September 7, 2012
Small step for CDS a giant leap for joint interoperability
Test successfully applies Combat Systems Control Solution By Andrew Revelos NSASP Staff Writer
Link directly to the NSASP Facebook page on your smart phone
West Nile Facts, Page 3
Since time immemorial, developers of military technology have sought ways to enhance the interoperability of fighting forces. Joint interoperability has never been an easy task for military research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) organizations, but the advent of modern, complex combat systems has made the task all the more challenging. Secure, information-driven networks do not easily communicate with other secure networks, a state of affairs that can adversely affect operations and necessitate costly fixes to acquisitions. The scientists and engineers of the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) took a small but vital step forward Aug. 24 when they demonstrated the first phase of a Cross Domain Solution (CDS) that allowed the Aegis Combat System to remotely fire a Mk 45 Mod 4 gun via a secure but separate network, successfully engaging a target pontoon at more than 8,000 yards on the Potomac River Test Range (PTRC) at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, Va. The successful test was the result of intensive collaboration across several NSWCDD departments working on a tight project timeline with a plume of smoke from the gun mount and a splash downrange, the focused attitude of the observers on the PTRC catwalk transformed
aBrian Dillon, a software lead at NSWC Dahlgren Division, checks configurations just prior to the successful demonstration of CDS capability. The test was the result of an intensive collaboration between several Dahlgren Division elements working on a tight timeline. into one of back-slapping congratulations. Neil Baron, distinguished scientist and engineer for combat control for NSWCDD, described the technical significance of the test.
"This test is the first example of a Cross Domain Solution being applied between a combat system control element and an operational gun engagement element co-located at Dahlgren but dispersed across geographically different locations at the laboratory" he said. "This is a first experimental step toward being able to safely control a maritime combat system and a weapon system from remote locations. Successful results will advance the stateof-the art in Cross Domain Solution technologies and promote development of applications for potential future use outside the boundaries of the laboratory to enable joint experimentation and operations across the nation." NSWCDD has a well-regarded reputation for combat systems integration; the CDS test, however, may be described as a first step to combat systems integration on a mass scale. And with it a responsibility for engineering integration due diligence across the 'Interstitials'; the gap between systems where the science of integration resides and complex system-of-systems behaviors are realized. "Cross Domain Solutions will be critical for large, complex system-of-systems development and evaluation with and within a systems development laboratory environment such as the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division," said Baron.
See Test, Page 2
CFC Kicks Off Near C Gate Sept. 12 By Jeron Hayes The Dahlgren Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) will hold a kickoff event on the corner of Higley and Frontage Roads next to building 1450-T from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Sept. 12. The event will include over 50 charities with giveaways, a cookie bake-off, silent auction baskets, and a Big Bang Theory costume party. You can also register for a chance to win up to $500 in the NSWC Federal Credit Union Cash Grab Booth. Navy Ball Committee will have lunch for sale. Come out for some fun and freebies and enjoy lunch and cookies while voting for your favorite! You can also register to win one of two 32' televisions or a Kindle Fire. Drawings will be held in October, November and December. The CFC Kickoff is free and open to all with base access. Despite the heat and humidity, the Sept. 5 CFC Kickoff at the Parade Field event saw nearly 500 employees enjoy a chili cook-off, karaoke and free Snickers ice cream bars. Over 50 charities distributed information
U. S. Navy photos by Andrew Revelos
Dominick Riggs, left, program manager at Center for Surface Combat Systems, serves up some of his award-winning Buck Stop venison chili to Candi Thomas, contract specialist for NSWC Dahlgren Division, at Dahlgren's CFC kickoff Sept. 5. Riggs took home a CFC eagle for his winning chili entry. about their services as members of the 2012 Potomac Combined Federal Campaign at Dahlgren. Dominick Riggs, employed by Center for Surface Combat Systems, captured first place for his Buck Stop Chili. Fire Controlman Third Class Patrick Werner took the karaoke
crown for his rendition of Bobby Darin's "Mack the Knife." To donate to CFC, visit the pledge table at the Sept. 12 kickoff or get information from your department keyworker. Be sure to like Potomac CFC on Facebook, or visit
Caren Haug, whose husband Stephen is employed at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division W22, poses in front of a freezer with some of the 1000 Snickers ice cream bars she won and donated to Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. Haug entered a Twitter contest and, in 140 words or less, said if she was lucky enough to win, she'd share with her husband's Navy base.
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, September 7, 2012
Continued from page 1
interoperability, Minimizing Interconnectivity challenges "Many different buildings (housing individual systems under development) and test stands must be integrated together to operate as a warfighting whole. The mission kill chain described through the sequential terms of Plan, Detect, Control, Engage, and Assess require many systems, across many buildings, across many locations to be digitally connected and operating as a single warfighting system of systems. This sequence can be used to describe the operational warfighting threads of an individual ship, of a group of ships (battle group) or of an integrated joint force." CDS holds promise in both the RDT&E and operational environments. "Having a Cross Domain Solution for the laboratory development environment, as well as for the final tactical systems, will enable safe and controlled passing of critical information between elements of a large system-of systems, regardless of their classification level or physical location," said Baron. "Having a Cross Domain Solution is a critical integration element in the Digital Age." Critical because the secure and complex combat systems the operating forces depend on, when operating without CDS capability, can adversely limit joint interoperability. Yet, the operating forces' need for interconnectivity of secure combat systems shows no sign of abating.
A close up of the impacts on the target pontoon; CDS allows separate combat systems to securely communicate to accomplish a variety of tasks. A range boat tugs a target pontoon to the dock after NSWCDD scientists and engineers successfully demonstrated a Cross Domain Solution that allowed them to engage the target across secure, but separate networks. "As the power and value of information technologies proliferate across the commercial marketplace, so too have they become a valued and dependent element of modern military capabilities," said Baron. "Establishing, maintaining and operating across a common operational picture, whether air, sea, land or undersea, is a modern warfighting challenge that information technology has both helped create and helped resolve as our systems continue to advance in the Information Age. "The term 'interoperability' has been
used extensively to characterizes this condition. It is only through sound systems engineering within and between the different operational elements of a warfighting capability that successful integration is realized, mission capability is safely and effectively exercised and interoperability problems are minimized," Baron added. Information assurance will continue to be the key feature as CDS evolves. "Establishing and maintaining information assurance across the domain interface is a critical technological and engineering
challenge in an ever growing cyber-dependent world," said Baron. Though much work remains, the successful test gave the scientists and engineers in the CDS trenches a reason to celebrate. Said Saadi, the CDS project manager at NSWCDD, summed up the moment. "It's like the graduation ceremony for a tough degree program," he said. "I feel like a burden has been lifted. there's elation and great sense of accomplishment. "Looking back I feel blessed for coming to Dahlgren 24 years ago. I feel truly indebted to this outstanding team of people in the Engagement Systems (G) and Warfare Systems (W) Departments who have made this happen."
Public Works Leaders Promoted
U.S. Navy photos by Gary Wagner
Cmdr. Jeffrey Brancheau, NSASP Public Works Officer, and Lt. Cmdr. Jake Segalla, NSASP Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division (FEAD) Director, were promoted during an informal ceremony at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren's parade field on Aug. 31. After they repeated the military oath of office administered by Capt. Pete Nette, NSASP Commanding Officer, Brancheau and Segalla family members fastened new rank insignia to their uniforms. Brancheau's daughter Emilee and son Nathan (left photo) assisted their father, while Segalla's wife Julie and mother Mary (right photo, l. to r.) performed the honors. Congratulatory remarks were offered by Capt. Kenneth Branch, Commanding Officer for Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington.
Friday, September 7, 2012
CARPOOL/VANPOOL WANTED Van or Car pool desired from Fredericksburg or King George to Indian Head, Monday thru Friday with one RDO, prefer 7-430, but hours can be negotiated. 703909-3380. Riders wanted to start a carpool from the Northern Neck (Lively/Lancaster), passing through Warsaw at 0605 and Montross at 0615, arriving at Dahlgren by 0700; leaving Dahlgren at 1600. Call Lea at 540-653-6776 or 571-232-5412 (cell). From the Ferry Farm area to Dahlgren Bldg. 1500 area. Prefer early work hours. Call Mark, 540-653-2148. Riders wanted for van pool. Leaves from Richmond at Home Depot on Atlee-Elmont Rd. (exit # 86B off I-95) to Dahlgren. Call David at (540) 653-9203. Clinton, Md., to Dahlgren. Hours are flexible (0600 - 1700). Call Miranda at 703692-9590. Carpool/vanpool wanted from Montross area to Dahlgren. Can also take up to 3 or 4 riders from here if they would prefer me to drive. Call Doc at 252-670-6686. Early risers only.
Want to start a carpool? Need riders? “Commuter Clearinghouse” is a source for information on carpools or vanpools that already exist and need passengers, as well as a place for employees to advertise to start a carpool or vanpool. Whether you already operate a carpool or vanpool and are open to accepting new riders or need drivers, or if you are looking for a carpool or vanpool, provide us with information that might help you find or start a commuter opportunity, such as, where you will need to commute from and to, preferred schedule and contact information. You can send your information via e-mail to nsasp_pao_dlgr@ or contact our office toll free at 866-359-5540, or DSN 249-8153, or 540653-8153.
FREDERICKSBURG RIDESHARING SERVICE GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing service that assists persons who are seeking daily transportation from Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties to employment locations in Dahlgren among other employment sites. Go to connect.html.
The South Potomac Pilot
New Rotary Club preparing to charter The King George-Dahlgren Rotary Club meets weekly on Tuesdays at noon in Rm. 260 at the University of Mary Washington's Dahlgren Education Center campus. The King GeorgeDahlgren Rotary Club has reached provisional status and will be chartered by Rotary International in October. The Club will join RI's global association of 33,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Service projects currently being planned by the new Rotary Club include a reading room project to supply Sealston Elementary School with much needed scholastic reading books to be used by the school's students throughout the school year. Club members are also looking to participate in the Adopt a Highway program to clean a two-mile stretch of road somewhere in the local area four times annually. Local Rotarians are also looking
forward to participating in this year's King George Day of Caring event on Sept. 28 to complete a local service project. For information on joining the new club or finding ways to work with Rotary in the community, contact Sandy Duckworth at 540-3611680 or, or Don Mohr at 540-899-7634 or The King George-Dahlgren Rotary Club joins Rotary's global network of volunteers in enhancing communities and promoting international goodwill through club projects, scholarships, cultural exchanges, and grants for development and humanitarian projects. The Rotary Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the association, awards millions of dollars each year to worthy projects carried out by clubs and districts
working locally and in international partnerships. The Rotary Foundation also sponsors the world's largest privately funded international scholarships program. Since 1985, eradicating polio worldwide has been Rotary's top philanthropic goal. Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge is The Rotary Foundation's response to $355 million in challenge grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for polio eradication efforts. These grants represent a tremendous validation of the approach and success of Rotary's PolioPlus program. Founded in Chicago in 1905, Rotary is an organization of business, professional and community leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures and creeds. More information about Rotary International is available at
Just the facts:
Combating West Nile virus By Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River Preventive Medicine Department
among the elderly, the disease is much more serious and causes encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. It is marked by rapid onset of severe headache, high fever, stiff neck, disorientation, muscle weakness, paralysis, coma and occasionally death.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Tuesday that 2012 has set the record as having the largest West Nile virus outbreak in America since its first detection in 1999.
Is there a vaccine against West Nile encephalitis?
A human vaccine is not available, although several companies are working to develop one.
What is the West Nile virus?
West Nile virus is a mosquito-borne virus first seen in the United States in 1999.
Is a woman's pregnancy at risk if she becomes infected with West Nile virus?
Is the West Nile virus established in the United States now?
Yes, West Nile virus has been documented in every state except Alaska and Hawaii.
How do people get infected with West Nile virus?
By the bite of an infected mosquito.
What is the transmission cycle?
Mosquitoes become infected by feeding on infected birds that have had the virus circulating in their bloodstream for a few days. Infected mosquitoes then transmit the virus to humans, other birds and animals by biting them. It is not transmitted from person-toperson, such as touching or kissing a person who has the disease, or from a health care worker who has treated someone with the disease.
Can you get the virus directly from birds or other animals?
There is no evidence a person can get West Nile virus from handling either live or dead infected animals. However, as a general precaution, always wear gloves when handling dead animals, including dead birds, and use double plastic bags when disposing of them.
There is no documented evidence that a pregnancy is at risk due to infection with West Nile virus.
Besides mosquitoes, can you get West Nile from other insects?
Infected mosquitoes are the primary means of transmission for West Nile virus. There is no evidence to suggest ticks or other insects have had any role in the cases identified in the United States.
Is there a treatment for West Nile virus infection?
Although there is no specific treatment, medication or cure, the symptoms and complications of the disease can be treated. Most people who get West Nile virus recover from it.
Can you get infected by West What are the chances of becom- Nile virus more than once? ing infected with West Nile virus? It appears that once a person has According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, very few mosquitoes—less than 1 percent—are infected, and less than 1 percent of individuals who are actually bitten by an infected mosquito develop severe symptoms. With that in mind, the chance of a person becoming seriously ill from any one mosquito bite is extremely small.
What are the symptoms of West Nile virus infection?
Most people who are infected with West Nile virus experience mild flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches, before fully recovering. In a small number of cases, particularly
been infected with West Nile virus, a natural immunity develops. However, that immunity may decrease over time.
What can I do to reduce my risk of becoming infected with West Nile virus?
There are a couple of preventative measures to take. Limit exposure. * Stay indoors when mosquitoes are most active: dawn, dusk and early evening. Wear long-sleeved shirt, long pants and socks when outdoors. Wear loose-fitting clothing to prevent mosquito bites through thin fabric.
See West Nile, Page 8
The South Potomac Pilot
Base Happenings Dahlgren CFC Kickoff Event
Join us Sept. 12 at C Gate area for Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff events from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Sept. 12 event at C Gate will include a Big Bang Theory costume party, a cookie bake-off and over 50 charities with giveaways. The NSWC FCU cash grab booth will be open with attendees getting the chance to win up to $500. The Navy Ball Committee will sell lunch at the event.
ASBP Blood Drive Sept. 21
Armed Services Blood Program will hold a blood drive on Friday, Sept. 21 at the Bldg. 1470 Conference Room from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. All blood collected goes to military members and their families at home, overseas, in harm's way and recovering from injuries. Donors who would like to schedule an appointment can visit
Second Tour Thrift Store Bag Sale
The Second Tour Thrift Store on Sampson Road is open Thursdays from 9 a.m. - Noon. Come and enjoy a bag sale on September 13 and fill a bag for $5. Get ready for our changeover to Fall items coming soon!
Base-Wide Yard Sale Sept. 29
A base-wide yard sale will be held Sat., Sept. 29 from 8 a.m. - Noon on the corner of Hall Rd. behind the base chapel. Come out and find some new treasures!
NSASP Navy Birthday Ball 2012
Tickets to this year's NSASP Navy Ball are now available! NSASP will celebrate the Navy's birthday on Oct. 12 at Fredericksburg Square. Purchase tickets and get more information about the event by visiting today! The Navy Ball Committee continues every Wednesday at the First Lieutenant's Bldg. #453 on the water near the flagpole on Sampson Rd. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All proceeds benefit the NSASP Navy Ball 2012.
Dahlgren Commissary Caselot Sale
The Dahlgren Commissary will hold their fall caselot sale September 13 and 14 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and September 15 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Be sure to stop by and stock up on your favorite items!
Indian Head IH Spouses' Club "Treasures" Thrift Store Needs Your Donations!
Plan today to visit the Treasures Thrift Store, located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the USO. The store is open everyTuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donations of gently used items are currently being accepted.Want to earn up to $5 in free items from the thrift store every month?Volunteer! Stop by the thrift store during operating hours or email for information.
To publish information on your event or program under "Base Happenings," contact NSASP Public Affairs at 540-653-8153 or email
Friday, September 7, 2012
CARE ... An Individual Responsibility NSASP has an established environmental policy that reflects the command's responsibility to efficiently deliver common operating support services to all supported commands located within the fence lines of Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren and NSF Indian Head, while balancing the missions of supported commands with sound, responsible environmental stewardship. To do this, NSASP is committed to taking its leadership role in promoting policy and procedures -- on both a corporate and individual level -- to carry out a successful Environmental Management System program for all installation personnel. NSASP will adhere to Naval District Washington's environmental policy and will incorporate EMSs implemented by supported commands at NSF Dahlgren and NSF Indian Head within NSASP's overarching EMS. NSASP senior management will evaluate the EMS periodically to determine its effectiveness and to ensure established objectives and targets are met. Personnel within NSASP and employed by supported and supporting commands, whether military, civilian or contractor, regardless of rank or grade, are responsible for performing their duties in a manner that protects the environment, prevents pollution and conserves our natural and cultural resources.
The command's environmental policy characterizes this personal responsibility in an acrostic for CARE: Comply with Regulations Always Improve Reduce Waste Eliminate Pollution Together we can protect the environment and make the world a better place for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren. Through our actions, we can protect our wildlife, our sea life, and our health. Below are some actions you can take to help protect the environment.
All Personnel
• Follow environmental rules and procedures. • Contain spills if possible and safe to do so and call appropriate personnel. • Do not dump chemicals or wastes down the drain or on the ground. • Label, handle, store, and dispose of all wastes according to environmental regulations. • Recycle, reduce, and reuse whenever possible.
Project Planners and Construction Personnel • Make sure that Environmental Management System contract language appears in Scopes • Design and build green. • Minimize construction and demolition debris
See CARE, Page 7
Maryland Absentee Ballot Deadline The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the 2012 Presidential General Election is Tuesday, October 30. Any registered voter in Maryland may request and vote by absentee ballot. A voter who wishes to vote by absentee ballot must submit a written and signed request for an absentee ballot. An application can be printed from the State Board of Elections' website at, or requested by telephone, in writing, or in person at the Charles County Board of Elections. The telephone number of the Charles County Board of Elections is 301-934-8972 or 301-870-3167. The request for an absentee ballot can be returned by mail, fax, or email (as an attachment). A local board of elections must receive a completed and signed absentee ballot application: * If mailed, by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 30 * If faxed or emailed, by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, October 30 After Tuesday, October 30, all requests for an absentee
ballot must be made in person at the Charles County Board of Elections. After October 30th, the late application for absentee ballot will be posted at .us/voting/absentee.html, but a voter must submit the late application in person at the Charles County Board of Elections during normal business hours. The 2012 Presidential General Election is Tuesday, November 6. Starting the 2nd Saturday before the election through the Thursday before the election, voters can vote in person at the designated early voting center(s) in their county of residence. Early voting locations and hours are available at (click "Early Voting" under Quick Links). For more information, please contact the Charles County Board of Elections at 301-934-8972 or 301-8703167 or or the State Board of Elections at 1-800-222-VOTE (8683) or
NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129
The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department
Capt. Peter Nette
Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac
Gary R. Wagner
Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac
of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser
is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office, NSA South Potomac. News copy should be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 540-653-8153 or fax The South Potomac Pilot at 540-653-4269. Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-645-9480.
Jeron Hayes
Deirdre Parry and Breton Helsel
NSA South Potomac Managing Editor
Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter
Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications
Friday, September 7, 2012
The South Potomac Pilot
MWR Highlights Dahlgren Fitness Center 540-653-8580
Fit & Healthy Group Meetings
New eight-week session begins September 11, 5:15 p.m. Eligible Patrons: All with base access. Cost: FREE Weekly meetings at 5:15 p.m. Tuesdays after work to help you meet your health and weight loss goals - weigh-in optional. 30minute seminar covering a different health topic each week, discussion of myths, recipes, handouts, menus, exercise programs and more. For details call 540-653-2016.
Craftech Hobby Center 540-653-1730
Evening Beginner's Ceramics
September 11 - October 2, 4:30 p.m. In this five-week Tuesday evening class, you will learn how to pour, clean and paint three items. Cost $35 plus materials. Class size minimum of three, maximum of six. For more information, please contact Craftech at 540653-1730.
Framing and Matting Class
September 12 & 19, 4:30 p.m. In this two-day evening workshop, learn how to mat and frame a piece of artwork. No larger than 16x20, no oils or cross stitch. Cost $35 plus materials. Class size minimum of three, maximum of four. For more information, please contact Craftech at 540-653-1730.
Library/ Resource Center 540-653-7474
Library Patron Appreciation Day
September 13, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Eligible Patrons: All with base access. Cost: FREE Join us for a lunchtime snack and grab a good book to read while you are at it. Enjoy a variety of bagels with all the trimmings and drinks to show our appreciation for your patronage. Contact the Dahlgren Library for information at 540-653-7474.
Youth Activities Center 540-653-8009
Back to School Dance
September 14, 6-8 p.m. Eligible Patrons: Children ages 9 - 14. Cost: $4 TheYouth Activity Center will be hosting a back to school dance for children ages 9 - 14. Please be sure to wear tennis shoes. For more information, please contact the Youth Activity Center at 540-653-8009.
Indian Head Mix House Rentals
The holiday season is right around the corner! The Mix House is the perfect location for your next gathering. Stop by and check out the new renovations and spectacular views from the deck overlooking the Potomac River! The Mix House can be rent-
ed for office parties, birthday parties or any special event you may have. The facility can be set up any way you would like for your event. To book your date or take a tour, please call 301-744-6487.
Auto Hobby Shop
Recreational Gear Rentals - The MWR Auto Hobby Shop rents an extensive selection of equipment for your recreational needs. Available items include tents, canoes, tarps, picnic tents, tables, chairs, moon bounce, grills, lanterns, sporting equipment and more! Rentals are available on a daily, weekly or weekend basis. Call the Hobby Shop at 301-744-6314 for more information or stop by and see what we have to offer. ****NEW Campers Available**** 15' Cozy Traveler Recreational Trailer (sleeps up to 6) $55 per day $100 per weekend $245 for a week Call 301-744-6314 for more information.
Liberty Center Monday Night Football at the Liberty Center
Starting September 10 Liberty will be hosting multiple Monday Night Football parties! Starting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday nights throughout Football season, enjoy pizza, wings and soda during the game. Free for all Liberty-eligible patrons.
Liberty Laser Tag Tournament
September 12 Liberty patrons are invited to attend a
Dahlgren Movie Theater 540-653-7336 Hours of Operation Friday: 7 p.m. Showing Saturday: 7 p.m. Showing Price of Shows $5 Civilian, $4 Active Duty, Retired and Reserve Mil E7 and above and their family members with ID, $2.50 E1-E6 and below and their family members with ID, $2 Child (6-11), Free - Child (5 and under). Movie shown in 3D will cost an additional $1 to ticket price. Sep 7 - Ice Age: Continental Drift Rated PG - 94 min Sep 8 - The Dark Knight Rises Rated PG13 - 165 min Sep 14 - The Dark Knight Rises Rated PG13 - 165 min Sep 15 - FREE SNEAK PEAK/Trouble with the Curve Rated PG13 - 165 min
Laser Tag Tournament at the Liberty Center. Teams will be formed to determine the best team overall. Registration will begin at Noon and play will commence shortly afterward.
Friday, September 7, 2012
The South Potomac Pilot
Community Notes Operation Homefront Freedom Walk
Operation Homefront DC Metro is hosting Freedom Walk 2012 this Sunday, Sept. 9. The walk is an opportunity for community members to walk alongside servicemembers, veterans and their families to commemorate the events of 911. The 2.2 mile walk proceeds through Arlington National Cemetery pausing at the Pentagon 911 Memorial, stopping at the Cemetery Coliseum for a brief program and concluding with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The walk starts at 8 a.m. at the Arlington National Cemetery visitor's center. Operation Homefront (OH) provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors. Through widespread public support and a collaborative team of staff and volunteers, OH aspires to become the provider of choice for emergency financial and other assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors.
Indian Head Paintball for Military Appreciation
Southern Maryland Paintball is sponsoring a Military Appreciation Day on Sunday, Sept. 9, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Military personal (active or retired) with a valid ID will receive $10 off their admission and $10 off their first case of paintball. This offer is only extended to those who have served and currently are serving, but does not include family members. Southern Maryland Paintball is located at 11272 Edge Hill Rd., Newburg, Md. For more information, call (301) 934-9207.
Registration for Adult Sports Leagues
Lace up your shoes and gather your teammates, registration is now available for adult basketball and volleyball Leagues. Adult basketball leagues are available for ages 18 and up. The registration fee is $725 and the regis-
tration deadline is Friday, October 19. Games are played each Sunday at various locations, and this league is Countywide. Games will begin on Sunday, November 4. Adult 30+ basketball leagues are available with an eight game regular season. The registration fee is $525 and the registration deadline is Friday, October 5. Games are played on Thursdays at various locations, and this league is Countywide. Games will begin on Thursday, October 18. Adult volleyball leagues are available with a ten match (30 games) season. The registration fee is $300 and the registration deadline is Friday, October 5. Games are played on Mondays and/orWednesdays at various locations, and this league is Countywide. Games will begin mid-October. Register online at For more information, call 301934-9305 or 301-870-3388, ext 5152.
Bethel Baptist Church Clothing Swap
A free clothing swap will be held Friday, Sept. 21 from 12:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday, September 22 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Bethel Baptist Church, 6705 Boots Lane off Ripley Rd. in La Plata. For more information, call the church at (301) 743-2363 or Dana Weaver at (301) 743-7225.
7th Annual Indian Head Breast Cancer Awareness Fitness Walk Oct. 13
The Charles County Department of Community Services is pleased to announce that on Saturday, October 13, the 7th Annual Indian Head Breast Cancer Awareness Fitness Walk will be held from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Indian Head Village Green (100 Walter Thomas Road, Indian Head). The three-mile walk takes place on the Indian Head RailTrail. The walk is sponsored by the Indian Head Senior Center Council &Town of Indian Head. Don't miss out on a great day benefitting the fight against breast cancer! Raffled items will be available, and the first 100 paid participants receive a FREE T-Shirt! This event is open to the entire communi-
ty.The festivities will take place around the Indian HeadVillage Green. Enjoy live music, exercise warm up, vendors, lunch, door prizes, and raffles! Registration cost is $25 per person. Proceeds go to the Susan G. Komen of Maryland. Event will be held rain or shine. For registration details or directions, call the Indian Head Senior Center at (301) 743-2125.
Dahlgren Fredericksburg Eagles Auxiliary Home & Garden Show
Fredericksburg Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary #4123 invites the community to its first ever Home & Garden Show Saturday, Sept. 8, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fredericksburg Eagles, located at 21 Cool Springs Rd. The event is open to the public free of charge. Smoking is not permitted. Proceeds from the event will benefit the chosen charities of the Fredericksburg Auxiliary. Donations for charity will be accepted. Those who make a donation or bring a canned food donation for the food bank will receive an extra raffle ticket from the crafter/exhibitor donation raffles that will go on throughout the day. For information contact Jewel Berry at or by phone at 540548-1266; Sylvia Berry at 540-373-0528; Rita Viers at 540-371-7250,Wendy Frye at 540-3714439 or Renee Sullivan at 540-295-7871. The Fraternal Order of Eagles, an international non-profit organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope. Founded in 1898, the Eagles fund research in areas such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and cancer, and raise money for neglected and abused children and the aged, as well as work for social and civic change.
Colonial Beach Second Friday Art Walk
Colonial Beach will hold a Second Friday Art Walk on September 14. All galleries/studios will be open from 6 - 9 p.m. Other venues may close at 8pm. Visit Potomac River Fisheries, JarretThor Fine Arts, Pottery by Hand and Studio A, Riverview Inn, Esco Limited,Visions by Shirl, Colonial Beach Museum,Tides Inn B&B, LaLa's Realty, Team 4U Realty, and Griffin Studio to see some of the latest art and maybe take some home!
MOAA Paddle Boat Cruise and Dinner
The Potomac Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America is having a Paddle Boat cruise and Dinner onThursday, September 20. The boat departs at 5:30 p.m. Buffet dinner includes hors d'oeuvres and dessert. This is a Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB) event. MOAA will provide cups, mixers, water and ice. The cost is $30 per person; children (6-18) are $10. We request no children under 6. Contact John Huber at for more information. Deadline for reservations is September 16th.
Career Fair for Military Veterans and Spouses
A career fair exclusively for military veterans and their spouses will be held at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va. on Sept. 26 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by Recruit Military, the fair will be held on the second day of the three-day "Modern Day Marine" Expo which runs September 25-27. The career fair will provide career and networking opportunities to transitioning Marines and other military veterans who previously have made the transition. Businesses, public institutions, non-profit organizations and federal, state and local government agencies from throughout the United States will be in attendance offering a variety of opportunities. For details, go to
KG Rabies Clinic
King George County will offer a Rabies Clinic on Sat., Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. - Noon on the King George Animal Control parking lot. Cost is $5 (cash only) for dogs and cats only three months old and older. Animal must be leashed or in a carrier. Written proof of prior rabies vaccination must be provided to receive a 3-year vaccination.
OFB Club Charity Golf Tournament
The OFB Club will hold a charity golf tournament at Cameron Hills Golf Links on Sat., Oct. 6th. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. teeoff at 10 a.m. Cost is $80 per person or $300 per team and includes entry into all events, 18 holes of golf, golf cart, lunch and chance to win various prizes! To register, contact any OFB member or go to, e-mail or call (540) 903-7999. Golf attire is required, collared shirts and slacks. All proceeds benefit Ladies Auxiliary VFW Cancer Aid & Research Fund.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Continued from page 4
whenever possible. • Minimize storm water runoff from construction sites.
Laboratory Personnel • Reduce amount of waste generation from laboratory operations whenever possible. • Label, handle, store, and dispose of all wastes according to environmental regulations. • Order environmentally-friendly and low volatile organic compound ( VOC) chemicals whenever possible.
Procurement Personnel
• Order environmentally-friendly and low VOC chemicals whenever possible. • Only order what is needed so that hazardous material storage is minimized.
The South Potomac Pilot
Points of Contact for EMS or Environmental Questions EMS Management Representative: Jeff Bossart (301) 744–4705 NSASP EMS Manager: Diana Rose (301) 744-2267 Assistant Installation Environmental Program Managers: Bill Potter (301) 744–2261 Stacey Davidson (301) 744–2257 Walt Legg (540) 653–5071
FFSC Classes Date 10 12 13 17 17-19 18 19 19 20 21 24 24-28 26 27
Program Anger Management CRC Introduction to Investments Anger Management COTT Training Ombudsman Meeting IA Return and Reunion Deployment Discussion Group Deployment Discussion Group ICC Anger Management TAP Anger Management Resume Writing
Time 1300-1600 1200-1600 1300-1400 1300-1600 0800-1600 1530-1630 1030-1130 1200-1300 1200-1300 1300-1400 1300-1600 0800-1600 0900-1200 0900-1130
Place Dahlgren Dahlgren Dahlgren Dahlgren Dahlgren Dahlgren Indian Head Indian Head Dahlgren Dahlgren Dahlgren Dahlgren Indian Head Dahlgren
For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,
Friday, September 7, 2012
The South Potomac Pilot
September is Suicide Prevention Month Building Resilience
Suicide is a 365 day issue. It is an issue taken very seriously by the Navy. Calendar year 2011 brought the highest number of suicides the Navy has seen in the past ten years. With 52 suicides last year, and 38 confirmed so far this year, the continued increasing trajectory demands ever closer and more intense scrutiny. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a month when we ramp up our attention to and focus on preventative efforts but these efforts should not and cannot be discarded on October 1st. It is our vital task to ensure we commit ourselves to prevention and awareness 24/7/365. The month of September will focus on four parts of Suicide Prevention: Building Resilience, Navigating Stress, Encouraging Bystander Intervention and Reducing Barriers for Seeking Support. This week will focus on Building Resiliency: Everyone will face challenges in their life: deployments,
PCS, marriage, family, death of a loved one, financial troubles, tough economic times, etc. Some things we can control, some we cannot. Being resilient means you have the ability to successfully move past those challenges and also to learn and grow from them. Resiliency can mean the difference between the ability to cope, and the decision to end one's own life. Being resilient does not mean a person avoids emotional pain and suffering when faced with a crisis; instead, it means that he or she is able to recover and perhaps grow even stronger from the difficult experience. Resilience, which leads to optimal performance, can be improved by building and reinforcing skills in the four domains: mental, physical, social, and spiritual. Everyone is resilient to some degree. If we continuously build our resiliency skills, we will become more and more resilient and bouncing back from challenges will be easier. • Mental - The ability to critically examine how one's
thoughts and attitude's are affecting his/her behaviors and situations is key in maintaining mental health. Traits like optimism, which are correlated with happier individuals and healthier families, can be learned and modeled for our Airmen. Critical thinking skills that demonstrate how to effectively solve problems encompass skills like maintaining situational awareness and understanding how our own perceptions may be affecting our situation. • Physical - Optimal health is critical to optimal performance. Although we are all aware of the role that diet and exercise play, we frequently make the wrong choices. Discussions can center on the importance of maintaining physical fitness, moderation in all things (especially alcohol), and the importance of physical restoration through the healing process, maintaining good sleep hygiene, and other areas of focus that can make a significant difference. • Social - Support from peers, family, unit (particularly leadership), is essential for minimizing social isolation and preventing distress. Peers can play a crucial role in providing support and encouraging use of helping agencies. Encourage your personnel to use social support appropriately by engaging in unit social events and developing a social support network. It is also key that supervisors at all levels recognize when their personnel are socially isolated, as it is a warning sign for a number of different problems Airmen may encounter. • Spiritual - Evidence shows that cultivating purpose and meaning improves coping ability. Positive meaning is associated with greater acceptance of difficult situations and opportunities for post-traumatic growth leading to spiritual resilience as well as better psychological adjustment. Leaders can help instill a sense of purpose in their Airmen through leadership by example. There are many resources available to strengthen your resiliency including, Fleet and Family Support Center, Chaplain, Military Onesource, MWR programs, and Branch Medical Clinic.
West Nile Continued from page 3
Use insect repellents. * Apply Environmental Protection Agency-approved repellent that contains 20-35 percent DEET, or N,N-diethylmeta-toluamide, to exposed skin. DEET in higher concentrations is no more effective. Use DEET sparingly on children and don't apply it to their hands, because they often place them in their eyes and mouths. Avoid contact with eyes, lips and broken or irritated skin. If applying to the face, put a small amount of DEET onto your hands and then carefully spread a thin layer over the face. Remember, wash the DEET off when you are no longer exposed to mosquitoes. * Spray clothing to help prevent bites through the fabric. Use a product that contains either permethrin or DEET. Permethrin is available commercially as 0.5 percent spray formulations. Permethrin is only for clothing and not skin. Do not inhale aerosol formulations of any insect repellent. When using any insect repellent, always follow label directions. * Keep in mind, Vitamin B, ultrasonic devices and 'bug zappers' are not effective when it comes to preventing mosquito bites. Keep them out. * Eliminate mosquito-breeding sites by emptying water from birdbaths, old tires, and other outdoor containers or debris. * Make sure that door and window screens do not have holes.
Where can I get more information on West Nile virus? 1031039A
Call the Naval Health Clinic Preventive Medicine Department at 301-342-1475 or 301-342-4062.
Friday, September 7, 2012
The South Potomac Pilot
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers establishes NSASP chapter By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) has established a Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) chapter to increase the professional opportunities available to engineers serving onboard Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head. The chapter joins similar organizations, such as the Hispanic Association of Dahlgren, but is focused on providing professional assistance and mentoring to current and future scientists and engineers. The mission of SHPE, established in 1974, is to change lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world
Photo courtesy of NSASP SHPE Chapter
Members of NSASP SHPE Chapter at its first-ever professional development workshop, held in August at NSF Indian Head. through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) awareness, access, support and development. Jessica Delgado, Hispanic employment program manager for Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren Division, played a lead role in the establishment of the NSASP SHPE Chapter. "I know we have a very good network here," she said. "We have the Hispanic Association of Dahlgren, which is a wonderful association. But it is mostly geared toward networking; it's more of a community-social group. We support each other and when Hispanic new hires come to the area, we take good care of them. However, [the Hispanic Association of Dahlgren] does not focus on the professional aspect and I think we needed something that, besides establishing a good network and support group, would also encourage our professional growth." The NSASP SHPE Chapter held its first professional development workshop recently, meeting at NSF Indian Head. "It was about advertising yourself," said Delgado. "We are encouraging this diverse workforce and it's important for [Hispanic professionals] to blend, but at the same time, maintain our own values." Felix Lopez, an engineer assigned to NSWC DD and president of NSASP SHPE Chapter, was a benefactor of the mentoring and career development fostered by SHPE. He credited two Dahlgren employees, Tony Gibert, now retired, and Alvin Romero, for guiding him to his career path. Now, Lopez works to develop the next generation of Hispanic scientists and engineers. "In
the past, I have been involved in several of NAVSEA's sponsored, Hispanic employment and outreach initiatives serving in roles such as a NAVSEA Professional Recruiter, Hispanic Employment Manager and Hispanic Association President," he said. As a professional SHPE chapter, the NSASP SHPE Chapter is affiliated with SHPE student chapters from around the country. Last year, Lopez was part of a Navy-sponsored SHPE team that traveled to California to participate in jobs fairs and workshops. Lopez describes the ongoing recruitment effort as a "win-win" for the Navy and aspiring engineers. "If you're a member of SHPE, you get access to a lot of training opportunities," he said. "It is also a way to give back to the community." The NSASP SHPE Chapter plans to participate in STEM outreach events and science fairs, in addition fostering the professional development of current scientists and engineers. Pilar Montoya, CEO of SHPE, will address next month's celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month in Dahlgren. Lopez and Delgado both emphasized that membership to the NSASP SHPE Chapter is open to all interested engineers, regardless of ethnicity. "SHPE is all-inclusive," said Delgado. "It is not only for Hispanics, although it has 'Hispanic' in the title. I think SHPE will bring good things to the bases in Dahlgren and Indian Head, as well as the community." For more information about joining the NSASP SHPE Chapter, email
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, September 7, 2012
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