Review of Blood on the Altar by Tom Horn What follows is an excerpt from ‘Blood on the Altar’ a recent release from Tom Horn the prophecy god.
Much of the seeker friendly church movement and the emergent church movement is being created as a nonbiblical template to fit neatly into the world system and the coming one world religion, one-world government, and one world economic system. The methodology of this transformation is through social engineering, cognitive infiltration and pervasive use of ‘change agents’.
John Dulles Helped Hatch the Plan to Kill JFK Just as John D. Rockefeller used John Foster Dulles (one of the first leaders of the CIA) to infiltrate, and organize the evangelical church in the 1920’s to fit into his plan for the New World Order, the same dynamic is being used today to transform what is left of the evangelical church to merge into the coming one world religion. In this dynamic, certain Christian leaders are secretly raised up and massive finances are directed towards those Christian leaders, churches, and denominations that cooperate with the global agenda. The reality is that even in so called Bible believing churches, Christian organizations, and media, there are people that have been strategically placed there to further the globalist agenda. They are ‘wolves in sheep clothing’. Genuine Spiritual Discernment Although there is much talk about how ‘God raised these people up’, the truth is that their influence has been manufactured and sold using the latest merchandising, marketing, persuasion, and advertising techniques. The purpose in writing this book is not to generate paranoia or to launch a veritable witch hunt pointing fingers. It is a call for genuine spiritual discernment! God
has given us a powerful tool for exercising discernment; that tool just happens to be the entire Word of God, which we are expected to use as a standard by which to measure any theology or position. Big smiles, the size of a particular church, the number of copies a book has sold, and pleasant personalities are not the measure by which you judge a belief. There is only one measure and that is faithfulness to the entire Word of God that is found in the scriptures. This can be measured by the actual statements and writing that these change agents make. Understandably it is difficult for Christian leaders to effectively communicate in a secular media that seeks to trap and destroy them by taking statements out of context. It is wise not to jump on any Christian leader based on a couple of statements from a secular media. We are responsible to evaluate the Biblical integrity of a Christian leader’s life and statements over a period of time and in full context.
Those Who Deny the Truth When the church is in a consistent pattern of denying the truth of scripture, such as a leader’s refusal to say that Jesus Christ is the “Way, the truth, and the life” and that there is no other way into heaven except through faith in Jesus Christ, this presents a serious problem. In addition, if that Christian leader is continually saying things or making statements in direct contradiction to clear Biblical truth, this is certainly evidence of apostasy. The Salt Has Lost Its Savor
The modern evangelical church in America and the world has become powerless because ‘the salt has lost its savor’. Christ warned that the great sin of the evangelical church is accommodation to the spirit of this age and failing to stand for clear Biblical truth. All ofr this is in distinct contrast to the “Jesus Movement” during the late 1960s and early 1970s, when millions of young people accepted Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior. Jesus was in vogue when the popular group the Doobie Brothers had a number one hit called ‘Jesus is Just Alright with Me’. This Jesus movement proclaimed a clear Biblical message about sin, the need for repentance, the need to be born again, and the truth of Bible prophecy. God honored this commitment to the Bible, and the Holy Spirit moved with conviction and power in our nation.
America in Crisis The United States today is in the greatest crisis it has ever known. We are one manufactured crisis away from tyranny, economic collapse, and the total loss of our freedoms. Think of a pandemic of the Ebola virus and parts of the nation are put into FEMA camps for quarantine. Curfews are enforced by the National Guard, businesses are closed, and your freedom to do as you want has just evaporated. There is no political or economic answer to our crisis! We are undoubtedly in
the last days and God has written it in his word; a prophetic end time program that cannot be changed. However, within the context of God’s sovereign, end time prophetic program, the Lord has called His people through his Word to “preach the gospel, make disciples of all nations, and occupy till he comes”! The “occupation” that Christ talks about is a spiritual occupation, in which we are not to allow the powers of darkness to take control of our nation as the disobedient church did in Nazi Germany. Pray Always God commands us to “pray always” (Luke 21:36) and to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thes. 5:17). The Bible commands us to pray for our leaders and those in authority above us “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life” (1 Tim. 2:2). It is clear even in the last days God is commanding us to pray for those in authority above us in order to restrain the powers of darkness so that he can protect and bless his people. It is possible to have a legitimate end time’s revival if God’s people repent of their sins, especially the great sin of apostasy (falling away from the truth) and false teachings in the church. The apostle Paul warned of a counterfeit revival that is happening now and is part of the last day’s
apostasy that will establish the one world religion that is forming before our very eyes!
God has promised to pour out his Holy Spirit in a biblically based revival if his people seek his face, repent of spiritual adultery, reject false teachings, and false teachers. There can be no personal revival in our personal lives and in our nation unless there is specific acknowledgment and repentance of what a holy God considers one of the gravest sins. We must understand the consequences of rejecting his Word, which is the sin Adam and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden to cause the Fall of Man and activate the curse or the law of sin and death. The rejection of God’s Word is the primary sin. False Teachers in Our Midst When the modern evangelical church rejects God’s word by gathering and promoting false teachers in our midst, it is committing the same sin that Adam and Eve committed! This is rejection of God’s word as the final authority in all matters brings with it a curse and the evidence of that curse is all around us in our nation. Again, this is not a peripheral issue. In order for a holy God to move in our nation and send Biblical revival, which is our only hope, there must be specific repentance from all forms of false doctrine and
false teachers. This will not come without a cost: the death of Jesus Christ. It is absolutely imperative to understand that as individual Christians and the church, if we continue to reject God’s word, we are in a real sense of committing spiritual fornication with idols. Jesus Christ warned the churches in the book of Revelation about this sin and he is also warning us.
God is Calling God has called us by his grace in the last days to be the “bride of Christ”, which the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, is quickly coming to get in order to take his bride to the marriage supper of the lamb. The Bible teaches us that in the last days, there will be a false church, “Mystery Babylon, the Mother of harlots”. The false church is plunged into judgment and great Tribulation as it
receives the Mark of the Beast. The true bride of Christ is delivered from the wrath to come. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus! This completes the excerpt.
Additionally on Thomas Horn’s book ‘Blood on the Altar’, the coming war between Christian vs Christian, you will read about the coming global developments that indicate Antichrist is on Earth and preparing to emerge. How the
true church will be driven underground. So called religious Christians are set to join the antichrist in persecuting those truly born again in the true church. Discover how a “Lucifer Effect” is inside all of humanity. Learn how scientists of today have isolated the “Evil Gene” that will transform the armies of the Beast. Grasp the social implications involving technology that will be used for the final battle. Hear the new theory of the “Image of the Beast” that has powerful implications about mankind. Follow the author as he discloses occult organizations devising psychotronic (an area of paranormal research) weapons to use in the coming wars. Realize what Jesus meant by the “Days of Noah” and its connection to new genetic horrors. Uncover how the Mark of the Beast will ‘change’ those who receive it into murderers. In ‘Blood on the Altar’ leading national and international researchers, scholars, authors, and speakers share urgent information and specialized knowledge about the coming war and what you can do to prepare for it. This book is a must read for those who
want to know the future!