STRATA May Events 2022

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May 2022 - Integrate d EVENTS & OFFERINGS T H E A R T O F W E L L N E S S w i th R O N A P G A R W H E N : Thursday, May 19th, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. W H E R E : Garden Room 1 and 2 T O R E S E R V E : or 719-428-2202 C O S T : $35/person | O P E N T O : Everyone

Following a two-year hiatus, the Art of Wellness is back. Learn how creativity and self-exploration can support one’s well-being and integrated health to address such areas as self-discovery, depression, anxiety, happiness, improved memory, reasoning, stress and resilience. Psychotherapist Ron Apgar of STRATA Med will lead participants of all ages through a mindful painting experience to discovery of self. The canvas painting is yours to keep for continued mindful exploration in the privacy of your own space.

Wine and hors d’oe uvres will be serve d. All supplies will be provide d. A B O U T R O N A P G A R Ron Apgar is a licensed psychotherapist in the State of Colorado and is a well-known artist. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in fine art at San Diego State University; Master’s degrees in Divinity at Iola University, Theology/Educational Psychology from Princeton, and Psychology from Chapman University. After high school, he served in the United States Army’s 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Early in his career, he worked in Guatemala with a sponsored art program duplicating Mayan ancient historic murals for archival references. He started a successful private therapy practice in Colorado Springs in 1992. Apgar became a popular speaker at the American Society for Aesthetics in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he was approached by a Professor of Philosophy to put his ideas into a presentation (topics: Art and Psychology, Self-Growth Through Creativity, Posttraumatic Stress and Creativity). The Art of Wellness program was originated at STRATA at the Garden of the Gods Resort

S P R I N G C L E A R T H E M I N D M i n df ul n e ss o n th e M e s a & Yoga F l o w W H E N : Saturday, May 21st

Breathwork and Meditation beginning at 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Vinyasa Yoga begins at 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. W H E R E : Meditation by Reflection Pool Lawn | Yoga on the Garden Terrace T O R E S E R V E : or 719-428-2202 or just show up! C O S T : Free

| O P E N T O : Members and resort guests

It’s Spring and with it comes the occasion to enjoy a gentle mental reset in the unique calmness of the Garden of the Gods. While being immersed in nature, settle your nervous system and awaken your senses with natural cleansing, energizing breathwork techniques and a soothing guided meditation. Then, move your body and get your sweat on with an empowering Vinyasa Yoga flow to further the detox and rejuvenation process of your entire mind-body system. You are invited to experience one of both sessions compliments of STRATA Med.

3314 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs, CO

S T R ATAw e l l . c o m


S T R ATA B O D Y H A S th e Pe rf e c t M o th e r ’s D a y G if t Surprise mom with the gift that fits and that she will use… a STRATA Spa & Salon Gift Card! Treat mom to the luxury she deserves at STRATA Body: Spa and Salon. Let her choose from Signature massage and body therapies, facials, nail services and hair treatments. Call or come on into the spa at STRATA! And for instant gifting, eGift Cards can be ordered online at:

S T R ATA F I T: Po s t u r e, B ala n c e, a n d S t r e t c h E xp e r i e n c e W H E N : May 18th from 12pm-1:30pm (with an option to attend a

30 minute discussion) W H E R E : View Room T O R E S E R V E : or 719-428-2202 or just show up! C O S T : 15/person

| O P E N T O : GGRC Members Only

Amplify the body’s movement by learning how to incorporate good posture and balance into your daily life which will decrease pain and the risk of falls and injury. Learn stretching exercises which will also promote better posture and balance while developing strong and flexible muscles. Improve body awareness and reinforce proper movement principles. Come experience the healing motion of life.

An invigorating elixir/spritzer will be provide d along with a healthy and nutritious snack.

S T R ATA F I T: M o d if i e d M u rph C h all e ng e W H E N : May 16th - May 30th T O P A R T I C I P AT E O R L E A R N M O R E : or 719-329-4009 or stop by STRATA Fit Help honor our fallen soldiers by participating in the Modified Murph Challenge. The Murph challenge derives its name from the Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy who was killed in action in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. This challenge will take place over a two-week period and consist of doing a variety of body weight exercises combined with a run/walk and biking component. You can finish the challenge in one workout or take multiple days to finish. Every time you complete the challenge your name will be added to the Murph Challenge Wall in STRATA Fit. E L E M E N TS O F T H E WO R KO U T I N C LU D E :

1 Mile Run or Walk | 100 TRX Rows | 200 Regular or Hands Elevated Push Ups 300 Body Weight Squats | 3 Mile Bike Ride

3314 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs, CO

S T R ATAw e l l . c o m


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