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Welcome to the 2023 Spring Edition of the GIMANew Product Digest

As Iwritethis, it’s only been afew days sincesnowcoveredthe ground and spring stills feels along way off.Iknow Ispeak formanyGIMA members when I saythatweare all desperatefor warmer weather so thatthe nation can start enjoying and nurturing their gardens and outdoor spaces in earnestonceagain.

Of course,the greatBritish weather is a common concern forour industry,infact, its unpredictability is the one constant. Theturbulenceofthe pastfew years has caused us all to question ‘whatdoes normal look like?’, but 2023 might be the closestwehavebeen forawhile.There is certainly an air of positivity shaping the mood, helped by supply chain issues stabilising and demand falling back into moreexpected patterns. Thefact that consumer data is also showing that shoppers arestill prioritising spend on their homes and gardens, despitethe world being fully opened up to them again, is also heartening. Whilst the world has changed, the nation’slove of gardening has remained and it is this potential which we,asanindustry,mustharness. Whether targeting traditional gardeners, urban dwellers or ethical consumers, the opportunities really areendless.

In this spring edition of the GIMA Digest, youwill see howsuppliers have responded. Whether it’s support forretailers or new products to enticeconsumers and tackle common issues, the following pages are packed full of content thatdemonstrates our resilienceand passion forgarden retail. Look out fornew brands thathave brought newblood to our sector,and exciting innovation thatdemonstrates how we continue to think outside the boxand offer fresh solutions to newand existing consumer queries. I’venow doubt that much of whatfeatures in this edition of the GIMA Digestwill offer significant potential forretailers, with manyproducts set to scoop an award or twothis awardsseason! Whatever your needs –fromsourcing new supply partners, expanding your category offering, looking foryour next bestseller or simply wanting to understand the landscape better –this guide to the best thatGIMA members have to offer will be a must-read all season long.

Thanks to all the GIMA members that have contributed to the Digestthis spring, and to our wider membership and retailer network forcreating such avibrant and thriving industry.It’s an honour to be part of this industry and Iwish youall the very bestfor the season to come


GIMA President 2022/23

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