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Learn by Doing

If you’re looking for a competitive edge, there is nothing better than first-hand experience. With 10 practicum courses to choose from, you will have the opportunity to put your classroom knowledge to the test against real-world issues and problems.


Business Analytics

Work with a participating company to frame a business issue as an analytics problem, analyze data provided by the company, and generate applicable business insights and/or develop capabilities.

CDL-Atlanta/TI:GER Practicum

Combines classroom instruction, innovation projects, team activities, and real-world experience into a comprehensive and practical education in strategy and innovation. Work with Ph.D. students from the Georgia Tech Colleges of Engineering, Computing, and Sciences to translate ideas into successful technology innovations and consult for CDL-Atlanta ventures.

Information Technology

Conduct an in-depth analysis and develops a detailed answer to a strategic question provided by a participating organization. Past organizations include AT&T, The Coca-Cola Company, IBM, and The Southern Company.


Work as part of a consulting team for a client based in the U.S. or abroad. Teams explore international market opportunities or research entering the U.S. market for the client. Past clients include Genius Consulting, HP, IBM, Monarch Beverages, and UPS. The international residency has taken teams to Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Japan, Singapore, and Turkey.

Lean Six Sigma

Apply Lean Six Sigma methodology and statistical analysis to a company project. Participating companies include AT&T, AutoTrader, The Coca-Cola Company, and State Farm. Certification at the Green Belt level is offered as part of this practicum.


Gain real-world experience by solving marketing problems faced by organizations. Develop relevant marketing skills, conduct critical analysis, and implement tractable solutions for participating companies.

Pro Bono Consulting

Help local nonprofits resolve strategic challenges by applying classroom theory and working closely with nonprofit staff and management to form practical and easy-to-implement solutions. Clients include the American Cancer Society, Art of Living, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, MedShare International, and The Sullivan Center.

Sustainable Business Consulting

Gain knowledge in management consulting, topical sustainability issues, and project management. Scope, plan, execute, and deliver a consulting sustainability-relevant, businessfocused project with a participating company.

Quantitative and Computational Finance

Formulate, analyze, and implement solutions in applicable areas such as asset management, credit risk, and pricing of derivatives. This practicum involves significant data analysis using big data sets.

Real Estate

Get in a corporate real estate innovation council, functioning as the research arm and exploring the workplace of the future: how the built environment impacts productivity, asset monetization, and the impact emerging technologies will have on the built environment.

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