What Makes the Great Tribulation Great? The prophets of Old Testament & New Testament times as well as our savior Jesus Christ prophesied that the Great Tribulation would come on the Earth in the latter days. It would be a time like no other, one that has never been experienced before, nor will ever be repeated ever again. In those days of great darkness the libertines of the world will be induced to believe a great deception. That lie of deception will be believed by virtually the entire planet.
Good Behavior
The lie is that salvation may be obtained through good behavior and does not depend on any particular form of religion. This belief today has been accepted as “politically correct.” The ongoing success of the world in relation to peace and prosperity will reinforce mankind’s belief that they should be centered on themselves instead of the Savior.
Thessalonians 2: 9-10 “Even Him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” The truth is man cannot
save himself; He is lost. He is not lost because of the bad deeds he may have committed, but because he is a sinner by birth. The question then arises, “What must you do to end up in Hell?� The answer is nothing!
Destiny is Hell Everyone from birth is destined to Hell. For that reason, God the Father sent his son Jesus so
that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Just as a person cannot gain Hell by his deeds, the same applies to a person who wants to go to heaven. He does not have to do anything other than believe. Almost All Religions Virtually all religions, including much of Christianity, proclaim that man must either work for his salvation or at least contribute his part so that he may qualify. That is the great deception of Satan. Those that embrace that belief do not love the truth. The truth is Jesus Christ is the truth, the light, and the way; no one comes to the Father except by him. In Thessalonians 2:11 scripture states, “for this cause God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.�
Existence of the Church The great contradiction of the present day is the existence of the Church, the light that stands in opposition to the darkness. As long as this light (the Church) remains on earth, the Great Tribulation, the epitome of darkness, cannot take place. The moment the Church (true believers) is removed in the rapture,
darkness will prevail and the lie will be accepted as truth. A truth Revealed Now listen closely to what I am about to say. Israel’s salvation cannot take place so long as the Church is present on earth. We find support of this in Jesus’ response to the disciples, “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I do not go away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you” (John 16:7).
Simple Terms In simple terms Jesus was saying that if he did not depart, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart the Comforter would indeed come. In Reverse Now this will take place in reverse! Jesus cannot literally and physically come back to earth as long as the Comforter (Holy Spirit) remains on earth. The Comforter dwells in the
heart of the believer! Therefore, it is impossible for Jesus to come back with his saints unless they are first taken out of the way so that he can come back to earth with them!
What Then Are You Waiting For? What then are you waiting for? If you are waiting for the Great Tribulation, then you cannot be waiting for Jesus. If you are waiting for the appearance of the Antichrist, then you cannot be waiting for Jesus. If you are waiting for better times, for peace & prosperity, then you cannot be waiting for Jesus. If you are not waiting for Jesus, you are not a child of God.
It is very simple then to be saved. Simply ask God for forgiveness of your sins for God cannot communicate with you if you are in sin. Ask and you will then receive his forgiveness of your sins. Ask him for discernment of his word, to answer your prayers, and tell him you will follow his ten commandments. Ask him to save you from the Great Tribulation and he will include you in the great rapture of the Church. Don’t delay, the time is short!