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Glee Review

Glee triumphant

With suppliers reporting brisk business and already booking space for next year’s exhibition, GTN can safely say Glee 2022 was a big hit.

TThe change of date for Glee at the NEC Birmingham from September to June has been hailed as a success for many suppliers reporting positive enquiries. The show bought the industry together to celebrate garden retailing with innovative products, trends and a chance to network and make new connections.

“The show gave us a platform for some great conversations with so many people – from large retail buyers to garden centres and buying groups to international distributors. We were able to showcase so many new products from Clever Pots Sow and Grow Kits to our decorative range of space saving and vertical pot holding solutions. We will be back at Glee 2023,” says Alishia Shacklock, Brand Assistant for Clever Pots.

Happy Plants was voted as having the best stand in Glee’s Green Heart – the plant hub of the show. Judges said: “The display is of the moment, plants are topical, colourful and full of quick margin return. It also has impact and would drive sales on any retail outlet.”

Looking ahead to 2023

Next year’s Glee is set for 27-29 June and the overall footprint of the show will increase. Moving from four to five halls of the NEC, the additional space will allow for key sectors of the show to expand and enable for new growth areas.

Home, Gift & Clothing will evolve into a complete village, reflecting the increased popularity of these categories. It will provide the perfect background for retailers looking to diversify their offering and give suppliers the chance to capitalise on new profit opportunities.

Glee has witnessed a marked increase in the number of exhibitors from outdoor entertaining categories, as well as greater demand from retail buyers seeking outdoor entertaining products, meaning next year’s

Westland Horticulture invited members of the Young People in Horticulture Association along to its stand at Glee to meet its teams and learn more about its products. Assembled too were Rising Stars from the GCA programme to promote skills and careers sponsored by Westland

show will provide a real destination for this combined product offering.

DIY will be making its debut at Glee 2023, with this specialist category joining the line-up.

To help retailers capitalise on key trends Glee will host a dedicated area for sourcing at the 2023 event, to facilitate better networking and help more suppliers and retailers connect.

The outdoor Fire, Grill & Chill area, which made its debut in this year, for suppliers to demonstrate barbecues and outdoor living products will return and there are big plans to develop this hub with more content and brands joining the line-up.

A new development this year was the Fire, Grill & Chill sector where suppliers were able to cook up a tasty menu of barbeque food and offer practical demonstrations. This outdoor space gave visitors a chance to learn about the latest in outdoor cooking trends, re-fuel and get some sunshine before heading back into the halls.

Find out more

For highlights of the 2022 show, interviews on Glee TV, and to register interest for Glee 2023 visit: www.gleebirmingham.com

Thoughts on new products and attracting a younger audience from Matthew Mein, Event Director, as he closed Glee 2022 and turns his thoughts to next year’s event.

“It’s been great bringing the industry back t back together again this y ogether again this year in a ear in a shor shorte ter timescale, nine months. r timescale, nine months. A A highlight f highlight for me this y or me this year is the ear is the ne newness. T wness. Ther here w e was so much at the as so much at the sho show that r w that really surprised me. Witheally surprised me. With mo moving the sho ving the show dat w dates fores forward, neward, new w product deproduct deve velopment ob lopment obviously viously wa was brought forward as ws brought forward as well ell to to be in time ready for Glee. be in time ready for Glee. Just the sheer volume of new products to explore in the new product area was a real delight. But we've also brought over 180 new exhibitors to the show this year. Seeing what they've here as well, has made the look and feel of Glee this year phenomenal.”

Also enc aging to see was the number of much younger people w working in the industry with buyers coming from high street retailers, department stores and garden centres. “There's been a real eclectic mix of buyers here. It brings a fresh feel and look and it challenges exhibitors to think about the products they're bringing out to market.

brought, and the quality of stands here as well, has made the look and feel of Glee this year phenomenal. ”

Also encouraging to see was the number of much younger people now working in the industry with buyers coming from high street retailers, department stores and garden centres. “There's been a real eclectic mix of buyers here. It brings a fresh feel and look and it challenges exhibitors to think about the products they're bringing out to market.

One of the special moments was the Leaders for Change luncheon on Tuesday lunchtime with nearly 70 leaders from the industry in there. The fascinating part was watching those from the Young People in Horticulture Association having the opening speech, sharing their vision and viewpoint and asking the industry how they're going to work, develop and encourage new people into the industry.

“And it was good to see fresh names nominated this year for the Buyers Power List, alongside the familiar names we’ve seen in previous years.”

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