he did? 2. Which son of Aaron had more chief sons? 3. How many chief men were of Ithamar's sons? 4. The sons of what three men were to prophesy with harps? 5. The singers were divided into how many groups? 6. How many sons of Obed-edom were able men to serve? 7. Who was over the treasure of the house of God? 8. Who was over all the treasures of the dedicated things? 9. What spoils helped to maintain the house of the Lord. 10. Over what tribes did the 2,700 chief fathers rule?
July 14
1 Chronicles 27-29
1. Who was captain of the third month? 2. Who was captain of the twelfth month? 3. Who was over the king's treasures? 4. Who was the king's counselor? 5. Who was the king's companion? 6. Why could David not build the house of the Lord? 7. With what kind of heart was Solomon to serve God? 8. How had David prepared for the house of the Lord? 9. On what had David set his affection. 10. How did the people offer to the Lord?
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July 15
2 Chronicles 1-4
1. Where was the tabernacle when Solomon became king? 2. What did Solomon ask God to give him? 3. Who was king of Tyre who helped Solomon? 4. Where was the wood floated from for the Temple? 5. In what mount was the temple built? 6. What began in the fourth year of Solomon's reign? 7. What metal overlaid most of the wood in the temple? 8. How many lavers were put in the temple? 9. The temple had how many candlesticks (lampstands). 10. In what kind of ground were the vessels cast?
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July 16
2 Chronicles 5-7
1. Who carried the ark to the Temple? 2. What was in the ark when it was put in the Temple? 3. What filled the house of God? 4. What was in David's heart? 5. Where did Solomon stand when before the congregation? 6. What cannot contain God? 7. What consumed the burnt-offering? 8. How many oxen did Solomon offer in sacrifices? 9. What was not able to receive the many burnt-offerings. 10. When did God appear unto Solomon?
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July 17
2 Chronicles 8-10
1. For whose daughter did Solomon build a house? 2. The queen of what country visited Solomon? 3. How much of Solomon's greatness was not told her? 4. How many talents of gold did she give Solomon? 5. What was not counted anything in Solomon's days? 6. How long did Solomon reign as king? 7. Where was Rehoboam made king? 8. Whose counsel did Rehoboam reject? 9. How did the king answer the people about his reign. 10. What official did the children of Israel stone to death?
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July 18
2 Chronicles 11-14
1. What man told Rehoboam not to fight his brethren? 2. Who did Jeroboam cast out from the priests' office? 3. How many years did Rehoboam and Judah walk rightly? 4. Which wife did Rehoboam like the best of his wives? 5. What did Rehoboam forsake? 6. What king of Egypt warred against Jerusalem? 7. On what mount did Abijah stand to rail against Jeroboam? 8. How many wives did Abijah have? 9. How many years was the land quiet when Asa was king. 10. What nation with a million men did Asa defeat?
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July 19
2 Chronicles 15-18
1. What was Israel without for a long season? 2. What was the prophet who encouraged Asa? 3. Why did Asa remove his mother from being queen? 4. What king helped Asa defeat Baasha? 5. What prophet rebuked Asa for not relying upon God? 6. What caused Asa's death? 7. Who brought Jehoshaphat presents of silver? 8. Who got Jehoshaphat to fight at Ramoth-Gilead? 9. How many prophets predicted victory in war for Ahab. 10. What did Ahab say to feed Micaiah in prison?
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July 20
2 Chronicles 19-22
1. What prophet rebuked Jehoshaphat for helping Ahab? 2. What prophet predicted victory for Jehoshaphat's armies? 3. In what valley did the people praise God for victory? 4. With whom did Jehoshaphat join to make ships? 5. What happened to the ships? 6. Whose daughter did Jehoram marry? 7. What prophet wrote a letter to Jehoram? 8. Who was Ahaziah's counselor to do wickedly? 9. Who hid Joash from being killed. 10. How long was Joash hid?
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July 21
2 Chronicles 23-25
1. Who ordered the slaying of Athaliah? 2. By what gate was Athaliah slain? 3. Who was the priest of Baal that was slain? 4. The city of Jerusalem became quiet after whose slaying? 5. What did Joash want to repair? 6. How old was the priest Jehoiada when he died? 7. What son of Jehoiada's was stoned to death? 8. What army was Amaziah not to use in battle? 9. Whose gods did Amaziah bring home from battle. 10. Where did Amaziah die?
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July 22
2 Chronicles 26-28
1. How long did God make Uzziah to prosper? 2. What did Uzziah do that was wrong? 3. What men withstood Uzziah in his wrong doing? 4. What did Uzziah get because of his sin? 5. On which wall did Jotham build much? 6. What king burned his children in fire? 7. What prophet stopped Israel from taking Judah as slaves? 8. Where were the Judah captives taken in freeing them? 9. What did Ahaz do in time of distress. 10. What doors did Ahaz close?
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July 23
2 Chronicles 29-30
1. When did Hezekiah open the house of the Lord? 2. Who were told to clean the house of the Lord? 3. How long did it take to sanctify the house of the Lord? 4. When did the song of the Lord began? 5. Who were more upright in heart than the priests? 6. What did Hezekiah want to observe? 7. Whom did he decree to come to this observance? 8. How did some respond to the invitation? 9. Into what brook were the altars of false religions cast. 10. How many days did the people add to the observance?
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July 24
2 Chronicles 31-33
1. What was destroyed after the Passover celebration? 2. Who oversaw the distributions of the freewill offerings? 3. What king encamped against the fenced cities of Judah? 4. What did Hezekiah have stopped at Jerusalem? 5. What prophet prayed with Hezekiah? 6. What did Hezekiah do when he was sick unto death? 7. What did Manasseh make his children pass through? 8. What did Manasseh put in the house of God? 9. Where was Manasseh carried to in captivity? 10. Manasseh was returned to Jerusalem after he did what?
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July 25
2 Chronicles 34-36
1. Who did Josiah began to seek after in his eighth year? 2. What did Josiah begin to do in his twelfth year? 3. What was found in the house of the Lord? 4. Who took the book of the law to Josiah? 5. What important observance did Josiah keep? 6. What were the Levites to put in the house Solomon made? 7. Who did Necho king of Egypt go to fight against? 8. In what valley did Josiah fight Necho king of Egypt? 9. What king took Jehoiakim captive? 10. How long did the land of Israel lay desolate?
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July 26
Nehemiah 1-3
1. Who did Nehemiah ask about the Jews and Jerusalem? 2. What was the condition of Jerusalem's walls? 3. What was Nehemiah's reaction to this news? 4. What was Nehemiah's position? 5. What king did Nehemiah serve? 6. What did the king notice about Nehemiah's countenance? 7. What three men laughed at and despised Nehemiah? 8. At what gate did Eliashib the high priest work? 9. Who did not put their necks to the work of the Lord. 10. How many gates are mentioned in chapter 3?
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July 27
Nehemiah 4-6
1. Who was angry about the wall being built? 2. Who said a fox could break down the wall? 3. What did the people have a mind to do? 4. What did Judah say was hindering the work on the wall? 5. When was the only time the builders put off their clothes? 6. What did Nehemiah tell the nobles to stop doing? 7. How long was Nehemiah governor in the land of Judah? 8. How many Jews and rulers were at Nehemiah's table? 9. What two men thought to do mischief to Nehemiah. 10. In how many days was the wall finished
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July 28
Nehemiah 7-8
1. What two men were in charge of Jerusalem? 2. When were the gates to be opened? 3. What was few in the city of Jerusalem? 4. What king of Babylon had taken Jews into captivity? 5. How many were in the whole congregation? 6. By what gate did Ezra read the book of the law? 7. What did the people do when Ezra opened the book? 8. What was the people's strength? 9. What was Israel to dwell in the feast of the 7th month. 10. How many days was the feast kept?
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July 29
Nehemiah 9-10
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
What fraction of the day was the book of the law read? What fraction of the day did the people confess their sins? How did God lead Israel by day? How did God lead Israel by night? On what mount did God speak to Israel? What did not become old during the wilderness years? What did the Israelites cast behind their backs? What days would Israel not do any buying? What was each to pay yearly for the house of God. What did the Israelites pledge to not forsake?
July 30
Nehemiah 11-13
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
How did the people decide who would live in Jerusalem? In what two places were the divisions of the Levites? Who were brought to Jerusalem for the wall dedication? What princes were to give thanks on the wall? What two peoples were not to come into the congregation? Who was hired to curse Israel? Who was allied to Tobiah? Where was Tobiah permitted to live? What were the Jews profaning. What caused Solomon to sin?
July 31
Esther 1-3
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Over what area did Ahasuerus reign? What was the queen's name who disobeyed the king? Who did the king say should bear rule in his own house? Where were the fair young virgins to be brought? What was Esther's other name? Who raised Esther when her parents died? Who was made queen by the king? What two men planned to kill the king? Who did not bow before Haman? What people did Haman want to destroy?
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Daily Bible Discussion Answers
! July 1 1-‐3 ! Romans ! ! 1. David's seed (1:3). 2. Throughout the whole world (1:8). ! 3. Some spiritual gi: (1:11).
July 2 Romans 4-‐7
1. He believed God (4:3). 2. Being jusMfied by faith (5:1). 3. TribulaMon/trials (5:3). 4. While we were yet sinners (5:8). 5. Many (5:19). 6. Grace (5:20). 7. Death (6:9). 8. Sin (6:12). 9. Death (6:23). 10. As long as he lives (7:2).
The Gospel of Christ (1:16). Truth (2:2). The goodness of God (2:4). The name of God (2:24). Unto them were commiDed the oracles/ word of God (3:2) 9. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (3:23). 10. By faith without the deeds of the law (3:28). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
July 3
July 4
Romans 8-‐10
Romans 11-‐13
1. No condemnaMon (8:1). 2. The things of the flesh (8:5). 3. Death (8:6). 4. They that are in the flesh (8:8). 5. The sons of God (8:14). 6. Isaac (9:7). 7. He loved Jacob and hated Esau (9:13). 8. Israel (10:1, 2). 9. The heart of man (10:10). 10. Whosoever believeth on him [Christ] (10:11).
1. The GenMles (11:11). 2. The GenMles (11:13). 3. The gi:s and calling of God (11:29). 4. This world (12:2). 5. Love (12:9). 6. Evil (12:9). 7. Prayer (12:12). 8. In the sight of all men (12:17). 9. The higher powers (13:1). 10. Love (13:10).
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! July 5 ! Romans 14-‐16 ! ! 1. No one (14:7). ! 2. Everyone (14:12). and drink (14:17). ! 3.4. Meat/food Sin (14:23). 5. our learning and hope (15:4). ! 6. For From Jerusalem and round about unto (15:19). ! 7. Priscilla Illyricum and Aquila (16:3, 4). ! 8. Good words ! 9. Satan (16:20). and fair speeches (16:18). ! 10. TerMus (16:22). ! ! ! ! ! July 7 ! ! 1 Chronicles 4-‐6 ! ! ! ! 1. Jabez (4:9). ! 2. Jabez (4:10). ! 3. Iru, Elah, Naam (4:15). ! 4. Gedor (4:39). ! 5. His birthright (5:1). birthright (5:1). ! 6.7. Reuben's Amram ( 6:3). ! 8. Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, Ithamar (6:3). ! 9. Vashni and Abiah (6:28). ! 10. Hebron (6:57). ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
July 6 1 Chronicles 1-‐3
1. Nimrod (1:10). 2. Cashuhim (1:12). 3. The earth was divided (1:19). 4. Five (1:35). 5. Twelve (2:1, 2). 6. Two (2:16). 7. Abishai, Joab, Asahel (2:16). 8. Amnon (3:1). 9. Thirty-‐three years (3:4). 10. Jerusalem (3:5).
July 8 1 Chronicles 7-‐9
1. Tribe of Issachar (7:5). 2. Zelophehad (7:15). 3. Ephraim (7:20-‐27). 4. Nun/someMmes spelled Non (7:27). 5. Bela (8:1). 6. The inhabitants of Gath (8:13). 7. Kish (8:33). 8. To Babylon (9:1). 9. The Levites (9:26, 27). 10. Sabbath (9:32).
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July 9
July 10
1 Chronicles 10-‐12
1 Chronicles 13-‐16
1. PhilisMnes (10:2). 2. In the temple of Dagon (10:10). 3. Valiant men of Jabesh-‐Gilead (10:11, 12). 4. Hebron (11:1-‐3). 5. Joab (11:6). 6. Jashobeam, an Hachmonite (11:11). 7. Stones (12:2). 8. Issachar (12:32). 9. Zebulun (12:33). 10. Dan (12:35).
The ark (13:3). New cart (13:7). Uzza (13:10). At the home of Obed-‐edom (13:13). Valley of Rephaim (14:9, 13). Levites (15:2). Asaph (16:5). Holiness (16:29). Give thanks to thy holy name, glory in thy praise (16:35). 10. Bless his house (16:43). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
July 11
July 12
1 Chronicles 17-‐19
1 Chronicles 20-‐23
Nathan (17:2). Nathan (17:4). Hadarezer (18:3). Euphrates (18:3). Tou (18:9, 10). Abishai (18:12). Nahash king of Ammon (19:1, 2). Shaved them and made their clothes short (19:4). 9. UnMl their beards were grown (19:5). 10. Ammon (19:19). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Jerusalem (20:1). Lahmi the brother of Goliath (20:5). Satan (21:1). God (21:7). Three (21:12). In the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite (21:18). 7. The Zidonians and they of Tyre (22:4). 8. Solomon (22:6). 9. 38,000 (23:3). 10. Gershom and Eliezer (23:15). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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July 13
July 14
1 Chronicles 24-‐26
1 Chronicles 27-‐29
1. Nadab and Abihu (24:2). 2. Eleazar (24:4). 3. Eight (24:4). 4. Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun (25:1). 5. Twenty-‐four (25:8-‐31). 6. Sixty-‐two (26:8). 7. Ahijah (26:20). 8. Shelomith and his brethren (26:26). 9. Spoils won in baDles (26:27). 10. Over Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh (26:32).
Benaiah (27:5). Heldai (27:15). Azmaveth (27:25). Ahithophel (27:33). Hushai (27:33). He was a man of war and had shed blood (28:3). 7. Perfect heart (28:9). 8. With all his might (29:2). 9. On the house of God (29:3). 10. Willingly (29:9). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
July 15
July 16
2 Chronicles 1-‐4
2 Chronicles 5-7
Gibeon (1:3). Wisdom and knowledge (1:10). Huram (2:3-‐16). Lebanon (2:16). Mount Moriah (3:1). The building of the temple/house of God (3:1, 2). 7. Gold (3:4, 5, 7). 8. Ten (4:6). 9. Ten (4:7, 8). 10. Clay (4:17). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. Levites (5:4, 5). 2. Just the two tables which Moses had put in it (5:10). 3. The glory of the Lord (5:14). 4. To build a house for the Lord (6:7). 5. Before the altar of the Lord (6:12). 6. Heavens and heaven of heavens (6:18). 7. Fire from heaven (7:1). 8. 22,000 (7:5). 9. The brasen altar (7:7). 10. At night (7:12).
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July 17
July 18
2 Chronicles 8-‐10
2 Chronicles 11-‐14
1. Daughter of Pharaoh (8:11). 2. Sheba (9:1). 3. One half (9:6). 4. 120 (9:9). 5. Silver (9:20). 6. Forty years (9:30). 7. Shechem (10:1). 8. The old men's counsel (10:8). 9. Roughly (10:13). 10. Hadoram who was over the tribute (10:18).
1. Shemaiah (11:2). 2. The Levites (11:14). 3. Three years (11:17). 4. Maacah (11:21). 5. The law of the Lord (12:1). 6. Shishak (12:2). 7. Zemaraim (13:4). 8. Fourteen (13:21). 9. Ten years (14:1). 10. Ethiopia (14:9-‐12).
July 19
July 20
2 Chronicles 15-‐18
2 Chronicles 19-‐22
1. The true God, teaching priest, and law (15:3). 2. Oded (15:8). 3. Because she had made an idol (15:16). 4. Ben-‐hadad, king of Syria (16:2-‐5). 5. Hanani (16:7-‐9). 6. Disease in the feet (16:12). 7. PhilisMnes (17:11). 8. Ahab (18:3). 9. Four hundred (18:5). 10. Bread of afflicMon and water of afflicMon (18:26).
1. Jehu (19:2). 2. Jahaziel (20:14-‐17). 3. Valley of Berachah (20:26). 4. Ahaziah (20:35, 36). 5. Broken up (20:37). 6. Ahab's daughter (21:6). 7. Elijah (21:12-‐15). 8. His mother (22:2, 3). 9. Jehoshabeath (22:11). 10. Six years (22:12).
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! ! July ! 21 2 Chronicles 23-‐25 !
1. Jehoiada (23:14). 2. Horse gate (23:15). 3. MaDan (23:17). 4. Athaliah's slaying (23:21). 5. The house of the Lord (24:4). 6. 130 (24:15). 7. Zechariah (24:20, 21). 8. The army of Israel (25:7). 9. The gods of the children of Seir (25:14). 10. Lachish (25:27).
July 22 2 Chronicles 26-‐28
As long as he sought the Lord (26:5). Burned incense on the altar (26:16-‐18). Azariah and eighty other priests (26:17, 18). Leprosy (26:19, 20) The wall of Ophel (27:3). Ahaz (28:3). Oded (26:9-‐11). Jericho (26:15). Trespassed yet more against the Lord (28:22). 10. The doors of the house of the Lord (28:24). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
July 23
July 24
2 Chronicles 29, 30
2 Chronicles 31-‐33
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1. In the first month of the first year of his reign (29:3). 2. Levites (29:5). 3. Eight days (29:17). 4. When the burnt offering began (29:27). 5. Levites (29:34). 6. The Passover (30:1). 7. All Israel from Beersheba to Dan (30:5). 8. The posts were laughed to scorn and mocked (30:10). 9. Kidron (30:14). 10. Seven (30:23).
1. Images, groves, high places (31:1). 2. Kore (31:14). 3. Sennacherib king of Assyria (32:1). 4. The waters of the fountains (32:3). 5. Isaiah (32:20). 6. Pray (32:24). 7. Fire (33:6). 8. A carved image/an idol (33:7). 9. Babylon (33:11). 10. Prayed unto God (33:13).
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! ! ! July 25 2 Chronicles 34-‐36 !
July 26 Nehemiah 1-‐3
1. God (34:3). 2. Purge Judah and Jerusalem (34:3). 3. The book of the law (34:15). 4. Shaphan (34:16). 5. The Passover (35:1). 6. The holy ark (35:3). 7. Carchemish (35:20). 8. Megiddo (35:22). 9. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon (36:5, 6). 10. Seventy years (36:21).
1. Hanani and some other men (1:2). 2. Broken down, gates burned (1:3). 3. He wept, mourned, fasted, prayed (1:4). 4. Cupbearer of the king (1:11). 5. King Artaxerxes (2:1). 6. That it was sad (2:2). 7. Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem (2:19). 8. Sheep gate (3:1). 9. Nobles (3:5). 10. Ten gates—sheep (vv. 1, 32); fish (v. 3); old (v. 6); valley (v. 13); dung (vv. 13, 14); fountain (v. 15); water (v. 26); horse (v. 28); east (v. 29); Miphkad/ InspecMon (v. 31).
July 27
July 28
Nehemiah 4-‐6
Nehemiah 7-‐8
1. Sanballat (4:1). 2. Tobiah (4:3). 3. To work (4:6). 4. Much rubbish (4:10). 5. To wash them (4:23). 6. Stop exacMng usury from the Jews (5:10). 7. Twelve years (5:14). 8. 150 (5:17). 9. Sanballat and Geshem (6:2). 10. Fi:y-‐two days (6:15).
1. Hanani and Hananiah (7:2). 2. When the sun was hot (7:3). 3. The people (7:4). 4. Nebuchadnezzar (7:6). 5. 42, 360 (7:66). 6. Water gate (8:1, 3). 7. Stood up (8:5). 8. The joy of the Lord (8:10). 9. Booths (8:14). 10. Seven days (8:18).
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July 29
July 30
Nehemiah 9-‐10
Nehemiah 11-‐13
1. One-‐fourth (9:3). 2. One-‐fourth (9:3). 3. Pillar of cloud (9:12). 4. Pillar of fire (9:12). 5. Sinai (9:13). 6. The people's clothes (9:21). 7. The law (9:26). 8. Sabbath day or any holy day (10:31). 9. One-‐third of a shekel (10:32). 10. The house of our God (10:39).
1. In customs and quesMons of the Jews (26:3). 2. The heavenly vision (26:19). 3. "Thou art beside thyself much learning doth make thee mad" (26:24). 4. Agrippa (26:28). 5. Julius (27:1). 6. 276 (27:37). 7. Melita (28:1). 8. The father of Publius the chief man on the island (28:7, 8). 9. The chief of the Jews (28:17). 10. Two years (28:30).
! ! July 31 Esther 1-‐3
1. From India to Ethiopia (1:1). 2. Vashi (1:12). 3. Every man (1:22). 4. Shushan the palace (2:3) 5. Hadassah (2:7). 6. Mordecai (2:7). 7. Esther (2:17). 8. Bigthan and Teresh (2:21). 9. Mordecai (3:2). 10. Jews (3:6).
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