Grace Counseling Center Program Brochure

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Programs Programs Programs Programs cont. cont. cont. cont. Our Our Our Our Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation Programs cont.WeWe Our Invitation We invite We We invite invite invite invite your your your your your group group group group group toto experience toto to experience experience experience experience growth growth growth growth growth and and and and and de-dedededePrograms cont. Our Invitation

We invite group to experience growth velopment velopment velopment velopment velopment through through through through through ayour GCC aaGCC aaGCC GCC GCC workshop, workshop, workshop, workshop, workshop, seminar seminar seminar seminar seminar oror oror or and deWe invite your group to experience growth and dePrograms cont. cont. velopment through ato GCC workshop, seminar Our Invitation Programs retreat. retreat. retreat. retreat. retreat. Please Please Please Please Please contact contact contact contact usus us toworkshop, us us to discover to to discover discover discover discover how how how how how wewe we can we we can can can can or Ourcontact Invitation velopment through a GCC seminar or • •Working • •Working •Working Working Working through through through through through conflict conflict conflict conflict conflict in in your inin in your your your your organization organization organization organization organization retreat. Please contact us to discover how We your group to experience growth and de-we can design design design design design ainvite program aaPlease program aaprogram program program for for for your for for your your your your specific specific specific specific specific needs. needs. needs. needs. needs. We invite your group to experience • Working through conflict in your organization retreat. contact us to discover how growth we canand de• ••Congregations •Working •Congregations •Congregations Congregations Congregations asas as Healing as as Healing Healing Healing Healing Communities Communities Communities Communities through conflict inCommunities your organization design a program specific needs. velopment through a your GCC workshop, seminar velopment through a GCCforworkshop, seminar or or • Congregations as Healing Communities design aour program for your specific needs. forfor for afor for full aafull aafull full full Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit our our our website our website website website website atat atat at • ••Recognizing •Congregations •Recognizing •Recognizing Recognizing Recognizing and and and and and Preventing Preventing Preventing Preventing Preventing Sexual Sexual Sexual Sexual Sexual Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse as Healing Communities retreat. contact Please contact us to discover howcan we can retreat.Visit Please us to discover how we • Working through conflict in your organization for a full our website at and ••Mind/ Working through conflict inand your organization •Body/ Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Abuse description description description description description of of GCC’s of of of GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s program program program program program and and and and counseling counseling counseling counseling counseling • ••Mind/ •Recognizing •Mind/ Mind/ Mind/ Body/ Body/ Body/ Body/ Spirit: Spirit: Spirit: Spirit: Spirit: Research Research Research Research Research and and and and Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Care Care Care Care Care forneeds. a full Visit our website designat a program for your specific and•Preventing Sexual AbuseCommunities designdescription a program for your specific Congregations as Healing of GCC’s programneeds. and counseling services. services. services. services. services. • Congregations as Healing Communities • Mind/ Body/ Spirit: Research and Pastoral Care • ••Equipping •Mind/ •Equipping •Equipping Equipping Equipping the the the Congregation the the Congregation Congregation Congregation Congregation forfor for afor for Pastoral aaPastoral aPastoral aPastoral Pastoral Pastoral Care Care Care Care Care description Visit of GCC’s program and counseling for a full our website at Body/ Spirit: Research and Care • Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Abuse services. for a full Visit our website at Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry to to the to to to the the Sick the the Sick Sick Sick Sick •Ministry Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Abuse • Equipping the Congregation for a Pastoral Care services. description of GCC’s program and counseling •toMind/ Body/ Spirit: Research and Pastoral Care • EquippingMinistry the Congregation for a Pastoral Care the Sick description of GCC’s program and counseling • Mind/to Body/ Spirit: Research and Pastoral Care services. Ministry the Sick •Meetings Equipping the Congregation for a Pastoral Care Retreats/Off-site Retreats/Off-site Retreats/Off-site Retreats/Off-site Meetings Meetings Meetings also also also also also provides provides provides provides provides individual, individual, individual, individual, individual, couple, couple, couple, couple, couple, and and and and and family family family family family GCC GCC GCC GCC GCC services. Ministry to thefor Sick • Equipping the Congregation a Pastoral Care therapy therapy therapy therapy therapy on on on a on on sliding a a sliding a a sliding sliding sliding fee fee fee scale. fee fee scale. scale. scale. scale. Meetings GCC also provides individual, couple, and family One-day One-day One-day One-day One-day orRetreats/Off-site or weekend oror or weekend weekend weekend retreats retreats retreats retreats retreats can can can can be can be be abe be time aatime aatime time time forfor for for for Retreats/Off-site Meetings provides couple, GCC alsotherapy Ministry toweekend the Sick onindividual, a sliding fee scale.and family One-day or weekend retreats can be a time for Retreats/Off-site Meetings also provides individual, couple, and family GCC therapy on a sliding fee scale. community community community community community building building building building and and and and and deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper reflection reflection reflection reflection reflection onon on speon on spespespespeOne-day orbuilding weekend retreats can be a time for therapy on a sliding fee scale. community building and deeper reflection spe-for One-day or weekend retreats can be on a time Retreats/Off-site Meetings GCC also provides individual, couple, and family cific cific cific cific cific issues. issues. issues. issues. issues. Stronger Stronger Stronger Stronger Stronger commitments commitments commitments commitments commitments and and and and and insightful insightful insightful insightful insightful community building and deeper reflection on spetherapy on a sliding fee scale. community building and deeper reflection on specific issues. Stronger commitments and insightful One-day oroccur. weekend retreats can be a time for growth growth growth growth growth can can can can occur. can occur. occur. occur. The The The The GCC The GCC GCC GCC GCC staff staff staff staff staff is is experienced isis experienced is experienced experienced experienced in ininin in cific issues. Stronger commitments and insightful cific issues. Stronger commitments and insightful growth cantooccur. The aGCC staff isthat experienced in community building deeper on speworking working working working working with with with with with groups groups groups groups groups to construct toand to to construct construct construct construct retreat aareflection retreat aaretreat retreat retreat that that that that growth can occur. The GCC experienced inexperienced in growth canstaff The GCC staff is working with groups construct a retreat cific issues. Stronger commitments insightful meets meets meets meets meets your your your your your specific specific specific specific specific goals goals goals goals goals in in ainin way in ato away aaway way way that that that that that isand is both isis both is both both both ef-efef-efef-that working with groups to construct a retreat that working with groups to construct a retreat that meets your specific way that is both growth can occur. The GCCgoals staffinisaexperienced in effective fective fective fective fective and and and and and challenging. challenging. challenging. challenging. challenging. goals in a way meets your specificmeets goalsyour in aspecific way that is both ef-that is both effective and challenging. working with groups to and construct a retreat that Grace Counseling Center Gary Gary Gary Gary E.E. Myers, E.E. Myers, Myers, Myers, Ph.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, M.Div. M.Div. M.Div. M.Div. fective challenging. fective and challenging. Executive Executive Executive Executive Director Director Director Director Gary E. Myers, Ph.D, M.Div. Gary M.Div. meets your specific goals in a way that is both efGaryE.E.Myers, Myers, Ph.D, Ph.D, M.Div. fective and challenging.

Gary E.Counseling Myers, Ph.D, M.Div. Grace Grace Grace Grace Counseling Counseling Counseling Center Center Center Center Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Grace Counseling Center Grace Counseling Center 16Grace 16 16 Madison 16 16 Madison Madison Madison Madison Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue 16 Madison Avenue Counseling Center Gary E. Myers, Ph.D, M.Div. Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, NJ NJ NJ 07940 NJ NJ 07940 07940 07940 07940 Madison,16 NJ 07940 16 MadisonAvenue Avenue Madison Director Madison, NJ07940 07940 16Executive Madison Avenue Madison, NJ Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 Phone: 973-822-0707 Grace Counseling Center Madison, NJ 07940 Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax: Fax: Fax: Fax: 973-877-2797 Fax: 973-877-2797 973-877-2797 973-877-2797 973-877-2797 Fax: 973-877-2797 Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax:Avenue 973-877-2797 E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: 16 Madison E-mail: Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax: 973-877-2797 E-mail: Madison, NJ 07940 Fax: 973-877-2797 E-mail: E-mail: Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax: 973-877-2797 E-mail:

Grace Grace Grace GraceCounseling Counseling Counseling Counseling Grace Counseling Grace Counseling Center Center Center Center Center Grace Counseling Center Grace Counseling SINCE SSINCE SS INCE INCE 1982 1982 1982 1982 INCE ...... ...... 1982 S INCE 1982... AS A A Community ACommunity Community Community Institution... Institution... Institution... Institution... Center INCE 1982... Center

Apeople, Community Institution... Healing Healing Healing Healing people, people, people, A Community Institution... INCE 1982 S INCE 1982 ... S ... Healing people, Enriching Enriching Enriching Enriching communities communities communities communities Healing people, Enriching communities A Community Institution... A Community Institution... Enriching communities Healing people, Healing people, Enriching communities Enriching communities

Seminars Seminars Seminars Seminars Seminars Programs Programs Programs Programs && && Seminars Programs & Seminars Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Programs & Seminars Workshops Programs & Workshops Programs & Workshops


Enriching Enriching Enriching Enriching Community Community Community Community Organizations Organizations Organizations Organizations Enriching Community Organizations and and and and Enriching Community Organizations EnrichingCongregations Community and Organizations Congregations Congregations Congregations and Congregations and Congregations EnrichingCongregations Community Organizations and Congregations

This ThisThis interdisciplinary This interdisciplinary interdisciplinary interdisciplinary approach approach approach approach totoeducation education totoeducation education and andand and

• •Blending Blending •• Blending Families: Families: Families: Family Family Family Life Lifeafter Life after after Divorce Divorce Divorce Blending Families: Family Life after Divorce

therapy therapy therapy therapy enables enables enables enables usustoto us us provide provide totoprovide provide a adistinctive distinctive aadistinctive distinctive

• •Adolescents: Adolescents: •• Adolescents: Relating Relating Relating totoYour Your totoYour Teenager Teenager Teenager Adolescents: Relating Your Teenager

integrative integrative integrative integrative experience experience experience experience for forboth for both forboth groups both groups groups groups and andand and

• •Caring Caring •• Caring for forIllfor Illfor oror Ill Aging ororAging Parents Parents Parents Caring IllAging Aging Parents

individuals. individuals. individuals. individuals.

• •The The ••Art The ArtofArt of Fathering Fathering ofofFathering The Art Fathering

Our Ourintegrative Our Our integrative integrative integrative philosophy philosophy philosophy philosophy incorporates incorporates incorporates incorporates vital vitalvital vital

Relationships Relationships Relationships Relationships

interaction interaction interaction interaction among among among among personal personal personal personal need, need, need, need, group group group group

• •Communication Communication •• Communication Communication and andEffective and and Effective Effective Effective Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue

dynamics, dynamics, dynamics, dynamics, and andspiritual and and spiritual spiritual spiritual values. values. values. values.

• •The The ••Art The The ArtofArt of Art Listening Listening ofofListening Listening

see seethe see see theenclosure the enclosure theenclosure enclosure for forafor adescription for description aadescription description ofof ofof Please Please Please Please credentials credentials credentials credentials for forspecific for specific forspecific specific presenters. presenters. presenters. presenters.

• •Empowerment: Empowerment: •• Empowerment: Empowerment: The TheCreative The The Creative Creative Creative Use Useof Use Use ofConflict Conflict ofofConflict Conflict

traditions. traditions. traditions. traditions.

Program Program Program Program and and and Workshop and Workshop Workshop Workshop Topics Topics Topics Topics

• •Do Do ••Women Do Women DoWomen Women and andMen and and Men Men Love Men Love Love Differently? Love Differently? Differently? Differently?

GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s community community community community outreach outreach outreach outreach reflects reflects reflects reflects our ourour our

GCC GCC GCC offers GCC offers offers offers workshops workshops workshops workshops and andseminars and and seminars seminars seminars inina abroad inin broad aabroad broad

• •Surviving Surviving •• Surviving Surviving Separation Separation Separation Separation ororDivorce Divorce ororDivorce Divorce

belief belief belief belief ininthe the ininvital the vital thevital connection vital connection connection connection between between between between the thethe the

range range range range ofofareas. areas. ofofareas. areas. Since Since Since Since our ourfirst our first ourcommunity first first community community community

Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s and andand Men’s and Men’s Men’s Men’s Issues Issues Issues Issues

health, health, health, health, happiness, happiness, happiness, happiness, and andproductivity and and productivity productivity productivity ofofindiindiofofindiindi-

education education education education program program program program inin1992, 1992, inin1992, 1992, our ourmost-often our most-often ourmost-often most-often

• •Building Building •• Building Building Healthy Healthy Healthy Healthy Relationships Relationships Relationships Relationships Between Between Between Between

viduals viduals viduals viduals and andthe and and thestrength the strength thestrength strength ofofthe the ofofcommunithe communithecommunicommuni-

requested requested requested requested programs programs programs programs are arelisted are listed arelisted listed below. below. below. below. Please Please Please Please note note note note

ties tiesin ties ties inwhich which ininwhich which they theythey live. they live.

that thatthat this that thislist this this listislist islist not not isisexhaustive. not exhaustive. notexhaustive. exhaustive. GCC GCC GCC isGCC ispleased pleased isispleased pleased toto toto

Seminars Seminars Seminars Seminars Programs Programs Programs Programs && && Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Grace Grace Grace Grace Counseling Counseling Counseling Counseling Center Center Center Center (GCC) (GCC) (GCC) (GCC) isisa aisisaa non-profit, non-profit, non-profit, non-profit, interfaith interfaith interfaith interfaith pastoral pastoral pastoral pastoral counseling counseling counseling counseling center center center center that thatthat integrates that integrates integrates integrates the thebest the best thebest practices best practices practices practices ofof ofof contemporary contemporary contemporary contemporary psychotherapy psychotherapy psychotherapy psychotherapy with withwith the with thewisthe wisthewiswisdom dom dom and dom andcaring and and caring caring caring ofofthe the ofofcommunity’s the community’s thecommunity’s community’s faith faith faith faith

Guided Guided Guided Guided bybythis this by bybelief, this this belief, belief, belief, GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s clinical clinical clinical clinical staff staff staff staff provides provides provides provides educational educational educational educational programs programs programs programs free freefree offree of ofof

• •Spirituality Spirituality •• Spirituality Spirituality and andMarriage and and Marriage Marriage Marriage

Mothers Mothers Mothers Mothers and andDaughters and and Daughters Daughters Daughters • •Empty Empty •• Empty Empty Nest: Nest: Nest: Nest: Life Lifeafter Life Life after after Full-time after Full-time Full-time Full-time Parenting Parenting Parenting Parenting

tailor tailor tailor tailor programs programs programs programs according according according according totothe the totointerests the interests theinterests interests and andand and

• •Men: Men: •• Men: Men: Knowing Knowing Knowing Knowing our ourFathers our Fathers ourFathers Fathers

needs needs needs needs ofofyour your ofofyour organization. your organization. organization. organization.

• •Women Women •• Women Women and andDepression and and Depression Depression Depression

charge charge charge charge totoschools, schools, totoschools, schools, congregations, congregations, congregations, congregations, and andand and

Personal Personal Personal Personal Growth Growth Growth Growth

many many many many other other other other community community community community organizations. organizations. organizations. organizations.

• •Midlife Midlife •• Midlife Midlife Transitions Transitions Transitions Transitions

Presenters Presenters Presenters Presenters

• •Grief: Grief: •• Grief: Grief: Living Living Living Living Through Through Through Through Life’s Life’s Life’s Life’s Many Many Many Many Endings Endings Endings Endings

Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors • •Holistic Holistic •• Holistic Holistic Living Living Living Living ininthe the ininSenior the Senior theSenior Senior Years Years Years Years • •Dealing Dealing •• Dealing Dealing with withwith Grown with Grown Grown Grown Children Children Children Children

Highly Highly Highly Highly trained, trained, trained, trained, experienced experienced experienced experienced staff staff staff therapists staff therapists therapists therapists

• •Boundaries: Boundaries: •• Boundaries: Boundaries: Creating Creating Creating Creating Space Space Space Space for forSelf for Self forand Self Self andOthers and and Others Others Others

• •Humor Humor •• Humor Humor and andHealth: and and Health: Health: Health: The TheRole The The Role Role of Role ofLaughter Laughter ofofLaughter Laughter inin inin Healing Healing Healing Healing

lead lead lead our lead oureducational our educational oureducational educational and andtherapeutic and and therapeutic therapeutic therapeutic propro-propro-

• •Psychological Psychological •• Psychological Psychological and andSpiritual and and Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks ofofDying Dying ofofDying Dying

grams. grams. grams. grams. AllAllGCC GCC All AllGCC staff GCC staff staff therapists staff therapists therapists therapists have have have mulhave mulmulmul-

• •Prayer Prayer •• Prayer Prayer and andMeditation and and Meditation Meditation Meditation

Organizations Organizations Organizations Organizations and andand Congregations and Congregations Congregations Congregations

tidisciplinary tidisciplinary tidisciplinary tidisciplinary education education education education and andtraining and and training training training ininthe the ininthe the

Family Family Family Family and andand Parenting and Parenting Parenting Parenting

• •Communication Communication •• Communication Communication ininthe the ininWorkplace the Workplace theWorkplace Workplace

fields fields fields fields ofofpsychotherapy psychotherapy ofofpsychotherapy psychotherapy and andcounseling, and and counseling, counseling, counseling,

• •Practical Practical •• Practical Practical and andNurturing and and Nurturing Nurturing Nurturing Parenting Parenting Parenting Parenting Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies

systemic systemic systemic systemic therapies, therapies, therapies, therapies, and andtheology. and and theology. theology. theology.

• •Creative Creative •• Creative Creative Uses Uses Uses Uses ofofConflict Conflict ofofConflict Conflict

• •Creative Creative •• Creative Creative Discipline Discipline Discipline Discipline

• •Working Working •• Working Working with withwith awith aDifficult Difficult aaDifficult Difficult Employee Employee Employee Employee ororPartner Partner ororPartner Partner

• •Giving Giving •• Giving Giving and andReceiving and and Receiving Receiving Receiving Honest Honest Honest Honest Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback

Organizations Organizations Organizations Organizations and and Congregations and Congregations andCongregations Congregations cont. cont. 2 cont. cont. 2 22

Programs Programs Programs Programs cont. cont. cont. cont. Our Our Our Our Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation Programs cont.WeWe Our Invitation We invite We We invite invite invite invite your your your your your group group group group group toto experience toto to experience experience experience experience growth growth growth growth growth and and and and and de-dedededePrograms cont. Our Invitation

We invite group to experience growth velopment velopment velopment velopment velopment through through through through through ayour GCC aaGCC aaGCC GCC GCC workshop, workshop, workshop, workshop, workshop, seminar seminar seminar seminar seminar oror oror or and deWe invite your group to experience growth and dePrograms cont. cont. velopment through ato GCC workshop, seminar Our Invitation Programs retreat. retreat. retreat. retreat. retreat. Please Please Please Please Please contact contact contact contact usus us toworkshop, us us to discover to to discover discover discover discover how how how how how wewe we can we we can can can can or Ourcontact Invitation velopment through a GCC seminar or • •Working • •Working •Working Working Working through through through through through conflict conflict conflict conflict conflict in in your inin in your your your your organization organization organization organization organization retreat. Please contact us to discover how We your group to experience growth and de-we can design design design design design ainvite program aaPlease program aaprogram program program for for for your for for your your your your specific specific specific specific specific needs. needs. needs. needs. needs. We invite your group to experience • Working through conflict in your organization retreat. contact us to discover how growth we canand de• ••Congregations •Working •Congregations •Congregations Congregations Congregations asas as Healing as as Healing Healing Healing Healing Communities Communities Communities Communities through conflict inCommunities your organization design a program specific needs. velopment through a your GCC workshop, seminar velopment through a GCCforworkshop, seminar or or • Congregations as Healing Communities design aour program for your specific needs. forfor for afor for full aafull aafull full full Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit our our our website our website website website website atat atat at • ••Recognizing •Congregations •Recognizing •Recognizing Recognizing Recognizing and and and and and Preventing Preventing Preventing Preventing Preventing Sexual Sexual Sexual Sexual Sexual Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse as Healing Communities retreat. contact Please contact us to discover howcan we can retreat.Visit Please us to discover how we • Working through conflict in your organization for a full our website at and ••Mind/ Working through conflict inand your organization •Body/ Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Abuse description description description description description of of GCC’s of of of GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s GCC’s program program program program program and and and and counseling counseling counseling counseling counseling • ••Mind/ •Recognizing •Mind/ Mind/ Mind/ Body/ Body/ Body/ Body/ Spirit: Spirit: Spirit: Spirit: Spirit: Research Research Research Research Research and and and and Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Care Care Care Care Care forneeds. a full Visit our website designat a program for your specific and•Preventing Sexual AbuseCommunities designdescription a program for your specific Congregations as Healing of GCC’s programneeds. and counseling services. services. services. services. services. • Congregations as Healing Communities • Mind/ Body/ Spirit: Research and Pastoral Care • ••Equipping •Mind/ •Equipping •Equipping Equipping Equipping the the the Congregation the the Congregation Congregation Congregation Congregation forfor for afor for Pastoral aaPastoral aPastoral aPastoral Pastoral Pastoral Care Care Care Care Care description Visit of GCC’s program and counseling for a full our website at Body/ Spirit: Research and Care • Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Abuse services. for a full Visit our website at Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry to to the to to to the the Sick the the Sick Sick Sick Sick •Ministry Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Abuse • Equipping the Congregation for a Pastoral Care services. description of GCC’s program and counseling •toMind/ Body/ Spirit: Research and Pastoral Care • EquippingMinistry the Congregation for a Pastoral Care the Sick description of GCC’s program and counseling • Mind/to Body/ Spirit: Research and Pastoral Care services. Ministry the Sick •Meetings Equipping the Congregation for a Pastoral Care Retreats/Off-site Retreats/Off-site Retreats/Off-site Retreats/Off-site Meetings Meetings Meetings also also also also also provides provides provides provides provides individual, individual, individual, individual, individual, couple, couple, couple, couple, couple, and and and and and family family family family family GCC GCC GCC GCC GCC services. Ministry to thefor Sick • Equipping the Congregation a Pastoral Care therapy therapy therapy therapy therapy on on on a on on sliding a a sliding a a sliding sliding sliding fee fee fee scale. fee fee scale. scale. scale. scale. Meetings GCC also provides individual, couple, and family One-day One-day One-day One-day One-day orRetreats/Off-site or weekend oror or weekend weekend weekend retreats retreats retreats retreats retreats can can can can be can be be abe be time aatime aatime time time forfor for for for Retreats/Off-site Meetings provides couple, GCC alsotherapy Ministry toweekend the Sick onindividual, a sliding fee scale.and family One-day or weekend retreats can be a time for Retreats/Off-site Meetings also provides individual, couple, and family GCC therapy on a sliding fee scale. community community community community community building building building building and and and and and deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper reflection reflection reflection reflection reflection onon on speon on spespespespeOne-day orbuilding weekend retreats can be a time for therapy on a sliding fee scale. community building and deeper reflection spe-for One-day or weekend retreats can be on a time Retreats/Off-site Meetings GCC also provides individual, couple, and family cific cific cific cific cific issues. issues. issues. issues. issues. Stronger Stronger Stronger Stronger Stronger commitments commitments commitments commitments commitments and and and and and insightful insightful insightful insightful insightful community building and deeper reflection on spetherapy on a sliding fee scale. community building and deeper reflection on specific issues. Stronger commitments and insightful One-day oroccur. weekend retreats can be a time for growth growth growth growth growth can can can can occur. can occur. occur. occur. The The The The GCC The GCC GCC GCC GCC staff staff staff staff staff is is experienced isis experienced is experienced experienced experienced in ininin in cific issues. Stronger commitments and insightful cific issues. Stronger commitments and insightful growth cantooccur. The aGCC staff isthat experienced in community building deeper on speworking working working working working with with with with with groups groups groups groups groups to construct toand to to construct construct construct construct retreat aareflection retreat aaretreat retreat retreat that that that that growth can occur. The GCC experienced inexperienced in growth canstaff The GCC staff is working with groups construct a retreat cific issues. Stronger commitments insightful meets meets meets meets meets your your your your your specific specific specific specific specific goals goals goals goals goals in in ainin way in ato away aaway way way that that that that that isand is both isis both is both both both ef-efef-efef-that working with groups to construct a retreat that working with groups to construct a retreat that meets your specific way that is both growth can occur. The GCCgoals staffinisaexperienced in effective fective fective fective fective and and and and and challenging. challenging. challenging. challenging. challenging. goals in a way meets your specificmeets goalsyour in aspecific way that is both ef-that is both effective and challenging. working with groups to and construct a retreat that Grace Counseling Center Gary Gary Gary Gary E.E. Myers, E.E. Myers, Myers, Myers, Ph.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, M.Div. M.Div. M.Div. M.Div. fective challenging. fective and challenging. Executive Executive Executive Executive Director Director Director Director Gary E. Myers, Ph.D, M.Div. Gary M.Div. meets your specific goals in a way that is both efGaryE.E.Myers, Myers, Ph.D, Ph.D, M.Div. fective and challenging.

Gary E.Counseling Myers, Ph.D, M.Div. Grace Grace Grace Grace Counseling Counseling Counseling Center Center Center Center Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Grace Counseling Center Grace Counseling Center 16Grace 16 16 Madison 16 16 Madison Madison Madison Madison Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue 16 Madison Avenue Counseling Center Gary E. Myers, Ph.D, M.Div. Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, NJ NJ NJ 07940 NJ NJ 07940 07940 07940 07940 Madison,16 NJ 07940 16 MadisonAvenue Avenue Madison Director Madison, NJ07940 07940 16Executive Madison Avenue Madison, NJ Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 973-822-0707 Phone: 973-822-0707 Grace Counseling Center Madison, NJ 07940 Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax: Fax: Fax: Fax: 973-877-2797 Fax: 973-877-2797 973-877-2797 973-877-2797 973-877-2797 Fax: 973-877-2797 Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax:Avenue 973-877-2797 E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: 16 Madison E-mail: Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax: 973-877-2797 E-mail: Madison, NJ 07940 Fax: 973-877-2797 E-mail: E-mail: Phone: 973-822-0707 Fax: 973-877-2797 E-mail:

Grace Grace Grace GraceCounseling Counseling Counseling Counseling Grace Counseling Grace Counseling Center Center Center Center Center Grace Counseling Center Grace Counseling SINCE SSINCE SS INCE INCE 1982 1982 1982 1982 INCE ...... ...... 1982 S INCE 1982... AS A A Community ACommunity Community Community Institution... Institution... Institution... Institution... Center INCE 1982... Center

Apeople, Community Institution... Healing Healing Healing Healing people, people, people, A Community Institution... INCE 1982 S INCE 1982 ... S ... Healing people, Enriching Enriching Enriching Enriching communities communities communities communities Healing people, Enriching communities A Community Institution... A Community Institution... Enriching communities Healing people, Healing people, Enriching communities Enriching communities

Seminars Seminars Seminars Seminars Seminars Programs Programs Programs Programs && && Seminars Programs & Seminars Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Programs & Seminars Workshops Programs & Workshops Programs & Workshops


Enriching Enriching Enriching Enriching Community Community Community Community Organizations Organizations Organizations Organizations Enriching Community Organizations and and and and Enriching Community Organizations EnrichingCongregations Community and Organizations Congregations Congregations Congregations and Congregations and Congregations EnrichingCongregations Community Organizations and Congregations

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