Are You Following What God Says in the Ten Commandments? Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd
Are members of the Church today following what God says?
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15) Many in the Church do not even know what this passage of Scripture means. I am hoping that this article will bring understanding to this vitally important part of God's Word. We must remember Satan the devil uses all of Scripture, and twists its meaning to his own avail. He certainly uses this passage over and over against the children of God. He is the author of confusion & chaos. Do Not Judge! Really? Have you ever been told this as you are attempting to teach a person or group about God's word? I was speaking to a group of co-
workers at lunch back in the day using a little judgmental speak that angered some who were still in their sin. I was told not to judge. My reply was, “You're kidding right?� How can you carry out the great commission if you do not judge who is saved or not? Some did not even know what the great commission was. Let's be very clear: Saying "Do not judge" is an attempt to discredit everything you have said, and all that you will say. It's saying to us "You are self-righteous and have no authority to tell us what to do. Look at yourself - are you without sin?" The answer to this is no one is without sin, but my Lord has saved me from mine. I am only doing what the Lord wants in bringing others to follow him. That is what he called his disciples to do to spread his gospel, good news. I only wish others to listen to what the Lord says in his scripture. That is not self-
righteousness, it is being able to know who is saved and who is not so you are not preaching to the choir. You want God’s word to be heard by those who need saving. Just by giving them an opportunity to hear the truth is all that is needed. It is up to them to pick up the ball and ask to know more. What the Bible Really Says About Judging: "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine
own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye" (Matthew 7:1-5). (Emphasis mine) When we are told to stop judging, it is an attempt to shut us down and keep us from sharing anything more about God's Word, this is the devil’s work. But look at what God is saying. We must first make sure that when we are "fruit inspectors" we must first examine our own lives to see if we are in error ourselves! In other words, do not preach the word to others until you have stopped sinning in others eyes. Let's say we are friends with a person who constantly gossips. We feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit to gently approach this person about this sin. First we are to look at our own actions. Have we gossiped - even just a little? If so, we need
to go to our Father and ask forgiveness, but we also must make a change in our own lives. Then we are judging righteously by helping our brother or sister who is entangled in the sin of gossip or whatever sin he is doing. How Do We Rightly Divide the Word of Truth? When reading the Word of God, it is imperative when looking at a passage of Scripture, to go back at least a few sentences to understand the frame of reference, read the whole chapter if necessary, and to go ahead a few sentences to look for more confirmation from the Lord about the passage being read. Use a Bible Concordance if needed that has all the words of the bible in it and how they are used. Have you noticed that many take Scripture out of context, and they use it to support their own
opinion? This is a very dangerous way to read God's Word, and to glean from it truth and wisdom. God is very clear in His Word, and He wants us to understand it and apply it to our lives. He does not want us to pluck a sentence out of context to draw a person to one's own opinion or conviction. Ask your God for wisdom to discern what is being said and how it applies to your own life. God Has All Wisdom Our own opinions or convictions, if they do not line up with Scripture, are stubble (nothing). If a person is attempting to teach another from God's Word, that person should have a deep understand of what God means. Your will should align with his. That is why teachers will be held to a higher standard than others.
There are weak minded Christians that hardly crack the good book. There are novice Christians, just getting into the word, who are so easily swayed by bad teaching. For this reason, not many should be teachers, only if you are called to write and tell other what is to be. This should be a calling from God. Be A Berean If you have been taught something and you are a new Christian, or even if you have been in the Lord for many years; if you have a feeling that this teaching does not line up with God's Word, then always go to the source - the Word of God. See what God says about this teaching. Is it almost right, but not completely right? Almost is not truth. Question all teachers no matter who they are. God is God and we are not. In these last days he tells us that many
would not preach the truth, there would be many false prophets in the Laodicean lukewarm church, the last church of this age. Fortunately, we are moving into a time of revival and discovering God for the first time for many. The time of the last great revival is upon us, the one that runs through the rapture of the church and on into the 7 year tribulation with the two witnesses of God and his 144,000 out of Israel who teaches the gospel to the world. God Speaks to Us Through His Word Your Bible is the most important book you will ever own. Commentaries on the Word of God are nice - only if the writer is known for adhering to the Word. But make no mistake anyone can make a mistake; but NOT our God. His Word is Truth.
Heresies in the Churches Are you in a church which teaches things that make you very uncomfortable? Do they completely avoid End Time Prophecies? Are they hateful to Israel? Do they believe in replacement theology? Are they teaching Catholic doctrines, and attempting to make you believe that it's time to return to Rome? Or reaching out to a one world religion with the Vatican as its head? You must remember the Vatican don’t you? The one that has killed more jews than any other cult. Helped Nazis escape to South America during WW2. Murdered millions in the inquisition that lasted 400 years, so bad they called it the Dark Ages. That same church that has black masses for Satan in a hidden altar room in St. Peter's Church. A Woman Rides the Beast
For stats & facts on what was done to the Jews & Christians in the true Church please pick up a copy of “A Woman Rides the Beast” by Dave Hunt through In Revelation 17 you will be amazed to find there is a mysterious character at the heart of prophecy, a woman (catholic church) who rides the beast (the end time system). This woman has a powerful role in the end time biblical prophecy and a powerful place in the Anti-Christ’s future one world empire. It is a must read for full understanding on how this cult affects the rest of mankind in this coming diabolical endtime era. The Vatican the City on Seven Hills Is there contemplative prayer in your church, and other mystical practices? These practices originated in the Catholic religion, which is a
cult. Catholicism is a works based cult. Their belief is you can only get to heaven through your works and not God’s grace that is the direct opposite of what his word says. Nothing good ever comes out of the Vatican. Yes I am being judgemental because this is the truth if I have ever heard it. Ask God for wisdom to discern what is true and what is a lie. He will give his answers in good time. Maranatha. May God always be with you.