Homeschooling Gaining Acceptance Among Society

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Homeschooling Gaining Acceptance Among Society Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd The numbers indicate that although many in academia continue to oppose, ridicule homeschoolers, and marginalize them, the movement is increasingly gaining acceptance among many segments of society. Homeschooling has doubled USA Today reported last year that in 1999, out of the entire population of school age children, a paltry 850,000 were being homeschooled. However, by the 2011-2012 school year that number had ballooned to 1.77 million, more than double the 1999 numbers. This shows a complete lack of confidence in public schools where the fed’s commoncore is trying to establish a foothold. Whereas federal numbers only cover up homeschooling numbers through 2012, the Florida Department of Education issued a more recent report showing that the state experienced its largest increase in homeschooling in the past five years under the Obama regime. "The number of homeschooled children in Florida saw its biggest increase in five years during 2014-15. Last year, the state counted 84,096 children in home schooling, up 9.6 percent from a year earlier," the report said.

Lamestream media lies about homeschoolers Homeschooling has often been portrayed as something done by "fanatical Christians" or backwoods hillbilly folks who are white separatists, KKK, etc. yet those who homeschool represent a broad cross-section of society as not just Christians, but even atheists, secularists and others increasingly embrace homeschooling because of the ineptness of public schools, violence in classrooms, drug dealing on campus, and not using any type of discipline in the classrooms. Basically the majority choose to homeschool for the same reason people will leave a company selling a product that they believe is inferior, don’t like, or isn’t meeting their needs. Teaching values different One of the most common reasons is a realization that schools are teaching values contrary to those being instilled in children by their parents. Like homosexuality is now accepted and been mainstreamed because of gay marriage. For example, in California a law signed by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger mandated that homosexuality could only be portrayed in a positive light. For example, "gay rights" icon Harvey Milk could only be discussed using glowing terms while mentioning that Milk had a strong desire for young boys, classified pedophilia in the real world, is prohibited.

Plus schools are increasingly teaching students that their parents are bigots for believing in traditional marriage (one man one woman) and that transgenderism is normal, although many shrinks will tell you it is mentally unhealthy. Christianity is also attacked in ways other religions are not. What happened to separation of church & state? A California court upheld the rights of a school district to prohibit phrases that supported America’s Godly heritage such as "One Nation Under God", "In God We Trust", and "God Bless America" while promoting, at the same time, teachers displaying items pushing other religions. Examples: including an image of Buddha, a poster with Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi’s "7 Social Sins"; a poster of the Dali Lama and Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X that is all pagan worship. Gee, whatever happened to separation of church and state? I guess it only matters when it is a Christian idea being taught. Interferes with freedom of speech Now the screws in these public school prisons are preaching students cannot even read the Bible during recess or pray at the lunch table which interferes with their religious beliefs. In actual state & federal lockups inmates have the right to read scripture because they have representation to back them up. Parents are not as stupid as these left wing teachers think and have caused them to realize that their children are attending schools that are not only openly hostile to Christianity, but are pushing other pagan stone worshipping religious beliefs on

their kids. By the way they have no representation in the school system to make the left behave. In addition, the feds forced introduction of Common Core, with its emphasis on revisionist history while downplaying the greatness of the founding fathers because of them owning slaves while focusing on America’s faults and teaching globalism over American exceptionalism, has resulted in parents realizing today’s Nazi like public schools are nothing like the God fearing schools they patronized. In 1970’s schools I remember growing up in Jackson School in the 1950’s where the Christmas music program featured a heavy emphasis on Christmas carols, Christmas plays, Easter egg hunts in the spring, said the pledge of allegiance in class, stopped for prayer time and were taught about the adventurous daring exploits of patriots like Paul Revere, John Paul Jones, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Lewis & Clarke and others. Those schools no longer exist. What they have now is the debacle in the Chicago, Detroit, LA, New York schools, with dropouts the norm, drug dealing mainstreamed, and daily assaults an everyday occurrence. What responsible parent wants that for their children!

Back in the day when I was still pastoring, I had helped research a book detailing the Christian influence on American History. I offered a copy of the book to a history teacher who was also involved with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Despite the book being heavily footnoted, he thanked me and said he had to be careful in how he taught about the beliefs of the founding fathers. Kicker is The kicker is despite these changes by left wing secular progressive groups they tout as being historic improvements, test scores continue to decrease, students quite school to sell dope, with student reading levels at all-time lows, this would have been unacceptable in the generation I grew up in. Compared to the rest of the world American public schools are near the bottom in graduating pupils that can read and write. It is pretty sad when Junior colleges want the freshmen attendees to take refresher courses in simple math, English, etc. Dumbing down worked It appears the left wing secular progressive dumbing down program has worked. When you base your so called improvements on a foundation of lies and revisionist history twisting the truth along the way is it any wonder the students are confused and chaotic. So who is the author of confusion and chaos?

Even non-Christian parents can see this and have begun pulling their students out of public schools and introducing them to private or charter schools that have discipline in them. What is ironic is that while teachers and administrators criticize Christian students for old-fashioned traditional values, they are often the first to whine when these same students are removed from the schools by the parents to homeschool or send to private or charter schools. Hypocrisy In the ultimate sign of hypocrisy, when these so called "troublemakers" leave to be homeschooled, school officials, teachers, and even some pastors criticize these parents saying they are taking away the good kids from the schools and this is unfair to the bad kids. The thing is their logic is so twisted these near do well educators have no clue that the parents have the right to place their charges anywhere they like. What is truly unfair is paying these incompetent teachers and administrators for not doing their job. Some local districts in Chicago went so far as to point the finger at parents who jerked their children out of a collapsing failing system to send their kids to charter schools. Their logic is these children were resources that the charter schools were influencing to leave. Say what?

The foolish execs that run lamestream MSNBC had host Mellissa Harris-Perry say in an ad recorded for the network “that children do not belong to their parents, but rather belong to the community.� Sound like Nazi socialists to me, how about you? She went on to rant, "We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children," she rambled. "So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities." My question to you is, can you imagine any other business saying to people they had a "duty" to force their kids to buy a product that would deliberately harm them for the good of society? A business like that would be laughed out of business and would have to file for bankruptcy. Yet when it comes to our public school educational system, the left wing lamestream media think of them for saying similar things. As our public school systems nationwide become more and more social laboratories of political correctness to where now

even disciplining or expelling students for lipping off and disrespecting teachers is essentially forbidden, look for the numbers of homeschool students to increase even more and increases in the charter and private school sectors. Supply & demand Human nature will also follow the basic tenets of capitalism which involves the laws of supply and demand. The reason homeschooling is on the rise is because parents like the product, namely students who are often better educated, have a better fit in the world, make gobs more money, and have the same love of country, and respect for the founders they were taught. As a result, this is nothing new but simply a return to the early days of traditional America when parents took full responsibility for the education & discipline of their own offspring. Today parents are becoming more involved in the education of their children. They are following the tenets of scripture to “train up their children in the way which is right.� For they are the perfect example of how parents should do and act for their children. That includes not just lessons from the Bible but every facet of their education.

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