UNCLE MIKES LAW ENFORCEMENT GEARS PROTECT THOSE WHO SERVE Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement duty gears are all about critical design and focused performance. The company is working with the no-nonsense approach, and is trying to keep the men and women with the badges, one move ahead. Uncle Mikes’ Law Enforcement duty gears are better-quality tactical gears for the law enforcement, tactical operators and recreational enthusiasts and the duty gears include following categories:
Duty Holsters: The holsters are built by keeping every aspect of holster design and construction in mind. The patented IRT (integrated Reflect technology) allows official to access, draw and engage with incredible efficiency.
Duty belts and Gears: The duty belts and gears allow officers to carry machine with ease. The gears are built by using the most advanced material.
Magazines and Speedloader cases: The duty gear accessories are crafted with the utmost toughness and are built with the highest performance standards. They are constantly fine-tuned with the evolution of gears and personal preferences.
Slings, Swivels and stocks: The swivels constructed by Uncle Mike cover all most the large section of rifles and shotguns and are strong and reliable to use.
Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement duty gears provide law enforcement officers a wide range of performance-driven, high quality and innovative products, which help them attain the impossible. Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement gears are innovative and continuously improving products for the men and women with badges. The law enforcement gears are available online at http://www.911gear.ca/ with the price ranging from CND$13.99 to CND$38.99.