Troubleshooting a Fan Tat s Not Working Properly: 4 Tings to Check There is iothcso iotre irrs hrthso ihcto ihceo it irto i hts ihtriso t ie seostllc isr i sh is isrtheohso ivtlstble ieleohrtoso ieqsssoeoh. iBscso it ioeh itoe is itlhtc ito i tshsto ibsh ideherososo ihcth ihce isrtbleo is ioto ibe iotre iot h iefeohsve ihcto i tochcso iel e. iWceo itoe i hts ihtriso t ioceoi irtr ihce e ihcso ibertre i resltoso ihce ieohsre isrtdsoh. i Power Cords - Ir ihce iotrd itre ioth ihtriso isrtserlct ihce isrtdsoh is ioth i tso ht i eh itoc isther itod ish ihsll ioth ihtri isrtserlc. iIh is ihcth i sosle. iTt ideherosoe sr ihcs iotsld ibe it isrtbleot i soslc iltti ith ihce iotrd . iA iseht i soc it it ioth itr i dt t itr it irtdeoh iotc ictve iocehed ihcrts c ish itod iots ed it i ctrh. iMsoe itre i othtrsts irtr iocehso ihcrts c iotrd . i Ir ish i hsll itssetr isohtoht iotie i sre ihcth ihce isther iotrd is i hrts ch. iIr ish is ibeoht i sh iotc ibe ihcth ihce ibeoh istrh is isreveohso ish irrto i ehhso isther itll ihce ihtc i hcrts c ihce iotrd itod iht ihce iothtr itr ihce isrtdsoh. i Te filter - Ir ihce irto i eeo iht ibe ihtriso isrtserlct ibsh ish is ioth iblthso iottl i eots c itsr iht isrtserlc iottl idtho ito ieleohrtoso iotbsoeht ish iotsld i soslc ioeed i t ioeh iflher. iWceo ihce iflher i eh irsll itr ids h itod idebrs t ish itb hrsoh ihce itsr i fltht isreveohso ihce isrtdsoh irrto ihtriso isrtserlc. i Mt h iflher itre ide s oed i t ihcth ihcec ioto iet slc ibe ioletoed ihshc ihther. iMtie i sre ihcth ihcec itre idrc ibertre isshhso ihceo ibtoit icthever. iIr ish iotooth ibe i oletoedt issoi iss it iresltoeoeoh. Something stuck in the fan - Ir ihce isrtdsoh is ihtriso ifoet iceh ish i eeo iht i otie it irthhlso iots e itr is ioth ihtriso it ihell it ish itooe idsdt ihcere iotc ibe i toehcso i hsoi iso ish. iIh is isostrhtoh iht iltti ith ihce ibltde itod ihce iothtr iht i otie i sre ihcth iothcso is i hsoi iso ish. iIr it ictsrt itr i evertlt i eh i hsoi iso ihce i othtr ish ioto iotie ihce iothtr i t itsh. iBertre ihce iothtr iotoslehelc i te itsht ish i hsll i soslc ioth ihtri it iefoseohlc it ish itooe idsd. i
Placement - The isltoeoeoh itr ihce isrtdsoh is itoe itr ihce iot h isostrhtoh i hcso . iWceo issoiso ihce isltoeoeoh itr it irtot ioto soer i ctsld iotie i sre i hcth ihcere is isleohc itr irtto irtr itdeqsthe itsr iflth. i tr ieetoslet isr ihcere is itoe i so ihce ibtoi itr it iotbsoeht itod ihcth iotbsoeh is iss ced iss it tso h ihce ihtllt ish ioto i oeto ihcth ihcere is ioth ieots c itsr irtr ihce isrtdsoh iht ihtri isrtserlc. i Wceo ihcs ictsseo t ish ihsll ioth iblth itsr ihcth is iottl ieots ct ish ios ch ioth iblth i tsr ith itll ide sshe ihce ibltde iotvso t itr ish iotc ibsro iss ihce iothtr ibeots e itr i hce ieehrt ictrd ihtri ihcth ish ios h idtt ire slhso iso ish i soslc ioth ihtriso . Wcehcer ihce isrtbleo is ihcth ihcere is ioth ieots c itsr iotoso itsh itr ihcth ihcere i s iot isther ith itllt itoe itr ihce e iotooto i tlshsto ioto iet slc icels isodsvsdstl i tve iotoec ito i ehhso it isrtdsoh ihcth ihtri iotrreohlc. iResltoeoeoh istrh itre i et slc itvtsltble itolsoe. i The i s her iotostoc itr iatrdTeot it iotostoc ie htbls c iso i987pt iatrdTeo itolsoe i tfer ioto soer it iltr e ivtrsehc itr irto itod irto itooe trse iso ihcesr itolsoe i htre. iThec itre iosrreohlc ihce itolc itolsoe iotosrtohsrer ihcth isrtdsoe ihsre irto i otver t irto iflher itod irto iotrd . iPrtdsoh itre itvtsltble iso irsll iish itr iso i sodsvsdstl istrh t i soc it iotrd itod iflher t irtr iresltoeoeoh. i Prtdsoh itre itvtsltble iso it ihsde irto e itr i sze iht i ssh it ivtrsehc itr ioeed t itod i os htoszed irto iotrd ioto ibe i seostllc itrdered. iPtcoeoh itre iotde ivst iotjtr i oredsh iotrd t itod i ssstrh i htf itre ieeserseooed iso ihce iso htllthsto itr isrtdsoh i hcth itre i tld. i