Are We a Nation of Sociopathic Liars? “Sociopathy� is a very strong word; sociopaths are often well liked because of their personal charm and charisma. Thing is they usually do not care about other people, only their beliefs and ideology. They live for themselves and when found to be in error quickly blaming other people continually playing the victim. Thin Regard for the Truth Sociopaths have a slim regard for the truth and make up stories as if that is reality. To them it is. There is a total disregard for the rules of any kind and press on to lie and obfuscate constantly. They never learn from punishments and seldom fell guilt misdirecting blame to others. Nothing ever seems to stick. Sound familiar? Back in the Day
A psychiatrist from back in the day has a slightly different diagnosis for today’s freaks. They are called “malignant narcissistic personality disorders” that may cross the borderline into criminality. Major Symptoms The psychiatrist laid out the major symptoms and among the key markers are: 1. Not able to handle criticism of any kind 2. A grandiose view of achievements almost delusional 3. A lack of empathy for others to the extreme. NPD A person who has this disorder does not consider serial lying to be in any way immoral or problematic even if you are breaking one of the Ten Commandments when you do. It is also an extreme character flaw to not only do it but not to recognize it when you do. For these super ambitious I’m so vain career types lying is
as common as opening their mouths. Lying sometimes open doors for them that are sometimes otherwise slammed shut becoming vital to them as a creative power. It has become part of their character and overall academic make up. Magic Words In their reality lying is “magic words� that is an invention of their creative off the top of their head comments that are not connected to reality or truth. In other words they are delusional and chaotic thoughts that have no connection to what is real. People that do not have this creative power to lie are constrained because of their conscience or the anxiety of being caught in a lie. NPD people simply make up lies about the lie. They believe they can lie into existence their preferred version of the truth (spin) without any higher standard of the truth.
In Summary Usually all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. They believe in what is perceived in fact as the truth rather than what they would like to be true. People diagnosed with NPD have a conflict in their mind of guilt and their will. They look for guilt to leave them and their own will to win out no matter the cost. These are very strong willed men and women determined to have their own way no matter who gets hurt. There seems to be a remarkable manner in which these types try to control the people around them. It makes no difference to the mentally disordered that their credibility has crashed and burned. They march on leaving mistrust and violence in their wake the truth be damned. America in Decline
As we can see across the nation as well as the world there exists a scam mentality on the internet that continually lie to the public on just about everything conceivable. It is now engrained in our culture. makes know that 98% of money making business opportunities are scams! Conclusion To get ahead, to advance your theory, to obfuscate the truth, to put your spin on what the facts are is why so many observers at events have a totally different view of what occurred! It is why broadcasters at football games see fumbles when there are none, why umpires call people out when they are obviously safe on replays. People today see what they want to believe as true. Thus deception is easily created in the mind becoming delusional chaotic thought. Who is
the master of confusion? These are the times we are living in; investigate then what is true.