Schools Festival Information Pack

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Schools Festival Information pack 2015


Who’s who


Performance/Reh schedule


Technical Information McCarthy


Sound / Lighting / Cue sheets


SJT Theatre regulations

7 – 10

How to find us


McCarthy Floor plan


McCarthy Section


McCarthy circuit layout


Who’s Who for the festival

Paul Stear Technical Manager 01723 370 540 extn 272

Diana Logan Schools Officer 01723 370 540 extn 297

Box office 01723 370541 Group bookings 01723 356635 Fax 01723 360506 E mail :


Garry Leck Production & Technical Support 01723 356 696

Technical Rehearsal Day Monday 23rd Feb School Name


The Round

Seamer & Irton




Lower Male

Lower Female

Upper Male

Upper Female

Upper Male

Upper Female

Reh rm 1


Technical Rehearsal Day Tuesday 24th Feb School Name


The Round





Lower Male

Lower Female

Reh rm 1


Tech Day 1 Wednesday 25th Feb School Name Whitby College


The Round 1400 - 1530

Lower Male

Lower Female

Upper Male

Upper Female

Reh rm 1


Performance Day 1 Thursday 27th Feb School Name

Dress Reh

Perf 1 1.30pm


1030 -1115

Seamer & Irton


Seamer & Irton

1330 - 1350


1350- 1410

Lower Male

Lower Female

Upper Male

Upper Female

Reh rm 1


Performance Day 2 Friday 28th Feb School Name

Dress Reh

Perf 1 1.30pm

Perf 2 7.30pm



1330 - 1350










Lower Male

Lower Female

Upper Male

Upper Female

Reh rm 1


Technical Information: The McCarthy Lighting General cover splitting the stage into 6 areas (3 down stage, 3 upstage) Lee 202 (Cool) from one side Lee 206 (warm) from the other Back light also into those 6 areas Lee 085 (Deep Blue) 3 x Full stage Colour wash (Red, Blue, and Amber) Full stage Gobo Wash (Linear Break up, O/W) Full stage Gobo Wash (Leaf break up green/yellow) 2 Specials from FOH to be focussed by company 2 specials from Overhead to be focussed by company

Sound 4 x Speakers as PA (Upstage Left and Right and Downstage Left and Right) 1 x Spot effect speaker to be placed by Company Playback is via Qlab on an Apple Mac so please provide any sound effects/ recorded music by Monday 8th April on either CD or Flash drive also please include a Q sheet to allow us to pre program for you. Can we also request that a finalised copy of the marked up script including all your cues is also with us by that date. If you have any problems with this deadline please contact us at the OutReach office

Performing Area: Max 9.5m x 5.2m Min 6.3m x 5.2. Seating capacity: 165 Stage to Grid 5000mm (clearance under Cinema Screen Box - 3700mm). Various Black masking - hard & soft The McCarthy is situated at the top of the Stephen Joseph Theatre (4th/5th floor). Basics: Width = 13.26m Depth @ Centre Stage = 5.2m Height for clearance under Cinema Screen box = 3.7m The stage is fitted with a hard black proscenium which gives the ability to have two pros openings, 9.5m or 6.3m. The size can be altered to suit your requirements with prior arrangement with the Production department. We have a variety of black masking - hard and soft. The stage floor is raised throughout with rostra 360mm high. Although we have 5 sets of hemp lines please be aware that the grid is only 5000mm above stage level. Please check with us for the position of the hemp bars and to confirm availability for your use. 2

Please be aware of the Cinema Screen Box and the structural metal truss that runs the width of The McCarthy, both of which are marked on the plan. The back wall of The McCarthy is painted matt black. This cannot be altered nor can anything be attached/screwed to it.

Access Access for set/props etc is by two ways depending on the size of the items. a) Small (hand-held/flight case etc) = 8 person passenger lift b) Medium (up to a max of H 3.7m x W 1.6m) from street level up stair-case to back of auditorium 64 steps.

Dressing Rooms We have 4 communal dressing rooms (2 x female, 2 x male) adjacent to the Green Room, which is at the bottom of the building. Disabled access is via FOH passenger lift. There are 2 staff toilets at McCarthy level. They are situated adjacent to the auditorium, on the stage-left side. Please confirm availability prior to your arrival.


Sound Notation of Sound Cues (See Macbeth example below) Sound cues should be written numerically e.g. SQ 1, SQ 2 etc. Cues should be clearly listed with the lighting cues on a separate piece of paper – The Cue List. (Blank sound cues are attached to you tech file ) Each sound cue also needs to be marked up where it appears in the script in your Book, along with your lighting cues. PLEASE MARK ALL CUES IN PENCIL IN CASE WE NEED TO MAKE CHANGES. Don’t forget you need one cue to fade sound in and another cue to fade sound out. All sound cues you write in the Cue List must correspond with the name of the track on the track listing of your CD. On the Cue List write: • The cue number • The name of the track Microphones/amplification If you wish to bring instruments that need amplifying you need to bring everything with you. We will make sure there are 13amp plugs available. Please remember that everything will have to be set up and removed within your Technical Rehearsal time, so keep it simple. Percussion and instruments that can be held are most practical. Any electrical equipment brought into the theatre must have a current PAT test (portable appliance test) this is a standard test for electrical safety. Your school will probably have a facility for PAT testing. If in doubt contact Garry Leck at the OutReach office on 01723 356 696.

Lighting We advise that you do not over complicate the lighting in your show. Use it to frame the story telling and follow through the emotional logic of your piece. The best advice is to ensure that your actors can be seen. You should not need to rely upon technical effects Look for clues in the text e.g. the majority of Hamlet is set in the Castle of Elsinore, the majority of As You Like It is set in the forest of Arden, in The Merchant of Venice Lorenzo and Jessica sit bathed in moonlight admiring the stars. Notation of lighting cues • See Macbeth example on Cue sheet attached • Lighting cues should be written numerically e.g. LXQ1, LXQ2 etc. • Cues should be clearly listed on a separate piece of paper, the Cue List (example attached.) • Each cue needs to appear in writing in the appropriate place in the script in your Book. (example attached) • If the cue is a word in the script, highlight or underline the word, draw a line across to the left margin and write the cue number there. • If the cue is on a stage direction, clearly describe this in the script and note the cue as before (e.g. when the cast are still on stage.) • If you have edited your script, please make sure that the up to date version is used for your Book. Similarly please inform the Technical Manager of any last minute text changes. 4

On the Cue List write: • The cue number • The Groups (one to 6 as illustrated on lighting plan) • The percentage value of the state (100% = full) •The feel of the scene e.g. Hot or Cold • The fade / cross fade times Cross fade guide times are as follows: Snap - immediate Fast - 2 seconds Medium - 5 seconds Slow -10 seconds

Example Book Scene 1 A deserted place1. Thunder and lightning. LXQ1________________________ SQ1_________________________ LXQ2_____when the last witch enters



When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain?


When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won.


That will be ere the set of sun.


Where the place?


Upon the heath.


There to meet with Macbeth


Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.

SQ2________________________ They vanish LXQ3___________________________________



B/O 8 @50% 6 @40% 2@70% 4 @ 70% 8 @50% 6 @40% Flash Lights

Medium Slow Medium Fast


CD Track 1 – Thunder rain soundtrack – medium CD Track 1 – Thunder rain soundtrack – quiet




LXQ1 The stage will go completely dark over 5 seconds LXQ2 There is a partial full stage wash with blue, stage right is brighter fading from black out over 8 seconds LXQ3 The stage right area will cross fade to the stage left area; the blue wash will remain the same over 5 seconds


CD Track 1 will run over the first 3 Scenes it will fade in with LXQ2 CD Track 1 Volume is quieter fades down over 3 seconds with LXQ3


Introduction The Theatre has responsibilities by law for the Health & Safety and well being of its staff, the public, and visitors to the building. The Visiting Company should ensure that all relevant company members are fully aware of these rules.

General Regulations 1. It is strongly recommended that the Visiting Company create a production file that carries the following details of the production: 2. Any licences required for the production. 3. Certificates of flame-retardancy. 4. PAT certificates 5. Risk assessments of any special effects 6. COSHH assessments of substances used in the Production 7. Insurance certificates for the Visiting Companies equipment, scenery, costumes, etc. 8. Details of any special effects 9. Details of any special power requirements.

Health & Safety 1. The Visiting Company must use the Theatre’s signing in and out book for the duration of the production. 2. The Theatre will make the Visiting Company aware of the Theatre’s Safety Rules and all legal and licensing requirements for the building. It is the responsibility of the Visiting Company to inform all relevant members of your Company of these rules. If you have any queries please contact the theatre as soon as possible before the date of performance. 3. Children: All performances, or rehearsals with children on stage, or in the auditorium, must have an adequate provision of chaperones to keep order at all times, take charge of the children in an emergency, and ensure their welfare at all times. Children under 16 must be supervised at all times. There must be at least one chaperone with every 10 children. This is the law. The licensing of Children as defined in The Children (Performances) Amendment Regulations 2000 is the sole responsibility of the Visiting Company.

4. All accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book which is available on request. Failure to do so is a breach of Health and Safety legislation and the Theatres code of practice. 5. First Aid boxes are situated in: The greenroom, the Runround, and at designated positions around the theatre. A First Aider may be called via Reception – Dial 200 on internal phone.

General Rules 10. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the premises. 11. It is strictly forbidden to use or be in possession of any illegal substances whilst on the premises of the SJT. 12. Alcohol is strictly prohibited from all back-stage areas. 13. No combustibles or explosive materials or gas to be brought into the theatre. 14. Visitors may not go backstage without permission of the Production Manager. 15. All escape routes must be maintained clear and unobstructed at all times.

Scenery 16. All scenery, decorations, borders, drapery, gauzes, cloths, curtains and similar decorative hangings must be made of material which is not readily flammable, or of material which has been rendered and is maintained flame-retarded. 17. The use of plastics must be avoided whenever possible. Decorative items such as statues made of expanded polystyrene must be enclosed by a non-combustible skin of, for example, plastered scrim, Artex or Rosco Foamcoat, and care taken that this skin is maintained undamaged. 18. Plywood and similar boards must be Class 1. It is recommended that any frames built for flats, or any other purpose, should be made from 3inch x 1inch timber, which should also be class 1. If lighter materials are used for this purpose, the theatre reserves the right not to allow the set pieces in question on to stage. As the Theatre has no safety curtain, this is paramount. Certificates should be retained in the production file. Certificates of the flame retardancy of other materials should also be retained in the production file.


19. The Theatre reserves the right to check and test where deemed necessary all scenery for compliance with the appropriate fire standard. The Theatre will remove, or render flame-retarded at the Visiting Company's expense, any items not conforming to the appropriate standard. 20. All scenery must be stable and not likely to collapse once erected other than as an intended effect. The Theatre may refuse to allow the erection of any scenery that it considers unsafe unless a certificate issued by an appropriately qualified person. 21. Whilst fastening fittings such as hinges or sheet materials to the stage floor by using screws is permitted no holes may be cut in the floor without the prior consent of the Theatre. No other fixings may be made to other parts of the building without the prior consent of the Theatre. Any redecoration of the stage or auditorium must be approved by the Theatre who will normally require the previous decoration to be restored to its satisfaction at the end of the production. Any costs relating to this work will be recharged to the Visiting Company. 22. The weight of individual items of scenery or other equipment exceeding 15kg must have their weight marked on them if they are to be manually handled by the Theatre's staff. 23. Scenery must not be suspended other than from the grid. Ideally the weight of each separate item should be marked on it. The visiting company should provide the point loading required for suspended scenery. 24. Any carpets and other textile floor coverings and under-lays must either not ignite or have the effects of ignition on both upper and under surfaces. Appropriate certificates must be retained in the production file. 25. Where temporary floor surfaces such as sand, soil, turf, wood chippings, straw are to be used, certificates of treatment against fire, biohazard, toxicity as relevant, together with any special operating procedures must be retained in the production file. Dusty materials must not be used as floor coverings.

Props 26. Similar considerations of reducing the risk of fire apply to the use of properties and furnishings as to the use of scenery. Where the action does not involve the use of naked flame or smoking lesser standards may be appropriate. As a general rule hand held properties and antique furnishings will be approved without flame retardancy treatment. However the Theatre will generally apply the same standards as apply to scenery to large properties, large quantities of furnishings and to items especially constructed for the presentation. Appropriate certificates must be retained in the production file. 27. Items such as tablecloths, curtains and bedclothes must be flame retardant. Some flame retardancy treatments may cause dermatitis or irritation to sensitive skins; it may therefore be permissible for sheets in contact with naked skin not to be treated flame-retardant where hazards such as the use of real flame are not present. 28. The Theatre may require sight of the risk assessments for props and effects devices and, if deemed necessary, to see them in use under performance conditions before they are used in performance. The use of any substances (liquid or solid) or props with potential likely to permanently mark or damage in-house surfaces or to create substantial dust must be approved by the Theatre and, if deemed necessary, be tested under performance conditions.

Costumes 29. Where real flame is in use it may be necessary for flimsy costumes to be fireproofed in which case some form of recognised certification must be retained in the production file. 30. Quick-change arrangements must not affect the means of escape or access to fire fighting equipment.

Electrical equipment 31. If additional lighting or sound equipment is required, the Visiting Manager must arrange for it to be provided and fixed at its own cost. 32. Any additional electrical equipment, including lighting and sound equipment, must carry an indication of a valid PAT certificate. The PAT certificate, if not on the equipment, should be retained in the production file. A charge will be made if testing of uncertified equipment is deemed necessary using either in-house equipment or staff. The Theatre reserves the right to remove from the building any electrical appliance deemed to be unsafe.


33. Lighting equipment may only be rigged to approved suspension points. All lighting equipment must be provided with secondary suspensions (safety bonds or safety chains.)

Special Effects 34. Special effects include any device or effect that was not included in the original risk assessment which, if not properly controlled, may present a hazard. Examples include the use of smoke machines, fog generators, pyrotechnics and fireworks, real flame, firearms, strobe lighting. The Theatre may have to obtain the consent of the Licensing Authority before certain special effects may be used. All stage effects for a production should be set up and thoroughly tested as far as reasonably practicable before the fit up at the Theatre. This testing should replicate performance levels and conditions as far as possible. The Licensing Authority may require the proposed effect(s) to be demonstrated in performance conditions before consent can be given and may refuse consent or make specific requirements. As much notice of any proposed effects should be given to the Theatre as possible but in any case no less than twenty one days. Failure to provide sufficient information may result in late or non acceptance of the effect even though such non-approval may have a serious artistic implication. After an effect has been demonstrated and approved it must not be altered. 35. Only a responsible person who has received appropriate training may operate special effects. 36. Where warning notices are required they must be conspicuously displayed at all public entrances to the premises (or auditorium, where appropriate) so that the public may read them before entering. 37. Any proposal to use excessively loud music or high-power audience lights must be discussed with the Theatre in advance. Failure to obtain approval from the Theatre may result in modification of the desired effect. 38. Smoke machines & Fog generators Documentary evidence of the non-toxicity and non-flammability of the fog or smoke must be retained in the production file. 39. Smoke machines and fog generators must be sited and controlled so that they do not obstruct exit routes nor cause a hazard to surrounding curtains or fabrics. 40. The volume of smoke and/or fog must be limited so that it does not seriously affect means of escape or obscure escape route signs. The penetration of smoke and/or fog into public areas must be restricted as far as is possible. 41. Warning notices must be displayed stating that fog or smoke is used as part of the effects. 42. Pyrotechnics including fireworks Specialist manufacturers supply pre-packed pyrotechnics, which enable strict control of the quantities of components and the easy safe repetition of pyrotechnic effects. Pyrotechnics supplied specifically for stage use must be used unless the entire effect including the operation is under the direct control of a specialist contractor. 43. All pyrotechnics must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 44. An approved member of the Theatre’s staff must be present on stage whenever pyrotechnics are used. Additional fire fighting equipment may be required. 45. Pyrotechnics must be confined to the stage area and not taken into public areas. 46. Pyrotechnics must be fired from an approved key-protected control/firing box (and never directly from the mains electricity supply.) The key must be kept in the possession of the operator responsible for firing the devices. The control/firing box must only be energised immediately before firing the pyrotechnic devices. 47. The operator must have a clear view of the pyrotechnic device and its immediate vicinity from the firing point. This may be achieved by the use of an appropriate closed circuit television system. 48. The device must not be operated if there is any risk to anyone. In the event of a misfire the circuit must be switched off until after the performance. 49. Maroons must only be used in suitable bomb tanks in safe locations. Warning notices must be displayed stating that maroons operate as part of the effects on the premises. 50. Only sufficient pyrotechnic supplies for one performance may be withdrawn from the store. At the end of the performance any unused pyrotechnics must be returned to store. 51. Real flame Whenever possible an electrical or mechanical effect should be substituted for the use of real flame. 52. Real flame must be kept clear of costumes, curtains and drapes. Real flame must not be taken into public areas. 53. The lighting and extinguishing of the flame must be supervised by an approved member of the Theatre’s staff who must remain where there is a clear view of the flame and easy access to it until it is extinguished. Additional fire-fighting equipment may be necessary. 54. Any candleholders and candelabra must be robustly constructed, not easily overturned and where practicable fixed in position.


55. Hand-held flaming torches must incorporate fail-safe devices so that if a torch is dropped the flame is automatically extinguished. Fail-safe devices must be tested prior to each performance. 56. Only solid fuel or paraffin may be used. The amount of fuel in torches must limited to the minimum necessary for the effect. 57. Firearms. The Theatre’s Production Manager must approve all uses of Firearms in advance. Guns used on stage should either be replicas or deactivated firearms; both types may be capable of firing blanks provided they are not readily convertible to fire live ammunition. 58. Any gun or ammunition must be under the direct control of the person holding the appropriate firearms certificate. Firearms and ammunition must not be left unattended by the responsible person. This does not preclude the use of the firearm by the performer provided it is returned immediately after use to the responsible person. 59. All ammunition and firearms including deactivated, replica and imitation firearms must be stored in a robust locked container in a room, which must be kept locked when not in use in a part of the premises to which the public do not have access. 60. The storage arrangements must meet the requirements of the Licensing Authority, where applicable. 61. Firearms must not contain any article or substance that could act as a missile. Blank ammunition must have crimped ends. 62. Firearms may only be removed from the store (together with the amount of ammunition necessary for the performance) immediately prior to the performance and must be returned to the store as soon as possible after use. Any unused ammunition must be returned to store. All discharged cartridges and percussion caps must also be accounted for at the end of the performance. 63. There must be sufficient rehearsal to ensure that any flame and hot gases are discharged safely. 64. Firing mechanisms and barrels must be cleaned and checked before use. 65. No firearm may be pointed directly at any person or at any readily combustible material. 66. Warning notices must be displayed stating that gunfire occurs as part of the effects on the premises. 67. Weapons. If the production involves the use of weapons including firearms of any type, toy or replica, the Visiting Manager must nominate an armourer, who will be responsible for the safe storage and maintenance of all weapons. The Theatre may require to see the weapons in use under performance conditions and reserves the right to refuse use if it deems them or the action unsafe. 68. Strobe lighting effects. Strobes must not be sited on escape routes, corridors or stairs or other changes of level. 69. Where strobe effects are used in public areas, the sources must be synchronised and locked off to operate at a fixed frequency outside the band of 4 to 50 flashes per second. This rule may be relaxed for purely momentary effects on stage. 70. No sequence may be longer than 30 seconds. 71. Warning notices must be displayed stating that strobe lighting operates as part of the performance. 72. Storage of Special Effects & Firearms Special Effects and Firearms may only be kept in the Theatre's approved store. This includes pyrotechnics, blank ammunition, flammable gases and liquids. 73. The storage receptacle must be kept locked shut at all times except when withdrawing material from store. The key must be kept under the direct control of the person responsible for the safe storage. 74. Smoking and naked flame is prohibited in areas where any explosives or highly flammable substances are stored and notices or signs must be displayed both in rooms and on containers to this effect. 75. Storage areas and containers must be indicated by the explosive or inflammable symbol as appropriate on the door or lid. 76. All ammunition and firearms including deactivated, replica and imitation firearms must be stored in a robust locked container in a room, which must be kept locked when not in use. The police will also require approval of the storage arrangements for any firearms and ammunition. 77. When not in use all pyrotechnics must be stored in a metal container. The opening face of the storage receptacle must carry the explosives symbol together with a sign reading Danger - No smoking - No naked flame in letters no less than 25mm high. Storage receptacles must be resealed and replaced in the main storage receptacle and the main storage receptacle re-locked. 78. The minimum amount of any explosives or highly flammable substances may be withdrawn from store as is necessary for the particular performance.


How to Find Us The Stephen Joseph Theatre is situated in the centre of Scarborough. We are directly opposite the train station, less than a 30 sec walk.

By road

By train

From London and the South M1 then A64

National Rail Travel Enquiries 08457 484950

From Edinburgh and the North A1 then A171

By bus

From Liverpool and the West M62 then A64

Arriva Buses (Whitby Route) 0870 6082608 East Yorkshire Buses (Filey Route) 01482 22 22 22

Parking and Transport Parking: Railway Station car park approx. 30 metres (closes at 11pm). Charged Parking Disabled parking: Blue badge holders can park on Hanover Road which runs behind the theatre (approx.)

20 metres

Bus stops are directly opposite the theatre. There is a taxi rank directly opposite the theatre. Wheelchair-friendly taxis: 01723 366366 Local Dial-A-Ride: 01723 354 434 (Evening service - Tuesdays and Thursdays). Both Hanover Road and the Railway Station are very accessible places for being dropped off and Staff can wait with you, or meet you there (on request).

being picked up.

Other than Hanover Road the nearest disabled people parking bay is on Albermarle Crescent (approx. 100 metres into the town centre). If you do have any comments or require further information contact us on 01723 370540














Floor level P1






Floor level D1










D12 LX 3


P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18

Cinema Screen +4110 High Level P7



Fly Floor D13










D24LX 2


P10 P11 P12

P22 P23 P24











D36LX 1


P25 P26 P27 P28

P33 P34 P35 P36

P29 P30 P31 P32

P51 P52 D37


Dimmer Circuit


Patch Circuit

P19 P20 P21





P53 P54 D39

































P37 P38 P39 P40




Circuit Layout VENUE

Circuits restricted during Cinema Season



P45 P46 P47 P48 P49 P50
















Hemp 5 Hemp 4 LX 3

Cinema Screen +4110 Mid Stage Border LX 2

Hemp 3 Hemp 2 Cw Border)

LX 1 Hemp 1 DS Header








1:50 @A3

Scale in Metres


Stephen Joseph Theatre Venue:


Cross Section Drawn By: Scale 1:50 @ A3

Paul Stear 18 Feb 2009

Hemp 5

LX 3 Cinema Screen


Hemp 4


RSJ roof truss




Hard Masking

LX 1

Hemp 1


Hemp 2 (CW Border) Hemp 3


House border


Vertical Trilite Boom



Control Room

Advance Bar



7 February – 1 March Celebrate the talent and imagination of our OutReach participants through a series of performances, workshops and concerts. Even better‌

join in! Find us on Facebook


Stage Fighting 16 February, 11am – 1pm Learn the basics of stage fighting from unarmed combat to sword skills… Fun and challenging! Tickets £4

14 February

OutReach are taking part this year and putting on two special workshops.

Dramarama Daze

Exploring Scriptwriting

Performance 3 – 3.30pm

10am – 4pm

Ages 18+

Have you ever wondered how to create compelling plots, believable characters and stunning settings? Through a series of fun-filled solo and teamwork exercises, this daylong workshop will help you gain an insight into the way that scriptwriting works. Whether you are an absolute beginner or are more confident in your writing, come along and discover how to create your very own original piece of drama.

Blood, Guts & Gore, production workshop 12noon

Ages 8+

What goes on behind the scenes at the SJT? How do we make the sets, what theatrical tricks do we use? All this and more will be revealed in this interactive workshop. Tickets £4

For more information about other Coastival events visit

Tickets £30 Includes Plays & Pinot performance ticket.

Plays & Pinot 14, 23, 24, 25 February 8pm Four new plays each night with the theme of love – or whatever that is! Written by local writers from Write Stuff Too, led by tutor Alison Watt, these 20-minute rehearsed readings combine pathos, comedy and tragedy with exceptional storytelling performed by a small cast of local actors. Ticket includes a glass of Pinot to wash the words down. Tickets £5

17 February, 10am – 3pm

Ages 9+

Ages 4-7

Come and work with the OutReach team to create a show in a day. There’s lots of fun, games and excitement for everyone and a performance for friends and family at the end of the day. Tickets £10 per day

Samba Band Ages 18 February, 11am – 1pm 8+ Join Ernie and learn to play and move to the energising, stimulating carnival sounds of Samba. No drumming experience necessary.

Tickets £4

Dramarama Daze – Circus Skills 19 February, 10am – 3pm Ages Fun-filled workshop on circus 8+ and magic skills, from clowning around to big box magic illusions. Ending with a performance for friends and family. Tickets £10

Musical Theatre – inspired by Frozen 21 February, 10am – 1pm

A week off school has never looked like this before. 18

If you love Frozen, come and learn a song and dance routine, or two, inspired by the hit movie. Parents and friends are welcome to see your final routine. Tickets £5

Remote – NT Connections By Stef Smith Directed by Cheryl Govan

20 February, 7.30pm 21 February, 2.30pm, 7.30pm A girl called Antler steps out of her front door and throws her phone on the ground. She stamps on it. She then climbs the tallest tree in the park. She doesn’t want to be found, not by anyone. Seven teenagers’ lives all intertwine over the course of a single evening as they make their way through the park on a seemingly normal Autumn night. Remote is a play about protest, power and protecting yourself. Tickets £6.50

Creative Schools’ Festival 26 February, 1.30pm 27 February, 1.30pm & 7.30pm When you get that moment and Eureka arrives! What could happen? Local schools come together to showcase their talent with short original shows all created around the theme of Eureka! Come and support your young people and their big talents. Tickets £3

Band & Choir Night 28 February, 8pm Join us for an evening of music with all the choirs of the SJT. Go around the world with the unique Global Voices Choir singing a selection of world music and listen to the delightful SJT Youth Choir and their bang up to date tunes, finishing off with a performance by the splendid Funky Choir accompanied by some of Scarborough’s finest musicians. Tickets £8 (Tickets are limited)

Real life: retold 1 March, 5pm After successful performances at Scarborough, Whitby and Hartlepool Museums, this will be the final opportunity to see this unique community-focused project. A partnership project between Scarborough Museums Trust and SJT OutReach, we commemorate the stories that affected our community on, 16 December 1914. Written by three writers on our Write Stuff Course and performed by Community Actors and our Youth Theatre, this is a moving tribute to that fateful day. Tickets £6 17

Tiny Time Tales 7 February, 10.30am Also 7 March & 11 April, 10.30am Billy Brite is back! He’s now 9 years old and his granny has moved from Thistlewaite-bythe-sea into his house and he’s very excited. Why? Because she’s brought her magic globe with her and it now lives in Billy’s bedroom. Join Billy and best friend Jack on more adventures around the world. Plenty of singing, dancing and puzzle solving with the usual Tiny Time Tales nonsense. Tickets £3


Your Turn 7 February, 5pm Ever wanted to perform at the SJT? Now’s your chance. Join the SJT OutReach team as they launch their 2015 ReachOut Festival with local community talent. A family entertainment show for anyone from singers to comics. The only limits are your imagination! Please contact the team for a free audition slot. Tickets £5 (performance)

Young People’s Theatre Festival

All Together Now! 13 February, 7.30pm 14 February, 5.30pm

Ages 12+

Scarborough, Whitby & Filey Rounders A celebration of the SJT’s 12-15 yrs youth theatre groups from Scarborough, Filey and Whitby. All four new plays are devised by the young people themselves. A period drama, a sci-fi thriller – anything could happen… and probably will! Show your support for the young people of the Borough. Tickets £6.50

Adult Classes & Workshops

New year, new you... Writing Classes Write Stuff Too

All classes run alternate Mondays/Tuesdays from 7.00 – 9.00pm in the Boden Room. Sample of writing required before booking.

Monday (Purple) Starts: 5 January | Ends: 23 March Monday (Yellow) Starts: 12 January | Ends: 30 March Tuesday (Green) Starts: 6 January | Ends: 24 March

Singing Classes Funky Choir Tuesdays 7 – 8.30pm

Tuesday (Red) Starts: 13 January | Ends: 31 March

£50 – 6 sessions spread over 10 weeks. Book Club 27 January & 24 March

Starts: 13 January | Ends: 24 March

£55 – 10 sessions

Global Voices Choir Thursdays 7 – 8.30pm

Starts: 15 January | Ends: 26 March

6.30 – 8pm

£55 – 10 sessions

Come and join our popular book club where you are welcome to give your opinions and review a wide selection of books over coffee and biscuits. See website for book list.

Acting Classes

Free - Meet at SJT Box Office

Play Reading 11.30 – 1.30pm 28 January

The Recruiting Officer By George Farquhar 25 February

The Dresser

By Ronald Harwood 25 March

Under Milk Wood


By Dylan Thomas

Tea and coffee included.

Tickets £6

Act 1 Beginners' Call Wednesdays 7.15 – 9.15pm

Starts: 14 January | Ends: 25 March

£55 – 10 sessions

Act 2 Enter Stage Right Fridays 6.30 – 8.30pm Starts: 16 January | Ends: 27 March

£55 – 10 sessions (starts 16 January) We’re moving! Our new OutReach Rooms will open in May but in the meantime the majority of our courses will be held at The Street, Lower Clark Street. See you there! If you would like to attend but need a little help with costs please contact OutReach. Concession rates also available.

For more information contact OutReach 01723 356696 or email To book visit or call 01723 370540

Children & Young People Classes & Workshops Youth Theatre – Fun, Creative, Challenging Half Term: 16 – 22 February

Scarborough Rounders Saturdays 9.30 – 11.30am Saturdays 12 – 2pm Starts: 17 January | Ends: 28 March

Whitby Rounders Ages 8-11 Ages 8-11

£40 (£37.50 each for two siblings) 10 sessions Mondays 7 – 9pm Ages Starts: 12 January | Ends: 23 March

Wednesdays 6 – 8pm

Starts: 14 January | Ends: 25 March

Thursdays 6 – 8pm Ages Starts: 15 January | Ends: 26 March

Ages 12-14 Ages 15+ Ages 12-14

£45 (£42.50 each for two siblings) 10 sessions

Tiny Time Rounders Wednesdays 4 – 5.15pm Starts: 14 January | Ends: 25 March

Tuesdays 6 – 8pm Starts: 6 January | Ends: 24 March

£45 (£42.50 each for two siblings) 10 sessions

Filey Rounders Wednesdays 6 – 8pm Starts: 14 January | Ends: 25 March

£35 – 10 sessions

Ages 11+

£45 (£42.50 each for two siblings) 10 sessions

SJT Youth Choir Mondays 5 – 6.30pm

Ages 4-7

Ages 11+

Starts: 12 January | Ends: 23 March

Ages 12-18

Held in the SJT. £40 – 10 sessions

Interested in gaining an Arts Award? Contact us to find out more 01723 370541 or

We’re moving! Our new OutReach Rooms will open in May but in the meantime the majority of our courses will be held at The Street, Lower Clark Street. See you there! If you would like to attend but need a little help with costs please contact OutReach. Concession rates also available.


For more information contact OutReach 01723 356696 or email To book visit or call 01723 370541

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