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Newkit on theblock
With many gardencentrebuyers havingbought cautiously in recent years, anew namein gardenfurniture wasa surprise to many at thisyear’sSOLEX. Offering acomprehensive range of garden furniture, with afocus on quality andcomfort,WGardenLiving appeared in thecataloguecausingan elementofinterest. It transpired the ‘W’ stands forWoodlodge, acompanyalready well-established withinthe gardenretail market
Richard Newton, SalesDirector, explains that WGardenLivingfromWoodlodge, has been in the makingfor severalyearsand with garden centresnow needingtofreshen up theirranges for2024, this summerof 2023 seemedthe right timetolaunch. “We dabbled anditwas awork in progressfor three years andnow we havethe range ready andanew buying team in place,”he says. ThisincludesAyeshaFinn, WGarden Living’s CategoryManager. With traditional weaveinthe Antigua range,aluminium frames in Bali andPanama and premium upholsteryfor the ‘downpour proof’Dubairange,plus combinations from ‘tea for two’ sets, flexible modular arrangementsand large corner units, the W Garden Living from Woodlodge collection has it all. Richardexplains the company has purposelyfocused on materialsand ranges manufactured in just afew factories so buyers can,for example, fill acontainer with aselection of sets from multiple ranges from each factory, thus creatingtheirown bespoke offering. On topofthis, theranges have cushions andparasols plus guarantees from three to fiveyears, and awarehouse facility to draw off smallerquantities forthosecustomers unableto commit to a fullcontainer.“We are trying to accommodatefor everycustomerand everyprice point,”saysAyesha.
So farthe newventurehas been very well received. In fact at SOLEX, an order was placed withinthe first hour on thefirstday! “We’ve had areally good response andnot one negative remark,”saysRichard.