What terms are included in a Stipulated Judgment or Marital Settlement Agreement?
Marital Settlement Agreement One of the most crucial aspects of any dissolution of marriage case in California is the conclusion of the case where orders are made by the Family Court. But don’t worry about filling it. Garfield Logan Law will make it smooth process and help you throughout the case. The California Court system actually provides a template form that you can download here: Marital_Settlement_Agreement.
What terms are included in a Stipulated Judgment or Marital Settlement Agreement? The terms included in a particular MSA or stipulated opinion varies from case-by-case and pivots on the issues involved in the case. For example, if parties to a separation do not possess any property together, the “property division� sections of the contract will be very basic. If parties have children between them, there will be explicit purveying relating to child custody and child support, which should include a detailed parenting plan.
If the both parties get agree on the issue of spousal support, all the detailed provisions concerning the commitments of each party should be included. An accordance might include provisions relating to future responsibility of the parties, a general waiver of liability, consequences & tax filing, which party gets what vehicle, hold harmless provisions, college expenses for children, & so on. We have seen Marital Settlement Agreements that are only a couple pages in length to extremely detailed agreements that border on one hundred pages. So consult Garfield Logan Attorney to solve it all.
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