100% of page w/bleed
Spread Gutter Live area
Live area
Trim area
Trim area
50% of page horizontal 50% of page vertical Live area Trim area
17% of page
25% of page
Live area Trim area
MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Publication trim size: 8.125” x 10.5” Binding: Perfect Live area: All live matter and type should stay within live area. Formats: Crave prepress operations are 100% digital. Crave uses a Macintosh OSX system and supports: PDF, EPS and JPG formats (JPG for images only, not completed ads). Supported Media: Crave supports CD, DVD and other media formats.
Double Page Spread Bleed Bleed Size 16.5” 10.75” Trim Size 16.25” 10.5” Live Area 15.5833” 9.8333” Gutter Area 0.6667” 100% of Page Bleed Bleed Size Trim Size Live Area
8.375” 10.75” 8.125” 10.5” 7.4583” 9.8333”
7.4583” 9.8333”
50% of Page Vertical Bleed Bleed Size 4.1875” 10.75” Trim Size 3.9375” 10.5” Live Area 3.2708” 9.8333” Non-Bleed
3.6042” 9.8333”
50% of Page Horizontal Bleed Bleed Size 8.375” 5.375” Trim Size 8.125” 5.125” Live Area 7.4583” 4.4583” Non-Bleed
7.4583” 4.7917”
25% of Page Non-Bleed
3.6042” 4.7917”
17% of Page Non-Bleed
3.6042” 3.1111”
Supported Applications: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat. PDFs: Crave accepts ads submitted in a PDF format. When preparing your PDF standard bleed and trim marks should be included but not in the “live” or “bleed” area. Embed the complete set of fonts not just the subset in your PDFs. Use the highest level or press setting resolution when distilling with a minimum of 350 dpi. Screen ruling: Crave will be printed at 175 line per inch. Color space: All materials should be delivered in CMYK only. Image resolution: Photographic images should be prepared at a resolution of no less than 350 dpi at 100%. Line art and bit-mapped images should be a minimum of 1500 dpi at 100%. Vector based artwork is preferred , such as Illustrator EPS files. Proofs: A color laser proof should be submitted with electronic ad submissions. Fonts: All fonts used should be Type 1 postscript. Send materials to:
For more information on advertising in Crave magazine, contact your Columbus Dispatch Account Executive directly or call 614.461.8739.
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REV 12/15/11
But dining in this city is about much more than breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s about savoring the creativity of local chefs and their unique flavors, and the fun of hanging out with friends in bars and restaurants. It’s not just a meal, it’s entertainment.
Highlights foodie events, the Crave Calendar and much more
Spotlights the best drinks and hottest locations to get them, as well as local chef’s favorite places to eat.
is the new magazine for Columbus diners who want to celebrate eating out in style—from guilty pleasures at local pubs to the most creative menu creations, from pizza and beer to filet and fine wine and everything in between. CRAVE IS A GUIDE TO THE BEST EATS THIS CITY HAS TO OFFER. Whether you’re looking for romantic dinner, a relaxing patio, unique ethnic flavors or tasty burgers and fries, Crave can point you in the right direction.
BUT CRAVE IS MUCH MORE THAN FOOD REVIEWS. The glossy magazine digs deep into the Columbus scene to uncover the people and places, trends and ideas that make local restaurants so interesting. Crave talks to chefs, food bloggers and diners to find out what’s hot on local plates. And it’s packed with gorgeous photos—so good you can almost taste it. This is the magazine that inspires readers to dig in and eat it up!
Includes features like What’s Hot, Neighborhood, and Strip Search
EARNED $2,000 $15,000 $45,000 $100,000
100% OF PAGE RATES (Partial Page Rates Available) 1X $891 $772 $652 $593 $563
2 X OR 3 X 4X PLUS $875 $756 $637 $578 $548
$860 $741 $622 $563 $534
Uncovering indulgent endings around town
MONTHLY POWER RATES (Per 100% of Page) 8X - 11X 12X PLUS $845 $726 $608 $549 $520
$837 $711 $594 $535 $507
MONTHLY POWER + RATES (Per 100% of Page) 8X - 11X 12X PLUS $820 $697 $580 $522 $494
$802 $683 $567 $509 $481
PARTIAL PAGE RATES: Rates for other ad sizes calculated by multiplying the percentage of page of the ad by the 100% rate.
2012 ISSUES AND DEADLINES: February 10 – Deadline: January 6 May 11 – Deadline: April 6 August 10 – Deadline: July 6 November 9 – Deadline: October 5