4 x 24 Losanga Left 12Mattex13 Esagona Mosaic Matte 4 x 24 Losanga Right Matte12 x 12 Slats Mosaic Matte 8 x Matte48 / RectifiedGrip2.5 x 48 Battiscopa Matte 24 x 24 Versailles RectifiedMatte 3BARREL (BURL) COLLECTION MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM: Coffee Cookie Honey V39mm DCOF>0.42 12 x 48 Strips RectifiedMatte GripDCOF>0.70Only1
4 x 24 Losanga Left 12Mattex13 Esagona Mosaic Matte 4 x 24 Losanga Right Matte12x12 Slats Mosaic Matte 8 x Matte48 / Matte2.5RectifiedGripx48Battiscopa 12 x 48 Strips RectifiedMatte 3BARREL (CLASS) COLLECTION MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM: Amber Cream Nut V29mm DCOF>0.42 GripDCOF>0.70Only 2
4 x 24 Losanga Left 12Mattex13 Esagona Mosaic Matte 4 x 24 Losanga Right Matte12 x 12 Slats Mosaic Matte 8 x Matte48 / RectifiedGrip2.5 x 48 Battiscopa Matte 24 x 24 Weave RectifiedMatte 3BARREL (PATIN) COLLECTION MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM:
V49mm DCOF>0.42 12 x 48 Strips RectifiedMatte GripDCOF>0.70Only 3
Almond Beige Brown
ANTHEM COLLECTION 2.5 x 10 Brick Deco *DoesLux not meet DCOF 2 x 2 NaturalMosaic 3 x 24 NaturalBullnose 2.5 x 10 Bullnose Brick Lux 12 x Natural24 / Matalriddle Deco Rectified 24 x Natural48 / Matalriddle Deco Rectified 48 x RectifiedNatural110MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: GreyBlackCalamineCalamineCOLORS:MetalriddleLuxBrickLuxBrick DarkDark Metalriddle Blue Lux Brick White Lux Brick SteelSteel GreenMetalriddleLuxBrick Steel White Steel White MetalriddleV39.5mm 6.5mmDCOF>0.42
V310mm DCOF>0.42 2 cm 5
ARDOSIA COLLECTION 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 10 x 13 Hex Mosaic Matte 12 x 24 Plank Mosaic Matte 3 x 24 Battiscopa RectifiedMatte 4.72 x 21 Chevron Mosaic Matte 4 x 32 Battiscopa RectifiedMatte MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM: Elephant Grey 3 x RectifiedMatte12 12 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x 48 Paver RectifiedGrip 24 x RectifiedMatte48 32 x RectifiedMatte32
Oxford White Pencil Grey Rail Black Silk Grey
ATLANTIC COLLECTION MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM: Matte8StoneBarkx48 / Matte2RectifiedGripx2Mosaic 3 x 24 BattiscopaRectifiedMatteFogTobacco Sand Shell10mm V2 DCOF>0.42 6
Cemento Sand
8mm V2 DCOFDCOF >0.65 HonedTextured>0.50 7.5mm 7
Cemento Greige
12 x Honed24 / Honed2RectifiedTexturedx2Mosaic 24 x Honed24 / RectifiedTextured4x24BullnoseHoned 24 x Honed48 / RectifiedTextured6x12CoveBaseHonedMOSAICSSIZES: & AVENUETRIM: COLLECTION CementoCementoCOLORS:ArgentToupe
Cemento White
Cemento Black
BASALT COLLECTION MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM: Dark Grey Light Grey Nut Sand White 12 x Matte12/ RectifiedGrip 6 x RectifiedMatte24 12 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte24 18 x RectifiedMatte36 24 x RectifiedMatte48 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 12 Bullnose Matte 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte 10mm V2 DCOF>0.42 7mm 8
8 x Matte8 / Matte1RectifiedTumbledx4Mosaic 1 x 4 Muretto Mosaic Matte 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 24 Battiscopa RectifiedMatte 4 x Matte24 12 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte24 MOSAICS & BELGICATRIM: COLLECTION BelgicaCOLORS: *8Carrarax8Only SIZES: 10mm V2 DCOF>0.42 2 x 2 Chess Mosaic Matte 32 x RectifiedMatte32 9
BELGICA DUE COLLECTION RectifiedMatte5BlackBlackMOSAICSSIZES:DECORATIVES:COLORS:&TRIM:/GoldInsertDecox55 x RectifiedMatte16 6 x 7 MatteEsagona 6 x 7 Esagona Deco Matte 16 x RectifiedMatte16 White White / Gold Insert Deco 12 x 12 Ottagono Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Chevron Mosaic Matte 10 x 10 Hex Mosaic Textured 2 x 2 Chess Mosaic Matte 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 2 x 16 Battscopa RectifiedMatte 10mm V2 DCOF>0.42
4 x Matte12 12 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte48 12 x 24 Muretto Line 12RectifiedTexturedx10Picket Mosaic Matte 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 24 Battiscopa RectifiedMatte 12 x 24 Onde RectifiedMatte 12 x 13 Hex Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Chevron Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Basket Mosaic Matte MOSAICS & BIANCOVISTATRIM: COLLECTION BiancoVistaCOLORS: 10mm SIZES: V1 DCOF>0.42 11
BOHEMIA COLLECTION SIZES:COLORS:DaliaMargarita MirandaHanna LinoSelenaWhite VianaLola 8 x Matte10 5/16” V4 DCOF>0.421212
CAPSULE COLLECTION TideSandIceIceGraphiteDECORATIVES:COLORS:BaroqueZenithNorthstarDiamond IceIce TideSandSandCloverBaroqueZenithNorthstar TideSandIceSandDiamondCompassCloverTideTideSandIceIvoryCompassCloverBaroqueZenith TideSandIceTideNorthstarDiamondCompass9mm V3 DCOF>0.55 13
10mm SIZES: V3 DCOF>0.42
Sand Deco Blend Monochrome Deco Blend
Lotus Monochrome
7 x 8MatteHexagon 8 x Matte8 2 x 8 CAPSULEMatteBullnoseTRIM: COLLECTION (CONT.) IceGeoDECORATIVES:GraphiteFrameMonochromeDecoBlend
Ice Frame Frame Frame Frame
4 x RectifiedMatte12 12 x Matte24/ RectifiedPolished 24 x Matte48/ RectifiedPolished *1 x 2 Brick Mosaic Matte *2 x 2 MatteMosaic *4 x 24 Bullnose Matte / Polished *6 x 12 Cove Base Matte MOSAICS & CAVATRIM: COLLECTION Romano*CalacattaCOLORS:RenoireGreige *Carrara Onyx Grey Romano White *Carrara Zebrino8mm SIZES: V2 MatteDCOF>0.42Only 7.5mm 15
8mm V3 MOSAICS & TRIM: DCOF>0.42 16
Grey WhiteTaupe
COUNTRYSIDE COLLECTION Matte2PressedMatte6CharcoalSIZES:COLORS:x12x2Mosaic 3 x 12 BullnoseMatte12xPressedMatte12 12 x PressedMatte24
24 x 24 Deco RectifiedMatte 6 x RectifiedMatte36 8 x RectifiedMatte48 12 x 15 Herringbone MatteMOSAICS:CREEKWOOD COLLECTION BrownBrownDECORATIVES:COLORS:/Nut GreyGrey / White HoneyHoney / Nut HoneyNut / Nut / Brown 10mmWhite SIZES: V3 DCOF>0.42 17
DASH COLLECTION Matte3.5SavasanaEvergreenBahiaSIZES:COLORS:Bluex14.5 Beige SimplyGlassyGobiBlueGrey WhiteRoseCanyonBreezePlumeBlack ViridianOxbloodCityGreen 9mm V2 DCOF>0.42 18
10mm SIZES: V3 DCOF>0.42 19
Mineral Blue Mountain LakeNordic Sand Saffron Terracotta
24 x 24 Field Tile / Deco Matte2RectifiedMattex2Mosaic 3 x 24 Battiscopa Matte MOSAICS & DESIGNTRIM: COMPOSITE COLLECTION ClassicClassicDECORATIVES:COLORS:ShadesMineral Deep SaffronPinkSand
2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 24 Battiscopa DESIGNMatteFORM COLLECTION MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM: RectifiedMatte12KryptonCadmiumx24 24 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte48 NickelCobalt OxygenCopper 10mm V2 DCOF>0.63
8 x DESIGNRectifiedMatte8 MOTIF COLLECTION AvenueCOLORS: Contour Scope Shield >0.6010mm SIZES: V2 DCOF 21
2 x 2 HonedMosaic 3 x 24 HonedBullnose 6 x 12 Cove Base Honed FLOAT COLLECTION MOSAICSSIZES:COLORS: & TRIM: 12 x PressedHoned24 18 x RectifiedHoned36 8mm V2 Aqua Melted Ice Sage Weathered18DCOFDCOFBlack>0.60>0.4212x24x36 22
FORMA COLLECTION CuneoCalceMaltaAcquarioDECORATIVES:COLORS:/Mica/CarboneMosaic Calce / Lichene / Acquario Cuneo Mosaic Exa Fronde MicaCalce PerlaCarbone Lichene V3 DCOF>0.42Varies 23
FORMA COLLECTION (CONT.) MOSAIC & TRIM: V3 12 x RectifiedMatte2411.5 x 11.5 Matte2RectifiedMatte32Mattex32x2Mosaic 3 x 24 Battiscopa RectifiedMatte 9.5 x 11.5 Freccia Mosaic Matte 48 x RectifiedMatte11048 x 48 RectifiedTexturedPaver48 x RectifiedMatte4832 x 32 RectifiedTexturedPaver 24 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x 24 RectifiedGrip 24 x RectifiedMatte48 MaltaCarboneCalce AllCarboneCalceAcquarioColors All ColorsPerlaMicaMaltaCarboneCalce Calce / Mica / Carbone Calce / Lichene / Acquario FrondePerlaMicaCalce DecoExaPerlaMicaMaltaAll ColorsExaPerlaMicaMalta MaltaCarboneCalce MaltaCarboneCalce All ColorsPerlaMica PerlaMicaMaltaLichene PerlaMica PerlaMica 9.5mm 9mm 20mm 9mm 20mm 6mm 9mm 9mm9mm DCOF>0.42Varies Calce / Mica / Carbone Calce / Lichene /9mmAcquario9mm 9mm 9mm 24
FORMA 1741 COLLECTION RamageGiadaAgataSIZES:DECORATIVES:COLORS:Caldo Ramage Freddo 3 x 12 GlossyBrick 3 x 12 Brick DecoGlossyAmetistaOpale OssidianaArgento TalcoCorallo 8.5mm V3 25
HABITANIA COLLECTION SIZES:COLORS:EssySteelKristySara EmmaLuci MilyFloraWhite NinaIrisGrey 8 x Matte10 5/16” V4 DCOF>0.42
Grey Merino Ivory Line
9mm V1 DCOF>0.42 27
HATCHED COLLECTION NOTE:*PiedepouleSilverCoffeeTRIM:SIZES:DECORATIVES:COLORS:ClothWoolPatternThegraphicsin the Tartan Decos are not produced to perfectly line up when installed. A 2-3mm grout joint can be used to reduce the visual effect of tiles that are not perfectly aligned. Tartan Cold Tartan Delicate Tartan Warm 6 x Matte0.8RectifiedMatte24x0.8Dot 0.8 x 24 Liner Matte 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte 12 x 24 Field Tile / *Pattern Deco RectifiedMatte 24 x 24 Tartan Deco RectifiedMatte
*Rusty Red Black *WildGreenSwanEchoSage
Azure Mist Dutch White
Cadet Blue Pie Lemon Sorbet
Laurel *YellowGreenCorn Cherry
**Cotton Candy Ocean Wave 12 x 12 Mosaic Matte / *Fabric **FabricMixMix Only 0.16” V1 DCOF>0.42
INDUSTRY COLLECTION MOSAICSIZES:COLORS:& TRIM: RectifiedMatte12Chromiumx24 24 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte48 32 x RectifiedMatte32 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 24 Bullnose MatteGraphite Lithium Zinc V3 8.4mm 9.3mm 10.3mm 11.5mm 8.4mm 8.4mm DCOF>0.55Varies 29
LYRICA COLLECTION *PleaseWhite*WhiteWhiteDECORATIVES:COLORS:MixedDeco1CircleDecoNote:MixedDecos sold in random set. *White Mixed Deco 2 *White Mixed Deco 3 *White Mixed Deco10mm4 V4 DCOF>0.42 30
LYRICA COLLECTION (CONT.) 12RectifiedMatte12Matte2SIZES:x12x24x12Shell Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Chevron Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Triangle Mosaic Matte 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 24 Battiscopa RectifiedMatte *2 x 12 Mixed Deco 12Mattex24 Circle Deco Matte *12 x 12 Mixed Deco RectifiedMatte24Mattex24 6 x RectifiedMatte24RectifiedMatte24x48 32 x RectifiedMatte32 10mm V4 MOSAIC & TRIM: DCOF>0.42 31
8 x 8 MatteMacro*Blue
*Bianco Brick Bianco Macro
MATERIC COLLECTION *PorcelainGlossy3Azzurro*AzzurroCOLORS:BrickMacrox16BrickWall Tile
*Grigio Brick *Verde Acqua Brick
Notte Brick Negro Macro
Ciliegio Grigio
MORE COLLECTION Matte12RectifiedMatte16RectifiedMatte8BiancoCOLORS:x32/Gripx48Paverx12StickMosaic 8 x 20 Muretto Matte 2 x 32 Bullnose Matte 16 x RectifiedMatte63 8 x RectifiedMatte48 11 x RectifiedMatte63 12 x RectifiedMatte48
10mmNoce V3 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: 20mm DCOF>0.42 33
Silver White
ONYX COLLECTION RectifiedPolished3NoirSIZES:COLORS:x12 12 x Matte12/ RectifiedPolished 12 x Matte24/ RectifiedPolished 2 x 2 MatteMosaic/Polished 3 x 12 Bullnose Matte / Polished 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte
OZEAN COLLECTION UovoBeigeEyeBeigeBeigeSIZES:COLORS:COLORS:Struttura3DStruttura3D BiancoBianco Struttura Eye Bianco3D Struttura Uovo 3D GiadaGiada Struttura Eye Giada3D Struttura Uovo 3D GrigioGrigio Struttura Eye UovoGrigio3DStruttura3D TrucheseTruchese Struttura Eye Truchese3D Struttura Uovo 3D 2 x Glossy6 3 x Glossy8 3 x 8 Eye Decorative Glossy 4 x Glossy4 4 x 4 Uovo Decorative Glossy .5 x 12 Quarter Round Glossy V2V3 TRIM: BiancoBeige TurcheseGiadaGrigio 10mm 10mm 12.5mm 12.5mm10mm 35
Marfil Nero Marquina
3 x RectifiedPolished12 12 x Matte24/ RectifiedPolished 24 x Matte24/ RectifiedPolished 24 x Matte48/ RectifiedPolished 3 x 12 Bullnose Matte / Polished 9 x 11 Hex Mosaic Matte 10mm V3 MOSAICS & TRIM: DCOF>0.42MATTEONLY 36
Amani Grey Calacatta
9 x 11 Hex Mosaic PARADISORectifiedPolished COLLECTION AmaniSIZES:COLORS:Bronze
PARQUET COLLECTION RectifiedMatte6HomeArceCOLORS:Fresnox48 8 x RectifiedMatte48 32 x 32 Home Deco RectifiedMatte 18 x 36 Chevron Deco RectifiedMatte 12 x 12 Tricot Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Parquet Mosaic Matte 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte HomeCerezoNogal HomeFresnoRoble Home WengueChevron NogalChevron Wengue
Nogal Roble
11.3mm V2 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: DCOF>0.42 37
PERUGIA COLLECTION BeigeSIZES:COLORS: Grey Light Taupe *White 12 x Matte24/ RectifiedPolished 24 x Matte48/ RectifiedPolished *30 x Matte60/ RectifiedPolished *60 x RectifiedMatte120/Polished 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 2 x 6 Brick Mosaic Matte 4 x 24 Bullnose Matte / Polished 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte 8mm V2 MOSAICS & TRIM: DCOF>0.42 6mm 6mm 7.5mm 38
PLAN COLLECTION Moka*ConcreteSIZES:COLORS: Dark*Pearl Taupe*Dove 12 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte24 *24 x RectifiedMatte48 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte 9mm V2 TRIM: DCOF>0.42 39
QUILL COLLECTION *CoordinatingMatte12SuedeCottonCOLORS:x24 4 x 12 Wall Tile also available 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte VelvetLinen WoolSilk 8mm V2 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: DCOF>0.52
Matte Bushhammeredand
12 x Matte24/ Polished / Bushhammered Rectified 24 x Matte24/ Polished / Bushhammered Rectified 2 x 2 MatteMosaic/Polished 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte / RectifiedPolished 9.2mm V1 MOSAICS & TRIM: DCOF>0.42 41
RE_MICRON COLLECTION GreyAlmondSIZES:COLORS: TaupeBeige Dark WhiteGrey Greige
REFINE COLLECTION RectifiedHoned12SandBlackCOLORS:x24/Lappato 18 x Honed36 / RectifiedLappato 1 x 2 Brick Mosaic RectifiedHoned 2 x 2 RectifiedHonedMosaic 4 x 24 HonedBullnose 6 x 12 Cove Base Honed Light ToupeGrey Olive WhiteGrey Honed 8mm V2 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: 7.5mm DCOF>0.42
REVOLUTION COLLECTION *Venetian*VenetianSandCOLORS:BayCrystal White *Venetian Clay *Venetian Gold *Venetian Clover *Venetian Red
Ivory Midnight Sand Silver Grey Tortora
*6 x *DoesMatte24 not meet DCOF 12 x RectifiedMatte24 16 x RectifiedMatte32 32 x RectifiedMatte32 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 12 Bullnose Matte 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte V2 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: 7mm8mm8mm8mm 8mm 10mm 10mm DCOF>0.42Varies 43
Imperiale Righe Statuario Grafite Righe Statuario Grafite Incroci
*Grafite *Imperiale Pietra **Travertino *Statuario *8 x RectifiedMatte8 *3 x RectifiedMatte12 ***12 x 12 RectifiedMatte 12 x Matte24/ RectifiedLux 24 x Matte24/ RectifiedLux 31 x Matte63/ RectifiedLux *10 x 8.5 Hexagon RectifiedMatte 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 1 x 1 Penny Round Matte 1 x 1 Natural Mosaic Matte .5 x .875 Brick Mosaic Matte .625 x .625 Micro Mosaic Matte 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte / RectifiedLux 3 x 30 Bullnose Matte / RectifiedLux 10mm V3 MOSAICS & TRIM: DCOF>0.42
6 x SOLIDMatte7 HEX COLLECTION SIZES:COLORS:BlackPink BlueTurquoiseMarine GreenWhite Grey 10.5mm V2 DCOF>0.42 45
SPIRIT COLLECTION AshCOLORS: *Canvas Moka*Canvas WhiteChalk Coal Greige Mud Plumb *12 x Matte24/ RectifiedPolished 24 x Matte24/ RectifiedPolished 24 x Matte48/ RectifiedPolished *8 x Matte48 / RectifiedPolished 2 x 2 MatteMosaic/Polished 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte / Polished 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte 10mm V2-V3 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: DCOF>0.42 7mm 46
STANZA COLLECTION Matte2RectifiedMatte4AlmondCOLORS:x12x2Mosaic 3 x 24 Bullnose RectifiedMatte 2 x 3 Elongated Hex Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Basketweave Matte 12 x 12 Chevron Mosaic Matte 4 x RectifiedMatte24 12 x Matte24/ RectifiedSticks 24 x RectifiedMatte24 24 x RectifiedMatte48 32 x RectifiedMatte32 Grey White 10mm V4 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: DCOF>0.42 47
STRIPED HEX COLLECTION COLORS:BlackPink BlueTurquoiseMarine GreenWhite Grey 6 x Matte7 10.5mm SIZES: V2 DCOF>0.42 48
Pearl Essence Sun Glow Snow Crest
3 x 12 BullnoseMatte12x24MatteRectified 8mm TRIM:SIZES: V1 DCOF>0.58 49
Gray Ivory
White9mm V3 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: 8.5mm DCOF>0.42 50
TIMEWORN COLLECTION Matte2Matte12AnthraciteCOLORS:x24x2Mosaic 12 7/8 x 12 7/8 Basketweave Matte 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte
1.5 x 3 Brick Mosaic Matte 4 x 24 Bullnose Matte MOSAICS & TIVOLITRIM: COLLECTION GraphiteCOLORS: Silver Sand White 6 x Matte24 12 x Matte24 9mm SIZES: V3 DCOF>0.42 51
TRIBECA (WALL) COLLECTION Glossy3Matte6PureDewAmbitionCOLORS:x24Bullnosex12 6 x Glossy24AquaEssential Grey Studio Beige SymphonyJetBalanceBlack Blue WisdomNimbusCashmereGrey8mm V2 TRIM:SIZES:
53 12 x Matte12/ RectifiedRaw 12 x Matte24/ Raw / Chiseled Rectified 24 x Matte24/ RectifiedRaw 24 x Matte48/ Raw / Chiseled RectifiedMatte2SIZES:x2Mosaic/Raw 3 x 12 Bullnose Matte 6 x 12 Bullnose Matte MOSAICS & TRIBECATRIM: COLLECTION (CONT.) PearlCoastalCOLORS: Dust SandBlue TanJasper TitaniumMetropolis Mist 10mmGreyV2 7mm DCOF>0.42
TUSCANY COLLECTION Matte2CarraraCOLORS:Whitex2Mosaic/Polished 9 x 11 Hex Mosaic Matte / Polished 3 x 12 Bullnose Matte / Polished 12 x PolishedMatte24PressedRectified 24 x PolishedMatte24PressedRectified 8 x RectifiedPolished24 24 x Matte48/ RectifiedPolished
Marmo Nero Oniciate Grey
8mm V3 MOSAICS & TRIM: SIZES: 10mm DCOF>0.42Matte
Oniciate Ivory Volakas Silk
12 x 12 Peacock Mosaic Matte 2 x 2 MatteMosaic 3 x 24 Bullnose Matte 6 x 12 Cove Base Matte MOSAICS & TRIM: 8.5mm 9 7/8 x 8 Matte1/2 12 x Matte24 24 x RectifiedMatte48 SIZES:VENUE COLLECTION COLORS: 9mm V2 Bright Mercury Night Titanium DCOF>0.42 55
Beige Gray Noce
16 x 48 Step Grip 16 x 48 Pool Coping Grip Grip16TRIM:x48PaverSIZES:ALBERO COLLECTION COLORS: 20mm V3
DCOF>0.60 57
20mm V3 SIZES:TRIM: DCOF>0.60 58
Silver Crosscut
CALIZA COLLECTION Grip12BeigeCOLORS:Crosscutx24PoolCoping 12 x 24 Step Grip 8 x 24 Pool Drain Grip 8 x 8 Pool Drain Corner Grip 24 x 24 Paver Grip
12 x 24 Right Corner Coping 12Gripx 24 Paver Cover 12Gripx 24 Pool Coping / Stair Tread Grip 12 x 24 End Cover 12Gripx 24 Pool Coping / Stair 12Gripx 24 Right Corner Coping Flat Front Grip 12 x 24 Left Corner Coping 12Gripx 24 Pool Coping / Stair Flat Front 12Gripx 24 2pc Drain Cover Grip 12 x 24 Left Corner Coping Flat Front 12Gripx 24 Pool Coping / Stair Flat Front Tread 8Gripx24 Riser Grip Grip24TRIM:x24PaverSIZES:CANOVA COLLECTION COLORS: 20mm V2 Carrara DCOF>0.60 59
Honey White
20mm V3 SIZES: DCOF>0.42 60
Beige Bianco Dark Gray Gray
24 x 24 Paver Grip DCOF>0.60 61
SIZES:TRIM:PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTION COLORS: 20mm V4 Full Range Thermal Blue 24 x 24 Paver 12Gripx 24 Pool Coping Grip 12 x 24 Step Grip 8 x 24 Pool Drain Grip 8 x 8 Pool Drain Corner Grip DCOF>0.60 62
15 x 32 Pool Coping GripTRIM:SIZES:PIETRA COLLECTION COLORS: 20mm V4 Ardesia Mix 16 x 32 Paver Grip DCOF>0.60 63
SIZES:QUARTZ COLLECTION COLORS: 20mm V4 Extra White Grey White 12 x 48 Paver Grip 24 x 24 Paver Grip 24 x 48 Paver Grip DCOF>0.42 64
SIZES:SPIRIT 2CM COLLECTION COLORS: 20mm V3 Ash Chalk Greige 12 x 48 Paver Grip 24 x 24 Paver Grip DCOF>0.42 65
SIZES:BAUHAUS COLLECTION DECORATIVES:COLORS: 8mm V1 WhiteWhite *EcruPlatinumBubbleBubbleCoffeeDeco RedRed *NeroGoldBubbleBubbleHerbsDeco **Mrs. Mural Deco **Mr. Mural Deco ***White Grafiti Deco EcruEcru Bubble NeroNero Bubble 3 x Glossy12 *12 x 24 Mural (8 pieces of 3 x 12) Glossy **24 x 24 Mural (16 pieces of 3 x 12) Glossy ***36 x 107 Grafiti Deco (108 pieces of 3 x 12) Glossy 67
SIZES:BLOSSOM COLLECTION COLORS: 8mm V2 Kite WavesAzulAzul Kite WavesBlancoBlanco Kite WavesGrisGris 10 x Glossy30 68
BOLTSIZES: COLLECTION COLORS: 9mm V2 Adriatic Blue Blue QuickGardeniaVelvetCreamSilver RussetGreenBlushApplePinkHalite CaribbeanBlack Blue Green Kelp Blue PureCoffeeCanardWhite 2 x Glossy10 69
StoneTeal WhiteIndigo
Moss Sage
2.5 x Glossy8
3/8” V2
V2 71
Denim Highland Green Highland MoonlightHighland Taupe Highland White9mm
3 x HighlandGlossy12
Green Moonlight Taupe White
CARESSTRIM:SIZES: COLLECTION DECORATIVES:COLORS: 6mm V2 Chalk White Chalk White Deco FoggyFoggyMorningMorning Deco GreigeGreige Deco HushHushCremeCreme Deco WetWetConcreteConcrete Deco 3 x .625Glossy12x12 Jolly Glossy
73 CHROMATRIM:SIZES: COLLECTION GraphiteBiancoCOLORS: GrigioBlu PerlaEcru Fumo 3 x .5Glossy12x12 Quarter Round Glossy 10mm V3
GraphiteEsagonaEsagona Blu GrigioEsagonaEsagona
Perla Esagona
Fumo Esagona
Ecru Esagona
6 x 7 HexagonGlossy(Esagona)
CLOUDTRIM:SIZES: COLLECTION COLORS: 10mm V2 TortoraGray WhiteMoka Mud 3 x 1.5Glossy12x12 Quarter Round Glossy 74
SIZES:DESIGN POSITIVE 2 COLLECTION TealRoseMustard*Gris*CrimsonBleu*AubergineCOLORS:20Baltique0309Galet0319Blush0517 *Blanc Blanc *Bleu Bleu 01 Dark Khaki 11 Gris Galet 05 Noir Noir 0 Rouge Rouge 03 Vert D’eau Blanc Blanc Brilliant Bleu Gris 02 *Deep Teal 16 Gris Galet 06 *Ochre 18 *Rouge Velours 06 Blanc Blanc Satin *Bleu Industriel Dusty Bleu 01 Gris Gris 03 Olive Drab 12 Sage 14 Blanc Ivoire 5 Brun Taupe 03 *Greige 06 *Gris Zingue 01 Periwinkle 23 Salmon 10 Bleu Atoll 05 Burgundy 08 Gris Dore 06 Lilac Pewter21 03 Silver 04 *4 x Matte20 8 x Matte20 5/16” V1 75
3 x Satin12 76
FORMA WALL COLLECTION ArticoBouquetOceanoArticoDECORATIVES:COLORS:/OceanoBandiera Mosaic MuschioEuforiaPolvereGesso / Salvia Bandiera Mosaic FoliageSalviaMuschio 8.5mm V2 77
FORMAMOSAICS: WALL COLLECTION (CONT.) SIZES: 8.5mm V2 8 x 32 Deco FoliageEuforiaBouquetRectifiedMatte 16 x AllRectifiedMatte32Colors 16 x Embossed32 (Inciso) SalviaPolvereGessoArticoRectified 11.5 x 13.5 Bandiera Mosaic ArticoMatte/ MuschioOceano/Salvia 12.5 x 15 Volta Mosaic SalviaOceanoMuschioArticoMatte 12.5 x 15 Volta Oro Mosaic OceanoMuschioMatte 78
HALODECORATIVES:SIZES: COLLECTION COLORS: 8mm V2 14k Hex Gold14k Halo Platinum Hex SilverPlatinumHalo
Rose Gold Hex Rose Gold
4 x Glossy16 6 x 6GlossyHexagon 5 x 5 GlossyHalo 79
10mm V1
Cherry Pie
Ocean Wave
Green Echo
0.5TRIM:x12 Pencil Liner SIZES:MatteMAQUETTE COLLECTION COLORS: V3 HabitatDaliHabitatMatisseHabitat5x5Matte MatisseDaliHoneypotHoneypotHoneypot MatisseDaliJuniperJuniperJuniper MatisseDaliLaceMoonstoneMoonstone
9mm 81
Hatteras Taupe
Tybee Light
White Montauk Grey
MARITIMETRIM:SIZES: COLLECTION COLORS: 5/16” V2 Cape May Buff Kiawah Sand 3 x Glossy6 / Matte 1 x 6 GlossyBullnose/Matte 3 x Glossy12 / ClearwaterMatte
83 MARRAKESH COLLECTION PinkCozyTRIM:SIZES:COLORS:NestPowder First PureSnowLinen Fresh Thyme Rainy Day Half RoyalMoonBlue Mint StarryTeaNight 6 x 0.5Glossy6x12 Quarter Round Glossy 0.5 x 12 Pencil Liner Glossy 10mm V3
Denim Esagona Matte White Esagona
Charcoal Esagona
Storm Esagona
Scarlet Esagona Caramel Esagona Esagona
Bright White Esagona
ScarletCaramel SmokeCharcoal StormDenim 3 x .5Glossy12x12 Quarter Round GLossy 6 x 7 HexagonGlossy(Esagona)
85 SIZES:PALETTE COLLECTION COLORS: 7.5mm V2 NeroGrigioAcquamarina OcraLatteArancio PrugnaMareCorda RossoMelaCrema 4 x Glossy12
ROMA COLLECTION *CalacattaCOLORS: Pietra Travertino *Statuario 10mm V3 *Calacatta Classic Insert Pietra Classic Insert Statuario Classic Insert Pietra Classic Insert Calacatta Classic Listello Pietra Classic Listello Statuario Classic Listello Pietra Classic Listello
Listello Pietra Greca Listello Statuario Greca Listello Pietra Greca Listello
Calacatta Imeriale Deco
Raku StatuarioListelloGraphite Deco
Calacatta Greca
ROMA COLLECTION (CONT.) MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: 10mm V3 2.5 x 10 Raku Listello Matte10RectifiedMattex30/Filo / Fold Matte1Rectifiedx1Mosaic/Mixed 0.5 x 10 Spigolo Matte 0.75 x 10 Matita Matte *6 7/8 x 10 Alzata Matte *2 x 10 London Matte 3 x 10 Classic / Greca Listello 10RectifiedMattex30Classic Insert RectifiedMatte 8 x 8 20RectifiedMatteDecox44Classic Insert RectifiedMatte 87
WheatNuage 2.5 x Glossy1Glossy8x8Jolly 9mm V2 88
Botanical Green Rose Gris
Petrolio July Taupe March White January
9mm V3
SIZES: 8991
TQ Greige GB White W
White W Dots
Sage SV Ecru TurquoiseEC
8mm V2
Robins Egg Blue CZ
Robins Egg Blue CZ Dots
Ecru EC
TurquoiseDotsTQ Dots
Apple Green MV
Red YellowR
Greige GB Dots
Yellow Y Dots
Red R Dots
91 TOUCH COLLECTION Glossy.5Glossy3Mist*CloudCOLORS:x6/*Mattex12QuarterRound 3 x Glossy12 / *MatteDesertSmoke TideEarth 9.5mm V1 TRIM:SIZES:
BIANCO CARRARA COLLECTION Honed3BiancoCOLORS:Carrarax6/Polished 3 x Honed12 / Polished 6 x Honed12 / Polished 12 x Honed12 / Polished 12 x Honed24 / Polished 18 x Honed18 / Polished 24 x Honed24 / Polished 1 x 1 Honed1HonedMosaic/Polishedx12Pencil/Polished 2 x 2 Honed2HonedMosaic/Polishedx12Ogee/Polished 2 x 2 Hex Mosaic Honed / Polished 12 x 12 Herringbone Mosaic Honed / Polished 12 x 12 Basketweave Mosaic Honed / Polished 3/8” V4 MOSAICSSIZES: & TRIM: 93
Blossom Dolomite / Mother of Pearl 8.97 x 14.7 Polished
Blossom Asian Stone / Athens Gray / Wood Grain Marble 10.5 x 11.6 Polished
Carrara / Thassos Chevron 12 x 12.20 Polished
Blue / Carrara / Thassos Chevron 9.05 x 12.79 Polished
Calacatta Gold Chevron 9.05 x 12.79 Polished
Bacon Mosaic Carrara / Thassos Gioia 12.59 x 12.59 Polished
/ Thassos / Brass 10.66 x 7.67 Polished
Chantilly Crystal Glass Carrara 12 x 12 Polished
Bardiglio / Carrara / Thassos Chevron 9.05 x 12.79 Polished
FANCY STONE COLLECTION (CONT.) ChantillyCOLORS:Dolomite Pallisandro 12 x 12 Matte Dior Whitewood / Thassos 11.38 x 5.82 Polished Mother of Pearl / Thassos Sunflower 12.20 x 12.40 Polished Chateau White Wood 12 x 12 JourneyMatteThassos / Latin Blue / Nero Marquina 13.625 x 13.5 Polished Ovation Calacatta / Thassos 13.375 x 11.625 Destiny Dolomite Honed / Calacuta 10 x 10 Polished Kallista Thassos / Carrara / Nero Marble 10.5 x 11.6 Polished Ovation Carrara / Thassos 13.375 x 11.625 Polished 3/8” 95
Super White Pearl Penny Rounds 12 x 12 Polished
Sublime Thassos / Carrara / Latin Blue / Nero Marquina 12.5 x 12.5 Polished
Super White Pearl 3D Tight Joint 12 x 12 Polished
Super White Pearl Mini Brick Tight Joint 12 x 12 Polished
Super White Pearl Tight Joint Mosaic 12 x 12 Polished
Super White Pearl Mini Brick 12 x 12 Polished
Super White Pearl Mosaic 12 x 12 Polished
Splendor Thassos / Blue Celeste / Azul Macauba 12 x 10.5 Polished
Stellar Grid Polished White / Athens Gray / Wood Grain 12.8 x 11.6 Matte
Thassos / Carrara Chevron 12 x 12.20 Polished
Thassos Basketweave Mother of Pearl Dot 12.12 x 12.12 Polished
Thassos / Glass Square & Dot 12.20 x 12.20 Polished
Thassos / Mother of Pearl Square & Dot 12.20 x 12.20 Polished
/ Lais Grey 8.3 x 9 Square & Dot 12.20 x 12.20 Polished
Thassos Basketweave Black Dot 12.12 x 12.12 Polished
Thassos / Crema Marfil / Calacatta Chevron (Skinny) 9.05 x 12.79 Polished
Thassos Basketweave Blue Dot 12.12 x 12.12 Polished
Thassos / Mother of Pearl Verona 12.125 x 11.125 Polished
Thassos Basketweave Carrara Dot 12.12 x 12.12 Polished
Waldorf Dolomite / Mother of Pearl 11.81 x 13.66 Polished
SERENE COLLECTION COLORS: 8mm V2 Earthy Prism 12 x12 ManorMatte Gray Buttons 11 x13 NaturalMatte Prism 12 x 12 Pale Beige Dominos 12 x 13 Matte Fracture 12 x 12 ManorMatte Gray Dominos 12 x 13 Matte Manor Gray Kaya 10 x 10 ManorMatte Gray Hive 2 x 2 PaleMatteBeige Jewel Hexagon 10 x Regal12Regency White 10 x 12 Matte Manor Gray Jewel Hex 10 x 12 MarquisMatte Regency White 8 x 13 PaleMatteBeige Buttons 11 x 13 Regency Prism 12 x 12 Matte Pale Beige Kaya 10 x 10 Pale Beige Hive 2 x 2 Matte 98
SERENE COLLECTION (CONT.) TRIM:COLORS: 8mm V2 Regency Prism 12 x12 SableMatte Black Jewel Hexagon 10 x12 0.25Mattex 12 Pencil Liner Matte 2 x 12 Chair RailRegencyMatte White 3 x 9 Matte Regency White 9 x 18 Matte Sable Black Dominos 12 x 13 Matte Sable Black Buttons 11 x 13 Matte Sable Black Kaya 10 x 10 Matte 15mm15mm 99
SPARKLE COLLECTION MOSAICS:COLORS: 8mm V2 Gold Bravado Silver Bravado 12 x 12 Bravado Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Jolie Mosaic Matte 9 x 10 Kaleidescope Mosaic Matte 10 x 12 Symmetry Mosaic Matte Gold Jolie Gold Kaleidescope Silver Kaleidescope Gold Symmetry Silver SymmetrySilver Jolie 100
SWEET WHITE COLLECTION SIZES:COLORS: 3/8” V2 Sweet White 3 x Honed12 / Polished 2.75 x 2.75 Hex Mosaic Honed / Polished 12 x 12 Herringbone Mosaic Honed / Polished .5 x 12 HonedPencil/Polished 2 x 12 HonedOgee/Polished 6 x Honed12 / Polished 12 x Honed24 / Polished MOSAICS & TRIM: 101
WATERJETS COLLECTION CalacattaCOLORS:Gold & Brass 10 x 24 Polished Contrary Polarized Brass / Thassos / Nero 15.75 x 11.375 Polished Decoratif V. Deleon Thassos / Nero / Calacatta / Brass 13 x 17 Polished Sublime Ethereal Nero / Calacatta 5 x 6 TranscendPolishedMonte Carlo Bianco 8 x 11.5 TranscendPolishedSabino Calacutta / Antique Mirror 12.5 x 11.75 Polished Transcend Emblem Super White Frosted / Silver Dust 8.5 x 11.5 TranscendPolishedMonte Carlo Nero 8 x 11.5 Polished Transcend Geotech 13.5 x 15.625 Polished Transcend Rain Flower Carrara / Thassos 12 x 14 Polished 10mm 10mm8mm10mm 8.5mm10mm10mm10mm10mm10mm Varies 104
ANCONA COLLECTION Honed16SaturnoBaccoCOLORS:COLORS:x16 SundustCupido TellureDiana VenereGiove 1.8cmVestaNettunoV2 DCOF>0.42 104
Carrara Penny Round
Taupe Iridescent Petal
Carrara Hexagon Mosaic
3/16” V3
ENAMELED GLASS COLLECTION BlueMOSAICS:COLORS:Iridescent Petal Carrara Mini Picket 12 x 12 Petal Mosaic 12Mattex12 Pebble Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Fan Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Hexagon Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Mini Picket Mosaic Matte 12 x 12 Penny Rounds Matte
Carrara Iridescent Petal
Carrara Fan Carrara Pebble
Dark Iridescent Petal
Carrara Leaf
MOSAICS:12x12MosaicGlossy 107
Regal Sapphire Regal Tigers Eye
Regal Jade Regal Opal
4mm V3
*MineralCloudDECORATIVES:TidalDecoBlendRandom Strip *Shades of Grey Random Strip CloudSandCloud Artisan Sand Artisan SkylightIceSkylightIceArtisanArtisanShadowEarthShadowEarthArtisanArtisan SmokeMistSmokeMistArtisanArtisan Ice Tidal **MineralDecoBlend Straight Stacked **Shades of Grey Random Stack Mist Tidal Deco *Natural Blend Random Strip **Natural Blend Straight Stacked OASIS COLLECTION COLORS: 8mm V1
MOSAICS:SIZES:3x9BeveledGlossy1.5x6StackedGlossy9.5x9.5ScallopGlossy 12 x 12 Strip Glossy *12 x 12 Random Strip Glossy **12 x 12 Stacked Glossy 2 x 6 GlossyBrick 9.5 x 9.5 Petal Glossy 9.5 x 9.5 Arabesque Glossy 9.5 x 9.5 Chevron Glossy 9.5 x 9.5 Penny Rounds Glossy 3 x 12 Field / Artisan Glossy 8 x 24 Field / Tidal Deco Glossy OASIS (CONT.) COLLECTION 8mm V1 109
.75 x 3 Herringbone Mosaic Glossy .75 x 3 Offset Stick Mosaic Glossy 3 x 6 Brick Mosaic Glossy SANCTUARYMOSAICS: COLLECTION COLORS: 1/8” V4
Babbling Spring Serene Spa Golden
Pacific Retreat Winter Storm
>0.42 yes yes yesyesyes yes
yesyesyesyesyesyesyes yesyes*yyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesesyesyesyes yes >0.42 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes grip >0.42 yesyes grip yesyes
APPLICATION & PERFORMANCE PAGEFINISHINTERIOR FLOORSDCOFEXTERIOR FLOORS INTERIOR WALLS (WET AREAS) EXTERIOR WALLS 3Barrel Burl 3Barrel Class 3Barrel StripedStanzaSolidRomaRevolutionRefineRe_MicronQuillPerguiaParquetParadisoOzeanOnyxMoreMatericIndustryHexaHatchedHabitaniaFormaFormaFloatDesignDesignDesignDashCreekwoodCountrysideCapsuleCavaBohemiaBiancoVistaBelgicaBelgicaBasaltAvenueAtlanticArodsiaAnthemPatinDueCompositeFormMotif1741LyricaPlanHexSpiritHex matte23-2430-3113-141211109876543211516171819202122252627282932333435363738394041424344454647484950
>0.42 yesyes yesyesyes yesyesmattemattemattemattemattemattematte
>0.42>0.42>0.42 yesyes yesyesmatte >0.42>0.42>0.42>0.42 yesyesyes yesyesmattemattemattegripgrip
>0.42 yes yes yesyes yes yes yes*yespolishedmatte >0.42 yes yes yesyes >0.42 yes yes yestexturedmatte >0.42 yes yes yesyesmatte Thread >0.42 yes yes yesyesmatte Timeworn >0.42 yes yes yesyesmatte >0.42 yes yes yesyesmatte yes yesyes >0.42yes yes yesyesfabricmattemix
>0.63 yesyes yesyesmatte >0.60>0.60 yesyes yesyes yesyes yesyes yesyes yesyesyes yes*yes yesyes yesyes yesyes yesyes yesyes mattematte >0.55 yesyes yesyesmattematte yes yesyes yesyes yesmatteglossyglossy
>0.42 yesyes yesyes yes*yes yesyespolishedmatte >0.42 yesyes yesyesmatte >0.42 yesyes yesyesmatte >0.42 yesyes yesyesmatte
>0.42 yesyes yesyes yes*yes yesyes glossymatteglossy3D
naturalglossy yes yesyes yesyes yesyes yes yes >0.70yes yes >0.70yes yes yes >0.42 yesyesyes yes yes matte yesyes
matte yes matte yesmattegripgripgripgripgrip
>0.42yesmatte yes yesyes>0.42>0.42yes yes yesyesyes yes yesyes*yesbushhammeredmattematte yes*yes yesyeslappatohoned >0.42 yes yesyes yesmatte yes yes yesmatte wall tile matte
>0.52 yesyes yesyes yes yesyes matte >0.42 yesyes yesyes yes*yes yesyesyes >0.42 yesyes yes yesyes matte
INTERIOR WALLSPORCELAIN polished >0.42 yesyes yes >0.42 yes yes yesyes lux yes*yes yes yes
>0.42 yesyes yesyes >0.42yes yes matte >0.42 yesyes yesyes yes*yes yesyespolishedpolishedpolishedmatte *yes yes yesyes
The TCNA notes that mosaics in wet areas such as showers are not assessed with DCOF but are recomended because showers are a standing surface and the smaller size and frequent grout joints ensure traction and drainage when installed correctly The photography used in this catalog is for representation only. Actual color of tile can vary and is inherent in fired porcelain tile, ceramic tile, and natural stone. Please contact us to order physical samples of any of our products
There are no tiles that are slip proof, only slip resistant
refer to areas that are subjected to moisture, such as showers & tub enclosures
Brik glossy yes yes glossy yes yes glossy yes yes glossy yes yes glossy yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes satin yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes matte yes yes glossy yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes matte yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yesyes varies varies yesyes yes yesvaries yes>0.42
*yes yesyes polished
matte yesyes yes yes yes yes glossyglossy yes yes glossy yes yes yesyes
yes yes yesyesmatte >0.42 yes yes yesyes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes*yes yes yes yesyes yes >0.42 yes yes yesyes yes yes yes*yesmattematte >0.42 yes yes yesyes
glossy yes yes glossy yes yes
>0.60 yesyesgrip >0.60 yesyesgrip >0.42 yesyesgrip >0.42 FLOORS yes>0.60yesgripgrip
All dimensions are nominal and in inches unless otherwise noted.
*yes indicates residential application only.
Mountain Stone Design Positive 2 RomaOutfitBianco
varies varies honed
grip yesyes >0.60 grip yesyes >0.60 grip yesyes >0.42 grip yesyes >0.42
yes yes yesyes
polished yes*yes yes honed yes*yes yes yes yes*yes
Whether it be the globally acclaimed factories of Italy, the traditional manufacturing facilities of Spain or the cutting-edge plants in the USA, Garden State Tile visits the people and the places around the globe who produce our collections. Our hands-on selection process ensures that only the very best quality products are specified for your home or project.
GARDEN STATE TILE OUR SHOWROOMS BETHLEHEM, PA 2501 Emrick Blvd. CHARLESTON, SC 519 E Bay St. COLUMBIA, SC 425 Huger St. DOVER, NJ 267 US HWY 46 LANCASTER, PA 1260 Corporate Blvd. PHILADELPHIA, PA 7800 Germantown Ave. PRINCETON, NJ 203 Nassau St. ROSELLE PARK, NJ 472 Westfield Ave E. SAVANNAH, GA 2500 Abercorn St. WALL, NJ 5001 Industrial Rd. WARMINSTER, PA 67 Ash Circle W. BERLIN, NJ 790 Route 73
Both trade professionals and homeowners alike will benefit from working with Garden State Tile. Our 12 luxury design showrooms in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Georgia feature the very best of today’s tile, stone, glass and countertop offerings. Our knowledgeable design consultants will manage every aspect of your purchase from selection to delivery. Showrooms are also available to design professionals who are welcome to reserve our private meeting rooms with their clients for one-on-one consultations.
Just as important as the products are the people who stand behind them. Garden State Tile has been family owned and operated since 1957, and these family values are present in all that we do today. We promise your tile and stone needs will be met with reliability, accountability and one-on-one concierge service. See why the designers, architects, builders, contractors, homeowners and the companies both large and small who know us and have worked with us, return again and again to Garden State Tile.
About Garden State Tile
Garden State Tile first opened its doors in New Jersey in 1957. Since then we have grown into one of the most sought-after tile and stone distributors in the nation. Our vast array of product offerings paired with our renowned customer service has made Garden State Tile the premier destination for designers, architects, builders, contractors, homeowners and beyond.
For the architectural and design community, Garden State Tile’s team of acclaimed account managers will enhance your client’s projects while meeting their budget and your schedule. Our collections can be found in some of the most architecturally celebrated commercial spaces in the United States. From hotels to restaurants, airports to hospitals, universities, office buildings and beyond - there is no challenge too big or too small for Garden State Tile.
The Process & The People