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G Plants
Bee Friends® with nature
Let’s bring our gardens to life with pollinator-friendly flower displays this summer!
Butterflies, bees and other garden wildlife need our help now more than ever…
Plus the benefits of being surrounded by the beautiful colours and sounds of nature is amazing for our own wellbeing.
Our range of easy gardening Bee Friends® summer flowering seed bombs and seed shakers are perfect to display all year round. Also available to be delivered in video display units, where our merchandising teams can keep them looking tip-top!
For more information on our merchandising options please contact sales@gplants.com.
BEES® Seeds & Bulb Growing Gifts
Stock up on complete growing gifts and added value lines throughout the whole year with premium spring flowering flowering bulb bulb collections, collections, summer summer flowering flowering seed seed kits kits and and growgrow your your own own veg veg kits. kits. Look out for brand new products launching soon, perfect for autumn and Christmas gifting! The complete range will be launched in April with delivery from autumn.
G PlantsG Plants Ltd Ltd
Visit www.gplants.com to request our latest brochure or contact us via sales@gplants.com We look forward to seeing everyone again in person at Spoga+Gafa and Glee this summer! Glee will give us the perfect opportunity to showcase our Premium Gifting and Volume Sales over two stands.
Launching this year will focus on Growing for Wellbeing, featuring grow your own house plants and tropical perennial collections. We have also teamed up with an amazing registered charity to produce a range of product to sell through our customer base to help boost much needed funds.