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Editor’s Note

For Americans, a deceptively simple word encapsulates the sacrifices of the individuals who serve in our nation’s military.



This issue is filled with stories about them and their children. But, full disclosure: every other issue of “Gather Veterans” features our military heroes. Individuals who serve in the military pledge to support the Constitution. They do so to help make our country better and its citizens safer. The time, labor, sweat, and tears they invest in are priceless. HERO

How can a simple word encapsulate the sacrifices of service-people for our country and the world? Like the human soul, there are many layers to each person, each experience, each HERO. Stories from each military member continue that LEGACY of heroism and HONOR.


In this issue are several stories of incredible women who handled their military duties with strength, compassion, heart, and humility. It’s the serviceperson’s PASSION for service and country wherein our real power lies. Women are everywhere in formerly maledominated jobs - as college football kickers, pilots, leaders, and now as Vice President of the United States.

In this world of change, whatever your political preference, remember how far we have come as a nation, and, according to Amanda Gorman, the nation’s first National Youth Poet Laureate, how bright is the future of our country. “When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it.” Let’s unite in passion for America and the veterans who served and serve to keep our FREEDOM. God Bless America.

Pamela McCormick


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