Ocean’s Heritage, Winter 2019
Selecting the elected board by e-ballot
The Proposed 2019-2021 Slate of Officers/Trustees
he Museum Board is made up of seven elected officers, six elected trustees, and a flexible number of appointed directors. The officers are elected to two-year terms. The trustees serve six-year overlapping terms. The officers and trustees are elected by the membership—this year by an e-ballot, emailed to members February 26, responses received by March 5. (Paper ballots were also available at the Museum.) Following the election, the officers and trustees meet to name the appointed directors and complete the Board, consistent with Museum’s strategic goals.
President: Paul Edelson Three-term Museum President. Charter member of the Museum (former Trustee, budget committee, property management team, and more). 35+ years of community service (Zoning and Planning Boards, Board of Education, Boy Scouts).
1st Vice President (Events): Brenda Wityk Former President and Museum Director, two-term 1st VP. The force behind Museum gift auctions, the Flea Market, and fund-raisers. A leader in school and church communities.
Paul Edelson
Brenda Wityk
Joan Brown
Jack McCormack
Sergie Conklin
Celeste Jones
Marianne Wilensky
Phyllis Fyfe
Joel Leone
Ginny Richmond
2nd Vice President (Membership): Joan Brown New to the Board. Museum docent (3rd grade program). 43-year resident of Ocean. 19-year tenure as Director of the Wesley Nursery School (Oakhurst), recently retired. Community and church leader.
Treasurer: Jack McCormack Two-term Treasurer. Retired Director of Information Systems Auditing for several Fortune 50 companies. Worked for McCormack, Baker and Neral, CPAs, and established their information technology department. Corresponding Secretary: Celeste Jones New to the Board. Long-time member. 50-year Ocean resident. Realtor for 30 years, currently with Century 21. Member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Recording Secretary: Sergie Conklin Current Recording Secretary and former Corresponding and Recording Secretary, Museum docent, quilter, and living history interpreter. Became active in the Museum following her career as a social worker for the state of New Jersey. Museum Director: Marianne Wilensky New to the Board. Museum docent. 30-year Oakhurst resident. Professional community planner. 30 years with the Township Department of Community Planning; retiring in 2017 as its Director. Former member of Board of Education.
rustees* Joal Leone (2019-2025) Continuing as a Trustee. The talent and energy behind the Museum’s hospitality at meeting and events.
Phyllis Fyfe (2019-2025) New to the Board. 25-year active member. 54-year Oakhurst resident. 40-year school librarian, retiring from Ocean Township Intermediate School. Driving force and 54-year member of the Friends of the Library. 2002 Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year. 2009 Ocean Township Employee of the Year.
Ginny Richmond (filling unexpired 2017-2023 term) Museum President for ten years. Led the organization through the transition to the Woolley House. Former Museum Director. Retired teacher (20 years in the Long Branch School system). * Trustees serving unexpired terms--2015-2021: Eileen McCormack, Peggy Dellinger; 2017-2023: Marge Edelson, (John Huss stepped down from his Trusteeship).