Ways To Prevent The Need For Spinal Decompression Therapy
Spinal decompression therapy is a nonsurgical therapy to relieve back pain that involves being strapped to a specially designed, computer controlled table to have your spine stretched in minute increments to relieve pressure on compressed discs. The therapy alternates periods of relaxation with periods of spine stretching, officially referred to as distraction.
This type of therapy can become a necessity for those who have injured their backs and prefer a less invasive solution to the pain that what surgery offers. Generally those who need or seek this type of therapy are people who have sciatica, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, pinched nerves and bulging discs which can often be caused by bad posture, repetitive stress, acute injury or bad body mechanics.
There's not much anyone can do about acute injury, but some of the other causes can be controlled to reduce the chance of any type of spinal treatment.
Posture Proper posture can mean the difference between a strong and healthy back and one that's injured and requires treatment just so you can function during your daily tasks. One point many don't realize about good postures is that it should always be moving a little bit. It's when your posture isn't moving that pain and injury are waiting to happen. And this pain and injury is too often avoidable and self afflicted. The goal is to work with the natural gentle s-curve of the spine. In its natural s-curve position, the spine is like a spring mount and can handle quite a bit of strain. But if it's moved out of its s-curve, strain and injury can be magnified.
To make sure you keep your spine in its natural s-curve position, always make sure the small of your back and lumbar region form a slight hollow. As you go up the spine, it should produce a convex area between the shoulder blades. One way to make sure you keep the s-curve is to keep the muscles strong. If some muscles are weakened, the stronger ones will try to compensate which adds unnecessary strain to your spine.
Repetitive Stress Certain types of jobs require continually moving the body into a certain position in order to get the necessary tasks completed. A repetitive stress injury with the spine occurs when the back is overused or exerted by having to work harder than it should, stretch further than it should and take on more impact than it should. The stress of the spine isn't felt initially, but continued movements create constant stress which can cause damage. The best way to reduce and even completely prevent repetitive stress injury on your back is to practice good body mechanics.
Good Body Mechanics
Body mechanics is the term used to describe the way the body moves. It involves a complex balance between the skeleton, muscles and tendons. Good body mechanics is the process of completing a task while putting as little strain on the skeleton, muscles and tendons as possible.
There are different ways to stand and move and sit that are all related to specific tasks at hand. If you practice good body mechanics and posture, you'll reduce the chance of ever needing to use spinal decompression therapy. Resources: http://bit.ly/1qti7Z6 http://ezinearticles.com/?Ways-To-PreventThe-Need-For-Spinal-DecompressionTherapy&id=8563811
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