Holman's Brand Guidelines 2013

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Brand Guidelines 2013

Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Brand Holman’sGuidelines is proud to hold a position which is unique in UK Broking:

“Independent since 1832.”

Andrew Holman Chief Executive

“The knowledge and excellence of our people mean that the Holman’s team is highly valued by clients and markets alike. To ensure these values are upheld, it is important that the Holman’s brand and logo identity is reproduced uniformly and accurately in all media and communications. This document contains useful information that will help us to achieve a consistently high corporate profile and forms an important part of our vision for the future of Holman’s. Please read these guidelines carefully and ensure that they are implemented as rigorously as possible.”

Introduction Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Contents Section One: The Holman’s Brand 1.1

Introduction to the Holman’s brand............................................................................3


Referring to Holman’s..................................................................................................3

Section Two: The Holman’s Master Brand Identity 2.1

The Holman’s Master Brand Logo...............................................................................4


Colour reproduction, Greyscale & Vector Graphics..............................................4.

ii White space and minimum size ...........................................................................5. iii Placement, visibility and positioning....................................................................6 2.2

Colour palette...............................................................................................................8


Typography and font usage.........................................................................................9

2.4 Sub-brands..................................................................................................................10 2.5

Broker at Lloyd’s logo and usage...............................................................................11


Available Artworks and Holman’s Business & Products Icons................................12

Section Three: The Identity Applied - Templates and Samples 3.1 Templates


Letterheads & Continuation Sheets.....................................................................14

ii Compliment Slips & Business Cards...................................................................15

iii Emails....................................................................................................................16

iv Internally produced reports including RFPs.......................................................16

v Powerpoint presentations....................................................................................17


Guidance for online and print


ii Brochures, flyers and advertising........................................................................19

iii Banners, signage and corporate gifts.................................................................19

Online (websites etc)............................................................................................18

Section Four: Polices and Procedures 4.1

Further information and assistance..........................................................................20

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


“We have always retained the entrepreneurial DNA of the firm - and that is what allows us to constantly reinvent and adapt.” 2.5 Broker at Lloyd’s logo and usage Andrew Holman

Chief Executive


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section One: The Holman’s Brand


Introduction to the Holman’s Brand

John Holman & Sons (Holman’s) is an independent, family-owned and run, wholesale Lloyd’s broker based in the heart of London’s insurance sector. We differentiate our business through the true independence of our advice and service. We have no allegiance to any particular insurer and no outside forces influence Holman’s advice or service. Holman’s reputation is founded on both the integrity and efficiency of our business dealings, as well as our proven ability to innovate and respond to change. These values remain true today. More than 180 years, and seven generations ago, Holman’s began trading insurance. The firm pioneered today’s marine hull and liability markets, later shaping Lloyd’s motor business. Holman’s entrepreneurial spirit has endured and today this DNA runs from the board to three core businesses: Holman Broking, Holman Underwriting and Holman Insurance Services, and is channelled to Holman’s core asset: our clients. The business continues to recruit and develop talented and motivated individuals and teams, who are all experts in their specialist areas.


Referring to Holman’s

To ensure consistent representation of the Holman’s Brand, it is important that the company is always referred to as:


Holman’s - retaining the ‘s


John Holman & Sons Limited


5 Holmans 5

Holman’s Insurance


HIB (or any other abbreviation)

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Two: The Holman’s Identity


The Holman’s Master Brand Logo

Holman’s has a single identity for the Holman’s brand known as the Master Brand Logo (the Holman’s logo) which contains the elements shown below. The Holman’s Crest and text elements of the Master Brand Logo should appear at least once on every piece of brand communication.

Please contact marketing@holmans.co.uk for high resolution copies of the Holman’s logo.

Colour Reproduction Always use master artwork when reproducing the Holman’s logo. It should never be recreated under any circumstances. Only the original high resolution or vector graphic files shall be used - logos should not be taken from this document.

Master Brand logo

Greyscale/Black and White Printing In certain circumstances, only where it is not possible to use the full colour version of the Holman’s logo, it may be reproduced in Greyscale as shown opposite.

Greyscale logo

Vector Graphic In circumstances where CMYK/Process colour printing is not possible, such as for signage, corporate gifts or print on clothing, the Vector Graphic (EPS) logo should be used.

Vector Graphic (EPS) logo


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

2.1.i White space and minimum size The Holman’s logo is an important and valued graphic element and must be used consistently and appropriately; even minor variations will undermine and compromise the image of the branding.

White space The Holman’s logo must always appear on a white background with a minimum amount of white space around it. The height of the ‘H’ is the correct amount of clear or white space that should surround the logo.

White space

Minimum size A minimum size for the Holman’s logo must be adhered to so that legibility is retained. The minimum acceptable width is 26mm.

26mm Minimum size

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Two: The Holman’s Identity


Application of the Holman’s logo

How the Holman’s logo appears on branded media is an important part of upholding brand value and is the face of the company we present to the global community. Placing the logo in a document so that it is clearly visible and can be easily identified helps us achieve a consistently strong corporate image.

Placement In this example the logo has become distorted from it’s designed aspect ratio, therefore stretching the shape and text. If the space is restrictive, the scale of the logo (not the dimensions) must be adjusted to fit. Incorrect placement of the logo

Visibility and positioning In this example, the background is interfering with the visibility of the logo and lacks contrast.


To fix this problem, the minimum white space guidelines should be adhered to (see 2.1.i). Where possible, the logo should not be positioned over photographs or images. The full size example on the following page shows correct application of the Holman’s logo.



Holman’s Brand Guidelines

180 Years AT LLOYD’S

The independent Lloyd’s specialist wholesalers for Motor Fleet, Property and Binding Authorities

John Holman and Sons Ltd London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD Tel: +44(0)20 7977 8200 • www.holmans.co.uk Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Two: The Holman’s Identity


Colour palette

We have retained the traditional Holman’s blue to confirm the established history of our company. The supporting palette has been designed to help you add variety to all forms of communication. Holman’s colours are preferably printed as 100% solid but where a wider range of colour variations are needed tints can be used.

Holman’s Blue Holman’s Blue Holman’s Blue is a unique colour mix.

C:100 M:85 Y:20 K:45 R:17 G:31 B:82 Websafe Hex value: 111f52

Holman’s Icon Blue Holman’s Icon Blue Holman’s Icon Blue is a unique colour mix.

C:53 M:32 Y:15 K:0 R:127 G:155 B:186 Websafe Hex value: 7f9bba

Black Pantone Process Black Pantone Process Black

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 R:0 G:0 B:0 Websafe Hex value: 000000

Grey Pantone Cool Grey 7

Pantone Cool Grey 7 C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:40 R:163 G:161 B:158 Websafe Hex value: a7a9ac

Red Holman’s Red Holman’s Red is a unique colour mix.


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

C:15 M:100 Y:85 K:0 R:209 G:0 B:38 Websafe Hex value: d10026


Typography and font usage

To present a consistent and coherent brand image, we have selected the following group of typefaces to be used when producing Holman’s branded material and communications. The Copperplate Gothic font used in the logo is designed for use in the logo and Holman’s ststionery only. All other material should follow the following guidelines.

The Holman’s font We have selected the ‘Roboto’ font family for all written communication and use in printed media and online. A sample can be seen at http://www.google.com/fonts/ specimen/Roboto and the font is available via Google Fonts.

Roboto Roboto Regular • Roboto Light Roboto Medium • Roboto Bold Roboto Thin • Roboto Black

Alternative fonts If it is not possible to use Roboto, we have selected the following fonts for internal and printed media:

Calibri Printed media, letters and brochures.

Calibri Arial

Arial Digital publications such as emails and online use (main text on websites etc).

Usage • Font weights and sizes are for use at the designer’s discretion. •

Ideally a 1.15x ‘leading’ or 12pt leading for 10pt text spacing between lines of text should be used where possible.

Variations such as italics and bold type may be used at the designer’s discretion. Underlining should be avoided.

Calibri Regular Calibri Italics Calibri Bold Arial Regular Arial Italics Arial Bold

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Two: The Holman’s Identity

2.4 Sub-brands

It is important for Holman’s to utilise the Master Brand logo wherever possible, as it provides a clear and memorable corporate identity for the company. However, there will be a few instances where logos for the sub-brands of Holman’s can be used. We have created logos for these sub-brands as shown below. These versions of the logo should always be used, rather than attempting to create your own. The application principles described on the previous pages also apply for these variants of the Master Brand logo. Please email marketing@holmans.co.uk for copies of these logos.

Holman Insurance Services

Holman Broking

Holman Underwriting

Sub-brands of the Holman’s Master Brand


Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Broker at Lloyd’s logo and usage

As a broker at Lloyd’s, Holman’s may use the Broker at Lloyd’s logo on its website and business stationery, including business cards. Holman’s may also use the Broker at Lloyd’s logo on product promotional material where the product has been 100% underwritten at Lloyd’s. The correct way to refer to Lloyd’s is : “Holman’s - Lloyd’s brokers.”

The Broker at Lloyd’s logo Minimum white space

2.1 The Broker at Lloyd’s logo You may use the Broker at Lloyd’s logo for promotional material: for The Broker at Lloyd’s logo is always surrounded by instance on your website homepage, publications, and stationery. It may also be used when promoting products that are 100% underwritten at minimum space area Lloyd’s.a If you use the logo clear for product promotion, you as mustshown, also use thewhich must relevant qualifying statement, (see section 1.1 about referring to Lloyd’s).

Minimum clear space The Broker at Lloyd’s logo is always surrounded by a minimum clear space area which must remain free from other elements (text and graphics). Minium clear space area

remain free from other elements (text and graphics).


X = height of the box containing the word ‘Lloyd’s’

Sizing This is the Broker at Lloyd’s logo. It must appear exactly as shown and must not be edited.

The Broker at Lloyd’s logo may be used as required

The Broker at Lloyd’s logo should be requested via Lloyd’s Marketing Team at marketing@lloyds.com. as long as the word Lloyd’s is no less than


‘Black logo’ and ‘white logo’ across. There are two versions of the Broker at Lloyd’s logo: • black the Broker at Lloyd’s logo is for use on light backgrounds • white the Broker at Lloyd’s logo is for use on dark backgrounds


Black logo on light background


White logo on light background

Positioning of the Broker at Lloyd’s logo is flexible as

Sizing The Broker at Lloyd’s logo may be used as required as long as the word Lloyd’s is no less than 10mm across. Positioning Positioning of the Broker at Lloyd’s logo is flexible as long as it complies with our minimum clear spacing guidance above.

long as it complies with the minimum white spacing guidance above.

White logo on dark background

Black logo on dark background

Please contact marketing@holmans.co.uk for further information and copies of these logos.

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Two: The Holman’s Identity


Available Artworks

In addition to the Master Brand logo and Sub-brand logos, we have created arrange of icons for use in Holman’s branded media, presentations and reports as shown below. All Holman’s logos and artworks are readily available by contacting marketing@holmans.co.uk.

Holman’s Business & Products Icons General




Motor Fleet


Key Contacts



High Net Worth

Third Party Binders



Residential Property

Commercial Property

Religious Buildings



NHS Cash Top-Up

Online Products

Insurance Services

Insurance Services


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Third Party Admin

Motor Fleet

“Family ownership has allowed us to maintain our focus despite an ever changing environment, without the distractions associated with placating 2.5

the diverse interests of numerous shareholders.”

Broker at Lloyd’s logo and usage

Andrew Holman Chiefstationery Executive As a broker at Lloyd’s, Holman’s is entitled to use the Broker at Lloyd’s logo on business and promotional material where a product has been 100% underwritten at Lloyd’s. Insurance products less than 100% underwritten at Lloyd’s may use the Lloyd’s name in a descriptive manner but may not use the Broker at Lloyd’s logo to promote the product. The correct way to refer to Lloyd’s is : “Holman’s - Lloyd’s brokers.”

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Three: The Identity Applied - Templates & Samples

3.1 Templates The following pages set out examples of all Holman’s business stationery and presentation media. The font used on all Holman’s Stationery is Copperplate Gothic. Contact marketing@holmans.co.uk for Word document templates or PDF’s for desktop printing (filenames of available resources are provided below).

3.1.i Letterheads and Continuation Sheets

Letterheads Available resources: Holman’s Letterhead.doc

London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD Tel: +44(0)20 7977 8200 • Fax: +44(0)20 7977 8201 • www.holmans.co.uk john hoLMan & sons LTD • hEaD & REgisTERED oFFiCE as abovE • REgisTERED in EngLanD no. 2858300 aUThoRisED anD REgULaTED by ThE FinanCiaL ConDUCT aUThoRiTy

Holman’s Letterhead

Continuation Sheets Primarily for use in written communication, Continuation Sheets should also be used for pages in internally produced reports and RFPs. Available resources: Holman’s Continuation Sheet.doc

Holman’s Continuation Sheets


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

3.1.ii Compliment Slips and Business Cards Compliment Slips Available resources: With Compliments London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD Tel: +44(0)20 7977 8200 • Fax: +44(0)20 7977 8201 • www.holmans.co.uk Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Holman’s Compliment Slip.doc Holman’s Compliment Slips

Business Cards Business cards must always be printed by a professional

Michael Hayes Broking Director With Compliments London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD

printers to ensure the correct thickness of card is used.

Tel: +44(0)20 7977 8200 • Fax: +44(0)20 7977 8201 • www.holmans.co.uk Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Angela Westcott Marketing Manager

Available resources: Holman’s Business Card Template.pdf

With Compliments London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD Tel: +44(0)20 7977 8200 • Fax: +44(0)20 7977 8201 • www.holmans.co.uk Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Keith Goodings Wholesale Administration With Compliments London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD Tel: +44(0)20 7977 8200 • Fax: +44(0)20 7977 8201 • www.holmans.co.uk Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Holman’s Business Cards

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Three: The Identity Applied - Templates & Samples

3.1.iii Emails

Emails should be created using Arial/Calibri 12pt black text. The Holman’s colour palette may also be used for headings and to add colour (see page 8 of this document). Emails should contain the appropriate Email Signature with name, title, department and contact details, as set up by the Holman’s Systems Administrator.

Holman’s Emails

3.1.iv Internally produced reports including RFPs Templates for reports, such as request for proposals (RFPs), with covers and inside page layouts are available to make document production easier, whilst adhering to Brand Guidelines for fonts and colours etc. Contact marketing@holmans.co.uk for further assistance. Available resources: Holman’s Report Template.doc

Holman’s Report Template


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

3.1.v Powerpoint Presentations

A Holman’s template is available to help speed up your Powerpoint Presentation production. It contains a title page, a template for slides and section dividers. Using the template ensures all Holman’s presentations are of high quality and are created using the correct colours, backgrounds, fonts and font sizes. Contact marketing@holmans.co.uk for more information. Available resources: Holman’s Presentation Template.ppt

Powerpoint Presentation Template

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Three: The Identity Applied - Templates & Samples


Guidance for online and print

The Holman’s Master Brand guidelines set out in this document should be adhered to when creating content for online viewing or producing printed media including signage and corporate gifts. All artwork created for online or print must be submitted to and approved by Holman’s Marketing prior to production. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please contact marketing@holmans.co.uk.

3.2.i Online (Websites etc)

General layout Web design and layout must adhere to the guidelines in this document. Colours, font weights and sizes are for use at the designer’s discretion.

Logo usage Please refer to pages 4-7 of this document for guidance regarding the Holman’s logo and it’s use. Holman’s Online

Fonts Always use the Holman’s font ‘Roboto’. A sample can be seen at http://www.google.com/fonts/ specimen/Roboto and is available via Google Fonts.

Colour palette Please refer to the guidelines on page 8 of this document.


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

3.2.ii Brochures, flyers and advertising The same layout principles set out in this document apply to all printed media such as brochures, flyers, folders, product sheets etc and advertising in magazines or the press. All artwork must be submitted to and approved by Holman’s Marketing prior to production.

If you have any questions regarding creating artwork for print, please contact marketing@holmans.co.uk.

Holman’s Brochures

3.2.iii Banners, signage and corporate gifts Printed media such as banners, signage and corporate gifts must adhere to Holman’s Brand Guidelines and where a print process such as screen printing is required, the Holman’s Vector Graphic Logo should be used. For Pantone colours see page 8 of this document. For fonts and usage, see page 9 of this document. If you have any questions regarding artwork please contact marketing@holmans.co.uk.

Vector Graphic (EPS) logo

Holman’s Brand Guidelines


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Section Four: Policies and Procedures


Further help and assistance

The Holman’s Master Brand identity is the face and personality presented to the global community. It’s as important as the products and services we provide.

Because the Holman’s Brand cannot be compromised, we’ve created this guide to provide all the pertinent specifications needed to maintain its integrity. The guidelines set in this document are not meant to inhibit, but to improve the creative process. By following these guidelines, the materials we create will represent Holman’s cohesively to the outside world.

Designers must follow the typography and identity guidelines in this document to ascertain the correct use of the Holman’s logo, colour palette, fonts and identity formats.

Marketing approval All artwork created on behalf of Holman’s must be submitted to and approved by Holman’s Marketing team prior to production. Marketing approval or guidance can be obtained by contacting the following Holman’s personnel:

Gary Beaumont


If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or require artworks, logos or templates, please contact marketing@holmans.co.uk.


Holman’s Brand Guidelines

“Our ability to change has been a key factor in our success and has been true from the very beginning, when John Holman proved himself capable of responding quickly to the events of his day – 2.5

transforming himself from mariner to ship builder to insurance

Broker at Lloyd’s logo and usage

broker and underwriter – when he recognised the need to do so.”

As a broker at Lloyd’s, Holman’s is entitled to use the Broker at Lloyd’s logo on business stationery and Andrew Holman, Chief Executive promotional material where a product has been 100% underwritten at Lloyd’s. Insurance products less than 100% underwritten at Lloyd’s may use the Lloyd’s name in a descriptive manner but may not use the Broker at Lloyd’s logo to promote the product. The correct way to refer to Lloyd’s is : “Holman’s - Lloyd’s brokers.”

Holman’s Brand Guidelines

Legal Notice These guidelines do not address local insurance regulatory requirements, including advertising restrictions and prohibitions, which may be imposed in some jurisdictions (including the US), on market participants, capital providers and others. Certain uses of the Holman’s name and/or Lloyd’s logos which might be permissable under these general guidelines might nevertheless constitute a violation of local law. You should seek advice as to the legal and regulatory requirements that may apply. Please contact marketing@holmans.co.uk if you would like further guidance.

London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD Tel: +44(0)20 7977 8200 • Fax: +44(0)20 7977 8201 • www.holmans.co.uk

john Holman & sons ltd • Registered in England No. 2858300 Head & Registered Office : London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD Authorised and regulated by the Financial CONDUCT Authority

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