Why Do the Many Fall for the Socialist Lie?
Haven’t you heard it said over the years that if people of the world had known what Hitler was up to in killing 6 million in the death camps there would have been a huge outcry to put a stop to it? Yet the world leaders did know what was happening yet took no steps to stop it. Far worse crimes have been reported in Communist nations worldwide yet nothing has been done to stop it.
Slave Labor Camps Soviet style slave labor camps in the past was estimated to be 17 million, with an estimated 500,000 prisoners dying annually working on projects like the “Trans – Siberian natural gas pipeline.” Yet there was verily a whimper from the West! An Intriguing Question As though suffering from some mass delusional hallucination Westerners watch nation after
nation fall victim to brazen thuggery and ruthless lies & deceit. In spite of the murder of upwards of 130 million people, many western so called intellectuals still expound the marvels of Marxism. Venezuela, a communist enclave, has let crime get out of hand to the point felonious criminals block highways with obstructions to , rob, rape occupants of vehicles traveling the highways. A Venezuela beauty queen and her husband were recently just murdered traveling those highways creating a backlash that goes on to this day. Yet where is the outcry here in the West?
Wall Street Journal Back in the day the Wall Street Journal Arnold Beichman reported, “One of the biggest growth industries on U.S. campuses is the teaching of Marxism. These un-American Marxist studies are being crammed down the throat of gullible college students as a moral code, a form of secular salvation, an incontrovertible analysis of failing democracy, and cruel ad collapsing Capitalism.” As one of the vast 10,000 Marxist communist professors on American campuses, Bertell Ollman he brags, “A Marxist cultural revolution is taking place today in American
universities. More students and faculty members are being introduced to Marx’s interpretation of how capitalism works.” They teach our children that American’s attempted defense of the South Vietnamese was a crime to be protested; yet the calculated torture and murder of the South Vietnamese by the Viet Cong of the North was called liberation! A total absurdity! How can this distorted view be accepted on so many American campuses? Cambodia When the communists took over Cambodia after the U.S. left Vietnam in 1974 as many as 5 million out of a total 7 million Cambodian lives were extinguished in the killing fields of that country. It was so extensive a movie called “the Killing Fields” was made at that time leaving the viewing public in total astonishment! The left wing in this country was strangely silent when Buddhist temples were closed priests and
worshippers rounded up like cattle and taken to the killing fields! Solzhenitsyn Speaks! Solzhenitsyn, a famous Russian dissident once said, “In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” He also said communist regimes only prospered because of “the enthusiastic support from an enormous amount of so called Western intellectuals who refused to see communist crimes for what they were. In the Eastern countries communism have suffered a complete and utter ideological defeat because the population has seen it work up close and personal for what it is.”
He Goes On Thousands of American professors on college campuses across this nation are Marxist sympathizers who extol the virtues of Communism in their classes, put down free business enterprise, and ridicule belief in God as unscientific and bourgeois. In a New York
speech years ago Aleksandr Solzhenitsym cried out in anguished unbelief at the seeming blindness in this country: “Isn’t it possible to access the horrible menace that threatens to swallow the whole world? I was swallowed myself, but now I come to you as a witness…The tanks rumbled through Budapest and into Czechoslovakia, and now Afghanistan. Communists erected the Berlin Wall and for the last 14 years have machine gunned people trying to escape. Has the wall convinced anyone in the West? No.. The entire communist ideology is to completely destroy your society. This aim has never changed; Communism is a focus of hatred, a continued repetition of the oath to destroy the western world… They trade with you, they sign agreements and treaties with you, but they still curse you. They
never call you anything but American Imperialists. We are approaching a major turning point in history. A concentration of world evil, of hatred for humanity is taking place, just like in the Nazi regime of the past, and it is determined to fully destroy your society and enslave you all. Must you wait until it comes with a crowbar to break through your borders?�
Question Is? My question is how many more will die before we see the coming of the truth? When will the scales be lifted to see what is right in front of your eyes? May God have mercy on our souls!