The Gardiner Gazette, Winter 2014
A Spring Equinox Trick ...Can You Do This? by Anne Allbright Smith
Photo by Virginia Powers
Can you stand an egg on end during the vernal equinox on March 20th? It’s when the sun is positioned directly over the equator of our tilted Earth.
have originated this practice, symbolic of restoring balance to the world after the darkness of winter on this day equally divided between day and night.
The Chinese are thought to News reporters rush annually
to capture video of people excitedly accomplishing this feat on the magic day. But….guess what? With a little practice you can do this any day of the year! The internet is full of videos on how to
do it, but some of them “cheat” and tell you to sprinkle salt on the table... Look for videos that actually show someone standing one up on a smooth surface, as has been done by our friend Virginia on her kitchen floor in the photo above. Back Comment
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Store winter hours: 1:00-5:00 Friday 10:00 - 5:00 Sunday
We will reopen The Side Shack in the spring.