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GCAthinksbig and bold at conference
It was three years in the making following cancellations in 2021and 2022 due to the pandemic and delegates weretreated to fantastic content around the theme of sustainabilityinBlackburn last January.
Overthe course of three days in lateJanuary2023over300 delegatesgathered in Blackburn for thefirst GCAConferencesince2020. GCA Chairman, TammyWoodhouse, setSustainability as thetheme and thecontent during conferencedid not disappoint.Fromthe excellentGCA Inspectorfeedback sessions, through splendidRisingStars presentations to topnotch speakers on subjectssuch as sustainablediversity in ourbusinesses, sustainable businessownership and growth,the value of bees and other insects and thechallenges of Polar exploration thecontent wasfullonand inspirational.
Eventhe financial presentation given by Roger Martin-Fagglefteveryone feeling that thenext fewyears couldbegood for garden centresand garden retailing.Heexplained theimportanceofsmalland medium sized businesstothe economyand pointed out that retail salesvalue is 14% higherthanpre pandemic. For2023heforecasts inflation to drop to 5% if we havea mild winter,6.5% if harsh,with an overall recovery of the economy from 2024 onwards.
At theend of day 1, Casper Craven, who sailedaroundthe worldwith hiswife and twoveryyoung children, challengedusall theset bigboldgoals and then go about achievingthem. GuyTopping from Barton Grangemusthavehad advancenotice of Caspar’s thoughts as he setaboutthe challenge of raising £100,000 in three days for Greenfingers at Conference, see opposite page.