1 minute read


To save water and reduce leaks in our water distribution system, Garland Water Utilities is utilizing remote sensing technology to monitor its entire distribution system and prioritize trouble areas for leak investigation.

Since June 2021, the City of Garland Water Department has partnered with technology company Asterra to identify 320 leaks, totaling 367.7 million gallons per year of water lost throughout our system. Leaks occur as our system and infrastructure ages. When a leak is found in our system, Garland deploys boots on the ground resources to further pinpoint and repair those leakages. We even leave an information door tag for our customers if a leak is found on the customer side. Utilizing this technology has allowed the Water Department to prioritize its fieldwork efforts and quickly and effectively recover lost water.

Through this program, Garland has been able to decrease its 12-month average water loss from 21.1% to 11% in less than a year! The average water loss percentage in the United States is 20%.

You can help save even more water by following the Water Conservation Plan’s seasonal watering schedule or by signing up for weekly watering advice based on local weather data at WaterMyYard.org.

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