Township of Ocean Historical Museum 163 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst New Jersey 07755 (732) 531-2136
February 2001 Volume 16, No. 1
Calendar Tuesday, January 30th 7:30 p.m.
ANNUAL MUSEUM MEETING – All Welcome At the Museum, Old Oakhurst Schoolhouse. New officers will be elected.
Election of Officers Review of Exhibit Exhibit theme for 2001 Status of new museum Grant application Memorial Bricks Dues _________________________________________________________________________ The nominating committee offers the following slate of officers and appointments for your consideration. You are welcome and encouraged to attend the Annual Museum Meeting. President Vice President Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer Trustees
Museum Director Exhibit Chair Quilts and Crafts Chair Nominating Committee
Virginia Richmond Richard Kurkjian Kathy Parratt Joal Leone Bob Landis Kay Zimmerer (2002) Marjorie Edelson (2001) Norma Eberhardt Dauphin (2003) Eileen McCormack Peggy Dellinger Marjorie Edelson Kathy Parratt (Chair) Lesley Dorsett Betty Wilderotter Lois Landis Respectfully submitted by the Nominating Committee, Lois Landis, Chair Peggy Dellinger Lesley Dorsett Kathy Parratt
Members and guests who attended our Friday evening, December 1, private opening of of “Presidents at the Shore” enjoyed a marvelous performance by some of the Intermediate School Enrichment Class students. These young people under the direction of Mrs. Trudy Wolfe-Larkin portrayed some of the historical personages featured in our exhibit. They included President and Mrs. Ulysses Grant, Mrs. James Garfield and a surveyor who helped to design the special railroad track that was laid overnight to transport the wounded President Garfield to a house near the beach in Elberon. Dressed in period costume, they brought to life these individuals from the late 19th century. A big thank you goes to Mrs. Wolfe-Larkin and her students for an outstanding presentation
Intermediate School Students: Left to Right: Lindsay Kutschman, Mistress of Ceremonies; Steven Hayet, railroad surveyor; Laura Malta, Mrs. Garfield; John Vilanova, President Grant; Antonia Borelli, Mrs. Julia Grant.
This year’s museum exhibit featured presidents who lived at or visited the shore area. These included Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Theodore Roosevelt and Richard Nixon. Artifacts and photos from each presidential era contributed much to the overall effect. A special first day cover and stamp exhibit of the presidents was prepared and exhibited by member, Doc Richmond. Peggy Dellinger, exhibit chairperson, and her committee members are to be congratulated on a job well done. They are Ted Dellinger, Eileen McCormack, Kathy Parratt, Kay Zimmerer, Marge Edelson, Richard Kurkjian, Norma McGarr, Doc Richmond, and Ginny Richmond. As in years past, a group of museum members under the direction of Marge Edelson produced a beautifully crafted quilt. This year’s quilt was called Grandmas Fan and included two matching pillow shams. The quilt, a major fund raiser, was raffled at our December exhibit and won by Felicia Serano of Wanamassa. A big thank you goes to Marge Edelson and her committee including Ann Stiles, Gerry Applegate, Marion Vogler, Addie Pellicano, Lois Landis, Ann Gasperini, Betty Wilderotter, and Jane Young. Also thank you to all those members who supported our raffle sale by selling and buying tickets. This year a record number of 1,866 raffle tickets were sold. The financial results of the exhibit are: Total Income: $4,092.14 Total Expenses 1,417.87 Profit $2,674.27
The class reunion of the Oakhurst School Class of 1957 was held in the auditorium of the old Oakhurst School on October 6, 2000. This class is the last 8th grade class to graduate from the Oakhurst School. Members of the class organized the reception and had the pleasure of meeting classmates from all over the country. Our museum was open, staffed and tours were available for class members. The class continued their reunion throughout the entire weekend with a dinner at Jumping Brook Country Club on Saturday evening and a brunch on Sunday. Some of the representatives of the class attended our Friday evening, Dec. 1 opening exhibit night and presented the museum with a very generous donation for which we thank them very much.
Class of 1957, Oakhurst School Presentation to Museum: Left to Right: Ginnny Richmond, Museum President; Class of 1957 Committee members: Mary osborn Siver, Murray Marx, Alan McKean, Richard King, and Lorraine Hartigan Nonnenburg. Missing Sally Welch and MaryAnn McKean.
Please visit the Ocean Township Library and take a few minutes to look at our “Presidents at the Shore” exhibit. This is an abbreviated version of our December exhibit. It will be in the library during the months of January and February. _________________________________________________________________________
Some of our December exhibit photos have been loaned to the West Long Branch Public Library for display in a showcase there. Be sure to look for them if you visit that library. _________________________________________________________________________
Ann Stiles and Ginny Richmond have continued to bring the history of the Township of Ocean to more of our local organizations. Recent speaking engagements include: Interlaken Leisure Club, Jersey Shore Women’s Club, and the Monmouth Chapter 411 of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees. _________________________________________________________________________
The Asbury Park Press will publish, “A Day in the Life of Ocean Township” in January. Our museum will be included in this special section of the Press. Please take a look. As many of you know, all third grade classes in our Ocean Township Public Schools are taken on an historical tour of our township and, at a later date visit our museum. This is in conjunction with the social studies curriculum. On Tuesday morning, January 9, 2001, an Asbury Park Press reporter and a photographer came to the museum to prepare a feature article on our third grade program. This will run in the Wednesday Community section of the newspaper in the Learning Curve page on January 24 or 31. Please look for this also.
We wish to thank the Asbury Park Press, the Atlanticville, the Coaster, and Shore View for all of their on-going publicity. We are especially appreciative of their support and publicity in conjunction with our December exhibit. _________________________________________________________________________
The Township of Ocean Mayor and Council are in the process of acquiring with grant funds public lands that they wish to utilize in part as the site of a new historical museum. Arrangements have been put in place for the donation of the Woolley/Henderson house, an historical structure that will be relocated to the newly acquired Township of Ocean parklands. The Mayor and Council has asked our museum to make this structure our new home. As many of you know, our present museum has been in operation in the Oakhurst School for the past 17 years. We appreciate and value the support of the Board of Education in providing us with a home for our museum. We also are very much aware of the fact that our museum has outgrown its space and a larger museum would be a wonderful addition to our township. We will keep you informed of the progress of this exciting proposition. We welcome your input, expertise, and assistance. _________________________________________________________________________
Fund raising will be a necessary part of setting up, furnishing, and opening a new museum. At the present time our first grant is being prepared and will be submitted to the New Jersey Historical Commission before February to help finance some office furniture and equipment for the new museum. _________________________________________________________________________
It has been proposed that a memorial brick walkway be constructed as an entrance walk to our new museum and possibly from the museum to the playhouse. (the playhouse will be moved to the grounds of the new museum) This is a unique way for individuals, families, organizations, and businesses to honor or memorialize groups or individuals. It is also one way for our museum to raise needed funds for the new museum. In the near future, the Township of Ocean Historical Museum will begin to sell memorial bricks. Bricks may be inscribed in many different ways. Individuals, families, organizations, and businesses all will wish to be included in this permanent memorial. We expect that a brick will cost $100.00. Watch for more information on this in the future. _________________________________________________________________________
Please take a few minutes, fill in the form below and send in your dues for 2001. The museum depends on the financial support of all of its members to fulfill its purposes of collecting, preserving and exhibiting history for the education and enjoyment of the public. Annual dues are $5.00, patron $25.00, benefactor $100.00. Thank you.
Township of Ocean Historical Museum Dues NAME: ________________________________________________________ YEAR: 2001 ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ PHONE: _________________ FAMILY MEMBERSHIP
5.00 __________
$ 25.00 __________
$100.00 __________
Township of Ocean Historical Museum 163 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst New Jersey 07755