Garden Variety Vol 11 Issue 12 December 2019

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December 2019 | A Publication of Garden Spot Village | Volume 11 Issue 12

Train Room Open Houses


| 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, PA 17557 | 717.355.6000 | | |

Table of Contents Refresh Coffee Bar 2 Around Town 2 Development 3 Saturday Evening Concert Series 3 Dining Services 4 Handcrafted Christmas Giving 4 Making A Difference 5 Life Enrichment 6 In the Theater 8 Marketing 9 December Calendar 10 Pastoral Services 12 GSV Club Focus 13 Train Room Open House 13 Social Services 14 Speaker Series 15 Volunteer Services 16 Wellness 17 Explore Something New... 18 Christmas Gift Wrapping 18 Fontanini Nativity Display 19 GSV TV - Channel 956 19 Trip Sign-Ups 20

8am–6:30pm Monday thru Friday | 8:30am–4pm Saturday & Sunday

December 1-28

Star Barn Christmas Light Drive Through December 6-15

THE GIFTS OF THE MAGI PUBLISHER Garden Spot Village OUR MISSION We will enrich the lives of older adults as an expression of Christ’s love. EDITOR Colleen Musselman DESIGNER Brandon Adams PROOF READERS Ruth Buehler, Juanita Fox ILLUSTRATIONS

Cavod Academy | December 7, Saturday

Christmas on Main

New Holland | December 8, Sunday

Christ Was Born for This

Westminster Senior Choir | December 14, Saturday

Santa’s Workshop

New Holland Fire Rescue | December 20, Friday

Music Friday - Winter Edition Penn Square, Lancaster | For more Lancaster County Events:



Linda Dodge, CFRE, Director of Development


As 2019 draws to a close, it is a time to remember/honor our loved ones and friends. Again this year, you are invited to place an angel(s), on the Christmas trees in the Chapel Lobby. Please consider purchasing an angel in memory/ honor of the special people in your life. *Again this year: When you purchase an angel, you have the opportunity to submit a photo to be included in a slideshow that will run during the Celebration of Life Ceremony, Thursday, December 12, at 6pm in the Chapel. Doors will open at 5:30pm for attendees to view a special display honoring Garden Spot Village residents who have passed away in the last year. Angels are $10 each, and funds raised benefit the Benevolent Fund. Stop by the Chapel lobby during the following dates and times to place yours!


Personal notes can be written on beautiful paper angels, and placed on the trees. Names of individuals will also be recorded in the Angel Tree Book, and read aloud at the Celebration of Life ceremony, while a photo slideshow plays.

Deborah Fast, Director of Volunteer Services, presents a check for the Benevolent Fund at the Towne Meeting in the amount of $78,362.91 to Linda Dodge, Director of Development. The check represents the amount of money raised during the 2018-2019 fiscal year. A check was also presented from the Linden Store in the amount of $39,963.45. Thank you to the volunteers and to those who purchase/donate items.



Brenten Megee is a well-known tenor from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Brenten is a vocalist, actor, conductor, director, and pianist with experience in ensembles, operas, musicals, and choral productions. He has been performing solo concerts since the age of ten and is best known for his Christian concerts and classical performances.


Scott Drackley & Friends, Musical Theater and Light-Opera

FEBRUARY 15 - ORGAN CONCERT Doug Wimer, Buch Organ Co.



Public invited. Donations accepted at the door. Schedule subject to change.


Wayne Zimmerman, organ


DINING SERVICES Christy Turner, Sodexo, General Manager

The Harvest Table & Terrace Dining Room

Christmas Holiday Menu 11am – 2pm


December 14, Saturday, 8-9:30am The Harvest Table Enjoy a festive, scrumptious breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus. $14.95 for adults and $9.95 for children 3-10 includes breakfast, a photo opportunity with Santa and Mrs Claus, a private tour of the Train Room and more! FRENCH TOAST STATION Oatmeal Crusted | Cinnamon Raisin | Texas Toast OMELET STATION: Create Your Own CREATE YOUR OWN OMELET, YOGURT PARFAIT AND FRESH FRUIT STATIONS, BREAKFAST BUFFET STATION: Scrambled Eggs | Creamed Chipped Beef and Biscuits Home Fries | Potato Gratin Cast Iron Skillet Bacon and Sausage | Mini Donuts and Mini Muffins Orange Juice, Kauffman’s Apple Cider Milk and Chocolate Milk | Coffee and Tea

Children Age 2 and Under Free / GSV Meal Plan Discount Accepted $2 donation included toward GSV Train Room from each Ticket Purchased* Private Tours @ GSV Train Room with Ticket Purchase 8:30–10am* Pre-sale tickets sold online at: or at The Harvest Table, Refresh Coffee Bar or The Coop

Peppermint Seafood Bisque with Fennel & Pistachio Crumble Mini Salad Bar


Maple Sugar Glazed Spiral Ham with Pear and Golden Raisin Compote Slow Roasted Sirloin of Beef With Rosemary Sherry Scented Demi-Glaze Lemon Scented Orange Roughy with Sundried Tomato Caper Butter


Brown Butter & Sage Tri-Colored Baby Carrot Medley Charred Brussel Sprouts with Pecans & Cranberries Granny Smith & Roasted Turnips with Minted Honey Sweet Potato Casserole | Classic Mashed Potatoes Roasted Chestnut Bread Filling | Parker House Dinner Rolls


Salted Caramel Cheesecake | Stuffed Dutch Gingerbread Shady Maple Mincemeat Pie | Assorted Holiday Pies Achenbach’s Holiday Cookies The Harvest Table Buffet Regular price $22.95/GSV Meal Plans price $19.51 Terrace Dining Room – a la carte pricing Reservations required. Please call TDR (6071)

Garden Spot Village offers handcrafted items for Christmas giving! December 7, Saturday: GSV Quilt Sale 9am-2pm, Apartment Suites Lobby Beautifully hand-quilted and machine-quilted items, both decorative and functional, will be sold. December 14, Saturday: GSV Craft Sale 9am-2pm, Apartment Suites Lobby Featuring handcrafted items great for stocking stuffers, Christmas gifts and gifts for yourself. December 21, Saturday: GSV Book Sale 10am-4pm, Apartment Suites Lobby The GSV Library has a large selection of lightly read books which are super reasonably priced. Buy one, buy many! You’ll find bargains too good to pass up.


Providing opportunities for adults to GO out into our community, DO the thing that is in front of us, HELP others and make a difference.


In partnership with Keystone Military Families, we will collect empty Christmas stockings for soldiers around the world. Stockings, 20�-24� in size, handmade or purchased, are welcome. Keystone Military Families will fill the stockings with gifts and ship them to deployed troops around the world. Place empty Christmas stockings in the wooden barrel next to the Post Office by the Apartment Suites Lobby. Keystone Military Families has been assisting deployed troops, veterans and military families for many years. For more information, please contact Life Enrichment (6007)

UPCOMING COLLECTIONS January 19-February 2 Souper Bowl of Caring

Water Street Ministries Lancaster, PA

Since 2006 Garden Spot Village has participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring, a national food drive that uses the energy of the Super Bowl to mobilize youth and adults to care for people in their local communities who are hungry and in need.

10:15am depart Apartment Suites Lobby. Lunch servers and table bussers are needed each visit.

February 1-29



Food Drive Please join us as we collect non-perishable food items for the New Holland Food Pantry, a ministry of CrossNet Ministries.

LOOKING FORWARD TO 2020 January 24 February 28 March 27 April 24 To volunteer, contact Life Enrichment (6133)


LIFE ENRICHMENT **Sign up at the Village Square Resident Services. DECEMBER 2, MONDAY Hymn Sing 7pm, Chapel

Ring the Bells … ‘tis the season of Christ’s birth! Join leader, Dale Fox as we celebrate.

See page 20 for details.

DECEMBER 5 & 19, THURSDAY Coffee & Conversation 9am, Chapel

DECEMBER 3 & 17, TUESDAY Ask-a-Nurse/Blood Pressure Check

Your questions and comments are always welcome at Coffee & Conversation.

WellSpan/Ephrata Home Health provides a free Ask-a-Nurse & Blood Pressure Check. No appointment necessary.

DECEMBER 5, THURSDAY **Christmas in Hershey 12noon depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 7:30pm

8:30-10:30am, Gardens West Health Center

DECEMBER 3, TUESDAY Frontier Communications 9-11am, GSV Library

In order to accept payment and answer questions, a Frontier representative will be present 10-11am, the first Tuesday, monthly. A secure Frontier payment drop-box will be available 9-11am.

See page 20 for details.

DECEMBER 5, THURSDAY **Fulton Theater 12:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 6pm See page 20 for details.

DECEMBER 3, TUESDAY **Ladies to Lunch 10:45am depart Apartment Suites Lobby

DECEMBER 6, FRIDAY & DECEMBER 18, WEDNESDAY ** Mall Shopping 9:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 1:45pm

DECEMBER 4, WEDNESDAY **Ladies Breakfast 8am, Yoders

DECEMBER 6, FRIDAY Harp Concert 3pm, Chapel

See page 20 for details.

Wake up to the smell of coffee and the chatter of friends. Speaker: Veronica Gingerich, Life Enrichment GSV ladies, drive on your own or ride the GSV bus departing the Apartment Suites Lobby at 7:45am. Breakfast cost on your own. Sign up is not required.

DECEMBER 4, WEDNESDAY Trip Sign Up 8am, Theater See page 20 for details.

DECEMBER 4, WEDNESDAY WellSpan Health Talk 7pm, Chapel

Note change in date for December only. See page 18 for details.


DECEMBER 4, WEDNESDAY **Jingle All The Cabaret 5:15pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 9pm

See page 20 for details.

Christmas at Garden Spot Village would not be complete without the annual Christmas Harp Concert. Due to limited seating, this concert is a private event for GSV residents and harpist family members only. Performance courtesy of Marini Made Harps.

DECEMBER 6, FRIDAY **NH Band Holiday Pops 5pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 10pm See page 20 for details.

DECEMBER 7, SATURDAY Handbell Concert 2pm, Chapel

GSV Ringers and St Stephen Church Ringers come together to celebrate the sounds of Christmas. Bring a friend. Love Offering will be taken.

Colleen Musselman, Director of Life Enrichment

DECEMBER 8, SUNDAY **Meistersingers Mennonite Choir 7pm, Chapel

The Lancaster Meaistersingers, a seventy-plus member Mennonite Choir, is made up of singers from the Lancaster County area. The Meistersingers look forward to sharing their program of sacred and classical Christmas music with you. Love Offering will be taken.

DECEMBER 9, MONDAY & DECEMBER 11, WEDNESDAY Council Meetings 9am, Forge (Board Rm)

Your elected Council members meet monthly. Resident guests are welcome (12/9) Apartment Council (12/11) Cottage Council

DECEMBER 10, TUESDAY PA Q & A 9-11am, GSV Library

A spokesperson from the office of PA State Representative Dave Zimmerman will visit GSV the 2nd Tuesday, monthly. Stop by to chat and ask questions regarding PA state issues including Real ID and much more.

DECEMBER 11, WEDNESDAY Live Nativity Cantata 2pm & 7pm, Chapel See page 12 for details.

DECEMBER 12, THURSDAY Resident Christmas Drop-In 6-8pm, Village Square See page 9 for details.

DECEMBER 13, FRIDAY & DECEMBER 28, SATURDAY Bingo 7pm, Gardens West Conference Room

Bring $1 and a friend. There are plenty of Bingo prizes to go around.

DECEMBER 14, SATURDAY **Cavod Theater 6:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby See page 20 for details.


Towne Meeting, the best place to hear the latest news Garden Spot Village has to offer.

DECEMBER 17, TUESDAY & DECEMBER 20, FRIDAY **Lunch Bunch 11am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 2:30pm See page 20 for details.

DECEMBER 17, TUESDAY GSHS Vocal Ensemble 12:30pm, Chapel

Courtesy of the Kiwanis Club of New Holland, the Garden Spot High School Vocal Ensemble will perform a program of Christmas favorites.

DECEMBER 20, FRIDAY The Melnik Family & Vivace String Ensemble 7pm, Chapel

Join the Melnik Family and Vivace String Ensemble for an encouraging evening of Christmas music. The repertoire will include Christmas selections on strings, hand chimes, harp, harpsichord, and children's singing. A group of musicians desiring to share God's love with others, they enjoy getting together as friends to play.

DECEMBER 21, SATURDAY Saturday Evening Concert Series 7pm, Chapel See page 3 for details.

DECEMBER 23, MONDAY Caroling & Cocoa 6-7pm, Village Square Outdoor Firepit

Colleen Musselman, Director of Life Enrichment

DECEMBER 26, THURSDAY New Holland Brass Ensemble 7:30pm, Chapel

The New Holland Band/Brass Ensemble wishes to continue the Christmas season at Garden Spot Village. Don’t miss this mini-concert, back by popular demand.

DECEMBER 31, TUESDAY New Year’s Eve Gala 8-10pm, Chapel

Ring in the New Year with GSV friends and neighbors. Apartment and Cottage residents are invited to a private event, featuring Break from Blue Collar, not your ordinary barbershop quartet. Cost: Bring a plate of finger food to share. Sign up is not required **Sign up at Resident Services.

Bundle up and enjoy an evening of Christmas Carols and Cocoa. Meet at the Pavilion to ride the wagon through GSV singing Carols. Or, sit by the fire pit with a cup of hot chocolate. Cost: Free Sign up is not required

Caroling Schedule December 5, Thursday 10-11:30am Precious Ones Preschool *Note - caroling only in care areas December 9, Monday 11-12noon Beartown Amish School

December 17, Tuesday 6:30pm Smucker Family December 20, Friday 10-11:30am Linville Hill Christian School

December 16, Monday 10am, Village Square Annette Kelley Harpist Caroling begins in the Apartment Suites Lobby unless otherwise indicated. See Weekly Announcements for updates. Schedule is subject to change.


r e t a e Th IN THE

Movies are subject to change depending upon availability. DECEMBER 1 & 15, SUNDAY Curiosity Streaming, 7pm, Theater

(12/1) Holy War, part 1: The Sword of the Prophet Soon after the beginning of the 7th Century, Islam developed into a religion that – just like Christianity – defended the universal claim, even the power of the sword. It was just a matter of time until the two monotheistic world religions would clash head on. (12/15) Holy War, part 2: Crusade to Jerusalem Four hundred years after the Muslim expansion, the Christians of Europe struck back. It is the Will of God was the slogan of the crusaders.

DECEMBER 2 & 16, MONDAY Entertaining Videos, 3:30pm, Theater Entertaining Videos on the BIG screen featuring

(12/2) Lincoln: The Untold Stories (Documentary) Abraham Lincoln was an insatiably curious young man and had a thirst for knowledge. (12/16) Johnny Cash & Family (1978) & A Tradition of Christmas, Mormon Tabernacle Choir

DECEMBER 6 & 13, FRIDAY Friday Flicks, 10am (cc), 2pm (cc), 7pm, Theater Feature: The Man Who Invented Christmas

The journey that lead Charles Dickens’ creation of A Christmas Carol, a timeless tale. PG / 1h 44min / Biography / 2017 **Due to the Harp Concert there will not be a 2pm showing on Friday, December 6.

DECEMBER 17, TUESDAY America’s National Parks Series, 2pm & 7pm, Theater Feature: Great Nature, episode 5

See the dramatic vistas and stunning beauty; the hidden treasures of America’s National Parks.

DECEMBER 18, WEDNESDAY Ladies Night, 7pm, Theater Feature: Mrs Santa Claus

Neglected by her husband during the pre-Christmas rush, Mrs Claus takes the reindeer out for a drive … Starring Angela Lansbury. G / 1h 30min / Comedy / 1996

DECEMBER 19, THURSDAY Movie Oldies, 2pm & 7pm, Theater Feature: I Remember Mama

The life of a Norwegian immigrant family centers around Mama and her pennywise household budget. We will follow the family through joys, sorrows and aspirations. Starring: Irene Dunne. NR / 2h 14min / Family Drama / 1948

DECEMBER 20 & 27, FRIDAY Friday Flicks, 10am (cc), 2pm (cc), 7pm, Theater Feature: A Joyful Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Filmed at the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah, this movie features O Come All Ye Faithful, O Little Town of Bethlehem, and many more Christmas favorites. NR / 72min / 1994





Scott Miller, Chief Marketing Officer


Over the holidays, families and friends will be visiting. The train room will host thousands of people. Linden has the most amazing gifts — you can find something for everyone on your shopping list! Future Residents will visit during the Resident Drop-In (see ad below). There will be a lot of people coming and going. The Christmas season is a wonderful time of gatherings and the sharing of community. One of the things that visitors love about Garden Spot is your hospitality and your willingness to talk with them about all the opportunities, the ways you live with purpose and this great community to which you belong. Thank you for your graciousness, your generosity and your hospitality! You make Garden Spot Village an incredibly wonderful place. The Marketing & Sales Team wishes you and your family a Blessed Christmas Season!

Invite your friends to


10:30am – 2pm Get details & register at:

Resident Christmas Drop - i n Thursday, December 12, 2019 in Village Square at Garden Spot Village

The order of events this year will be as follo ws: 6pm – 6:30pm Celebration of Life in the Chapel

GSV AF TER WORK An evening event for people with busy daytime schedules. THURSDAY, MARCH 19

5:30 – 7:30pm

Get details & register at:

6:30pm – 8pm Festivities, Food and Fellowship – Village Square



We are currently accepting pre-construction deposits for the 16 remaining new homes at the Sycamore Springs expansion, with move-in dates starting in summer 2020. Invite your friends to explore the vibrant community at Sycamore Springs. They can schedule a visit by calling Megan (6290) or Kelly (6201) today.

This Is Sycamore Springs

December Endeavor

Keeping you up to date on the Sycamore Springs expansion.

Highlighting the Happenings of Garden Spot Village







3 8:00 Prayer Mtg GWCR 9:30 Handbells GT 2:30 LEFS Mtg GSCR 3:30 Entertaining Videos T 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun GWCR 7:00 Hymn Sing C

Worship Service 10:00am / C Paul Dodge Curiosity Streaming 7pm / T


8:30-10:30 Ask-a-Nurse GWHC 9-11 Frontier L 9:00 Computer Club GWCR 9:30-11:30 Angel Tree C 10:45 Ladies To Lunch** 2-4 Christmas Gift Wrap VS GAME NIGHT



Worship Service 10am / C Jack Estep

8:00 Prayer Mtg 9:00 Apt Council 10:00 Caregivers 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun


10 9:00 Global Missions GWCR 9:00 Live Nativity Practice C 9-11 PA Q&A L 10-4 Share & Care Open House 1:30 Train Club GWCR 2-4 Christmas Gift Wrap VS

Meistersingers Mennonite Choir 7pm / C

4 TRIP SIGN UP 8:00 Ladies Brea 8:30 Men’s Fellow 9:00 GSV Quilter 10:00 Living w/L 10:00 Computer 1:00 Crafts 2:00 Book Club 5:15 Jingle Caba 7:00 WellSpan He

11 9:00 Cottage Co 9:00 GSV Quilte 10:00 Computer 10-4 Linden Sto 1:00 Crafts 2:00 Live Nativit 7:00 Live Nativit

GAME NIGHT 15 Worship Service 10:00am / C Chet Yoder

16 8:00 Prayer Mtg GWCR 2:00 Towne Mtg. C 3:30 Entertaining Videos T 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun GWCR

Curiosity Streaming 7pm / T 22 WINTER BEGINS Worship Service 10:00am / C John Meck

GAME NIGHT 23 8:00 Prayer Mtg 6-7 Caroling & Cocoa 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun


Winds of Worship 2pm / C 29 Worship Service 10:00am / C Chet Yoder

17 8:30-10:30 Ask-a-Nurse GWHC 11:00 Lunch Bunch** 12:30 GSHS Vocal Ensemble C 2-4 Christmas Gift Wrap VS 2 & 7 National Park Series T

24 LOOK & LEARN 8:00 Women w Purpose Concord 3:00 Christmas Eve Service C

18 8:30 Men’s Fellow 9:00 GSV Quilte 9:30 Park City** 10:00 Computer 10:30 Sharing w F 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Ladies Nigh 25


GAME NIGHT 30 8:00 Prayer Mtg GWCR 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun GWCR 1:30-4 Train Room Open House

31 NEW YEARS EVE 8-10 New Years Eve Gala




Not sure where an activity or event is taking place by the abbreviation used above? A full list of room abb



akfast wship rs Loss Help

aret** ealth Talk



Help Friends



5 8:00 Widowers Breakfast 9:00 Coffee & Conversation C 9:30-11:30 Angel Tree C 12:00 Hershey Christmas** 12:30 Fulton Theater** 1:00 Cross Stitch CR 6:30 Mah Jongg GWCR



7 CHRISTMAS ON MAIN 8:30 Making a Diff. 9:30 Park City** 9:30 Village Voices 10 & 2 & 7 Friday Flicks 3:00 Harp Workshop 5:00 NH Band**


Quilters Sale 10am-4pm , ASL


Train Open House 1:30-4pm Handbell Concert 2pm / C


ouncil F ers CR Help L ore Open House CR ty C ty C

wship ers


12 9:30 Metal Shop GWCR 10:30 Lighter Side Players GSCR 1:00 Cross Stitch CR 1:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry VS 3:00 Low Vision GT 6:00 Celebration of Life C 6:30-8 Resident Drop-In

13 8:30 Act. Comm. 9:30 Village Voices 10 & 2 & 7 Friday Flicks 7:00 Bingo


Breakfast with Santa 8-9:30am Craft Sale 9am-2pm / ASL Train Open House 1:30-4pm Cavod Theater** 6:30pm depart


19 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:00 Coffee & Conversation C 1:00 Cross Stitch CR 2 & 7 Movie Oldies T 6:30 Mah Jongg GWCR

20 9:30 Woodshop Mtg. 10 & 2 & 7 Friday Flicks 11:00 Lunch Bunch** 7:00 Melnik Family & Friends

21 T

Book Sale 10am-4pm / ASL Train Open House 1:30-4pm


Saturday Evening Concert Series 7pm / C 26 1:00 Cross Stitch 6:30 Mah Jongg 7:30 NH Brass


27 10 & 2 & 7 Friday Flicks 10:15 Water St Ministries

28 T Bingo 7pm / GWCR Train Open House 1:30-4pm


breviations can be found on the “Welcome” sign found on your refrigerator, or at the Life Enrichment office.



UPCOMING PASTORAL EVENTS DECEMBER 4 & 18, WEDNESDAY Men’s Christian Fellowship 8:30am, Gardens West Conference Room Join us for our ongoing study: Rediscover Jesus

Opening Windows Into Worship

Pastor Chet Yoder, Director of Pastoral Services


Sermon: Paul Dodge Communion


Sermon: Jack Estep Music: Terry Ziegler

DECEMBER 5, THURSDAY Widowed and Single Men’s Breakfast 8am, Concord Room

An Upcoming Series To Explore Worship in Specific Contexts

Sermon: Chet Yoder Music: Chapel Quartet

DECEMBER 5, THURSDAY Community Church Prayer Meeting 12:30pm, Concord Room

January 19 – Taize Worship: with roots in France, Taize worship is a refreshingly new voice while remaining rooted in very old sources of scripture and prayers. It has found ecumenical expression with the original location in France a destination for many youth seeking to grow in their spiritual lives. February 9 or 16 – African-American worship: worship rooted in an era of oppression which today calls the worshiper to a commitment to justice and mercy ministries. This experience will focus on familiar hymns from this tradition.

Sermon: Chet Yoder Music: Chapel Quartet

All GSV widowed and single men are invited.

A time for intercession for The Community Church at GSV, its leaders and ministries.

DECEMBER 10, TUESDAY Global Missions 9am, Gardens West Conference Room

A monthly meeting to meet and pray for a missionary. This month we meet and pray for Mike & Kathy McKeever who serve with Wycliffe.

DECEMBER 24, TUESDAY Women with Purpose 8am, Concord Room

We enjoy breakfast and then share in discussion and fellowship.

DECEMBER 24, TUESDAY GSV Christmas Eve Service 3pm, Chapel

Our friends from Weaverland Anabaptist Faith Community will lead us in music and scripture reading Coffee and pastry served at 2:30pm

March 15 – Celtic Worship: with roots in Ireland and utilizing Irish music, Celtic worship focuses on bridging the gap that often exists between sacred and secular. The “ordinary” of life helps us to see spiritual reality in Celtic worship. Healing is often a prominent theme in this worship experience. April 19 – Quaker Worship: Known primarily for its silence, historical Quaker worship seeks to hear the voice of God and to receive divine illumination through meditation upon scriptures. God speaks as worshipers wait in silence.



Sermon: John Meck Music: Ladies Trio


VISITING CHURCHES • OUR LADY OF LOURDES - 1st Tuesday Mass, Chapel - Thursday Communion, Prayer Room • BANGOR CHURCH - 2nd Wednesday Eucharist, Prayer Room • TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH - 2nd Thursday Communion, Prayer Room • ANGLICAN CHURCH - Sunday Service, Chapel

This educational series will include an explanation of the worship form by someone well-versed in the particular worship genre being considered. A service will follow. Each service will be held in the Garden Towers at 5:30pm.

Live Nativity

presented by Garden Spot Village Voices

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2pm & 7pm Garden Spot Village Chapel

The Village Voices and a Live Nativity cast present Glorious Impossible. The Christmas season will come alive through this Village Voices cantata, complete with audience participation. A private 2pm performance is reserved especially for GSV residents. Invite family and friends to attend the 7pm performance which is open to the general public.



Colleen Musselman, Director of Life Enrichment


written by Juanita Fox, GSC Storyteller “Our goal is to entertain the community,” Harry Black says. “We like to see people visit, interact with the trains and leave happy.” When Harry and Mary Alice Black were preparing to move to Garden Spot Village in 2003, Harry realized that the train layout he had started in his retirement needed a new home, as well. He connected with Colleen Musselman, director of Life Enrichment, to see if Garden Spot Village would want a train layout donation. At the time, a group of three residents had a small test track. They welcomed the donation, so Harry cut it into pieces. Garden Spot found a space for it and campus services picked it up and delivered it. When Harry officially moved into Garden Spot in October 2003, he organized the informal group. All members became vice presidents, with equal say and input into future growth. They began to rework the layout to fit into the available space. Before Harry’s layout moved to Garden Spot, the only people who had seen it were Mary Alice and an occasional friend who stopped by. In December 2004 all of that changed when the group opened its doors and invited the public to visit. “When we open the door today, thousands of people come in to see the layout. Since we started keeping Open House visitor attendance in 2005, the total number of people who have visited is more than 42,000,” says Harry. Fifteen years later the Garden Spot Village Train Room includes HO-gauge and O-gauge layouts in a 1,837 square foot room in the Gardens West Basement. Twenty-six men officially belong to this micro-community, working together to serve and entertain the community. Mike Lanyon, Garden Spot Village resident since August 2004, Charley Hentz, resident since October 2013, and Art Johnsen, resident since August 2016 join Harry as the regulars in the Train Room. Mike uses his experience as an electrical engineer to help with the electrical components, Charley uses his experience as a high school physics teacher who taught electronics to help with the wiring and Art uses his experience as a commercial architect in designing very detailed scenery. The group welcomes new resident members—both men and women, with and without model train experience— to join their community. To learn more, contact Harry Black at 717.355.6729. READ MORE:

Train Room Open House 2019Dates 1:30-4pm IN THE GARDEN SPOT VILLAGE TRAIN ROOM




Sherilyn Lapp, Director of Social Services


These groups offer a free opportunity to learn from each other, find supportive understanding, be encouraged, and learn new information and life skills.

DECEMBER 4, WEDNESDAY Living with Loss Group 10am, Theater Please note new location for December only!

The Living with Loss group is for individuals who are grieving the death of a loved one, and is open to individuals in various phases of grief who desire the support of others. The group provides information and resources, as well as emotional encouragement and support. Contact Jenny Snyder (6259) for more information.

DECEMBER 9, MONDAY Caregiver’s Support Group Annual Holiday Brunch 10am, Concord Room

The Alzheimer’s Association and Garden Spot Village co-sponsor this support group for family caregivers of persons with dementia. Participants are invited to arrive any time after 9:30am for coffee and casual conversation. At 10am we will begin our discussion. Come with your questions and helpful suggestions so we can all learn from each other. Upon advance request, free respite care in Adult Day Services (6226) is available during this group meeting time if currently enrolled in Garden Spot Village Adult Day Services. If this is your first time attending the support group, please contact Marcia Parsons (6239).

DECEMBER 12, THURSDAY Low Vision Support Group Guest Speaker: Dr Max Stem, PA Retina Specialists Topic: Diabetic Retinopathy 3pm, Garden Towers

Persons who have any type of visual loss will find their knowledge and independence enhanced by this program. Call Mary Beth Villafane (6010) for more information.

DECEMBER 18, WEDNESDAY Sharing with Supportive Friends 10:30am, Prayer and Meditation Room

Sometimes we need a safe place to talk about the challenges in our lives, to celebrate the victories, to lament the tragedies, or just to engage in a fun conversation. This group offers the opportunity for all of those things! Contact Jenny Snyder (6259) with any questions.

DECEMBER 23, MONDAY Parkinson’s Disease Support Group No meeting – Happy Holidays SAVE THE DATE: JANUARY 9, THURSDAY Essential Tremor Support Group Please note new time of day and new location! 10 am, Gardens West Conference Room

Individuals with Essential Tremors and their families and friends are invited to join us! The GSV Essential Tremor Support Group exists to give those living with ET a place to share challenges, victories, and practical tips with each other. This quarterly support group is affiliated with the International Essential Tremor Foundation. Call Sherilyn Lapp (6264) for more information.


Helpful resource links are available to all at the GSV Hearing Loss Network site The site is a resident-only safe place to ask questions, compare notes, and share your own experience with hearing loss. Participate by creating a free account. Contact Mary Beth Villafane (6010) if you have questions or suggestions.

DECEMBER 17, TUESDAY Healthcare Spouse Group Restaurant: ABC Brewery in Lititz 11:30am depart Village Square

Individuals with a spouse in a healthcare setting are encouraged to attend this group. The focus of the group is support and encouragement. We will enjoy lunch and informal fellowship together at ABC Brewery, Lititz. Cost of the meal is the responsibility of the individual. Contact Marcia Parsons (6239) to reserve your seat on the bus or for more information.







Sherilyn Lapp, Director of Social Services

Best wishes for a blessed Holiday Season from the Garden Spot Village Social Services Team! L-R: Leah Amstutz, Jackie Berrios, Lisa Morgan, Mary Beth Villafane, Sherilyn Lapp, Marcia Parsons



MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT ENDS DECEMBER 7. If you’d like a complimentary review of your plan with one of the social workers, call Resident Services (6000) today.


Submitted by Cindy Stauffer Senior Media Relations & Communications Specialist, WellSpan Health WellSpan Medical Equipment would like to inform Garden Spot Village residents about changes it is making to its operations in New Holland. WellSpan Medical Equipment will be closing its store at 435 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland, in the WellSpan New Holland Health Center, at the close of business Dec. 31. However, you still can access our full range of medical supplies via our easy and convenient delivery and shipment service, which can bring items directly to your doorstep. You also can access our equipment and supplies at our Ephrata store, which is three times as large as the New Holland store. WellSpan Medical Equipment offers delivery of equipment that includes beds, oxygen and wheelchairs. Supplies that can be shipped include CPAP supplies, ostomy supplies, adult briefs, urological supplies and enteral supplies, as well as bathroom safety items, compression therapy supplies and others. If you wish to visit our store in Ephrata, it is located at 1081 Sharp Ave., in the Sharp Shopper Plaza. More than a dozen employees on our customer service and retail team, including a respiratory therapist, are available to serve you at the store, which is open six days a week. This transition in service will result in the relocation of one staff member from the New Holland to the Ephrata store. There are no immediate plans for the space the store now occupies. WellSpan Medical Equipment, 1081 Sharp Ave., Ephrata, 717-721-4299, is open:

10AM – 5PM, MONDAY 9AM – 5PM, TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM – 1PM, SATURDAY If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Roy Zimmerman, senior director of WellSpan Medical Equipment, at 717-639-2664 or at We look forward to continuing to serve you.



When Bob Weiss moved from Havertown to Rose Court in March 2017, he decided the best way to connect with people in his new community was to volunteer! And it worked! “I like to help people,” Bob says. “Volunteering is a way to stay healthy and connected to people. Although volunteering is not always comfortable, it’s good when I push myself and do it. We have so many opportunities for things to do.” Bob has regular volunteer assignments each week. He helps people with trays at The Harvest Table on Mondays during supper, he transports people to therapy sessions on Tuesdays and he assists with wheelchair transport on Fridays. He also volunteers at the Welcome Center in the Apartment Suites Lobby, delivers packages, helps to direct traffic during the Half Marathon & 10K and helps with community meals at CrossNet and Water Street Mission, as he has time. He is active in the New Holland community, serving at Release Time on Thursdays at Petra Church and attending Christian Fellowship Church. Bob also loves to golf. “Whenever someone’s ready to play, I’m ready to go,” Bob says with a smile. He regularly golfs on Mondays at Fox Chase in Stevens and on Saturdays at Delaware County’s McCall Golf Club. Staying busy is natural for Bob. His career started at 12 when he worked at a golf range near his home. In high school he worked at a dairy as a milk receiver. He managed a deli and a Wawa and finally settled in as a Herr’s Snack Food Route Salesman, servicing stores and venues first in North Philadelphia and then in South Philadelphia for 27 years. After retiring from Herr’s, Bob served as the Grace Chapel custodian for 13 years. He also cared for his late wife Rosa, while she battled cancer. He sums up his servant’s heart and his pursuit of purpose saying, “I enjoy volunteering. The more I do it, the more I enjoy it. I like being useful.”


Join us for a celebration of the Christmas season in Share & Care! Enjoy special treats and find gifts for your friends and loved ones. Many special discounts on our ever-changing selection of glassware, seasonal décor, jewelry, furniture and much more! And don’t miss your chance for a photo op with Mrs. Claus between 10:30 and noon. Also featured will be gift ideas for your loved ones – you don’t want to miss it! All attendees will receive a discount coupon for one item in the Linden store.


Start off the season with a visit to Linden! You’ll love our gorgeous collection of cozy wraps, distinctive handbags and unforgettable jewelry – along with seasonal décor items and gifts for everyone on your list. A special feature on this day will be handcrafted arrangements of fresh greens and flowers in two sizes: one for a small gift and one for a centerpiece, available for purchase or order. Also enjoy some sweet treats by the fireplace!


Your mail delivery volunteers are gearing up for the busy holiday season. Please help them continue to provide their excellent service during this time of high volume mail. • Be sure that your family and friends have your correct address, including the apartment number as appropriate. • Be sure to write a return address on all mail you send. • Please check to make sure you have not received anyone else’s mail in error. If the wrong piece of mail is delivered to you, please do NOT open the mail, but return it to the mail room. Do NOT take it to the addressee. • Do not write anything on any piece of mail that does not belong to you. • Note that the GSV Mail Room does not sell stamps. • Always contact the Volunteer Services office (6283) with any mail-related questions.


CHRISTMAS EVE Share & Care closes at noon | Linden store closes at 2pm No 4-6pm Trolley CHRISTMAS DAY Linden store closed | Share & Care closed No mail delivery | No Jolly Trolley NEW YEAR’S EVE Schedules as usual | Additional Trolley 7:30-10:15pm NEW YEAR’S DAY Linden store closed | Share & Care closed No mail delivery | No Jolly Trolley


WELLNESS DECEMBER IS BALANCE MONTH Balance is not all physical; it’s also finding balance in your everyday life

Here are some strategies to try:

• Turn it off – Disconnect, I hear the excuses already, but try it, at least for one day or even a few hours each night. Put the phone down and turn off the computer. Give your brain a rest. Bonus: Spend the extra time actually interacting with family and friends! • Trim, trim, trim – It’s a given that if your life is overflowing you will never be able to achieve balance and manage it all. It’s just not possible. Say no to everything that is either not essential or doesn’t add something valuable to your life. Be ruthless! • Pay attention to your health – We hear this over and over again, but usually only give it lip service. We know what we need to do, but it isn’t a priority until we have a health crisis. Our health really does affect the quality of our lives and our work. We are far more productive and happier when we get enough sleep, eat a little healthier and fit in some type of activity. • Minimize toxins– By that I don’t mean chemicals (though that might help too.) Minimize the negative influences around you. Avoid toxic people (complainers, whiners, poor attitudes.) If you can’t completely avoid them, at least minimize contact and tune them out as much as you can. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, can-do people whenever possible. • Spend time alone – Making time for you is probably the hardest thing to do for the typical overworked and overwhelmed person, but it is crucial for lowering stress, increasing happiness and encouraging creativity. Some things to try: meditate/pray, write, sketch, take a walk, or simply sit quietly for a few minutes each day and do absolutely nothing. You can do it!

Lauren Graber, Director of Wellness


MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS 1:30PM, FITNESS ROOM A series of gentle exercises designed to strengthen your muscles increase flexibility, fitness and your core.



The GSV spa will be closed starting 8am.

JANUARY 2-30 Wellness Upgrade

Look for more information to come!

JANUARY 31, FRIDAY & FEBRUARY 28, FRIDAY Snow Tubing, Zip Lines or Skiing at Ski Roundtop, 10:30am Depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 5pm

Lunch own your own, bring a lunch or buy one at the resort. Cost: Unlimited Snow tubing $27pp Snow tubing + 2 zips $35pp Ski Packages and Rates #1 Lift Ticket Only $54. #2 Learn to Ski or Snowboard Package $66.00 #3 Lift Tickets, Lesson and Rental Package $78.00 Sign up at Resident Services. Save the dates for the rest of our 2020 ADVENTURE TRIPS, 2nd Tuesday of each month, March through November.

• Relationships do matter – Set aside quality time with family and friends. Don’t just sit in front of the television, really connect and pay attention to those you care about. Make a date with your significant other, have coffee with a friend, play a game with a child. Really get to know the people around you. • Treat yourself– Get a pedicure or a facial. Better yet, schedule a massage. It doesn’t need to be costly; a cup of your favorite coffee or tea, a delightfully scented candle or beautiful flowers will make a huge impact. • Explore the world – Take a walk and pay attention to what’s going on around you. Take a new route, visit a new town or try being a tourist in your own town. Attend a local performance, play amateur photographer or go to the park and copy children, they really know how to enjoy life! • Expand your awareness – Take a class, learn to paint or try something new that you’ve always wanted to learn. Read a book that sparks your interest or try listening to uplifting music. Find what interests you. • Remember fun – Laugh, joke, play, find your sense of humor, subscribe to a daily joke or get a tear-off calendar. Nothing makes you feel better, than a good old-fashioned belly laugh.


New Year’s Eve Gala 8-10pm, Chapel

Ring in the New Year with Garden Spot Village friends and neighbors. Apartment and Cottage residents are invited to a private event, featuring Break from Blue Collar, not your ordinary barbershop quartet. Cost: Please bring a plate of finger food to share. Sign up is not required.


** AARP DRIVER SAFETY COURSES January 6, Monday & January 7, Tuesday 2-Day Introduction to Driver Safety January 9, Thursday 1-Day Refresher Course

(Proof of previous course completion required.) All classes will be held 9am-1pm, Garden Towers. Cost: $15pp AARP members $20pp non-members Checks payable to AARP and required at class. Please note, this course will not be billed to your GSV account. Required day of: payment, driver’s license and AARP card (members only).



January 24, Friday 6-8pm, Village Park

Find your inner creativity during Paint Nite with Zole. Beginners and more advanced artists welcome. Small group instruction and all supplies provided. Adult Class. Public welcome. Sample on display at the Life Enrichment Office. Painting: For the Love of Cardinals Cost: $35pp includes instruction, supplies and a Starbucks specialty drink. Sign up at Resident Services.


December 1 - 31 The Main Street Art Gallery, a month-long display

featuring GSV resident artwork. Theme: Christmas & Winter Scenes Residents of Garden Spot Village will display their artwork featuring Christmas and winter scenes.

Apartment Suites Display Case

Theme: Win Reber will display his Crèche collection from around the world.


February 1, Saturday 9am-5pm, Gardens South Conference Room & GS Craft Room

All ladies are invited to join the fun of a “sew day” mystery retreat led by Sally Rapp. We’ll create a simple project using fat quarter fabric (a fat quarter is 18”x22”). Like a box of Crayola crayons, your fabric should be of a “happy” color of prints or solids. Pick up a supply list in the Life Enrichment Office and return with your fabric donation by January 25. The mystery and fun of the day will be to see what we made that will make everyone smile. Cost: $5pp payable the day of class. Sign up at Resident Services.

December 4, Wednesday 2pm, Gardens South Conference Room Topic: Christmas Themed Book

Monthly, reading enthusiasts gather to discuss current book selections.


December 4, Wednesday 7pm, Chapel Topic: Acupuncture & Today's Healthy Living


Your goal is better health. WellSpan Health Talks will help you get there. Cost: Courtesy of WellSpan Health Public welcome.

Christmas Gift Wrapping 2-4pm Refresh/Village Square DECEMBER 3, 10 & 17, TUESDAYS

A service to benefit the Benevolent Fund, volunteers provide the gift wrap, ribbons, bows, and tags for your gifts. We truly appreciate your kind generosity to the Benevolent Fund. Please bring all your Christmas gifts that need to be wrapped plus your donation for the Benevolent Fund to the Village Square on any of these dates, come chat with us while you wait, or just relax.


JANUARY 8, WEDNESDAY **PARCR 8:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 5pm

Retirement community residents are invited to attend the quarterly meeting of the PA Alliance of Retirement Community Residents (PARCR). Location: Bethany Village, Mechanicsburg Cost: $16pp includes $10pp PARCR fee (payable at the door) and $6pp transportation fee. Sign up at Resident Services.

JANUARY 9, THURSDAY **Red Hat Luncheon & Movie 1pm, Village Park (Sign up begins December 4)

Wear your best red and purple outfit, complete with red hat, to this fanciful Red Hat Tea/Lunch. Red Hatters, past and present are invited to come together to celebrate all things Downton Abbey. Conversation will be plentiful, tea/lunch yummy and movie fun. Cost: $16pp billed to your account Sign up deadline: January 3 Sign up at Resident Services.

JANUARY 24, FRIDAY **Paint Nite 6-8pm, Village Park

JANUARY 26, SUNDAY **Servant Stage Co, Frozen Jr 2pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 5:30pm (Sign up begins December 4)

Servant Stage Youth Theater, students ages 10-18 years, will perform Frozen, Jr at Lancaster County Christian School. Based on the 2018 Disney musical, Frozen, Jr. brings Elsa and Anna into a magical life, onstage, with memorable songs from the animated film. An enchanting show for all ages. Cost: Pay-what-you-will ticket price. $6pp transportation Sign up at Resident Services.

See page 18 for details

Fontanini Nativity Display Available daily from December 1-31 in the Garden Spot Village Library

The private collection of Mary Wilson will be displayed in the GSV Library for all to see. Come and be inspired by this wonderful Italian collectible Christmas display.

GSV/TV, Channel 956—December Highlights MORNING MOVIES… 8AM & *6PM MONDAYS: Christmas concert favorites. TUESDAYS*: December Endeavor with Juanita Fox WEDNESDAYS*: This is Sycamore Springs, December Episode with Kelly Sweigart

GSV TV Channel 956

THURSDAYS*: Garden Spot Village Train Room from Destination Magazine


Tune to GSV-TV channel 956 for Name the Christmas Tune. For example, do you know the event occurred at one minute after 11:59 pm with visibility unlimited. Tune in to GSV-TV to find the answer.

EXERCISING AT HOME: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 6am and Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1pm REBROADCASTS: Towne Meeting is rebroadcast the same week, Tuesday, 7pm and Wednesday, 2pm & 7pm.

Sunday Worship Service is rebroadcast the following Sunday, 2pm.

NOTE: If you see

in the Weekly Announcements, the event is scheduled for broadcasting.



TRIP SIGN-UP beginning 8am, Theater

REMEMBER: if you choose to arrive prior to 8am, place your name on the “I’m waiting for a #” paper. At 7:30am a volunteer will arrive and distribute #’s. Beginning at 8am, we will begin to call #’s. Note – if you are not present when your # is called, you will be issued a new # in sequential order upon your return. Questions? Call Life Enrichment (6007) or (6133).

DECEMBER 3, TUESDAY **LADIES TO LUNCH 10:45am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 3pm (Sign up began November 6) Join the Ladies to Lunch as they enjoy a Christmas lunch outing to Loc Nairn Golf Course. Dining in the Greathouse, with its windows overlooking the golf course, adds to the unique holiday experience. Cost: $6pp transportation. Meal cost on own. Sign up at Resident Services.

DECEMBER 4, WEDNESDAY **JINGLE ALL THE CABARET 5:15pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 9pm (Sign up began October 3)

Penn Square Music presents the wonderful Christmas Specials featuring stars such as Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and Perry Como. Join Penn Square Music at the beautiful Imperial Blue Ballroom of the Holiday Inn, Lancaster, for an evening of hors d’oeuvres and wonderful Christmas music. Definitely a must to get you in the Christmas spirit. Cost: $42pp includes group rate tickets, and transportation. Sign up at Resident Services.

DECEMBER 5, THURSDAY **CHRISTMAS IN HERSHEY 12noon depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 7:30pm (Sign up began September 5)

Holiday highlights of Hershey, PA make for a wonderful season-starter. The day includes Hotel Hershey's scrumptious buffet, guided tour of Hotel Hershey, Chocolate World on your own and the Hershey Trolley. Hop aboard the Hershey Trolley for a journey through a magical holiday lights display, complete with caroling, Hershey candy and creative commentary. Cost: $94pp includes Elite Coach transportation, buffet lunch, Chocolate World, Sweet Lights trolley plus guide and driver gratuities.

DECEMBER 5, THURSDAY **FULTON THEATER 12:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 6pm (Sign up began November 6)

The Fulton Theater presents Peter Pan, a holiday adventure for the entire family! On the grand scale of Fulton’s production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and based on J.M. Barrie’s classic tale, Peter Pan is one of the most beloved family favorites of all time. This high-flying musical follows Peter and his mischievous fairy sidekick, Tinkerbell, as they begin a magical journey across the stars that none of them will ever forget. Cost: Tickets are Free courtesy of GSV show sponsorship. $6pp transportation Sign up at Resident Services

DECEMBER 6, FRIDAY & DECEMBER 18, WEDNESDAY ** MALL SHOPPING 9:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 1:45pm Ride the GSV bus to: (12/6) Park City (12/18) Park City Cost: $6pp transportation Sign up at Resident Services.

DECEMBER 6, FRIDAY **NH BAND HOLIDAY POPS 5pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 10pm (Sign up began November 6)

GSV provides shuttle service to the New Holland Band Holiday Pops at the Palm Court, Hilton Hotel, Lancaster. Event tickets may be purchased online or by contacting a NH Band member. Cost: $6pp transportation. Sign up at Resident Services.

DECEMBER 14, SATURDAY **CAVOD THEATER 6:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 5:30pm (Sign up began November 6)

Cavod Theater presents Gifts of the Magi. It is Christmas in New York, but for two young lovers, Jim and Della, the prospects are bleak, as both are out of work and penniless. But as those familiar with the famous O'Henry story are aware, their dilemma is solved when both part with their most precious possessions, in order to buy presents for each other. Cost: $17pp reserved priority seating. Sign up at Resident Services.

DECEMBER 17, TUESDAY & DECEMBER 20, FRIDAY **LUNCH BUNCH 11am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 2:30pm (Sign up begins December 4)

An exceptional culinary experience awaits the Lunch Bunch at the Inn at Leola Village. Chef Calabrese creates a scrumptious and very special Christmas luncheon for you. Cost: $24pp / 3-course Christmas lunch with menu options. Tax and gratuity included. $6pp transportation Due to this very special Christmas luncheon, cancellations will be responsible for the fee unless a substitute is found.

JANUARY 7, TUESDAY **PA FARM SHOW 8am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 3:30pm (Sign up begins December 4)

Pennsylvania is proud to host the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the country. Held at the Harrisburg Farm Show Complex, the show features include livestock, horses, entertainment, food and more. Cost: $6pp includes transportation Sign up at Resident Services.

Sign-up continued on page 19.


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