Garth's Auctions 2012: February Decorative and Eclectic Auctions Mini-Catalog

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Decorative & Fine Arts Auction / Eclectic Auction

Decorative & Fine Arts Auction / Eclectic Auction Decorative & Fine Arts Auction / Eclectic Auction

CLECTIC UCTION EECLECTIC AAUCTION E CLECTIC A UCTION ady, 3 ,230 2, 1 022 1021 2 F rFirdFi ardiy, eFbeFrbeurbaurrauyray3r ,y aFy, and and and

February 3 - 4, 2012 February 3 - 4, 2012

February 3 - 4, 2012

P.O. Box P.O. Box 369369 P.O. Box 369 Del aware, Ohio 43015 DelDel aware, Ohio 43015 aware, Ohio 43015


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Garth’s is located north of Columbus, Ohio approximately thirty minutes from the Columbus International Airport. FROM THE CINCINNATI AREA: Take I-71 North to Columbus. Then take Rt. 315N to 270E to 23N. Follow 23 North to Delaware. We are approximately 10 miles North on Route 23. You will pass a golf clubDIRECTIONS on your right and the Theological Seminary. AtINC. the traffic light turn right (Stratford Road). TOMethodist GARTH’S AUCTIONS, DIRECTIONS TO GARTH’S AUCTIONS, INC. We are the buildings on your left. Main Gallery: 2690 Stratford Road, P.O.P.O. Box Box 369,369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 Main Gallery: 2690 Stratford Road, Delaware, Ohio 43015 Phone: 740-362-4771 • Fax: 740-363-0164 Phone: 740-362-4771 • Fax: 740-363-0164 FROM THE CLEVELAND AREA: Website: • E-Mail: Website: • E-Mail: Take I-71 South to Route 36/37 (Delaware/Sunbury exit 131). Take this route into Delaware, and turn left on Route 23 South. Turn left onto Stratford Road (at the sixth traffic light). We are thirty the red buildings your left. Garth’s is located north of Columbus, Ohio approximately minutes from from theon Columbus International Airport. Garth’s is located north of Columbus, Ohio approximately thirty minutes the Columbus International Airport. FROM THE CINCINNATI AREA: FROM THE CINCINNATI AREA: FROM COLUMBUS AIRPORT: Take Take I-71 North to Columbus. Then Then take Rt. 315N to 270E to 23N. Follow 23 North to I-71 North to Columbus. Rt. 315N to 270E to 23N. Follow 23 North Take I-670 East to I-270 North (ortake West) toRoute Cleveland. Thepass first exit past to Delaware. We are 10 miles NorthNorth on 23. You golfaclub Delaware. Weapproximately are approximately 10 miles on Route 23.will You will apass golf club I-71 s Route 23the North—Delaware. We are approximately on your right right and Methodist Theological Seminary. At theAttraffic light10 turnmiles right (Strat-(Straton your and the Methodist Theological Seminary. the traffic light turn right ford Road). We are onpass your left. North onRoad). Route 23. Youbuildings will a Dornoch golf club and the ford Wethe arebuildings the on your left. Methodist Theological Seminary on your right. At the traffic light turn FROM THE CLEVELAND AREA: FROM THE CLEVELAND right (Stratford WeAREA: are the red buildings onTake your Take I-71 South to Road). Route 36/37 (Delaware/Sunbury exit 131). thisleft. route into

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Take I-79 South to I-70 West to Columbus. Take I-270 to I-71 North to FROM PITTSBURGH: FROM PITTSBURGH: the Exit (Route 750). Turn left and follow 750 totoRoute 23 North TakePolaris I-79 South to I-70 to Columbus. Take I-270 to I-71 thetoPolaris Exit Exit Take I-79 South to West I-70 West to Columbus. Take I-270 to North I-71 North the Polaris (turn right). You will pass Dornoch golf club and the Methodist Theolog(Route 750).750). Turn Turn left and 750 to Route 23 North (turn (turn right).right). You will (Route leftfollow and follow 750 to Route 23 North Youpass will pass Dornoch golf club andyour the on your right. At theAttraffic ical Seminary right. AtTheological theTheological trafficSeminary light turn right (Stratford Dornoch golfon club andMethodist the Methodist Seminary on your right. the traffic light light turnWe right (Stratford Road). We are on your left. left. turnare right (Stratford Road). Wethe arered thebuildings redleft. buildings on your Road). the red buildings on your 48 | GARTH’S

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on page 38

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Friday, February 3, 2012 at 9:00 A.M.

Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 10:00 A.M.

Eclectic Gallery: 2097 London Road, Ste. F, Delaware, OH PREVIEW TIMES: M O N DAY, J A N U A RY 30 T H R U W E D N E S DAY, F E B R U A RY 1, 10:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. T H U R S DAY, F E B R U A RY 2, 10:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M., A N D F R I DAY, F E B R U A RY 3, 8:00 A.M. TO 9:00 A.M.

Decorative & Fine Arts

Main Gallery: 2690 Stratford Road, Delaware, OH PREVIEW TIMES: W E D N E S DAY, F E B R U A RY 1 , 1 0:00 A.M. TO 5:0 0 P.M. T H U R S DAY, F E B R U A RY 2 T H R U F R I DAY, F E B R U A RY 3 , 1 0:00 A.M. TO 8:0 0 P.M. S AT U R DAY, F E B R U A RY 4 , 9 :00 A.M . TO 1 0:00 A.M.

M O N DAY, J A N U A RY 30



F E AT U R I N G I T E M S F R O M P ER SONAL C OLLECT I ON OF T H E L ATE R ON N I E D OG G ET T, L OU I SVI LLE , KY; T H E B U S I N E S S I N V E N TO RY O F T I N H O R S E A N T I Q U E S ; T H E C O L L E C T I O N O F C H A R L OT T E I M M K E ; T H E C O L L E C T I O N O F T H E L AT E S T E P H E N H . R O M A N O F F, P I T T S B U R G H , PA ; A N D S E L E C T C O N S I G N M E N T S F R O M O H I O , K E N T U C K Y, N E W H A M P S H I R E , I N D I A N A , P E N N S Y LVA N I A , N E W Y O R K , D E L AWA R E , C A L I F O R N I A , I L L I N O I S , M I C H I G A N & F L O R I DA . For your convenience, we will be able to answer your questions about specific items & take absentee bids by phone until 8:00 P.M. Thursday, February 2nd.

F E AT U R I N G I T E M S F R O M P ER SONAL C OLLECT I O N O F T HE L ATE R O NNI E D OG GE TT, L OU I SVI LL E , KY; T H E B U S I N E S S I N V E N TO RY O F T I N H O R S E A N T I Q U E S ; T H E L I FET I M E C OLLEC T IO N O F C A RL & J OY CE M U EL L ER , TALL MAD G E , OH; T H E L AT E A D E L A I D E E. S A U E R S , M D., G R E E N W I C H , O H ; B A R BA R A C. H O U S TO N ; P R O P E R T Y S O L D TO B E N E F I T C O Z Y C AT C OT TAG E A D O P T I O N C E N T E R ; AND SELECT CONSIGNMENTS FROM O H I O , P E N N S Y LVA N I A , K E N T U C K Y, I L L I N O I S , & C A N A DA . For your convenience, we will be able to answer your questions about specific items & take absentee bids by phone until 9:00 A.M. Saturday, February 4th.

FULLY ILLUSTRATED, ONLINE CATALOGS via www.gart & LIVE INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE via TERMS: 17.5% Buyer’s Premium ~ Cash, Check, Visa® & MasterCard Accepted Absentee and fax bids accepted and bid competitively. Auctioneers: Richard “Jeff” Jeffers, Amelia Jeffers, Steve Bemiller, Andrew Richmond , and Dave Pritchard, Jr. Apprentice Auctioneer: Justin Arnold

PO Box 369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 P: 740-362-4771 F: 740-363-0164 Email: ©COPYRIGHT – Garth’s Auctions, Inc. 2012

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Ronnie Doggett (Passed August 2011)

Any one ever in the company of Ronnie Doggett could see very quickly that Ronnie had a zest for life ~ his quick laugh and warm smile instantly put others at ease, and most certainly impacted his 50 years as a successful antiques dealer. He owned shops in Missouri, Indiana and his beloved Louisville, Kentucky, where his shop (Tin Horse Antiques) was a favorite gathering place for friends, dealers, decorators and his faithful clients. Ronnie loved to sell antiques, but his business was simply a means to an end - the hunt and acquisition of rare and beautiful objects. Ronnie had a long, trusted relationship with Garth's. He loved coming to the auctions, van loaded and cell phone in hand, dialing his clients on the way home, "I have the perfect piece for you!" With an infallible memory, he knew his clients and their collections well; buying selectively with special people in mind. This caring nature endeared him to many. We will miss Ronnie's keen eye and wonderful sense of humor; but feel sure he is smiling at the thought of his personal collection passing through this sale room, into the hands of another passionate buyer. ~ Amelia & Jeff Jeffers

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Decorative & Fine Arts Auction

February 4

MARQUETRY CORNER CUPBOARD. European, early 19th century, rosewood with floral inlay. Two piece construction, each section has a door divided up into multiple glass panes; cornice has a baroque style carved medallion. Imperfections. 86"h. 25" corner, 36"w. $1,200-$1,500

4 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

Lot 225

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Lots 169 - 170

LOUIS XV-STYLE PARLOR SUITE. Karpen Brothers, Chicago, Illinois, early 20th century, softwood. Three-piece suite, including a settee, 19"h. seat, 33"h. overall, 56"l., an armchair, 18"h. seat, 41 1/2"h. overall, and a side chair, 18"h. seat, 39 1/2"h. overall, all with rococo carving, gilt surface, and matching upholstery. Ex Renner family, owners of Renner Brewing, Akron, Ohio. This suite matches the center table in lot 170. $1,000-$2,000 Lot 168

LOUIS XV-STYLE CENTER TABLE. Karpen Brothers, Chicago, Illinois, early 20th century, softwood. Rococo carving and gilt surface, and a marble top. 30"h., top is 26" square. Ex Renner family, owners of Renner Brewing, Akron, Ohio. $300-$600 LOUIS XV-STYLE VITRINE. American or European, early 20th century, softwood and glass. Serpentine front, rococo carving, gilt surface. 73"h. 32"w. 17"d. Ex Renner family, owners of Renner Brewing, Akron, Ohio. $500-$1,000

HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN PLAQUE. Germany, early 20th century. Image painted after Raphael's Sistine Madonna. In a gilt frame, 14"h. 10 1/4"w., in shadowbox, 20"h. 17"w. $350-$700

Lot 172

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GEORGE III TALL CASE CLOCK. English, 3rd quater-18th century, mahogany. London-made case with pagoda pediment with fluted quarter columns with brass stop fluting. Brass eight-day movement by Edward May of Henly, with silvered and cast brass face with painted phases of the moon dial. Imperfections. 92 1/2"h. $2,000-$4,000 THE PASSENGER LINER GALLIA IN A STORM (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN, DATED 1881). Oil on canvas, initialed J.E.J. lower right. 24"h. 36"w. in a gilt frame, 29"h. 41"w. Built in 1879 by the J. & G. Thomson Company of Clydebank, Scotland, the Gallia sailed between Liverpool and Boston or New York for the Cunard Line. $350-$700 FRENCH STYLE BOULLE CABINET. American, late 19th century. Original ebonized finish with inlays in tooled brass, abalone and ivory. Ormolu trim and marble top. Imperfections. 43 3/4"h. 35"w. 16 1/4”d. $350-$450

Lot 3

MARBLE-TOP CORNER CUPBOARD. English 19th century, mahogany. Of small size, with good detail with double doors and drawer with lion lead brasses. Black marble insert. Old finish. Imperfections. 45 1/2"h. 27 1/2"w. 19"d. $300-$600

Lot 2

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Lot 352

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Lots 57 - 58

TWO PIECES OF RUSSIAN SILVER. Late 19th century. Serving spoon with Moscow mark made be Judelius Rabinovits, 9"l. and a small footed bowl with scalloped edge. Partially legible hallmarks, 3 3/4"h. $250-$500

FOUR PIECES OF SILVER. Nineteenth century. French reticulated basket, 4"h. 10"l., two Irish salt spoons hallmarked for Dublin, 1827 and an English straining spoon with 1789 Newcastle hallmarks possibly by Thomas Watson, 12"l. $600-$900

MONUMENTAL VICTORIAN SILVER CENTERPIECE. Marked for London, 1875-6, and Stephen Smith. Three tiers, the top-most surmounted by a classical boy holding fruit, the lower tier with flanking shell-form trays, the central column flanked by ram's heads and kneeling angels, the base with elaborate applied decoration, one shield with the motto "Confido" ("I Trust"), and all resting on paw feet. 35"h., approximately 345 ozt. $12,000-$18,000

Lot 1

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LARGE BLUE AND WHITE BOWL. China, mid 20th century, porcelain. Impressive size with scenic decorations. $200-$400 LOW SQUARE TABLE. Chinese, mid 19th century, elm. Molded and carved members and paneled top. Three dovetailed drawers in apron. Old worn dark brown finish. Imperfections. 18"h., top is 36 1/2" x 36 1/2". $150-$350

Lots 90 - 91

ALTAR CABINET. China, mid 19th century, elm .Double doors and drawers. Reticulated side panels with foliage and monkeys. Curved ends on top shelf. Old finish and original hardware. Imperfections. 37 1/2"h. 44 1/2"w. 22 1/2"d. $250-$350

Lot 162

TWO DECORATED BUCKETS AND A TRUNK. China, 20th century. Two wooden grain buckets with original red and green painted grounds and floral reserves. Wooden handles. Worn with refinishing, 24"h. 16" x 16". And a 18th century Tibetan hide covered trunk. Wood with brass hardware, 13 1/2"h. 16"d. 29"w. $300-$600 Lot 255 8 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

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PAIR OF HAT STANDS. China, 19th century, porcelain. Cobalt with celadon floral decoration and interior. Gilt trim. Red Daoguang reign mark, 11 1/4"h. $600-$1,200 PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT BOWLS WITH UNDERPLATES. China, early 20th century, porcelain. Celadon blue glaze with hand decoration of birds and berry vines. Bowls have cinnabar red interiors. Red marks on bottoms. Bowls, 3 1/2"h. 5 1/2"d. plates, 7"d. $400-$700 CHINESE EXPORT VASE. China, early 19th century, porcelain. Baluster vase with detailed hand decoration of dragons, bats and flowers in jewel like flowers. Applied handles, celadon interior. Jiaqing mark on bottom, 11 1/4"h. $900-$1,200

Lots 51 - 54, 313

VASE. China, porcelain. Incised plum ground with light texture. White reserves with hand decorated blue images of dragon and eight Buddhist emblems. Underglaze blue reign mark for Qianlong on the underside but vase is most likely later. $600-$800 VASE. China, 20th century, porcelain. Square tapered form with celadon glaze and hand decorations of birds and rose peonies. Overglaze red marks on bottom, 12"h. 7" x 7". $300-$500

Lot 210

VALUABLES CHEST ON FRAME. China or Korea, 2nd half-19th century, mixed woods. Faรงade has decorative tooled and engraved brass panels. Fall front lid has original hardware. Imperfections. 37 1/2"h. 37 1/2"w. 18 3/4"d. $200-$300 KANG CHEST. China, 19th century, elm. Paneled top, and paneled and scrolled apron with two drawers. Old dark finish. Imperfections. 17 3/4"h. 45"w. 15 3/4"d. $150-$200 Lot 203

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GAY FRERES COLLAR. France, 20th century. Hinged ivory and 18K gold collar with gold and enamel leopard heads with ruby eyes. Marked "18K, France, GF". $3,500-$4,000 GAY FRERES BRACELET. France, 20th century. Hinged ivory bracelet with 18K gold and enamel leopard head with ruby eyes. Marked "750, GF". $3,000-$3,500

Lots 100 - 101

LOUIS XVI STYLE SOFA. French, 19th century. Carved hardwood frame has good detail with traces of old gilding and ormolu trim. Reupholstered in ivory colored brocade. Imperfections. 41 1/2"h, 70"w. $500-$700

Lot 37

10 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

MARQUETRY-INLAID BOMBE SLANT-FRONT DESK. European, 19th century, oak and various wood inlays. Bombe' form on flared legs, the interior stepped with a well. Decorated with elaborate figural inlay including birds and flowers. Imperfections. 43"h. 38"w. 22"d., writing surface is 31"h. $800-$1,200

Lot 125

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PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN BY LE PHO (FRANCE/UNITED STATES/VIETNAM, 1907-2001). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Woman surrounded by flowers. 15 3/4"h. 19"w., in a frame, 20 1/2"h. 24"w. $3,000-$6,000

Lot 150

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FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE CABINET. American, late 19th century. Black craquelle finish with gilt trim. Imperfections. 85"h. 50"w. 17"d. $200-$300

Lot 315

BAY OF NAPLES (ITALIAN SCHOOL, MID 19TH CENTURY). Gouache on paper, partial title and signature on bottom edge. Detailed scene of fishermen with the city in the background. Some staining, glued down. 18"h. 35 1/2"w., in a frame, 23 1/2"h. 41 1/2"w. $300-$600 PAIR OF LOUIS XVI STYLE ARM CHAIRS. French, 19th century. Carved frame and caned seats and backs with old white and gold paint. Old silk salmon colored cushions. Imperfections and some damaged to cane. 35"h. $200-$350

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WALL SCONCE WITH CERAMIC INSERT. American or European, late 19th-early 20th century, brass. Neoclassical frame with two candle arms and a hand decorated faience insert of "Ceres". 18 1/2"h. $400-$800

MUSIC BOX. Switzerland, late 19th century, rosewood. Case inlaid with polychrome vignettes and with ebonized trim. Plays ten tunes and retains its original printed and handwritten music selection card. 6 1/2"h. 23"w. $300-$600

Lot 301

Lot 320

DIRECTOIRE COMMODE. French, 19th century, mahogany. Three over two drawers, each with crossbanded veneer and inlaid decoration, with a black and gray marble top, and resting on tapered legs. 34"h. 51"w. 23"d. $500-$1,000 PAIR OF BRONZE CANDELABRAS. European, late 19th century. Neoclassical forms with urns columns, five candle sockets and paw feet on slate and red marble bases. 22 3/4"h. $400-$800 Lots 310 - 311

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IVORY CARVING. Africa, late 19th-early 20th century. Image of a seated woman on a throne with bound captives below. Weighted with clay. Ages splits. 16 1/4"h. $400-$800 FOUR IVORY AND BONE CARVINGS. Africa, 1st half-20th century. Ivory figure of a man wearing stylized armor and helmet, 7 1/2"h. and three bone carvings of standing figures. One repaired. 7", 7 1/2", 14"h. All have dark staining. $250-$450

IVORY TRUMPET. Africa, early 20th century. Carved from a tusk with side hole and geometric bands at one end. Stained, 28"l. $300-$600 IVORY CARVING OF A WOMAN. Africa, 1st half-20th century. Woman wearing beads and kneeling on a carved platform, 10 1/4"h. $300-$500 IVORY TRUMPET. Africa, early 20th century. Carved from a tusk. Paneled with side hole and geometric carving at one end, 18 1/2"l. $250-$500 IVORY CARVING. Africa, late 19th-early 20th century. Seated royal figure with a staff. Below are two bands of figures including captives. Rough clay base. Age splits. 20"h. $500-$900

Lots 367 - 368, 102 - 106

CARVED IVORY TRUMPET. Africa, 1st half-20th century. Large tusk with carved snakes and crocodiles and a man seated on a throne. Stained. 30"l. $600-$900

BRONZE BUDDHA. Attributed to Thailand, 19th century or possibly earlier. Seated Buddha on an open work platform with animals. Some loss. Certificate included. 6 3/4"h. $400-$700 THREE CHAMPLEVE VASES. Asian, 20th century. Two are dark patinated bronze with floral designs, one with figural handles, 11", 11 1/2"h. One is brass with a dragon, 12"h. $300-$500 Lots 17, 21

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THREE FERN STANDS. China, 19th century, teak. Good carved detail with marble inserts. Imperfections. 18"h, 17 1/2"d., 33 3/4"h, 18"d., 22 1/2"h, 18 1/4"d. $150-$300

Lot 20

TWO IVORY CARVINGS OF MEN. Japan, 1st half-20th century. Kneeling samurai and a standing man in a robe. Similar styles. Both signed with inset red cartouches. Age splits. 5 1/2" to 8"h. $900-$1,200

EARLY TABLE-TOP CASE OF DRAWERS. European, 18th century, rosewood. Faรงade of red lacquered tortoise shell inlaid with ivory. Imperfections. 19 1/2"h. 23 3/4"w. 11"d. $200-$400

TWO IVORY CARVINGS OF GEISHAS. Japan, 1st half-20th century. Similar figures of kneeling women with detailed incised designs. Signed, one in an inset cartouche. 4 1/2"h. $400-$700

ALTAR TABLE. China, mid 19th century, elm. Good carved detail with dragons in relief on apron and in fret work on legs. Old worn black lacquer. Imperfections. 35"h. 68"w. 11 3/4"d. $200-$300

Lot 82 - 83

Lot 288 Lot 237

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Lot 76

ABSTRACT PRINT BY SAM FRANCIS (CALIFORNIA/JAPAN/FRANCE, 1923-1994). Serigraph signed in pencil bottom right with edition number 27/43. Two part with squares in polychrome and mostly monochromatic. In a modern frame, 48"h. 67"w. $400-$800

Lots 380, 341

MID-CENTURY ARMCHAIR AND OTTOMAN. Designed by T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings, manufactured by Widdicomb, Grand Rapids, Michigan, mid 20th century, walnut. Open armchair with blue upholstery, 17"h. seat, 31"h. overall; with matching ottoman, 17"h. 20" square. Both in sorrel finish. $150-$300

THREE PIECES OF MID-CENTURY FURNITURE. Designed by T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings, manufactured by Widdicomb, Grand Rapids, Michigan, mid 20th century, walnut. All in sorrel finish, includes a three-drawer chest, 31"h. 19"w. 20 1/2"d., another three-drawer chest, 31"h. 50 1/2"w. 21 1/4"d., and a vanity attachment, 6 1/2"h. 30"w. 19 1/4"d. $300-$600

MID-CENTURY MODERN CHAIR AND OTTOMAN. Designed by Charles and Ray Eames, manufactured by Herman Miller, Zeeland, Michigan, 1965-1975, leather and laminated rosewood. 16"h. seat, 33"h. overall. With matching ottoman. $1,000-$2,000

Lots 77 - 78

16 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

WALL CLOCK. American, mid 20th century. George Nelson ball clock designed for Howard Miller in 1946. 13"d. $300-$500

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Lot 75

OP-ART PAINTING BY RICHARD ANUSZKIEWICZ (NEW JERSEY, B. 1930). Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated 1985 on back. Rectangles in green, pink and orange. 48"h. 60"w., in a modern strip frame, 49"h. 60"w. $10,000-$15,000

BIEDERMEIER-STYLE OBELISK AND TWO MIRRORS. American or European, 20th century, maple veneer. Ebonized trim. Imperfections. 40 1/2"h. And a pair of mirrors with birds-eye maple veneer and ebonized trim. 51”h. 26”w. $250-$500 Lot 268

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BRONZE AFTER JEAN BOLOGNE AKA GIAMBOLOGNA (ITALY, C. 1529-1608). Twentieth century. Unsigned. Classical goddess on a marble plinth. Missing trumpet. 30"h. overall. $250-$500

BRONZE OF CLASSICAL STYLE YOUTH (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN, 20TH CENTURY). Unsigned. Standing figure draped with goat skin. 24"h. overall. $200-$500 BRONZE HORSE AFTER PIERRE JULES MENE (FRANCE, 1810-1879). Twentieth century. Signed on base. Standing horse on green marble base. 17"h. 21 1/2"w. overall. $600-$1,200

Lots 61 - 63

DEMI-LUNE MARQUETRY CONSOLE. American, 20th century. Good detail and variegated marble top. Imperfections. 33 3/4"h. 43"w. 19 1/4"d. $250-$325 FRENCH STYLE FERN STAND. American, 20th century. Original whimsical painted decorations on a gold ground. Ormolu trim. Imperfections. 40 3/4"h, top is 14" x 14". $150-$300

Lot 410 18 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

Lot 136

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NAPOLEON MONUMENT DESK SET. French, 19th century, gilt brass. In the form of the Austerlitz Column at the Place Vendome in Paris. The monument lifts off the base to reveal a tray with two inkwells and a crescent-shaped compartment. 19"h. Based on Trajan's Column in Rome, Napoleon had the column built following the French victory at Austerlitz, casting the 425 bas relief plaques from the bronze salvaged from the cannon captured during the battle. Originally, Napoleon was atop the column in classical dress, but a series of changes during the tumultuous 18-teens and 20s was finally ended when Louis-Philippe attempted to finalize the depiction of Napoleon as the "little corporal" in a tri-corn hat. In 1863, the figure was again replaced, once again in classical dress. During the era of the Grand Tour, miniature versions of monuments throughout Europe were created as souvenirs, including the Austerlitz Column. This example is likely of that period. For other examples of these miniatures, see Grand Miniatures: 19th Century Souvenir Buildings from the Collection of Ace Architects, a digital copy is available here: $1,500-$2,500

Lot 200

LANDSCAPE SIGNED "A. ANDREWS" (PROBABLY AMBROSE ANDREWS, NEW YORK, 1805-1859). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Idyllic mountain waterfall. Rebacked. Oval, 23 1/4"h. 32 1/4"w., in a gilt frame, 29 1/4"h. 38"w. $900-$1,800

Lot 35

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GEORGE III TALL CASE CLOCK. English 18th century, mahogany. Gothic case, the hood with fluted columns with brass Corinthian capitals and brass rosettes on broken arch pediment, the case with turned drops. Brass eight-day movement by Richard Birch of Birmingham, with phases of the moon dial and painted metal dial. Old retailers label inside bonnet from Oxford England. Imperfections and finial is missing. 87 1/2"h. $1,500-$2,500

NEEDLEWORK PANEL. England, early 19th century, silk. Image of a young shepherdess with her sheep. Silk thread in shades of gold and brown on a silk ground with painted watercolor face and hands. In a gilt frame with eglomise mat (some flaking). 12"h. 9 1/2"w. $600-$900 Lot 178

PAINTING ON PORCELAIN PLAQUE. Germany, late 19th-early 20th century. Hand painted plaque impressed KPM and titled The Captive after Coomans (Diana Coomans, Belgium, 1861-1952). 9 1/2"h. 6"w., in a gilt frame, 13"h. 10"w. $1,500-$2,500

Lot 110

Lot 40

20 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

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GEORGE III TALL CASE CLOCK. Scottish, late 18th century, mahogany. Simple stringing and fluted quarter columns . Bonnet has free standing fluted columns with brass Corinthian capitals and broken arch pediment. Brass eight-day movement by Adam Pringle of Edinburgh, with silvered and engraved dial. Imperfections and finial is replaced. 88 1/2"h. $1,500-$2,500 IVORY MADONNA AND CHILD. European, late 19th-early 20th century. Carved relief portrait on wooden plaque, flanked by ivory columns and capped by a gilt shell. Some repair. 12"h. 5 1/2"w. $200-$400

IVORY TRIPTYCH AND NETSUKE. European, late 19th century folding triptych with gothic arches and a relief carved hunting scene, 7 1/2"h. Together with a Japanese, early 20th century netsuke of a fisherman, 2"h. $400-$800

FIVE PIECES OF STERLING. American, early 20th century. Three piece tea set with teapot, 10 1/4"h., creamer and open sugar. And an oval tray by Gorham, retailed by Theodore Starr, 13" x 17 1/2". Together with a covered basket with glass insert, 9"h. $800-$1,200

MINIATURE INLAID CURIO CABINET. European, 2nd-half 19th century, mixed woods with mahogany veneer. Glass sides and door with surrounding inlay, applied ormolu mounts. White marble top. 16 1/2"h. 10"w. $600-$900

Lots 213, 411 - 414

Lot 205

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PAIR OF JARS AND WOODEN PEDESTALS. China, 20th century. Two pine pedestals. Molded and paneled construction, each has a drawer and a shelf. Old refinishing. Imperfections. And a pair of covered temple jars. Five color designs of fish. $300-$500

Lot 72

SET OF FOUR SIDE CHAIRS. China, late 19th century, elm. Simple construction and detail. Old dark finish. Imperfections and slight variation among the four. 38 1/2"h. $175-$250

Lot 36

Lot 65 22 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

GRAIN STORAGE BIN. China, mid 19th century, elm. Doors and lift top lids. Old finish and good original hardware. Imperfections. 36 3/4"h. 39 3/4"w. 17"d. $175-$325

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Lots 289 - 293

TEN IVORY CARVINGS. Japan, 1st half-20th century. Mostly netsukes some with inked and polychrome details. Figures include Chinese emperor and empress on thrones, man on tiger, people around a cauldron and tradesmen. 2" to 4"h. $200-$400

LACQUERED SIX PANEL FOLDING SCREEN. Asian, early 20th century. Six panel with polychrome carved and painted figures on a red ground. Imperfections. Each panel is 72"h, 16"w. $150-$350

EIGHT SNUFF BOTTLES Asian, 20th century. Two reverse painted, two porcelain, one Mongolian with bone and inlaid coral and turquoise cabochons, one agate, one lacquer and one bone. 2" to 4"h. $250-$500 EIGHT IVORY NETSUKES. Japan, 1st half-20th century. Figures include tradesmen and women, a deity, a tree trunk and two men with polychrome decoration, one is wearing a turtle shell. Signed. Average 2"h. $200-$300 SIX IVORY FIGURES. Asian, 1st half-20th century. Two netsukes including an animal, a figure of a woman, 3"h. and three snuff bottles. Two are figural with polychrome paint, 3 1/2"h. $150-$350 THIRTEEN IVORY ITEMS INCLUDING NETSUKES. Asian and European, late 19th-early 20th century. Seven netsukes including a man, woman, scholars, Buddha and an actor with revolving face, 2" to 2 1/4"h. And a snuff bottle, pendant, button hook and snuff box with reverse glass painting. Together with a carving of a Chinese woman with polychrome paint, 3". Some imperfections. $250-$500

Lot 398

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MIRROR. American, mid 20th century, hardwood. Ornate frame with faux painted tortoise shell. Gilt trim, shell crest and floral finial. 58"h. 32"w. $200-$400 STILL LIFE PAINTING SIGNED “JOS. LAUER” PROBABLY JOSEF LAUER (AUSTRIA. 1818-1881). Oil on paper, signed lower right. Ripe fruit, a small white moth and a bluebird clutching a bee. Mounted on hexagonal fiberboard. 14"h. 17 3/4"w., in a frame 20 1/2"h. 24"w. $2,000-$4,000 Lot 195

Lot 222

SET OF FIVE FRENCH-STYLE CHAIRS. Late 19th century. Wormy chestnut with reupholstery in floral brocade in dark shades of red and green. 39 1/2"h. $250-$500

Lot 317 24 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

TRADITIONAL STYLE "D" SHAPED SIDEBOARD. American, early 20th century, wormy chestnut. Paneled doors and dovetailed drawers. 34 1/4"h. 69 1/2"w. 21 1/2"d. $350- $550

Lot 318

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EASTLAKE VICTORIAN LOVESEAT. American or English, 19th century, cherry. Turned and relief carved detail including a grotesque mask in fret work center panel. Reupholstered in geometric velvet brocade. Imperfections. 37"h. 47 1/2"w. $200-$350

Lot 273

MIRROR. American or European, 1st half20th century, hardwood. Gilt frame with floral crest and hanging bellflower garlands. 50"h. 19"w. $150-$350

ENGLISH STYLE HUNT BOARD. American, 20th century, oak. Labeled "Baker". Medium brown finish. Imperfections. 35"h. 80"w. 19"d. $350-$450

PORTRAIT OF MAN IN TURBAN BY FELIKS WYGRZYWALSKI (POLAND, 1875-1944). Oil on panel, signed lower right. Artist known for his colorful depictions of Mideastern scenes. 12 1/2"h. 17 3/4"w. in a frame, 16 1/2"h. 21 3/4"w. $400-$800

Lot 201

Lot 28 Lot 326

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PORTRAIT OF A MAN (PROBABLY AMERICAN SCHOOL, 2ND QUARTER-19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Young man sitting in a bamboo Windsor. Restoration. 29 3/4"h. 23 1/2"w., in a gilt frame, 36 3/4"h. 30"w. $400-$800 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (AMERICAN, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Well dressed woman wearing lace cap and collar, brooch and watch chain, red shawl around her shoulders, 30"h. 25"w., in a frame, 35 1/2"h. 30 1/4"w. $225-$450 TWO PASTORAL SCENES BY THOMAS ROWDEN (UNITED KINGDOM, 1842-1926). Watercolor on paper, signed and dated 1890. Cattle near streams. In matching frames 14 1/8"h. 22 1/8"w. $500-$800

Lot 177

Lot 177

Lot 357

Lot 405 Lot 272

SHERATON SIDEBOARD. English, early 19th century, mahogany. Choice flame grained veneer and inlay. Turned and reeded legs, deep wine storage drawer and deep top drawer with a door on left. Imperfections. Brasses replaced. 37"h. 70"w. 29 3/4"d. $800-$1,200 26 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

FLOOR STANDING BRASS TORCHIERE European, late 19th century. 51"h. $100-$150

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REGENCY CHEST-ON-CHEST. English, 1st half-19th century, mahogany and mahogany veneer. Twopiece, with turned feet, three dovetailed drawers in base and five in top. Wide cornice and removable pilasters. Original turned pulls have nacre inlay. Imperfections. 80"h. 51 3/4"w. 24 1/2"d. $1,000-$2,000 MARQUETRY TILT TOP TABLE AND FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE COFFEE TABLE. American, late 19th- 20th century. Mahogany with floral inlay. Tripod base and turned column. 27"h, 24 1/2"d. and coffee table labeled "Lightolier, New York". Marquetry inlay with ormolu and marble insert. Imperfections. 20"h, 29 1/2"w, 20 1/2"d. $200 - $400

Lot 183

JACOBEAN STYLE SMOKING CABINET. English, early 20th century. oak. Stretcher base, rope carved legs, paneled door with polychrome relief carving of long haired man with dolphin. Hand wrought butterfly hinges and other hardware. 32 3/4"h. 19"w. 12 3/4"d. Imperfections. $250-$350 Lot 262

Lot 6

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IVORY CARVING. China, 1st half-20th century. Robed figure with lotus branch, seated on a dragon. Age splits. 7"h. $300-$600 PAIR OF IVORY FOO DOGS. Asian, 1st half-20th century. Male and female with inked detail. 3 3/4"h. plus wooden bases. $200-$400 PAIR OF IVORY CARVINGS. China, 1st half-20th century. Standing emperor and empress holding a sword and scepter. Signed. 10"h. plus wooden bases. $800-$1,200 Lots 289 - 293

CHINESE EXPORT GARDEN SEAT. China, 1st half-19th century, porcelain. Finely hand decorated in brilliant colors, featuring peacocks and the eight Taoist symbols. 18 1/2"h. 13"d. $2,500-$3,500

Lot 250 28 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

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CHEST OF DRAWERS. China, mid 19th century, elm. Two-tone old red and black lacquer. Three drawers and pierced apron and bracket detail. Original hardware including decorative studs on faรงade. Imperfections. 34"h. 40 1/2"w. 17 1/2"d. $175-$325 PAIR OF GARDEN SEATS AND VASE. China, mid 20th century, porcelain. Hand decorated in blue and white. $200 - $400 JARDINIERE AND CHARGER. China, 20th century, porcelain. Jardiniere has blue ground and figural reserves. Replica Kangxi marks, 11"h. and a charger with figural decoration in blue, 14"h. $200-$400 PAIR OF GINGER JARS AND PAIR OF VASES. China, 20th century, porcelain. Famille Rose covered jars with procession scene, 11 1/2"h. and later vases decorated with sea life, 17 1/4"h. $300-$500

Lots 289 - 293

PAIR OF LARGE VASES. China, mid 20th century, porcelain. Ming style vases with applied animal masks and hand decorated in blue on white, 23"h. $250-$450

PAIR OF CABINETS. China, late 19th century, elm. Patinated surface in shades of brown and pale yellow-green. Each has double doors and a pair of drawers with original round brass decorative hardware. Imperfections. 33"h. 36 3/4"w. 17 3/4"d. $300-$500

Lot 390

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STERLING FOUR-PIECE TEA SET. Tiffany, New York, 1st half-20th century. Swirled rib design with monograms. Teapot has ivory insulators, 4 1/2"h., covered sugar, creamer and wastebowl. $1,000-$1,500 DIMINUTIVE BIEDERMEIER REGULATOR WALL CLOCK. Gustav Becker, Germany, 2nd half-19th century. Burl walnut case with ebonized accents; the single-weight movement has a porcelain, two-part dial. 29"h. $800-$1,200 Lot 4

Lot 19

Lot 260

Lot 240

PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (ENGLISH SCHOOL, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Woman dressed in black with a flowered cap and gold jewelry. London preparer's label on back of the canvas. Repairs. 35 12/"h. 27 1/2"w., in a painted frame, 46"h. 38 1/4"w. $600-$900

ROUND MARBLE TOPPED TRIPOD BASED TABLE English, 19th century, mahogany. Cabriole legs terminate in lion head feet, scrolled and molded apron and black inset marble top. Imperfections. 24"h. 23 1/2"d. $200-$350

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THREE MINIATURES ON PORCELAIN AND OPERA GLASSES. European, 20th century and earlier. Three painted portraits of women on porcelain plaques, one signed "Ernest Riese". Two have frames. 4", 5 1/2", 7"h. And a pair of mother of pear opera glasses marked "Paris" with a Duluth, Minnesota retailer. In a case, 2 3/4"h. Together with a brass spectacles case marked "Anthony Holl, 1749", 4"l. $300-$500 PAIR OF MINIATURES ON IVORY. American or European, 2nd quarter-19th century. Young couple dressed in their best clothes. Finely detailed with illegible artist signature. In a tortoise shell veneer frame with ivory inlay (some damage). 4 1/2"h. 6"w. $250-$500 Lot 213 - 214

LANDSCAPE BY DUNCAN MCNAIR (UNITED KINGDOM, LATE 19TH-EARLY 20TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed lower left. Rushing mountain river, sunlit mountains in the background, 20"h. 30"w. in a frame, 26"h. 36"w. $175-$325

Lot 219

Detail Lot 50

BOULLE-DECORATED LIBRARY TABLE. French, late19th century. Black lacquer with engraved brass and tortoise shell inlay. Cast brass trim with figural applied women with headdresses on knees and paw feet. One dovetailed drawer has cherubs flanking crest. Imperfections. 30 1/2"h. 58"w. 34 3/4"d. $1,500-$2,500

Lot 50

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CHARLESTON, PRIOLEAU STREET IN 1870 BY JOHN STOBART (ENGLISH/AMERICAN, 1929-). Limited edition print, signed and numbered (53/950) lower right. Harbor at night. In a gilt frame, 33 1/2"h. 26 1/2"w. John Stobart and Maritime Heritage Prints announced as of January 1, 2011, they will no longer sell limited edition prints. $150-$250 PORTRAIT OF A MAN BY T.H. REAMER (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1944 lower left. Man smoking a pipe in an industrial setting. 28"h. 22"w., in a frame, 31 1/2"h. 25 1/2"w. On the back is a second unsigned portrait of an Arabian man. $250-$450 Lot 27

Lot 245

TILT TOP CHINOISERIE TEA TABLE. English or American, 19th century. Tripod base with snake feet, turned column and dished top. Original oriental decoration on a light green ground has wear. Imperfections. 28 1/4"h. 26 3/4"d. $300-$500

Lot 160 32 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

INLAID GAMING TABLE. American or European, 20th century, inlaid olive and other woods. Cabriole legs, one drawer and a pull out beverage holder on each side. Imperfections. 29 3/4"h. 32 3/4"w. 32 3/4"d. $200-$400

Lot 389

HEPPLEWHITE WASHSTAND AND COMMODE. English, early 19th century, mahogany. Flame veneer panels and stringing. Square tapered legs, two false drawer fronts on pull-out commode frame with cut out seat, single door above with the façade of two doors and butlers tray gallery above another false façade drawer. Imperfections. 34 1/2"h. 18 1/2"w. 18 1/2"d. $200 - $400

Lot 287

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BROWN HAIRED GIRL BY CLYDE SINGER (OHIO, 1908-1999). Oil on canvas, signed upper right and on back. Profile of a woman. 10"h. 8"w., in a frame, 14 12"h. 12 1/2"w. $900-$1,600 PORTRAIT OF FIVE PEOPLE BY ALICE SCHILLE (OHIO, 1869-1955). Oil on pasteboard, signed upper right. Minimalist portraits in cool colors. 19 1/2"h. 15 1/2"w., in a frame, 26"h. 22"w. $600-$1,200

Lot 325

Lot 60

BRONZE SCULPTURE OF A BULL TERRIER BY CHARLES VALTON (FRANCE, 1851-1918). Signed on the base. Depiction of a protective terrier asserting himself. Original patina with dry surface. 24"h. Ex Sally Spillane (Illinois). $1,500-$2,500

Lot 79

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Lot 174

Lot 47

GEORGE III CARD TABLE. English, 1st half-19th century, mahogany. Turned and rope spiral legs, "D" front apron with burl veneer and inlay. Two swing legs support top. Old finish. Imperfections. 29 3/4"h., 36"w., 17 3/4"d. $300-$600

BAROQUE STYLE BUFFET. European, 20th century, mahogany and burled walnut veneer. Cabriole legs, two drawers with under mounted lacking levers and two dovetailed drawers. Imperfections. 29 3/4"h, 52"w, 17 1/2"d. $300-$600

JACOBEAN-STYLE CHEST OF DRAWERS. English, 19th century, oak. Two-piece section, with elaborate paneled and applied decoration, side-hung drawers, and resting on bun feet. 38 1/2"h. 39 1/2"w. 21"d. $400-$800

Lot 300 34 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

GEORGE III DRESSING TABLE. English, mid18th century, oak with mahogany cross banding on top. Cabriole front legs, one dovetailed drawer and molded edge top. Old finish, original brasses. Imperfections. 28"h. 30"w. 19 1/2"d. $500-$1,000

Lot 123

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PAIR OF CHERUBIM. Probably European, early 20th century, plaster. Retain old gold paint. Approximately 36"h. Ex Renner family, owners of Renner Brewing, Akron, Ohio. $300-$600 GEORGE III TALL CASE CLOCK. English, 18th century, oak and cross banded walnut. Brass eight-day movement by David Collier of Gatley, with silvered and gilded cast cherub spandrel dial. 78"h. $1,500-$2,500

Lot 173

Detail Lot 190 Lot 10

Lot 190

FRENCH STYLE DECORATED DESK. American, 20th century. Cabriole legs, three drawers and scrolled apron. Old decorative repaint is black and gold with reserves with jockey on horse and two collies. Imperfections. 30 1/2"h, 37 1/4"w, 21 1/4"d. $200-$350

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TWO STILL LIFES BY GREGORY HULL (AMERICAN, B.1950). Oil on canvas, signed on lower edge. Large table scape of oranges and red scarf with copper kettle, brass tray and silver bowl, 29 1/2"h. 39"w. in a frame 37 1/2"h. 47 1/2"w. and two yellow and pink Peace roses in a glass vase, 23"h. 19"w., in a frame, 31 1/2"h. 27 1/2"w. $275-$500

Lot 187

TWO FLORAL PAINTINGS BY JEAN VERDIER (FRANCE, 1889-1976). Oil on board, signed and dated in lower corners. Tulips, 1971> in a gilt frame, 26 1/2"h. 23 1/4"w. and Fleurs pink roses, 1966 in a gilt frame, 20"h. 17"w. $175-$325 Lot 342

FRENCH STYLE, DECORATED BREAKFRONT. American, 20th century. Two piece with pastel painted classical scenes on a white ground with green and salmon trim. Beveled glass top door with lighted interior and adjustable plate glass shelves. With pull out desk drawer. Imperfections. 85"h. 75 1/2"w. 15 1/2"d. $450-$600 GRANDMA'S GARDEN BY JENETTE LEUERS (FRANCE, B. 1942). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Two small girls in a field of flowers, 39 1/2"h. 29 1/2"w. in a frame, 48 1/2"h. 38 1/2"w. $200-$350

Lot 339 36 | GARTH’S February 4, 2012 Decorative Arts

Lot 145

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CARVED AND DECORATED SOFA. French, late 18th-early 19th century. Carved frame has old decorative repaint. Reupholstered in green striped silk. Imperfections. 41"h. 77"w. $600-$800 DECORATED FOLDING SCREEN. European, late 19th century. Three panel. Leatherized canvas with original artist painted scenes with mythological landscapes. Imperfections and one backing panel replaced. Each panel is 68"h, 18"w. $150-$300 JACOBEAN STYLE SMOKING CABINET. English, late 19th century, oak. Linen fold and other decorative carving with man resembling Shakespeare in the door panel. Old finish. Imperfections. 50"h. 19 1/2"w. 14 1/2"d. $100-$250 Lot 211

DECORATED VITRINE OR CURIO CABINET. Late 19th-early 20th century. Worn original floral painted decoration on a white ground. Good architectural detail and original beveled glass insert in top with curved glass panels in ends. Imperfections and one shelf is missing. 42"h. 31 1/2"w. 15 3/4"d. $300-$600

Lot 16 Lot 404

Lot 117

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Eclectic Auction

February 3

ADVERTISING: Helmar cigarettes lithograph; tins inc grocers & tobacco; coffee grinder; FIREARMS & MILITARIA: guns inc percussion, flintlock & pistols; Breda, B.S.A, Iver Johnson, Smith & Wesson; Nazi memorabilia inc banner, boots, side bag & baton, Swords inc KKK;

38 | GARTH’S February 3, 2012 Eclectic

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POTTERY & STONEWARE: art pottery inc Clewell, Weller, Roseville, Swastika Keramos & Zsolnay; umbrella stand; yellow ware; Stoneware crocks & jugs inc Conrad, Hamilton & Jones, Burger & Lang, Harnell & Smyth; COINS: Mercury dimes; half dollars inc Walking Liberty, Franklin & Kennedy; Morgan Dollar;

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JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES: men's Rolex wrist watch; ladies diamond rings; Eterna ladies wrist watch; mens's gold ring; earrings; brooches; gold necklaces; misc sterling and gold jewelry;

CLOCKS: tall case clock; Gilbert china mantle clock; mantle clocks inc Hopkins & Alfred, Birge & Fuller, Eli Terry, Burr & Chittenden, George House & Seth Thomas; banjo clocks inc New Haven; wall clocks inc Regulator;

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LAMPS & LIGHTING: Revere floor lamp, table lamps inc Royal Art, slag glass & reverse painted; boudoir lamps inc Moe-Bridges; hanging lamp, oil lamps; ART & ARTWORK: oil on board & canvas inc McCollister, watercolors inc Conrad Roland; landscapes & seascapes; lithographs; reverse painted landscape & still life;

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EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY: tintypes; daguerreotypes; ambrotypes;

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STERLING & SILVER PLATE: sterling inc smoking set, trophies, tazzas, goblets, candelabra, ornaments, boxes, trays, bowls, misc flatware, shakers, creamer/sugar; teaset; set of sterling: Durgin Chatham, Gorham Buttercup, International Wedgwood & Statehouse Stately; silver plate: food domes, trays, teasets, bowls, water urn; QUILTS, TEXTILES & RUGS: quilts inc crazy; coverlets; rag rugs; Oriental style rugs; vintage clothing; Indian weavings; DOLLS, TOYS & CHILDREN'S ITEMS: bisque head dolls inc K*R & Simon & Halbig; doll house furniture; trinket toys; building blocks; board games; trains & accessories inc Lionel, L.G.B & Marklin;

44 | GARTH’S February 3, 2012 Eclectic

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FURNITURE: chests of drawers inc Victorian; cupboards inc stepback; side tables inc Victorian; one & two drawer stands; drop leaf tables; display cases; corner cupboards; china cabinets; chairs inc side, arm, rocker & wing back; mantles; sofa table; ice box; wrought iron furniture; card tables; blanket chests inc carved & paint decorated; washstands; beds inc Jenny Lind; dining tables inc pedestal; desks inc slant lid & cylinder; marble top server; hall trees; secretary bookcases; footstools; campaign chest; bookcases inc stacked; lectern; sofas; lowboy; vitrine; child's size Victorian furniture inc sofa, armchair & sidechairs; modern furniture inc glass top table; stick and ball whimsical display; dry goods cabinet; butchers block; small chimney cupboard;

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GLASS, PORCELAIN & CHINA: art glass inc Loetz, Smith Brothers, Farber Bros, Heisey & Fenton; paperweight decanters; cut glass inc Hawkes & Libbey; stemware; paperweights; Christmas candle shades; demijohn; silver overlayed glass; Victorian art glass inc cruets, syrups, brides baskets, pitchers, epergnes, tumblers & toothpicks; porcelain inc Rose Medallion, Sebring washbowl/pitcher; Royal Doulton, Lladro, Royal Dux, Royal Copenhagen, Buffalo Pottery Roosevelt Bears pitcher, majolica, Hummels, Staffordshire figures, bisque figure groups, Villeroy & Boch, Dresden; sets of china; inc Rhoda & Dansk; MISCELLANEOUS: xylophone; accordion; boxes inc inlaid; pantry boxes inc paint decorated; bronze sculptures; hanging letter rack; molds inc food & candle; tole; wagons inc paint decorated; organ stool; Brownie camera in case; duck decoys; brass dinner bell; baskets inc painted; pump organ; marble fern stands; bass drum; cloisonne; pewter; pair of bone vases; incubator; real photo postcards; gameboard; sand bottle; slot machine; treenware; sleigh bells; Tiffany desk set & ink wells 46 | GARTH’S February 3, 2012 Eclectic

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Garth’s is located north of Columbus, Ohio approximately thirty minutes from the Columbus International Airport. FROM THE CINCINNATI AREA: Take I-71 North to Columbus. Then take Rt. 315N to 270E to 23N. Follow 23 North to Delaware. We are approximately 10 miles North on Route 23. You will pass a golf clubDIRECTIONS on your right and the Theological Seminary. AtINC. the traffic light turn right (Stratford Road). TOMethodist GARTH’S AUCTIONS, DIRECTIONS TO GARTH’S AUCTIONS, INC. We are the buildings on your left. Main Gallery: 2690 Stratford Road, P.O.P.O. Box Box 369,369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 Main Gallery: 2690 Stratford Road, Delaware, Ohio 43015 Phone: 740-362-4771 • Fax: 740-363-0164 Phone: 740-362-4771 • Fax: 740-363-0164 FROM THE CLEVELAND AREA: Website: • E-Mail: Website: • E-Mail: Take I-71 South to Route 36/37 (Delaware/Sunbury exit 131). Take this route into Delaware, and turn left on Route 23 South. Turn left onto Stratford Road (at the sixth traffic light). We are thirty the red buildings your left. Garth’s is located north of Columbus, Ohio approximately minutes from from theon Columbus International Airport. Garth’s is located north of Columbus, Ohio approximately thirty minutes the Columbus International Airport. FROM THE CINCINNATI AREA: FROM THE CINCINNATI AREA: FROM COLUMBUS AIRPORT: Take Take I-71 North to Columbus. Then Then take Rt. 315N to 270E to 23N. Follow 23 North to I-71 North to Columbus. Rt. 315N to 270E to 23N. Follow 23 North Take I-670 East to I-270 North (ortake West) toRoute Cleveland. Thepass first exit past to Delaware. We are 10 miles NorthNorth on 23. You golfaclub Delaware. Weapproximately are approximately 10 miles on Route 23.will You will apass golf club I-71 s Route 23the North—Delaware. We are approximately on your right right and Methodist Theological Seminary. At theAttraffic light10 turnmiles right (Strat-(Straton your and the Methodist Theological Seminary. the traffic light turn right ford Road). We are onpass your left. North onRoad). Route 23. Youbuildings will a Dornoch golf club and the ford Wethe arebuildings the on your left. Methodist Theological Seminary on your right. At the traffic light turn FROM THE CLEVELAND AREA: FROM THE CLEVELAND right (Stratford WeAREA: are the red buildings onTake your Take I-71 South to Road). Route 36/37 (Delaware/Sunbury exit 131). thisleft. route into

Take I-71 South to Route 36/37 (Delaware/Sunbury exit 131). Take this route into Delaware, and turn 23 South. Turn Turn left onto Stratford RoadRoad (at the traf- trafDelaware, and left turnon leftRoute on Route 23 South. left onto Stratford (atsixth the sixth fic light). We are the on your left. left. FROM THE DAYTON AREA: fic light). We arered thebuildings red buildings on your

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Take I-79 South to I-70 West to Columbus. Take I-270 to I-71 North to FROM PITTSBURGH: FROM PITTSBURGH: the Exit (Route 750). Turn left and follow 750 totoRoute 23 North TakePolaris I-79 South to I-70 to Columbus. Take I-270 to I-71 thetoPolaris Exit Exit Take I-79 South to West I-70 West to Columbus. Take I-270 to North I-71 North the Polaris (turn right). You will pass Dornoch golf club and the Methodist Theolog(Route 750).750). Turn Turn left and 750 to Route 23 North (turn (turn right).right). You will (Route leftfollow and follow 750 to Route 23 North Youpass will pass Dornoch golf club andyour the on your right. At theAttraffic ical Seminary right. AtTheological theTheological trafficSeminary light turn right (Stratford Dornoch golfon club andMethodist the Methodist Seminary on your right. the traffic light light turnWe right (Stratford Road). We are on your left. left. turnare right (Stratford Road). Wethe arered thebuildings redleft. buildings on your Road). the red buildings on your 48 | GARTH’S

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Decorative & Fine Arts Auction / Eclectic Auction

Decorative & Fine Arts Auction / Eclectic Auction Decorative & Fine Arts Auction / Eclectic Auction

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February 3 - 4, 2012 February 3 - 4, 2012

February 3 - 4, 2012

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