Know the calendar for the four blood moons

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Know the Calendar for the Four Blood Moons

Many people were tripping out in 2012 when the Mayan calendar ended. Some thought it meant the end of time as we know it. Others thought the great tribulation would start while some believed the rapture would happen. The Magi of the scriptures realized something that has been overlooked for over two thousand years. They understood which one was the right calendar! The reason astronomers can

look for mathematical patterns in the heavens is because the Creator is the greatest mathematician in the universe and created everything according to science. Biblical Calendar It all changes for people when they realize the linking’s of the eclipses, the four blood moons, to the Biblical calendar. It all becomes clear when you look at celestial events in connection to the feast days of the Lord as they happened on the Biblical calendar. We need to be on God’s time table! When God said he was going to use the sun, moon, and stars for days and years, he was referring to the Biblical holy days, Jubilee years, and shemittah years, which was every seventh year when the land in Israel was supposed to rest. Every 50th year was the year of Jubilee when slaves were set free, all debts were forgiven, and all land was returned to the previous owner.

God’s Appointed Times “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” (Joel 2:312) In scripture the great and terrible day of the Lord is defined as the Great Tribulation when God destroys his enemies and returns his earth to peace and prosperity. This is a seven year period

culminating in the return of Jesus to the throne of David where he will rule forever. God has sent specific warning signs to fall on the appointed times on the Biblical calendar so we would be aware of when he wants to meet with us. He wants to let us know that significant events are unfolding when heavenly signs fall on those feast days! Why else would Joel, Isaiah, and John (in the book of Revelations), as well God himself in the Gospels, declare there would be signs in the sun, moon, and stars! In scripture it states that is why God created them!

The Feast Days Now imagine Israel of today winning a war or withstanding an invasion on one of these holy feast days. Only Israel would know that a profound biblical prophecy was just fulfilled; the so called Christian world would be clueless! One of the days mentioned in Zechariah 8:19 refers to the destruction of the Temple on the

ninth day of the month of Av. This usually falls on our calendar around late July or early August. Every year for 2,500 years Israel has mourned the destruction of the Temple on this day of the Biblical calendar. If you do not know this day you will not connect when this day is at last turned into a day of joy.

Let’s Grow this Thought

When you are not in the knowledge of where you are at on the Biblical calendar things will get difficult for you and your family. To be saved out of this coming tribulation you must know when, where, and how you will be affected for the Lord said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (knowing when these times are), I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou has forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.� Does it matter? It does matter to know these things that are coming to protect the believers, their children, and to be a good Shepard by protecting your flock by preparing them for the coming rapture. But when is this time? When will the great tribulation start? Who are the tribulation saints? Check out my next article for more

elaboration on a subject that will soon come to fruition. May God bless.

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