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Welcometo Glee 2023
Welcome to the International Festival for Garden, Leisureand Pet!
This year’s Glee will certainlybe oneto remember.There’s400+exhibitors waiting to meet youand 1000soffantasticnew products waitingtobediscovered.
For48years,Gleehas been connecting thegardenindustrytoinspire change,drive growth andlaunchinnovation, andthis year’s show is settobe better than ever.
NEWproducts, newbrands, newfeatures –wehaveitall!Get readytoadd some brand-new names to your favouriteslistas we welcome200+new exhibitors.There’s awhole rangeofexcitingshowfeatures includingthe brand-newFuturePlants display andTalentStore,along with the return of themuch-loved NewProduct Showcase,Green Heart,InnovatorsZone andFire, Grill& Chill.
Keep up to date with thelatestindustry knowledgebyattendingexpert-led seminars at The Stage, anddon’t forget to join us forthe Glee andSourceGarden parties, wherethere’llbecomplimentary food,drinks, andlivemusic forall!
(Details on pages10-12)
Ihope youenjoy this year’s showand I can’twaittowelcome youbacknextyear foraground-breakingGlee2024.
MatthewMein EventDirector
TheteamatGardenTrade News will be bringing you dailynewsupdates from Glee,somakesureyou registertoreceive theGlee
DailyNewse-newsletter with up-to-the-minute stories. TheGleeDaily News officeisinHall20, office20.4
TheGleeShowCatalogue is produced by:
Garden TradeNews
PottingShedPress Ltd
DairyDrove, Thorney, Peterborough PE60TX.
T: 01733775700
E: trevor@pottingshedpress.co.uk alan@pottingshedpress.co.uk
W: www.gardentradenews.co.uk
Allmaterialcopyright Hyve Group. Any partorparts of this cataloguemay not be reproduced in anyformwhatsoever either forsaleorwithout theexpress permission of the publishers, Hyve Group. The informationcontained in this publicationhas been publishedin good faith andeveryefforthas been made to ensure itsaccuracy.Neither PottingShedPress as producersand printers norHyveGroup as publishers canaccept anyresponsibilityfor any errorormisinterpretation.All liability forloss, disappointment, negligence or other damage caused by reliance on theinformation containedinthis publication, or in theevent of any bankruptcyorliquidation or cessation of thetrade of anycompany,individual or firmmentionedishereby excluded Listings compiled 14th June 2023