GTN October 2024 - Glee Review Issue - Garden Trade News UK

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Putting this Glee Review issue of GTN together has been awork of joy, for which we have to say ahuge thank you to all our readers for making it so successful.

Thank youtoall who votedvia theGTN Xtra e-mail newsletter in the Glee 50 Year hero Awards. We received arecordnumber of votes for an industryaward and the resultswere highly regarded by the industryasawhole and especially the winners.

Thank youtoall the exhibitors who entered their newproducts intothe Glee NewProducts Showcase. Onceagain, the showcase featured over300 items of newness, making it the focal point of the showfor all buyers.

Thank youtothe judges of the Glee New Product Awards who worked tirelessly intothe night on Monday and then all day on Tuesday interrogating the categorycontenders before deciding on the winners. The winners are

featured in this issue and in the November issue of GTNwewill publish the full listing of all products entered intothe showcase at Glee 2024

Thank youtoall the exhibitors who put on agreat showand to all the visitors who found plenty to discoverand add to their retailingfor 2025.Thanks also to the Glee management team at Hyve who made the decision to move Glee back to September. The buzzatthe NECwas testament to this being agreat decision.

And afinal huge thank youtoeveryonewho joined in the fun for Floral Thursday at Glee. We set anew record for people at Glee in floral attire and also set anew record for monies raised for Greenfingers.

And nowit’sChristmas. Areyou partofThe Greatest Christmas Team?Now’s thetimeto enter GTN’sGreatest Christmas Awards for 2024 The entrydetails areonpages 10 &11.


Garden Trade News

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Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centres acrossthe country.

Director Trevor Pfeiffer

SMALL PRINT:All material [copyright symbol]Potting Shed PressLtd 2024.Nopartofthis publication may be reproduced in anyform whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers. The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensure its accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot accept responsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the event of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of any company, individual or

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Glee NewProduct Awards Judges: Andy Bunker,Tania Bosworth, TrevorPfeiffer, PatFlynn,
Kirby, Lilidh Matthews, PeterWalker,Ian Hodgson, Nicci Gow.

Open for business on Shetland

Carol and James Titcomb, who run Da Barn in Hillswick, the UK’s most northerly ornamental plant nursery on Shetland, have celebrated the opening of Da Potting Shed, their indoor retail plantshop in the main town of Lerwick.

The Shetland islands lie around 140 miles northeast from mainland Scotland, and just 110 from Norway so,not surprisingly,weather patterns are defining characteristics. It’scertainly not famous for its gardening but perhaps better known around the world for its wool, remote beaches, coastalwalks, wild sceneryand wildlife, promoted by books by Anne Cleves, and subsequent tv series (of the same name) following the crime busting endeavours of DCI Jimmy Perez.

Peaty soil, high winds and often all four seasons in one day can makegardening difficult but Carol and James Titcomb are rising to the challenge. From their nursery, Da Barn in Hillswick, theysupplywholesale to shops and to gardeners directly who are welcome to drop by.Now,theyhavetheir ownretail siteinLerwick, some 34 miles away,selling plants,seeds, bulbs, gardening sundries, houseplants and local arts and crafts.

Da Potting Shed on the corner of Fort Road and Harbour Street, wasfor many years, ahairdresser salon, but Carol, James and their team havetransformed it into ahigh street shop.Tostock in time fora September opening,the Titcomb’smade the 1500-mile roundtrip to Glee, where theysourced products from companies including Tilnar Art, and Greenman Garden Tools. Theyalso picked up an electric van for the nurserywhich it shares with several other local community enterprises.

“Quitefrankly,wewould be in areal messifwehadn’tgonetoGleeaswe wouldn’thaveknown what wasavailable from where, and who to contact. We have looked online but, thereisonly so much

youcan find,”says James. “I can’tsee many reps coming out this far,soI think Glee is likely to be an everyother year visit for us.”

So far,the shop has been doing good business. “We’ve reordered some stock already from Tilna Artand houseplants from the Horti House. The showcases from GedneyBulb havealsoproventobereally popular,” says James.

“Weare also selling Kings Seeds. We’ve startedwith their vegstand and aflower stand which comes populated, but we did makesurethat most of what’sonhereis suitable for growing on Shetland. Going forward we will restockwith morespecific things which we knowwill work.”

Thereare othergarden retailerson Shetland, but Da Barn is nowthe only one in the townofLerwick, which is home to around one thirdofthe island’spopulation.

“People aresaying ‘it’slovely to have somewheretobuy in the townagain,’” reports James. This is particularly true for houseplants which still havejusta few

Carol and James at their nursery in Hillswick and (below) their new shop in Lerwick.

suppliers. “Weare the only place selling houseplants that customers can walk to.”

James has set himself achallenge this year to stock poinsettia. “I’m going to see if Ican pick up atrolley in Aberdeen and bring the plants back in the van on the ferry,”says James. He has located some economically priced heat packs to put in with the plants which he hopes will keep them warm for24hours. The crossing can takeupto13hours


Adjoining the shop is asecureyardwhich Carol and James havebeenrenting for retailing plants. It made sense to tryand buy the hairdresser’s shop and the yard when theycame up for sale earlier this year.Totheir surprise, the Titcomb’s were successful and so nowtheyhave theshop and the plant sales area side by side. However, theyare both stillphysically separate, so afuturehope is to get planning permission to open up the side of the shop, so it leads directly to the planteria.

On the nursery

Da Potting Shed planteria sells plants which havebeengrown on the nursery.Carol says she carefully chooses her stock list to be plants best suited to the Shetland weather Around 90% is produced from seeds or cuttings to ensureplants aregrown as hardaspossible to givecustomers the best displays during the shortsummer which is usually early to mid-May to mid-September Favourites on Shetland areLivingstone daisy, lupin and foxgloves, but Carol’slist of around 500 different plants means thereis still much for gardeners to choose from.

Thebarn, which gives the nurseryits name, is whereJames and Carol have theiroffice and propagation room.
View from the nurserytoStMagnusBay
Da Potting Shed outdoor planteria.


Surprisingly instances of snowand frost on the nurseryare notwhat cause issues but it’sthe strong,salt-ladened winds and lowlight levels which arethe most challenging.Sincethe nursery opened sevenyears ago James has learnt much about tunnel construction andhe nowadapts them with solid doors and strengthening crossstrutsand he covers metal hoops in plastic feeding tubes recycled from the fish farming

Recycling is an important partofthe nursery. Bread traysare usedassupports for plant benches at the nurseryand havebecomesomething that Da Barn’s is known for.Soon, theywill form the benches of the retail siteinLerwick too. An aquaponic irrigation system is being trialled with goldfish and customers are incentivised with arefund to bringback plant pots.

As well as gardening outdoor,some Shetlanders also nowhavePolycrub polycarbonategrowing tunnels in their gardens. Designed in Shetland and the result of acommunity project, gardeners areincreasingly using them for growing

everything from apples to butternut squash, and flowers. And, says Carol, some people put asmall area aside for afew chairs and atable so theycan enjoytheir plants while being protected from the wind.



Evergreen Garden Care has refreshed its lawn care range under its market-leading Miracle-Gro® brand following the business’ largest consumer research project on the lawn categorytodate.

The striking newbrand identity amplifies the brand’s iconicyellow colourway and delivers clear usage information in what consumers feel can be an overwhelming category.

The rangehas been streamlined and sub-categorised into Lawn ‘Treatment’, ‘Maintenance’, and‘Seed’ to immediately helpconsumersidentifywhich product will help them solvetheir lawn problem.

New additions to the range include Miracle-Gro® HealthyLawn,named following the consumer insight that: Consumerswantalawn thatisgreen and looks healthy, they don’tmind some weeds and moss as long as the lawn looks good and can be agreatplayground forchildren andpets.

Also new to the range is the Miracle-Gro® MultiUse Compact Spreader, which is affordableand simple to use withboth granular feedsand lawnseed.

Our research highlighted an opportunitytodemystify the category fornew lawncare users and we believe therefreshed Miracle-Gro® packdesignwill deliveragainst this, helpingnew users to confidently shopthe category and increase their frequency of lawn care use

Evergreen Garden Care has expanded its market leading,peat-freeoffering with the launch of three innovative products: Miracle-Gro® Premium Peat-FreeSeeds, Plugs &YoungPlants Compost,Levington® Peat-Free Container &Basket Compost, and Miracle-Gro® Premium Pine Bark Nuggets.

We have also extendedour non-glyphosate weedkiller ranges. Roundup® Path Optima is anew weedkiller range that killsweeds and moss, and Weedol® Tough Weed Control enables gardeners to target theroots of stubbornweeds. Thenew ranges areavailable in RTUand concentrateformats in avariety of sizes to meetgardener’s needs.

From our no.1garden pestcontrol brand we now have a Rose Clear™ Ultra Shield.This pesticide free solution protects plants against pests anddiseases, prevents new attacks and is safearound beesand pets. Our new Fly Clear™ Fruit Fly Monitoring Trap provides afast and effective solution to attract and trap fruit flies in your home.

These new additions, reflect our commitmenttosustainable gardening practices, responding to the growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly products.

Thank you for your ongoingsupport andwelook forward to growing the category together in 2025 andbeyond.

To findout more about Evergreen Garden Care’sproduct range visit

Christmas Greatness –the 2024 search begins

Will your teams be among the winners, and will your customers vote you to be The Greatest Garden CentreTeam of 2024?

Our team of judges havetheir Christmas jumpers at the ready to startthe judging processfor GTN’s Greatest Christmas Awards 2024

If youthink your Christmas teams arethe best in the business, now’sthe time to get them nominated for GTN’sGreatest Christmas Awards 2024 and preparefor your customers to vote foryou too.

Thereare categories to recognise display teams, Christmas tree sales teams, marketing teams and after 19,000 voteswereregistered last year we will onceagain be running the public vote forThe Greatest Christmas Teams acrossthe country, as decided purely by garden centrecustomers.

It’ssimple to takepart, all youhaveto do is nominateyour teams for the award

categories belowinane-mail to trevor@ including afew words about why our team of judges should come and meet your team and aphotoortwo that we can include in our GTNXtraChristmas photo galleries. The closing datefor nominations to guarantee avisit from our judges is Monday 4th November 2024

Hereare the categories for GTN’sGreatest Christmas Awards 2024

1. The Greatest Christmas Houseplant Team

2. The Greatest Outdoor Plant and Christmas Tree Team

3. The Greatest Gardening as aChristmas Gift Sales Team

4. The Greatest Christmas Gifts Team

5. The Greatest Garden Centre Christmas Promotions Team

6. The Greatest Christmas BBQ and Outdoor LeisureTeam –The SOLEX Sizzle

7. The Greatest FestiveRetail Food Team

8. The Greatest Christmas Wild BirdCare& PetTeam

9. The Greatest Garden CentreGrottoTeam

10.The Greatest Group Small Garden CentreChristmas Team

11.The Greatest Group Large Garden CentreChristmas Team

12.The Greatest Small Garden Centre Christmas Team

13.The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden Centre Christmas Team

14.The Greatest Large Garden Centre Christmas Team

15.The Greatest Giant Garden Centre Christmas Team

16.The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team –Overall and regional winnersas votedfor by customers

*The Group Garden Centre awards are for centres that are part ofgroups with5 or more centres

Judging visits will takeplaceduringNovember andDecemberwith the winners being announced on The Stage at Spring Fair on Monday 3rdFebruary2025.

The public vote will startduringNovember with full details, voting forms and poster artwork available in the GTNXtrae-mailnewsletter:

So,whatare youwaiting for,get snapping and send an e-mail today to trevor@ to get your entry registered.

Christmas Greatness–Enter your teams now

Name of Garden Centre:

Nominated by: ............................................................ e-mail: .....................................


Christmas Awards Contact: ........................................ e-mail: ..................................... Phone:..........................

Please send us details of the customer voting

We wouldliketobenominated in the following categories:

1. TheGreatest Christmas Houseplant Team

2. The Greatest Outdoor Plant and Christmas Tree Team

3. TheGreatest Gardening as aChristmas Gift Sales Team

4. TheGreatest Christmas Gifts Team

5. TheGreatest Garden CentreChristmas Promotions Team

6. TheGreatest Christmas BBQ and Outdoor LeisureTeam –The SOLEX Sizzle

7. TheGreatest FestiveRetail Food Team

Sizeofcentre: Very Small/Small/Medium/Large/Giant

8. The Greatest Christmas Wild BirdCare& PetTeam

9. The Greatest Garden CentreGrottoTeam

10.The Greatest Group Small Garden CentreChristmas Team

11.The Greatest Group Large Garden CentreChristmas Team

12. The Greatest Small Garden CentreChristmas Team

13.The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden CentreChristmas Team

14.The Greatest Large Garden CentreChristmas Team

15.The Greatest Giant Garden CentreChristmas Team

16.The Greatest Christmas Garden CentreTeam –Overall and regional winners -asvoted for by customers

*The Group Garden Centre awards are for centres that are part ofgroups with5 or more centres

Number of staff employedatyour centrethis Christmas: Full Time....................... Part Time ..................

Send your entryform to:GTN’sGreatest Christmas Awards, Garden Trade News,Potting Shed Press, DairyHouse 8DairyDrove,Thorney,Peterborough, PE6 0TX

Or e-mail your entryto:

Thebuzz is back

The ribbon was cut,the show was busy and 50 years of Glee was celebrated.

The good old weather might not have been playing ball this year,but that didn’tdampenthe spirits of everyone atGlee this year.There wasadefinitebuzz throughout all the halls with visitors treated to quality displays and plenty of newproducts and innovation to keep garden centrecustomers wanting to buy.

Not only wastherea change in datewith it returning to its September slot, but the layout toowas different which gavethe event afresh

look andfeel. Therewerehighlevels of interest in halls 9and 10 from smaller companies, and larger exhibits in halls 6-8 all of which were given an extraspecial boost because it wasthe show’s 50th anniversary.

“I agree the buzzisback,”says Matthew Mein, Glee Event Director.“Ithink there’san overwhelming joythat we’vemovedthe show to September,and this has been galvanized by feedback. Ithink people wanted to come together and havethat feel good factor saying,

‘come on, let’sget on withnext year’.

“We’ve had so many great buyers coming from big groups right the waythrough to smaller, independent garden centers. We’vehad great feedback from the retail services and experiences exhibitors that will help garden centres aid their business, from shop fitting right the waythrough to catering solutions. Forthe home and gift sector we hadsomefantastic brands to help to get pre-Christmas additional impulse sales and we’vegrown the pet section too.”


Above:The NECrecognised the 50th anniversaryofGlee by presenting MatthewMein with agigantic cake. All but the first twoGlee eventshavebeen held at the NEC. Matthewisseenherewith members of the NECteam.

Below: Congratulations to AngloAquatic Plant which scooped the prizefor the Best Stand in the plant-focused Green Heartarea. Caroline Everett and DannySheenan,fromthe nurseryinMiddlesex, received awardfromBoydJ DouglasDavis and MatthewMein. Thestand gave retailersideas on howtodisplayand makethe most of salesofaquatic plants.

Left:Annie GundryofPlayhatch Garden Centre(BGC), and Lucia HopcraftofStewarts Garden, werethe Glee Talent Storewinners for2024. Their pop-up immersive, conceptstore captured all the senses and encouraged shopperstosmell, touch or spritzthe plants. It wasdesigned to appeal to younger gardenersand tap intothe growing houseplant trend. Scannable QR codesdirectedto YouTube videos with instant growing information.

Worthy runners-up wereSteve Chase from Winnersh Garden Centre(BGC) and Catrin Jones from Fron Goch Garden Centre. They created apet-friendlygarden spacetoencouragenatural animal behaviour such as sniffing,foraging and exploring

Derek Bunker and David Domoney cut the ribbon to officially open the 50th Glee.

Making an impact

Always on the lookout for marketing inspiration, the PP8 team spotted inspiring and creative ways of using technology at Glee, as well as fun ideas to attract visitors to your stand, promote products and help retailers enhance consumer experience.

QR codes makea comeback

QR codes were everywheresignalling a comeback in howbrands digitally connect with customers. As well as on the revers of packs, suppliers linked QR codes to product information, FAQ’sand videos, extending the experiencebeyondtheir showstand. Some took this further with exciting newapplications available to retailers:

•MeadowViewStone unveiled new point-of-sale featuring an innovative AR experience. Shoppers scan the QR code and the AR featureallowsthem to visualise the products in their ownhome or garden, making it apowerful tool for decision-making

•The Empathy brand continuesto innovate, this time launching amodern wayofencouraging consumers to interact through video and AI. Scan the QR code to engage with the virtual assistant ‘Emily’and youreceive company and product information in a digestible video format. ‘Ask Emily’will be rolled out on point-of-sale material intogarden centres this coming season. This combination of AI and video demonstrates the potential to merge digital technology with customer care.

Engaging experiences

Severalexhibitors went beyond the traditional booth setup,using creative methods to attract visitors and keep them engaged.

•Southern Trident’smagician attracted visitors with captivating tricks and illusions. This unexpected entertainment created afun, light-heartedatmosphere while subtly aligning the magic act with idea of its Coco &Coir product range promoting ‘magic’ in the garden.

•Loki UK ‘s themewas The Pest Showon Earth. Pre-show, it sent teaser invites to keycustomers, building excitement. Its circus-themed stand featured games, popcorn, giveaways, and team members dressed in tophats raising smiles from visitors. This fully immersiveexperience stood out visually and delivered on

Manybrandsshowcased their long-standing dedication to thegardening industryincluding Burgon &Ball. It’s wall displaycelebrated its 300-year legacy of quality garden tools, reinforcing trust and credibility.This focus on craftsmanship and historyadded adeeper emotional connection forcustomers, enhancing brand loyalty

memorability,tying theentireevent back to itspestcontrol product range.

•Kent &Stowe impressedwith apop-up demo in the walkwaybetweenhalls, illustrating the durability of its newspade by having aman balanceonit. It also offered retailers the chancetowin an in-store eventfeaturing the balancing act, creating ongoing buzzbeyond the show.

Retail theatre

Retail theatrewas amajor theme this year,with many exhibitors demonstrating effectivein-storedisplay ideas to help garden centresshowcase products in visually captivating ways.

•Coco& Coir’s wheelbarrowdisplay featured expanded coir and apoint-of-

PP8 Marketing provides outsourced marketing services in the gardening and home improvement markets. If the marketing ideas at GLEE 2024 have sparked your interest, PP8 Marketing can help.Contact Paula todaytosee howwecan help your brand stand out at trade shows, in-storeand online.


Phone: 07500 225293

sale spade. It wasacreativeand attentiongrabbing waytodisplay eco-friendly products.

•The rustic crates display from LBC Boots wassimple yeteffective.The crates added avintage charm that tied in perfectly with the gardening boot range, and demonstrated howsimple merchandising can makea strong visual impact.

•Glee’sTalent Storewas ashowcase of visual merchandising designed and created by up-and-coming industrytalent. This wasagreat source of inspiration for retailerslooking to elevatein-store displays with fresh, creativeperspectives from the next generation.

Loki brings the circus to town
Thedurability of Kent &Stowe’s newspade is put to thetest.
Rustic crates used to great effecttodisplayLBS Boots.

Potr takes the crown

The company behind the ingenious flat-packed, self-watering planters, Potr,has won the 2024 GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund.

Potr’s revolutionaryplanters not only champion sustainability with the use of 100% recycled material but theyalso offer an exciting newlinefor garden retail gift and houseplant departments and online plant subscription services. As such, it was aworthy winner of this year’s GIMA Seed Corn Fund at Glee in September.

The letterbox-friendly,IP-protected flat-pack designs use minimal materials and 100% recycled plastic resulting in aCO2 footprint morethan 100 times smaller than aconventional planter.It’snovel self-watering system also makes it easy to keep houseplants hydrated and in good health.

Potr’s Founderand Designer, Andrew Flynn is no stranger to awards having wonthe RHS Sustainable Garden Product of the Year at the Chelsea FlowerShowinMay.“We’ve had alot of growth sinceChelsea. We’vebeenattrade shows in Atlanta and NewYork wherewehavesecured distribution for the US and 40 new retailers,”says Andrew.Prior to Glee, Andrew wasatthe TopDrawerevent

wherehewon Product of the Year whichwillsecurehim apop-up shop in ahigh street retailer.“Winning the 2024 GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund is ahuge honour.We’ve always believedinthe potential of Potr to makea real impact in the gardening industry, and this recognition highlights the importance of sustainability in everything we do,” he says.

Stocking the range

Potr’s range can already be found in retailers including Stirling Home, but Andrew was keen to useGlee as alead generator to get the product in front of moregarden centre buyers. “We’ve had afantastic Glee and I’mvery confident we will be getting orders in the future,”says Andrew.Following feedback from retailers at Chelsea, newpoint of sale has been devised to improve displays and better tell the storyofthe pots andhow to use them. With asmall footprint, it has three sides holding 105 items in total and is made of cardboardto uphold the environmental theme. Acountertopversionisalso being considered.

As the ninth recipient of the GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund,Potr will receivea grant of up to £6,000 which includes ayear’s full GIMA membership,plus awide range of businesssupporttools including free exhibition spaceatGlee 2025 and PR supportduringthe event. In addition, the winners package includes design, development and manufacturing or marketing cost supportuptothe value of £3,000; access to an industry businessconsultant; one-year Anti Copying in Design membership; and an advertinthe next GIMA Buyers Guide.

“Potr’s flat-pack design, coupled with acommitment to reducing waste, makes it standout in the market,”says VickyNuttall, GIMA Director.“We look forward to supporting Potr’s growth in the UK market.”

Andrew Flynn with Vicky Nuttall, GIMA Director.

Glee Heroes –

50 years of influence

As Glee celebrated 50 years, the people and products that have most influenced over the past 50 years werevoted for by GTNand Glee Daily News readers. Hereare the Glee 50 Year Heroes:

Thanks to arecordnumber of votes received via GTNXtraand Glee Daily News the Glee 50 Year Heroawardswere announced to apacked audienceatthe Stage on the Tuesday evening of Glee 2024.See the full resultsfromthe voting belowand read just what it meant to the winners to be recognised by theirpeers and received theGlee 50 Year Heroaccolades.

Most Influential Person of the last 50 years–Top 4

Paris Natar,Caroline Owen, EdwardConroy, John Ashley

The CharactersofGlee's 50 years–Top4

Derek Bunker,Boyd Douglas-Davis, Nick Davies, Antony Harker

HeroProduct of the last 50 years–Top5

1. Miracle Gro

2. The first Gro-Bag launched by Fisons

3. Gardman Wild BirdCare

4. Garden Solar Lights

5. Hozelock ConnectorSystem

HeroPlant of the last 50 years–Top5

1. Hydrangeas and Surfinia Petunias

3. Pre-Packed Flowerbulbs

4. Scabious Butterfly Blue

5. Hebes

Aspecial Character of Glee Awardwas presented to StuartKitchen and Michelle de Lavis-Trafford.Stuart has attended everyGleeand Michelle, nowCEO of ChoiceMarketing,was first seen in past Glee review issues of GTNworking at Glee as Stuart’smarketing assistant…

Howdoes it feel to be aHero?

“I was already pleased as punch and slightly amazed that Ihad even been nominated for the ‘most Influential’ award. No wordscan adequately describe howproud Iwas to havebeen votedone of the winners. What an endorsement of my life’swork these past 45 years! The best parthas been the effect on those around me, my loved ones and my colleagues who,without exception, havebeenthrilled. Most of all my lovely Mum who has always been my biggest supporter. She still talks about it now, 4weeks on.”

Derek Bunker –Character of Glee Award

“I havevisited everyone of the 50 Glee Exhibitions. Iparticularly enjoythe opportunity to meet and discussissues with the exhibitors. As Iambased on the shop floor,Iget to know what customers feel about products and their opinions of what is right or wrong with something.Thiscan be as mundane as the packaging or the product's name. The companies might not like what theyhear,but at least theyare facts, not suppositions and they can decide acourse of action. All Iamdoing as a‘Character’ispassing on information and sharing afew points.Long liveGlee.”

Nick Davies –Character of Glee Award "It’sanincredible honour to be recognised as one of the four Characters of Glee in celebration of the 50th year.What makes this even more special is knowing that it was votedfor by my peers in the industry. That truly means the world to me. Glee is an event Ieagerly look forward to each year.The opportunity to connectwith so many talented people and shareideas is invaluable, and the days just seem to fly by.A heartfelt thank youtoeveryone who voted, your support really means alot.”

Antony Harker –Character of Glee Award

“I’mreally honoured and humbled to stand alongside people that Ideeply respect in the industry. The garden centretrade has always been in my blood, working for our family business at Tong from the age of 18,creating Kelkay 20 years ago and nowowning the Alticobusiness. I’mproud to haveinstilled the same passion intomychildren and I’mluckyenough to have assembled agreat team of people to work with. Iplan to keep investing in the industrythat Ilove, so thanks to all who voted–I’ll do my best to keep beinga ‘character’for many moreyears to come!”

PeterSeabrook –Character of Glee Award by his son Roger Seabrook:

"Horticulturewas ahugepartofDad's life and he got involved in many of the different aspects of plants and plantsmanship.For him, the heart of this wasthe nurseryand garden centretrade, and the people who bring their expertise, experienceand passion to providing the plants that so many of us takefor granted. These people come together at events likeGlee whereDad wouldlove to

Boyd Douglas-Davies -Character of Glee Award

meet his friends and colleagues andcatch up on the latest news and developments. The Character of Glee Awardwould havemeant so much to himand he would havebeentotally delighted, not only for the recognitionbut also for the attention it draws to the Colegrave Seabrook Foundation which continues to work to supportpeople studying to builda career in thepractical aspects of horticulture. Thank youtoall involved with Glee for remembering Dad so generously."

"Whata complete shock! Inever expected to be included in such aprestigious list of winners and knowing it wasvoted forbyindustry peers made it so special. Forover 40 years I haveenjoyedthe greatest trade showonearth, Glee. Being apartoftheir 50th celebration is an honour.Thank youto everyone that took the time to vote forme."

Miracle-Gro–HeroProduct of the past 50 years-fromEvergreen Garden CareCEO ColinStephens.

“Weare delighted to havereceivedthe Glee 50-year HeroProduct awardand the team at Evergreen aresoproud that theindustryrecognises the role the brand and product plays in our everyday gardening lives. We areevenmorethrilled that John Ashleywas recognised with a50-year HeroAward.John wasinstrumental in launching Miracle-Grointhe UK and the success we have today with Miracle Grobeing the leading garden carebrand in the countryisdue to the work that John did. We aredelighted in both John and Miracle Grobeing recognised with these awards.”

Hydrangeas –HeroPlant of the past 50 years-fromPaul Cook, specialist Hydrangea grower.

“The humble hydrangea full of big,pinkblooms and grownoutside granny’s front door,has become astunning species with forms and colours to suit all tastes. We have seen changes in traditional mop head varieties, and the arrival of Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’. Important to me is the huge impact of Hydrangea paniculata,fromfew varietiesonly 20 years ago to winners today like‘Limelight’ and ‘Skyfall’. And not forgetting the ongoing breeding giving everyone super Hydrangea quercifolia like compact ‘RubySlippers’. Hydrangeas havegonefromfrowned upon to collectable and will be at the topinanother 50 years’time.”

Surfinias -HeroPlant of the past 50 yearsfrom Paul Jackson, MNP Flowers:

“Utmost thanks to everyone of your readers who took thetime to vote fortheir HeroPlant of the last 50 years. Everyone at MNP/Suntory areveryhumbled to be awarded this awardin recognition of Petunia Surfinia. 35 yearsyears ago the breeders from Suntorycame forward with atrailing petunia that everyone said wouldnever sell. With 1.5billion plants sold in Europe alone, it is truly aremarkable storyand plant. Thanks to everyone who helped sell it and everyone that bought it. Remember; everySurfinia is a petunia but not everypetunia is aSurfinia.”

Congratulations to Sipcam Home and Garden forwinning the Overall Glee New Product Award

Leaders of the pack

Sixteen fantastic new garden and pet product innovations were winners of this year’s highly coveted Glee New Product awards.

It took until 10pm on the night before the opening of Glee 2024,for judges to study all the300 plus entries into the Glee New Product Showcase organised by Garden Trade News. Luckily,justbefore thecleaners picked up their brooms to sweep them out of the NEC, the judges came up with a shortlist in each of the13categories.

Overall Glee New Product Award

Winner: EcofectiveSlug Stoppa. Sipcam

Home and Garden

Runner-up: Maxwell Pot. Woodlodge Products



Winner: EcofectiveSlug Stoppa. Sipcam

Home and Garden

“It feels fantastic to winthis award, thank youand it's nicetoberecognised for what we'redoing We'reveryproud of it and Ithink we'redoing the right things.”

Also shortlisted:

Representatives from the shortlisted companies presented apitch on The Stageto judges thefollowingday to highlight features andbenefits of their latest products. Judges thenmet again to decide who wouldwin the individual categories andbethe overall Glee NewProduct of the Year winner.

“Every year ourexhibitors continue to impresswith the level of innovation they bringtomarket,” says Matthew Mein,Glee Event Director. “The qualityofthe entries this year has been fantastic, andthe pitches demonstrated thepassion anddedicationthat goesintoevery productentry.Congratulations to both ourshortlisted entries and oureventual winners.I sincerely hopethe win will positively impactyour growth in thecomingseason as it hasfor many of ourprevious winners.”

Empathy BioactiveCompost ImproverPlantworks

Grass Gains Premium Lawn FeedGrassGains Ltd

Urban Wyrm Worm Casts -Growmoor BetterGrowing

Sustainability Award

Winner: Urban Wyrm Worm Casts. Growmoor BetterGrowing

Chris Holgreaves, Urban Wyrm: “Initially Iwas shocked as winning the awardmeanssomuch

Also shortlisted:

Retail Services & Experiences

to us We have only just launched the product and already creating quite a stir with it To get the Sustainability Award is the cherry on the top ”

Best of British Award

Winner: Natures Menu Freeze Dried Dinners 250g.Natures Menu Ltd

JessGriffithsand RosiePaul. “Weare very excited to havewon Best of British. We proudly make our product in Norfolk, wherewe'rebased, so it was a realhonour to win It's beenreally positive because it's such an innovativeproduct that alot of stores and retailers haven't heard of before –we aretrying to fill agap in the market.”

Wild BirdCare&Wildlife Products

Winner: Cork Peanut Butter Feeder -Wall Mounted. CJ Wildlife

Phil Kent,HeadofUKB2B sales. “The team are overthe moon andreallyhappy.It’sbrilliant.”

Illuminest -The Green EarthBox Company Limited

'Woolie' the Sheep -Hanging ceramic wool dispenser - Wildlife World

Kettle Grills & Smoker Bird Feeder - Panacea Products Ltd

Reli Birddy Smart Feeder GreenTough - Reli Technologies LLC

Pet Products

Winner: Dog FirstAid Kit. Mountain Paws HenryBrooke. Sales Manager.“To be shortlisted wasabit of asurprise, but to win wasevenmore of a surprise We have had plenty of interest from people so winning has really helped ”

Also shortlisted:

Recycled dog toys - Spectacular

Natures Menu Freeze Dried Dinners 250gNatures Menu Ltd


Winner: SleeperSecureSteel Sleeper Brackets. A.Perry Ltd

“We are delighted to have won the award It’s asimple and effectiveproduct that’sfitfor purpose Landscapers can fit and forget, and it's the perfect retail upsell opportunity.”

Also shortlisted:

OrchardGarden Sculptures -Treadstone Products

Eden Collection -MeadowViewStone Limited

Eco Sparkle 20mm -MeadowViewStone Limited

Winner: Augmented Reality.MeadowView Stone

Jessica Dabell, Brand Manager.MeadowView

Stone: “It feels amazing to win I got the idea when I was doing up my house We were putting in new carpets and flooring and I thought, well, surely there must be a way to do this for your garden? To launch it at Glee and for ittowina newproductaward is just phenomenal.”

Also shortlisted:

Floprodisplay units: Connect, Spray, Sprinkle -Westland HorticultureLtd

Westland Welsh Dresser - Westland Horticulture Ltd

Gifts, body and bath, Christmas, greetings cards, toys and games

Winner: Set of 5 Herbs by Seedball Seedball

Emily Attlee,Seedball: “It wasreally exciting to win the award. Glee has been excellent. Everyone is coming to see the product because it’s displayed in the New Product Showcase so it’shelping to bring people to the stand and create interest.”

Also shortlisted:

Anthurium 'Zizou and Lilli in festiveglassThe Horti House

Burgon &Ball ‘Nurture& Nourish’ gift setBurgon &Ball

Animaker Flash -Maped Helix

Candle Making Kit -SOLAS Home

Homewares, clothing and fashion accessories

Winner: The Siroflex Home and Garden Kit

Siroflex UK

Mark Nineham, Managing Director: “This is our first time exhibiting at Glee. We've bought the products fromall over fromItalyand we'rejust overthe moon that one of products won. We were advised to enter the awards, and we have come out winners!”

Also shortlisted:

Dragonfly Trivet - By Jo Crafts

Eco-flow Solar Tap Adapter - Siroflex UK

Haago Reusable Handwarmers - Haago Halliesphere - Halliesphere

Mighty Mats Eco Doormat Colletion - Primeur

Garden Leisure&Entertaining

Winner: Blackstone 36 Inch Griddle with Air Fryer Combo Blackstone

Steven May, UK Country Manager “It’s amazing to win the award and so pleased So far, everyone who has visited thestand has said ‘yes’ to workingwith us which is unprecedented

Also shortlisted:

EcoFuego Campo -Eco Fuego

Mighty BBQ Steam Cleaner -Creative Products Ltd

Garden Tools & Machinery

Winner: Aqua Power Creative Products Ltd

Mark Hall, Managing Director “It’s sensational Wewerenot expecting it, but reallypleased

We thinkthe product is good and it's great the buyers warm to it and can see all the benefits ”

Also shortlisted:

Crawling Insect Freeze Spray - Pelsis Ltd 9H31

GARDENA 18V Multi-Cleaner AquaBrushHusqvarna / Gardena

AutoReel Mobile- Hozelock

Flymo 18V EasiWeeder -Husqvarna / Gardena

Garden Decoration

Winner: Orchard Garden Sculptures. Treadstone Products

Dean Winters, Product and Marketing Director: “It’s great to win It’s a for marketing and pushes theproduct out thereand it’sa great reward

for the team.Awardslikethis always makea difference.”

Also shortlisted:

Venetian Planter - Jagram S A

Animal Stakes - Panacea Products Ltd

Ballon Solar USB Festoon Lights - Set Of 20The Solar Centre

Garden Growing Containers

Winner: Maxwell Pot. Woodlodge Products

Michael Wooldridge.DirectorWoodlodge

Products: “Recycled products and ethically sourced products aresomething people are looking for and this product is very good value for the size.”

Also shortlisted:

Sustainable Bamboo Saucer Covers - Panacea

Products Ltd

Haxnicks Earth Pots Windowsill Set -Tildenet Gardenware

Growing Accessories

Winner: Sustee Aqua Meter Southern Trident Limited

Also shortlisted:

Germie Seed Propagation Kit -GermieSAS CoppiceGarden Gloves-Treadstone Products

Plants, Seeds &Bulbs

Winners: Malus domestica ‘Peter's Gold’. The Colegrave Seabrook Foundation, and Catharanthus Soiree Light Pink Dark Eye MNP Flowers / Suntory

Paul Jackson. Sales Agent &Brand Ambassador for MNP Suntory:“Thrilled to havewon the award. This plant is easy and fast growing providing a pop of colour from June onwards ”

Neil Gow, Colegrave Seabrook Foundation: “It’s super to have won the award and we are grateful the Seabrook family is donating the royalties from the sale to the Foundation

Also shortlisted:

Nature's Lawn with Mowable WildflowersJohnsons Lawn Seed

Marigold GlowUp (Tagetes erecta) –Colegrave Seabrook Foundation

Ready to plant onions & shallots - Kapiteyn B V

out foralisting

of all entries intothe Glee NewProduct Awards in the November issue of Garden TradeNews.

Floral fashionistas

Records broken on Floral Thursday at Glee as floral attireisworn and the raffle is drawn.

Now in itsfourth year, Floral Thursday at Glee is gaining momentum. We arehappytoreportthe number of people turning up in floral outfits is increasing,asisthe amount of money raised for the Greenfingers Charity

This year awhopping £3,000 wasraised from the raffle of items donated by suppliers at Glee –the highest figuresofar through this event. The total overthe four years has nowreached morethan £10,000 so abig thank yougoestoeveryone who bought aticket.

Woodmansterne also raised moneyfor Greenfingers through the sale of items on its stand while Vitax announced anew partnership with the charity which will see funds raised overthe next year from sales of its Q4 All Purpose Plant Food.An auction of floral shirts also helped boost the figure.

Another record was broken with the highest number of people on The Stage for the official Floral Thursday photograph. We have counted143 people in the picturesoare hoping next year we canmakeit150

Dear wonderfulGreenfingers Charit i y support r ers,

What an incredible Glee exhibition we’ve had this year! From the bottom of our hearts,we wantto t say ahuge thank you for your amazing generosity,energ r y,and support You helped make this year’s Floral Thursday themost vibrant and succes e sful event yet, and we couldn’tbemore grateful!

It was an absolute t joy to see so many of you gett t ing involved – from beautifulfloral dres e ses e to quirky, fun, and wonderfully l whacky outfits,you embraced thespirit i of theday wit i h such c enthusiasm! Tog o ether,weraised an incredible £3000, taking the total raised through Floral Thursday over theyears to a fanta t stic £10,000.

But that wasn’t all! Th T egenerosit i y didn’t stop at outfits and raffle ti t ckets.Th T anks to theki k ndnes e sof exhibit i ors who donate t d products t to our fundraising aucti t on, weraised a further £3,000 when theseit i ems went under thehammer at W&H. Peacock’s aucti t on house.

For us,Glee is more than just an exhibition. It’s acelebrati t on of thepower of communit i y,ach c ance for people to come together and make a difference – whether you’re donning a floral shirt r , donating an auction item,making a quiet donationorsimply showing up to support r thecause.

Your support will makea real diff f erenceand will bring smiles to thefaces of so many children and families who willbenefit from the beautifulgardens you helpto t makepossible.

Unti t lnext year – and with our endless gratitude,

Linda Petrons, Director of Fundraising & Communicati t ons at the Greenfingers Charity

Hold on tight!

Four brave wingwalkers raisethousands for the Greenfingers Charity.

Inaheartwarming showofcourage and generosity,four fearlessindividuals took to theskies at the beginning of September to raise funds for Greenfingers Charity by completing adaring wingwalk.

The challenge saw Russell Thompson of the AMES Companies, BeckyRose of JBM Sales Ltd, George Summerscales of KlondykeGarden Centres, and KimberleyHornbyGeorge of HornbyGeorge PR join forcestoconquer their fears and makea meaningful difference. Their collectiveefforts raised an incredible £4,000, which will go towards creating much-needed therapeutic gardens in children’shospices.

The four wingwalkers gathered at AeroSuperBatics on the Rendcomb Airfield in GloucestershireonSeptember 3wherethey were given expertinstruction by the wingwalking professionals. Each wasinthe skyfor up to 10 minutes at aheight of 1000ft and travelling at a maximum speed of 140mph.

“It wasanerve-wracking experience,”says Russell Thompson, “but knowing that every penny we raised will help children and their families in hospices made it all worthwhile.”

The £4,000 raised by the wingwalkers will makea significant impact on the 11 garden projects the Greenfingers team is actively working on. These include Acorns in Walsall and

Hope House, Oswestrywhereoutdoor spaces will be transformed intomagical gardens that promotewellbeing,healing,and joy.

Next year’s Wingwalk will takeplaceon August 28.Bev Clark, Greenfingers Fundraising Adminstrator has pledged to wingwalk as partof her 60th birthday celebrations and BeckyRose has set herself achallenge of doing aloop the loop.Willyou join them?

Formoreinformation about the GreenfingersCharity or to register interest forthe 2025 wingwalk visit: Greenfingerscharity/ @GreenfingersCha on Twitter @Greenfingerscharity on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Becky proudly wearing at Greenfingers Charity t-shirt
House Oswestry where outdoor
Right to left: BeckyRose, Russell Thompson and George Summerscales
Kimberley Hornby George’s challenge took her to a height of 3000ft

Seasonal picks for 2025 and beyond

Recommended plants from Ball and Glee which customers will find hardtoresist.

Summer might not havebeenwhat we hoped for,and plant sales not as buoyant as we would haveliked, but the industrypresses on andcontinues to deliver newand inspirational plants.

At theSummer Showcase presented by Ball, StuartLowen, Marketing Manager,pickedout the plants he thinks will be retail successes in 2025.Visitors toowereasked to placea blue flag next to their favouriteand 1300 were counted. The topfive with the most flags has nowbeen revealed. Makesureyou havethese, and Stuart’s recommendations on your picking list for spring/ summer 2025 so your benches arefilled with plants your customers will find irresistible.

Lantana Passion Fruit

Votedasaclear favouritebyvisitors to the trials, this newlantana is agreat choicefor abasket or container.Ithas aspreading and gently trailing habit and produces the most impressiveflowers of orange, yellowand pink. Pollinators love it

Stuart Lowen with Dahlia Gardenetta Lilac, Mandevilla Jade Scarlet and, in the foreground, Petunia SweetSunshine Blue Sky
Lantana Passion Fruit

too! Stuartsaysitwill cope admirably in hot, dry summers and will definitely be one to grow should hose pipe bans be on the cards in the future.

Looking to thefutureatGlee

In his travels acrossthe world, Michael Perry comes acrosshundreds of plants so has apretty good idea of what’snew and what customers arelikely to be asking for in the years to come. His FuturePlants display at Glee featured around 100 plants including houseplants, seasonal bedding,perennials and shrubs. Not all were new, some were chosen because of their

Dahlia Gardenetta Lilac

A newrich colour for this series which coordinates perfectly with dark foliage. Easy to grow with greatgarden performanceand makes big,chunkyplants for aquick sale in 2-3L pots.

Mandevilla Tropica series

Anactivebreeding programme is producing easy to retail mandevilla backed up by good garden performance. This series has two groups–both able to cope with warm, dry conditions and proving to be great patio performers. Jade, with fivecolours, has a short, bushy habit suitable for baskets and containers, while Opal (three colours) is a climber and likely to be grownfor retail with one or twoplants on apyramid frame. Young plants grow very quickly,increasing their value in amatter of weeks.


Not only is the durability of petunias being improved, but the range of vibrant colours and decoration of the flowers seemingly limitless. Stuartcan see FanfareTM Heartbreaker bred in the UK, being acustomer favourite. Its almost

Topfive Blue Flag customer favourites

•Lanata Passion Fruit

•Coleus Sunfighter Solar Flare

•Cosmos CherryChocolate

•Lobelia Infinity Blue Sparkle



ability to cope with the challenges of future gardeningand climatechange. Intriguing new introductions included purple leaved Hibiscus moscheutos Carousel Ghost with bright, whiteflowers. Adeciduous perennial it looks, from afar,likeananemone. Aheavily scented cyclamen being marketed as Ambianceand Rosa ‘ScentifallLemon’ were twoofhis favourites, the rose being one of the last

heart-shaped redpetalsare stiped with yellow and it can be growncool. Other highlights are Petunia Tumbeliana Nicola and Juliana and the striking SweetSunshine Blue Skywith white petals speckled with navyblotches being in demand.

Dianthus Dart

Stuartdescribes this newdianthus as ‘a bouquet of flowers in apot’. Agreat bench end promotion, the series has fivecolours including ‘Pink Magician’ with dark pink, light pink and whiteflowersonthe same stem.Highly appealing,plants takejusteight weeksfrom sowing to afinished plant and because theylike the cool,are great in latespring,early summer and autumn sales.

plants to come from Thompson &Morgan’sown breeding programme and created especially for hanging baskets and containers. Severalother colours are, apparently,inthe pipeline. Another hot tip is begonias as houseplants and seasonal bedding.Michael says some interesting varieties arecoming from breeders in Belgium and alluded to one particularly exciting line to light up planteria benches.

Petunia Tumbelina Juliana
Perennial hibiscus with perfect white flowers.
mandevilla which look set to become even more popular.

Navigating change

New president for the HTAplus YPHA member Lilidh Matthews, offers her perspective from last month’s HTAConference.

Aslightly overwhelmedMikeBurks, Managing Director of TheGardens Group,has been presentedwith the HTA’s 2024 Pearson Memorial Medal. Given annually foroutstanding contributions to the garden industry, it recognises Mike’senvironmentalwork and leadership.Presenting the award, HTAPresident Will Armintage says: “Not only is MikepartofThe Gardens Group,hecontinues to be an articulatespokesperson forindustryissues, and his involvement in the ongoing conversation around the futureofpeat servesasa keyexample.Hehas the ability to consider and communicateboth sides of the debatethoughtfully.During the Covidpandemic,Mikeworked with the HTAinarelentless drivetoreopen garden centres, arguably saving the industry.”

The HTAConferenceshowcased leadership in action, exemplifying a commitment to inclusivity and future talent development. By extending an invitation to theYPHACommittee and all participants of the YPHA Accelerator Launch Success Challenge, the HTAdemonstrated its dedication promoting mentorship and nurturing the next generation of horticultural professionals.

This spirit of collaboration wasechoed during the entireday but especially on Jennifer Pheasey’spanel on howwecan futureproof theworkforce.The panel’sinsightshighlighted the need to breakdownbarriers and create opportunities that not only draw newentrants intothe industrybut also supportthem in achieving long-term success

Beyond workforce development, the conferencefocused on arange of topics from innovativeapproaches such as AI integration, through to strategic priorities that havecome out of the House of Lordsenquiryincluding areliable source of seasonal labour,water resource planning,transition to peat free and biosecurity.These discussions underscored the importanceofa proactive, forward-looking approach to ensurethe sector’s resilienceand growth.

Forthose in horticultural leadership roles, the event wasapowerful reminder of the impact

that inclusivepractices andstrategic vision can haveonshaping asustainable futurefor horticulture.

Some of the UK’s best growers and their teams were also recognised during the HTA Growerofthe Year awards. Winners can competeonthe world stage at IPM Essen in the International Growerofthe Year awardsin January2025. Congratulations to:

•Blooming Marvellous Employer–Majestic Trees

•Inspirational Business –Provender Nurseries

•LifeBeyond Peat –Majestic Trees

•Young Grower Under 35 –Henil Vashi from RobinTacchi Plants Ltd

•Best Staff Member –RichardPavey, Majestic Trees

•Plant Producer –David Austin Roses and Double HNurseries (joint Winners)

Alan passes over thepresidential chain to Will Armitage who will be HTAPresident forthe next two years. Will’sgardencentrebackground puts him in agood placetobeafigurehead of the Association and he will be ably supportedbyVicePresident Jane Lawler.MarkPitman, ManagingDirector of Wildlife World and MikeBurks, Managing Director of The Gardens Group arejoining the HTABoard.

David Austin Roses
Double HNurseries

Reflecting on my time as president

Two yearshaveflownbyand when youreadthisthe Horticultural Trades Associationwillhavea newPresident!

Looking back on my tenure as the HTA President thereare some good thingsto reflect on butalso some unfinished business too. Iguess that willalways be thecase with sucha dynamicindustry. My role as President has reverted to more of afigure headbut gaps in keypositions at HTAhave been filled andour nowwell-established CEO Fran Barneshas alreadyhad asignificant impact. TheHTA is readyand willingtotake on more!

While thereisstillnoclarity on legislation being broughtbeforeparliamenttoban the use of peat, we canbeproud of whathas been achieved. Sales to gardenersofretail compost containingpeat is probably now into single percentagefigures. This is agreat achievement that should be celebrated! Growers toohavemadegreat strides to growingpeatfree. Some are already entirely peat free, and others arewell on theway to achieving this goal,but I accept we stillhavework to do to educategardeners on howtogrowsuccessfully with peat-free mixes.

IwishI couldbeasup-beat about border and trade issues!We continuetoengage fullywithDEFRA on aweeklyand often daily basis butclearly the newarrangements arenot working as we would hope. At the time of writing,multiple trucks carrying perishablestock have waited manydaystopassthrough with stockdying on-board. While we areconcerned to keep unwanted pestsand diseases out of theUKit is clear thecurrent systemisinadequateto cope with thevolumeofimports.

Personal highlights

Aparticular highlightofmytwo years as HTA President has beentoattendHTA events and visit smalland medium sizedmember businesses.Itwas impossible to visitall 1400

members, butI was pleased to visitmanyin Scotland,Wales, East Anglia, theNorth West, Midlands and theSouth West.InNovember Iplantovisitsome membersinNorthern Irelandwhen Iattend the Nuffield Farming Scholarship Trusts annual conferencein Belfast.Seeing theissuesthat membersface firsthandisparticularly valuable.

The reintroduction of grassroots regional HTAeventsissomething I’mparticularly pleased to see returnand it will be spearheaded by the reinvigorated Member

Engagement Managersteam. Irecently attended an excellent event in Cornwall at KernockParkPlants.

Iwill remain amemberofthe HTABoard for acoupleofyearsand hope to provide some experienceand guidancetomy successor Will Armitagemuchinthe way Ibenefitedformthe immense experience andwise council thatpast presidents Adam Taylor andBoyd DouglasDavies have givenme. I’dalsoliketopay tributetothe support I’ve received from theHTA Board, Council,James Barnes, ourcommittees, senior leadershipand theentireteam at HorticultureHouse.

It has beena pleasure, and at times a challenge, to be theHTA Presidentinthe Association’s 125thyear!

Find out more

TheHorticultural Trades Association is the UK industry’sleading membership organisation and welcomes all sectorsof environmental horticulture. To learnmore of join please visit: or email:

Visiting HTAmembers in the UK such as Charlotte WhiteatThorngrove Garden Centre, Dorset and Liam Clearly from Old Railway Line Garden Centre, Powys hasbeen asource of greatenjoyment forAlan.

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