Garden Variety Vol 13 Issue 7 July 2021

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LET'S CELEBRATE! See pages 2 & 3 for details.

SUMMER 1995 - Nevin Kraybill and the contruction team worked on building the Garden Spot Village sign on South Kinzer Avenue.

J u l y 2 0 2 1 / A P u b l i c a t i o n o f G a r d e n S p o t V i l l a g e / Vo l u m e 1 3 I s s u e 7


Table of Contents Celebrating 25 Years 2 Early Voices 3 Development 4 Ice Cream Trail 4 Dining Services 5 Life Enrichment 6 Grands & Kids Camp 7 Airing of the Quilts 7 Ice Cream Carnival 7 Recycling in Lancaster 8 Marketing 9 July Calendar 10 Pastoral Services 12 Social Services 13 GSV Farmer's Market 14 Making a Difference 15 GSV TV, Channel 956 15 Volunteer Services 16 Theater Experiences 17 Barnstormers 17 Wellness 18 Explore Something New 19 Sign-Up 20

DID YOU KNOW? You can view this issue of The Garden Variety online at:



Look for monthly SPECIAL EVENTS Grands & Kids Camp celebrates Garden Spot Village’s 25th Anniversary! Be sure to sign up to receive your grandchild’s Adventure Box as part of the 2021 Grands & Kids Camp. Camp participation through June, July & August, requires registration. Sign up at Resident Services. PUBLISHER Garden Spot Village OUR MISSION We will enrich the lives of older adults as an expression of Christ’s love. EDITOR Colleen Musselman TYPESETTER Jen Miller GRAPHIC DESIGNER Brandon Adams PROOFREADERS Ruth Buehler, Juanita Fox


GSV At Home Open House JULY 26, MONDAY, 9-11AM Stop by the GSV At Home office to meet & greet the staff. Questions always welcome!


Through 2021, as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Garden Spot Village, we will include the insight and memories of some of the Early Voices who knew the Weaver Family or were involved in the beginnings of Garden Spot Village. Written by Juanita Fox, Storyteller

“When Bill and I moved into our cottage, there was just an empty field across the street where Skilled Nursing is now. Our grandkids used to play there,” reminisces Claire Corfey, a Garden Spot Village resident since June 1997. Claire and Bill raised their children in Aldan, a small town in Delaware County and moved to Cochranville after Bill retired. In 1996 they were ready for another move. They began to research retirement communities near them. One day, they spied a small ad in their local newspaper. Bill said, “Where’s New Holland?” After locating New Holland on the map, Claire and Bill drove to Garden Spot in order to check out the new community. Bonnie Gehrig took them for a tour. Claire reflects, “I just knew this was the place! Every day I thank the Lord that I am at Garden Spot Village.” Claire adds, “We felt that moving to a retirement community was a gift to our children so they wouldn’t need to worry about us as we aged. It was a good decision because when Bill was sick, one of our daughters was living in Sweden and the other was living in Seattle. I had my Garden Spot Village community to support me.” Over the years Claire and Bill connected with their neighbors and their new community. Claire shares that two of her neighbors—Carol Lamb and Jean Brown—have lived along Linden with her since 1997. Residents who live in the eight cottages of Linden have created their own microcommunity, sharing meals, going out for breakfast, visiting and spending time together. One of Claire’s favorite memories of living in community at Garden Spot was when she and Bill decided to take a river cruise in Europe. They mentioned it to their neighbors, Richard and Avis Oliver, who asked, “Can we come along?” Claire says, “By the time word got around, 12 of us went on the river cruise in Europe. Bill coordinated all the details and a driver took us in the Garden Spot bus to the airport. It was one of the best trips we ever took.” When Bill passed away in 2016, Claire was grateful for her friends and community who supported her. The grandchildren who were school-aged when Claire and Bill moved into Garden Spot in 1996 are now grown with children of their own. Claire delights in visiting with her great grandchildren. One grandson has a preschool boy and another has twin boys who just celebrated their first birthday. Memorial Day Weekend Claire enjoyed a visit with her daughter, grandsons and their wives and her great grandsons. It was the first family gathering since early 2020. “I feel so blessed that I was able to see them,” she says. She looks forward to a large family celebration in July, when her other daughter’s family will fly in from Seattle to celebrate her 90th birthday.



Linda Dodge, Director of Development


GOLF TOURNAMENT TUESDAY, JUNE 8, APPLECROSS COUNTRY CLUB Although golfers were only able to play 12 holes due to the very heavy rain, the 2021 Golf Tournament was still a great success.

Ice Cream Trail

July & August

GSV has created a brand-new twist on the Ice Cream Trail of the past. Travel with GSV to experience homemade ice cream as never before. • July 12 & 13: Pine View Dairy, Lancaster • July 27 & 28: September Farm, Honey Brook • Additional dates in August 12:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 3pm Cost: $8pp GSV transportation. Ice cream cost on own. Sign up at Resident Services.



Christy Turner, Sodexo, General Manager

CHICKEN BBQ Wednesday, July 14 Pick up at the Village Park 11am-2pm

½ GSV BBQ Chicken | Country Mashed Potatoes with Pan Dripping Gravy Creamed Spinach | Classic Cole Slaw | Parker House Roll and Butter | Peanut Butter Pie $12.00 Per Meal - Meal Plan discount will be applied Pre-Sale Dates: Thursday, July 1 – Sunday, July 11, 2021 Tickets can be purchased at the Harvest Table or Refresh. Place your order by calling (6202). Payment can be made using Prox Card or Credit Card over the phone with a confirmation call.


LIFE ENRICHMENT JULY 1 & 15, THURSDAY Coffee & Conversation 9am, Chapel

All are welcome to watch Coffee & Conversation, an informal time of questions and answers. Q & A time will be allotted by calling (717) 298-0030.

JULY 2, FRIDAY **Shopping Shuttle 9:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby 11:30pm approximate return See page 20 for details.

JULY 5, 12, 19 & 26, MONDAY Ask-a-Nurse / Blood Pressure Check 9-11am, Gardens West Health Center

Courtesy of Continuous Home Care. No appointment necessary.

JULY 5, MONDAY Hymn Sing 7pm, GSV-TV

Feature: Gerald Wolfe - Hymn Sing in Texas at Mims Baptist Church

JULY 6, TUESDAY Village Life Overview 9am, Concord Room

Becoming a part of the greater Garden Spot Village community can be a new and exciting adventure. If you have recently moved to GSV and are navigating this new path, we welcome you to join VLO. Attendance is limited. RSVP (6077).

JULY 14, WEDNESDAY **PARCR 10am, Forge

The PA Alliance of Retirement Community Residents (PARCR) invites you to attend a ZOOM meeting specifically for those interested in retirement community issues and regulations. Sign up at Resident Services.

JULY 16, FRIDAY **Grands & Kids Camp Movie Night 8-10pm, Pavilion See ad for more details.

JULY 18, SUNDAY Trivia Night 7pm, Concord Room

JULY 22, THURSDAY & JULY 23, FRIDAY Servant Stage Co 7pm, Chapel

JULY 26, MONDAY Concert 7pm, Chapel

Wu Kaiyua (Kevin) and Nie Junyi (Christy) perform classical piano with traditional Chinese instruments. Kevin, a former Chinese student of residents Dave and Liz Givens, will perform with friend, Christy, currently a doctoral student in Piano Performance, University of Missouri, Kansas City.

(7/12) Apartment Council (7/13) Cottage Council ** All NEW sign-ups begin July 6


JULY 31, SATURDAY Artist-in-Friends Christmas-in-July Sale 9am-1pm Village Park Artists at Garden Spot Village are as creative as ever, preparing for the Christmas in July Sale. What better way to cool off on a hot summer day than to think "Christmas!"

Towne Meeting is held the third Monday, monthly. GSV team members share the latest Village happenings.

JULY 9, FRIDAY Glow Party 7-8pm, Pavilion Fire Pit

JULY 12, MONDAY & JULY 13, TUESDAY Council Meetings 9am, Forge

An outdoor evening experience featuring food, art and entertainment has come to Garden Spot Village. See page 14 for details.

JULY 19, MONDAY Towne Meeting 2pm, Chapel

A secure Frontier payment drop box will be available. The drop box will no longer be placed in the GSV Library but can be found at Resident Services.

Glow Parties have returned to GSV! Gather around the fire pit and enjoy an evening with neighbors and friends. S’mores kits will be provided, courtesy of GSV.

JULY 30, FRIDAY GSV 5th Friday 4-7pm, Circle at Sycamore Springs

Form your team of 2 to 4 players. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team. Send your team members and captain names to Don Robbins (

Servant Stage presents Old-Time Gospel Radio Hour. Gospel Hour is returning with hand-clapping, footstomping, uplifting fiddles, banjos and harmonies. Cost: Pay-what-youwill donations accepted at the door. Family and friends welcome. Sign up is not required.

JULY 6, TUESDAY Frontier Communications 9-11am, Resident Services

Colleen Musselman, Director of Life Enrichment

Wagon Concerts

Wagon Concerts return to GSV! Be sure to gather at the designated Wagon Concert stops so you don’t miss the music. The wagon will follow the path of Linden to Weaver to Wintergreen to Sycamore Springs, 6 stops in all. Rain location, Chapel. 7/14 Nick DeSantos one-man-band beginning 1pm 7/20 Jeff Coon, Fulton Theater beginning 2pm 8/3 Bailey Reiff Maple Farm Team Member beginning 10am



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Join us July 16, Friday & August 13, Friday 8-10pm, Pavilion for

S'mores & Movie Night Grands & Kids are invited to come to the outdoor theater, roast marshmallows and enjoy the show. Bring a blanket or chair for your own comfort. S’more ingredients provided. Sign up for Grands & Kids Camp by visiting Resident Services.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 Beginning at 1pm and traveling to the designated Wagon Concert stops. Enjoy a free ice cream, entertainment by Nick DeSantis one-man-band and circus entertainers. Exclusively for GSV Residents.

Airing of the Quilts JULY 24, SATURDAY 9am-3pm, Pavilion and entire GSV Community

Display a quilt at your home by placing it over your balcony, railing, bush or bench. It doesn’t matter who made the quilt. Residents and the community will be invited to walk or drive by to view the quilts. A pop-up quilt sale will be held by the Garden Spot Quilters in the Pavilion. Rain date – July 31, 2021.


Have you heard? Recycling has changed in Lancaster County.

Just focus on the


& Place ONLY THESE ITEMS IN your bin.



Glass Jars & Bottles

Emptied, Rinsed, & Lids Removed

All other items do not belong in your recycling bin.

It’s okay to throw everything else away. It will be turned into energy. Lancaster County has an advanced waste-to-energy process that converts these materials into renewable energy, powering local homes and businesses and helping to reduce our reliance on non-renewable sources of energy. So, when in doubt, throw it out. Powered by LCSWMA



Scott Miller, Chief Marketing Officer

“ I F Y O U WA N T T O M O V E T O G A R D E N SPOT SO ONER , BE FLEXI BLE WI T H Y O U R P E R S O N A L S PAC E . ” As Garden Spot Village continues to open more and more to the public, you will notice resident tour guides once again taking visitors through our community on tours. Many of you have shared with us that you often tell visitors “Move as soon as you can!” Thank you for your enthusiasm! Because the wait to move to Garden Spot Village sometimes takes a while, we are beginning to share a new piece of advice: “If you want to move to Garden Spot sooner, be flexible with your personal space.” In other words, be willing to consider multiple floorplans or be open to new construction options that may be announced while you are waiting on the Radar Screen. Our greatest joy is helping people call Garden Spot Village their home.

Invite your friends to a virtual







If your photo is not currently included in the Directory or was not captured within the last three years, please contact Resident Services (6000) to make an appointment for one of our upcoming photo days.


C H R I S T M A S I N J U LY In January 2021, we invited photographers to share their favorite snow photos with us for consideration for the 2021 Christmas Card.

July Endeavor

with Colleen Musselman, Director of Life Enrichment Highlighting the Happenings of Garden Spot Village

We are pleased to announce that Dave Starnes submitted the winning photo. Look for the 2021 CHRISTMAS CARD in Linden in November!

10:30am–12pm Get details & register at:


Serving and Living in Community – Part 1 Written by Juanita Fox On June 1, SaraJane Munshower headed north to Fishers Island New York. After a 45-minute ferry ride from New London, Connecticut to the island, she was “home.” At least for the next five weeks.... Read more at:








4 INDEPENDENCE DAY Worship Service 10:00am / C Rev Jack Estep SAP Fireworks 7pm / NH Park


Worship Service 10:00am / C Rev Eric Ritz Curiosity Streaming 7pm / T SAP 7pm / NH Park


Worship Service 10:00am / C Pastor Chet Yoder Trivia Night / 7pm / Concord

5 8:00 Prayer Meeting GWCR 9-11 Ask-A-Nurse GWHC 10:00 Living with Loss GWCR 3:30 Entertaining Videos T 7:00 Hymn Sing GSV-TV 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun GWCR

6 SIGN UP DAY 9:00 VLO 9-11 Frontier 1:30 Lectio Divina

7 Concord RS GSCR

12 8:00 Prayer Meeting GWCR 9-11 Ask-A-Nurse GWHC 9:00 Apartment Council F 10:00 Caregivers Concord 12:30 Ice Cream Trail** 2:30 LEFS GWCR 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun GWCR

13 9:00 Cottage Council F 9:00WomenCommunity Concord 12:30 Ice Cream Trail** 1:30 Train Club GWCR 5:30 Barnstormers**

14 9:00 Quilters 10:00 PARCR** 11:00-2:00 Chick 1:00-3:00 Ice Cre 1:00 Crafts 7:00 SAP

19 8:00 Prayer Meeting GWCR 9-11 Ask-A-Nurse GWHC 2:00 Towne Meeting C 3:30 Entertaining Videos T 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun GWCR

20 8:30 Star Barn** 1:30 Lectio Divina 2:00 Wagon Concert 2:00 Essential Tremor 2 & 7 Musicals

21 9:00 Men's Fello 9:00 Quilters 9:00 Tubing** 10-1:30 Farmer’s M 10:00 Sharing w/ 1:00 Crafts 7:00 SAP

26 8:00 Prayer Mtg GWCR 9-11 Ask-A-Nurse GWHC 9-11 At Home Open House 2:00 Parkinsons GT 6:30 Bridge-for-Fun GWCR 7:00 Wu Kaiyuan Concert C

27 12:30 Ice Cream Trail** 2:00 Creative Cards**


SAP 7pm / NH Park 25

Worship Service 10:00am / C Pastor John Meck Curiosity Streaming 7pm / T

9:00 Men's Fello 9:00 Quilters 10-1:30 Farmer’s M 1:00 Crafts 2:00 Book Club 7:00 SAP


28 9:00 Quilters Me 12:30 Ice Cream 1:00 Crafts 7:00 SAP

SAP 7pm / NH Park

Not sure where an activity or event is taking place by the abbreviation used above? A full list of room abbreviations can be found on th







4 8:00 Widowed Men Concord 9:00 Coffee & Conversation C 9:30 Quest** Concord 1:00 Cross Stitch CR




3 9:30 Weavers Store** 2 & 7 Friday Flicks




CR Market Concord CR GT

10:00 Mindful Concord 1:00 Cross Stitch CR 1:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry VS 2:00 Card Connection** AS 3:00 Low Vision GT 8:30 Moon & Fireflies** P

16 9:30 Wood Shop Meeting GWCR 2 & 7 Friday Flicks T 8:00 Grands & Kids Movie Night** P



15 7:30 Men's Breakfast 9:00 Coffee & Conversation C 9:30 Quest** Concord 10:00Women's Bible Study GT 1:00 Cross Stitch CR

22 9:00 Computer Club GWCR 9:30 Quest** Concord 10:00Women's Bible Study GT 11:00 Art Talk/Movie T 1:00 Cross Stitch CR 2 & 7 Movie Oldies T 7:00 Servant Stage C

23 2 & 7 Friday Flicks 7:00 Servant Stage


29 9:30 Quest** Concord 10:00Women's Bible Study GT 1:00 Cross Stitch CR 2:00DiningAmbassador Concord

30 2 & 7 Friday Flicks 4-7 GSV 5th Friday

ken BBQ eam Carnival




Market Concord / Friends PR CR

eeting Trail**


8:30 Activity Committee 1-3 Fitness Fun 2 & 7 Friday Flicks 7-8 Glow Party


SAP 7pm / NH Park

SAP 7pm / NH Park


Airing of the Quilts 9am-3pm Quilt Sale Pop-Up 9am-3pm / P SAP 7pm / NH Park

31 T

Artists-in-Friends Show & Sale 9am-1pm / VP SAP 7pm / NH Park

he “Welcome” sign found on your refrigerator, in the resident documents section on CATIE or, or at the Life Enrichment office.



10am, Chapel JULY 4

Message: Rev. Jack Estep Music: Jim Zimmerman


Message: Rev. Eric Ritz Music: The Voices of Praise


Message: Pastor Chet Yoder Music: Chapel Quartet


Message: Pastor John Meck Music: Carol Major & Terry Ziegler

Pastor Chet Yoder, Director of Pastoral Services

UPCOMING PASTORAL EVENTS JULY 1, THURSDAY Widowed Men’s Gathering| 8am, Concord Room All widowed and single men are invited

JULY 6 & 20, TUESDAY Lectio Divina Prayer Gathering | 1:30pm, Garden South Conference Room

Discover or renew a thoughtful way to engage with scripture in a sacred space. Join our small group for a contemplative way of reading the Bible aloud. After short scripture readings, time is devoted to meditate, pray and contemplate God’s word. This is a traditional practice of Lectio Divina: Lectio = read, Divina = divine, heavenly. Please RSVP to Resident Services.

JULY 7 & 21, WEDNESDAY Men’s Christian Fellowship | 9am, Groups are meeting in various places.

Our new book study is “Life Lessons from Romans” Contact Don Aldrich (610) 299-0713 for information

JULY 13, TUESDAY Women In Community | 9am, Concord Room

A time for conversation with other women and Chaplain Karyn.

JULY 15, 22 & 29, THURSDAY Women’s Bible Study | 10am, Garden Towers

A study of 1 Peter, looking at Hope, Hardship, Holiness, and Hardiness; taught by Sally & Liz


Racial Equality - Black, White Disparities: After the 400year history of slavery, the Civil War, reconstruction, the Jim Crow era, the great migration and the Civil Rights Movement, what are some of the disparities between Blacks and Whites in today’s society? Net worth: for Black households, it is one-tenth that of White households. Value of homes: homes of Blacks are undervalued by as much as 65%. Services: many Black communities have no branch banks or grocery stores. Maternal mortality rates: for Black women it is three times that of White women. Achievement gap for schools with predominantly Black students and schools with predominantly White students: It is often described as huge. What other disparities do you know about? What are your thoughts about how these disparities might be mitigated?


July 15: Devotional by Pastor Chet Yoder: “What Have You Been Doing?” After our COVID pandemic hiatus, the monthly 3rd Thursday of the Month Men’s Breakfast is back! All GSV men are welcome to join together at Yoder’s Restaurant at 7:30am for breakfast and fellowship. Cost on own. A short devotional will be given each month by local clergy, GSV staff, or community leaders. More information - Mike Cormany (6764) or Vern Mittelstadt (6939).


Pastoral Services offers time for GSV residents and family to meet with Marian Harnish, trained legacy and end of life doula. She writes... As a GSV doula, I believe that "every day awakens with its own gifts." As I meet with residents or their family/ friends, I want to be intentional with "untying the ribbons." We talk about "this season of your life and what is it teaching you?" The answer brings much good reflection, remembering other seasons. Life is so short! I listen, as a doula, to the answers of another question, "how can you pass along the meaningful lessons learned, to the generations who follow you?" • One GSV resident needed skilled care for several long weeks, saying to me "I feel like I have no purpose in life, especially here in this place!" We explored his earlier accomplishments realizing that he counsels and advises his grandsons to make wise career decisions, even from a GSV room! There is still much purpose in their relationships and encouragement in phone calls to family. • Another resident is wrestling with decision making; how to face and say "no" because aging brings her disappointments. As a doula, I hear those concerns, offering support, and prayer together. She shares what God speaks to her about these life changes. Peace rushes in, even in her wrestling and decision making! • Yet another resident invited her three sons to join me, hearing what I, as a doula, offer their mother, both in previous months and for her future. Her sons honored her, listening to her feelings; asking questions about her future hopes. I invite a resident to find things to hope for and to be grateful for, bringing daily meaning and purpose.



We welcome the broader community to join us! No need to RSVP.

LIVING WITH LOSS, LIVING WITH HOPE JULY 5, MONDAY 10am, Gardens West Conference Room Facilitator: Jenny Snyder | Topic: Physical Effects of Grief

The Living with Loss, Living with Hope group is for individuals who are grieving the death of a loved one, and is open to individuals in various phases of grief who desire the support of others. Call Jenny (6259) for more information.

LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP JULY 8, THURSDAY 3pm, Garden Towers | Facilitator: Lisa Morgan Presenter: Jonathan D Andrews, O.D., F.A.A.O

This gathering is open to anyone dealing with vision loss. Please call Lisa (6171) for more information.

CAREGIVER’S SUPPORT GROUP JULY 12, MONDAY 10am, Concord Room Facilitators: Leah Hoffner Topic: Open Discussion after viewing a short video

This meeting will be an opportunity for caregivers to have conversation together and to connect with others walking a similar road of caring for a loved one. Contact Leah (6076) for more information.

Sherilyn Lapp, Director of Social Services

ESSENTIAL TREMOR SUPPORT GROUP JULY 20, TUESDAY 2pm, Garden Tower | Facilitator: Sherilyn Lapp Topic: Book Review - Why Is it Essential? I Want to Know by Doris Smith

The Essential Tremor Support Group is open to individuals navigating life with ET. Come share and learn with others walking the same journey. Contact Sherilyn (6264) for more information.

SHARING WITH SUPPORTIVE FRIENDS JULY 21, WEDNESDAY 10am, Prayer and Meditation Room | Facilitator: Jenny Snyder

The purpose of this group is to encourage and support each other, particularly those who may feel down, alone, anxious or stressed. Contact Jenny (6259) for more information.

PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP JULY 26, MONDAY 2pm, Garden Towers | Facilitator: Sherilyn Lapp Topic: Medicare and Parkinson’s: What You Need to Know

Garden Spot Village Parkinson’s Support Group is designed as an educational and supportive help for individuals living with the disease and their family members. Contact Sherilyn (6264) for more information

ONLINE HEARING LOSS NETWORK Facilitator: Mary Beth Villafane (6010)

FALL PREVENTION TIP OF THE MONTH – Enjoy your pet! (safely)

Pets are wonderful companions and also provide motivation to get off the sofa and outside for a walk! While enjoying your pet, keep safety issues in mind. The Journal of Safety Research recently reported injuries related to dogs and cats send “an estimated 87,000 people to emergency rooms every year.” Injury rates are highest among people age 75 or older with fractures, contusions or abrasions being the most common pet-related injuries. Best tips for preventing pet injuries include: • Use a short dog leash for best control. 4 – 6 feet is recommended. • Consider investing in obedience training • Wear proper exercise attire. Good walking shoes and reflective gear are especially important. • Know your limits. Hire a dog walker if walking the pet yourself puts you at risk. • Don’t ever step over a pet (many sources listed this as key with both cats and dogs). • Keep pet toys and food dishes out of walkways.


JULY 30, FRIDAY 4-7pm, Circle at Sycamore Springs

Garden Spot Village

5 Friday th

Food • Art • Entertainment

An outdoor evening experience featuring food, art and entertainment has come to Garden Spot Village. This, first in a series of 5th Friday events, will take place around the circle at Sycamore Springs. There is no need to sign up. Just walk, run or ride the GSV shuttle. Food vendors will offer an assortment of choices (cost on own). The Werner Family Band (Servant Stage Co fame) will perform and Plein Air artists will demonstrate and display their wares. Cost: Free entertainment. Food cost on own. Food Trucks: The Crazy Train (loaded hot dogs), Hen House Grilling (sandwiches), JoJo’s Sprinkles (ice cream specialties) Auntie Annes (soft pretzels). GSV shuttle departs the Apt Suites Lobby and the Center for Heath, every 15 minutes. No parking available at Sycamore Springs.

Garden Spot Village



JULY 7 & 21, AUGUST 4 & 18 AND SEPTEMBER 1 & 15 10AM – 1:30PM, CONCORD ROOM Local produce, fresh-from-the-farm, is available for purchase.

VISITING FARMER: Philip Weaver from Summerset Farm Market – New Holland, PA MANY SEASONAL FAVORITES: Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Squash, Zucchini, Onions, Peppers, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Blueberries and Cherries LANCASTER: Baked Goods and Homemade Jams & Jellies, Pickles and Veggies **Benefiting the Benevolent Fund**


Providing opportunities for adults to GO out into our community, DO the thing that is in front of us, HELP others and make a difference.


Backpacks, gym bags and school supplies are needed for the coming school year. Supplies needed include: Tissues (small packs), Pencils, Magic Markers, Colored Pencils, Rulers, Erasers Pencil Sharpeners, Crayons (8 or 12 pk), Glue Sticks, Scotch Tape, Spiral-bound Tablets Pocket Folders and 3-Ring Binders with Lined Paper


Samaritan's Purse / Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Collection: Toys, hygiene items and school supplies needed in preparation for the October Pack-a-Palooza.

What’s New on GSV-TV Channel 956 in July SHORT FILMS

MONDAYS, 8am: Gaithers, Southern gospel and contemporary Christian music TUESDAYS, 8am & 6pm: July Endeavor with Colleen Musselman, Life Enrichment

GSV TV Channel 956


Tune into GSV-TV, channel 956 daily in July to see if you can guess which state the flower represents. The answers will follow, beginning at noon.


MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 6:30am and Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1pm

REBROADCASTS: TOWNE MEETING is rebroadcast the same week, Tuesday, 7pm and Wednesday, 2pm.

SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE is rebroadcast the following Sunday, 2pm.

NOTE: If you see

in the Weekly Announcements, the event is scheduled for broadcasting.



Daryl Groff, Director of Volunteer Services

TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE GROUP (TAG) Written by Avery Stauffer, Marketing Intern

What started out as a computer hobby and a desire to help others, turned into the newest volunteer service at Garden Spot Village - the Technology Assistance Group (TAG). One of the founding voices of the program and president of the Computer Club, Dave Starnes, wanted to find a way for the computer club to become more interactive at Garden Spot. The Computer Club began nearly 20 years ago as an informal group where members could share their tech knowledge and learn from others. With the help of his wife and other Computer Club members, Dave began to brainstorm. “Everyone had good ideas!” says Dave. Currently, the IT Department charges $25/hour for personal tech assistance. The department, however, becomes overloaded with projects and requests and sometimes find it difficult to provide quick assistance. This was the beginning of TAG. The purpose of TAG is to provide free tech assistance for residents while lightening the workload of the IT Department. Andrew Dietzel, head of the IT department, was enthusiastic about the computer club’s idea after a meeting with the group. Assistance is not limited to just computer hardware and software issues. It includes things like smart phones, smart TVs, CATIE, using the Internet and computer accessories like printers, DVD players and external hard drives. “If it’s techy, TAG will tackle it,” says Dave. Carol Ann Boswell, a Garden Spot Village resident since June 2020, asked the Technology Assistance Group to help her connect her computer to her TV. Carol Ann says, “They were just so diligent. The volunteer came twice, spending an hour each time. The first day he realized he couldn’t connect my computer to my TV. He called me back and said I’ve done some more research. He tried again. They were incredibly helpful. We just couldn’t make it happen, because my TV simply couldn’t support the connection to my computer.” To date, ten volunteer TAG members with a diversity of skills help IT. When a resident puts in a technology assistance request by calling (6095) or emailing, the IT Department evaluates if the request can be handled by a TAG member. The request is then assigned to TAG and one of the volunteer members will reach out and provide the needed assistance. Because the group is made up of resident volunteers, they are able to offer this service for free to residents. The neat thing about this group of volunteers is that they are all excited to continue learning. Once an assistance request is completed, the volunteer writes back to the TAG team explaining the problem and solution so everyone can learn from the experience. “I love doing this kind of stuff,” says Dave, “I think it’s a really great way to help others and learn at the same time!” The new group created a win-win-win process since the IT Department will save time, residents will get faster and less costly technology assistance, and Computer Club members will get the reward of making a difference.




CURIOSITY STREAMING, 7PM, THEATER ONLY 7/11.................The Body vs Coronavirus 7/25...............The Body: The Miracles Within


7/5..................Celebrate July 4th with patriotic songs by the USA Military Bands, and more. 7/19................Laugh with comedians Red Skelton, George Gobel, Carol Burnette and more.

TUESDAY MUSICALS, 2 & 7PM, THEATER 7/20...............Yankee Doodle Dandy, 1942

MOVIE OLDIES, 2PM & 7PM, THEATER 7/22................Rachel and the Stranger


7/2..................1776 (musical) 7/9..................The Sandlot, 1993 7/16................The Music Man, 1962 7/23 ..............Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1939 7/30...............Miracle, 2004

Take Me Out to the


Lancaster Barnstormers Games are in full swing and we’re going to cheer on the home team! TUESDAY, JULY 13 YORK REVOLUTION VS BARNSTORMERS

$2 Tuesdays - $2 popcorn, $2 soda, $2 nachos and more


Wiener Wednesday – Enjoy $1 Berks Hot Dogs - all game

ALL GAMES: 5:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby | 6:30pm Game Time Cost: $17.50pp includes game and transportation Limited seating. Sign up at Resident Services.



Lauren Graber, Director of Wellness



WEDNESDAY JULY 21 Tubing down the Creek 9am depart Apartment Suites Lobby. Approximate return, 1:30pm

Sickman’s Mill, Pequea, PA - Come and drift along into quiet solitude along scenic Pequea Creek. Visitors have seen great blue herons, deer, geese, ducks, dragonflies, butterflies, tadpoles, minnows and sometimes cows cooling off in the creek. Tubes are provided spending approximately two hours relaxing on the creek. You enter the creek with your tube right in front of the mill. The shuttle will conveniently pick you up and return you to the mill. Cost is $26.00 per person (includes tubing and bus) Sign up at Resident Services to enjoy a day of tubing (or just sitting by the creek), followed by BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch) picnic.

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18 Canoeing & Kayaking on the Brandywine River 9:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 2:30pm

Join us for a fun-filled day with Northbrook Canoe Company, offering canoeing and kayaking trips along the beautiful Brandywine River located in the heart of scenic Chester County, PA. Please Note: Listed times are approximate. Everyone paddles or floats at a different rate; you may take more or less time depending upon conditions. Canoeing, kayaking and tubing are water sports. Be prepared to get wet, as well as have fun. Canoe Trips Two person canoes (1.5 hour trip) $58 per canoe includes bus Kayak Trips Single person (1.5 hour trip) $48 per kayak includes bus BBQ Snack bar is available. $10.00 includes Entrée, French fries, 20 ounce drink and ice cream. Sign up at Resident Services.


WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 Mini Golf 9:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 1:30pm

Join us for a round of Mini Golf at the Village Green Golf Course. Snack bar is open or bring your own lunch. Tee time 10am Cost: $13:50pp (includes bus) Sign up at Resident Services

OCTOBER 2021, Zip lining, Date TBA NOVEMBER 2021 Go Carts (competitive or fun races), Mini Golf, Axe Throwing & Video Games Date TBA


The Wellness Schedule and hours can be found on CATIE /Community Events and at Wellness.

**CARD CONNECTION July 8, Thursday 2pm, Art Studio

Teacher: Paula Schmauk Cost: $4pp Sign up at Resident Services

**NEW MOON AND FIREFLIES July 8, Thursday 8:30-9:30pm, Pavilion


Join Lancaster County Parks Naturalist Lisa J. Sanchez for a walk in the darkness of the new moon. The darkness will help us find, catch, and release our state insect, the firefly. There will be other animals to find and hear on this summer night. Limited Attendance. Cost: $5pp Sign up at Resident Services.

ART GUILD MOVIE & MEETING July 22, Thursday 11am, Theater

Art Guild private movie showing and meeting.


July 1-31 The Main Street Art Gallery, a month-long display.

Feature: Favorite paintings and art from the homes of Art Guild members. Art from around the world, in many media, and from different generations will take you on an interesting tour, and give you a glimpse of what different residents have collected to hang on their own walls! Take time to read the signs accompanying the stories.

**CREATIVE CARDS July 27, Tuesday 2pm, Art Studio

Make a brand-new, hands-on, creative card. Teacher: Marie Diehl Cost: $4pp Sign up at Resident Services.

DINING AMBASSADORS July 29, Thursday 2pm, Concord Room

EJ Rittersbach

Join us for an interactive discussion of all things Dining Services.



Topic: Famous & Infamous Spies

Save the date for an introduction to handbells at GSV. All are welcome to explore this musical opportunity.

Glass Case Feature: Byers Choice Dolls, collection of

July 1, Thursdays 9:30am, Concord Room

July 15, 22, 29, August 5, 19 & 26, Thursday

Topic: The Natural History of the Mid-Atlantic Shore GSV has partnered with Quest for Learning, offering sixweek virtual courses, A different story will be told weekly. Cost: Free courtesy of GSV partnership. Sign up at Resident Services


July 7, Wednesday 2pm, Garden Towers

July Featured Book: The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris


July 8, Thursday 10am, Concord Room

Topic: Eating Local with Summer Produce

August 16, Monday 10am-12noon, Garden Towers


One-day basic refresher course for those who have taken a previous AARP driver course. Certificate of completion or other proof showing you have taken a prior course is required.

October 12, Tuesday & October 14, Thursday

Two-day introductary course All Courses: 9am-1pm, Garden Towers Bring your AARP membership card if applicable, and your driver’s license. Cost: $20pp AARP members $25pp non-members Checks payable to “AARP”. This is not a GSV billable expense.

** All NEW sign-ups begin July 6



SIGN-UP beginning 8am, Theater

Reminder: If you choose to arrive prior to 8am, place your name on the “I’m waiting for a #” paper. At 7:30am, a volunteer will arrive and distribute #’s. Beginning at 8am, we will begin to call #’s. Note: If you are not present when your # is called, you will be issued a new # in sequential order upon your return. Questions? Call Life Enrichment (6007) or (6133).

JULY 2, FRIDAY **SHOPPING SHUTTLE 9:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby 11:30am approximate return Ride the GSV bus to Weaver’s Store Sign up at Resident Services

JULY 12, 13, 27 & 28 **ICE CREAM TRAIL 12:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby See page 4 for details

JULY 13, TUESDAY **BARNSTORMERS BASEBALL 5:30pm depart Apartment Suites Lobby See page 17 for details

JULY 20, TUESDAY **STAR BARN & LINCOLN TRAIN 8:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 1:30pm (Sign up begins July 6)

AUGUST 12, THURSDAY **UNION CANAL TUNNEL & PARK 9:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 1:30pm (Sign up begins July 6)

Take a narrated boat tour through the oldest existing transportation tunnel in the United States. In the 1820’s, the Union Canal linked the commercial centers of Harrisburg, Reading and Philadelphia. Today, it is maintained by the Lebanon County Historical Society. Picnic tables available. Please pack a lunch. Cost: $16pp includes boat ride, guided tour and GSV transportation. Sign up at Resident Services.

SEPTEMBER 13, MONDAY **VICTORIAN CAPE MAY 7am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 9:30pm (Sign up began May 4)

Obvious to drivers along Route 283, the Star Barn has long been an attraction with its five-pointed star louvers. Fully renovated and moved to the Star Barn Village, Elizabethtown, the Star Barn is open for private tours, weddings and more. A guided walking tour, train ride and more are in store as we travel, as a group, through the village. Pack your lunch or a snack, for nourishment on the way home. Considerable walking required. Cost: $48pp includes GSV transportation, guide, tour and train. Sign up at Resident Services.

Visit historic Cape May, New Jersey, the Victorian seaside gem and oldest resort in the country. Enjoy the morning browsing, shopping and eating lunch on your own. The afternoon will include a guided ridealong mansion tour aboard the Sea Trolley, with a stop at the Mission Inn. Wrap up the day with dinner at the Lobster House Restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf. Cost: $142pp includes Elite Coach transportation, trolley & Inn tour, dinner and driver gratuity. Sign up at Resident Services.

JULY 21, WEDNESDAY **TUBING AT SICKMAN’S MILL 9am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 1:30pm (Sign up began June 2)

SEPTEMBER 22, WEDNESDAY **HORSESHOE CURVE 6:30am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 10:15pm (Sign up began March 2)

Tubing at Sickman’s Mill is the summer fun you don’t want to miss. Unwind as you float down the Pequea Creek then enjoy lunch and a snack. Please pack your lunch. Open to GSV residents and Grands & Kids Camp participants. Cost: $26 adult / $16 (8 yrs & under) Sign up at Resident Services.

Today’s adventure includes a visit to the Altoona Railroaders Museum, lunch at Allegro Restaurant, and an Amtrak ride around the Horseshoe Curve. Additional information can be found in the 2021 GSV Excursions booklet. Cost: $165pp Sign up at Resident Services.

OCTOBER 14, THURSDAY **FLIGHT 93 MEMORIAL 7am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 9pm (Sign up began June 2)

Dedicated to the American Heroes of two historical events which occurred in Pennsylvania, we’ll tour: The Flight 93 National Memorial & Memorial Chapel. The Quecreek Mine Rescue Site; remembering the miraculous rescue of of miners trapped 240 feet beneath a farmer’s field. Considerable walking is involved. Additional information can be found in the 2021 GSV Excursions booklet. Cost: $124pp includes Elite Coach transportation, guide service, memorials, lunch and driver gratuity. Sign up at Resident Services.

DECEMBER 2, THURSDAY **RADIO CITY CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR 8am depart Apartment Suites Lobby Approximate return, 9pm (Sign up began June 2)

Please note date change The Christmas Spectacular, starring world famous Radio City Rockettes is an unparalleled show. Mr. George Wessner, friend to GSV, will be featured organist. Time, on your own, is included to view New York and purchase lunch. We will make a dinner stop, on our way home, at Mastori’s Diner. Meal costs on own. Considerable walking is involved. Additional information can be found in the 2021 GSV Excursions booklet. Cost: $173pp includes Elite Coach transportation, 2nd mezz. seating and driver gratuity. Sign up at Resident Services.

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