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The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.
~John Buchan
The Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine was made possible by the generosity and philosophy of Charles C. Gates, who championed innovation, creativity and teamwork in building his family company into a worldwide leader for industry and technology. Late in his life, Charles Gates began talking to his family about the hope and benefit stem cell research promised for so many people in the world. Suffering from macular degeneration, Charles Gates started doing research on his own condition only to be introduced to the world of stem cells by his doctor, a family friend. He was amazed to learn about a science that had the potential to be leveraged across many diseases while also allowing for personalized therapies. Through his family’s philanthropy, Charles Gates sought to extend his focus on innovation and collaboration in a world-class research center and support the transition of scientific breakthroughs into clinical practice as quickly as possible.
Charles C. Gates May 27, 1921, to August 28, 2005