8 minute read
Moms In Prayer
~ Oswald Chambers
Each week all around the world, dedicated mothers meet to take part in what is arguably one of the simplest yet most profound acts of service available to Christians. Whether in Alaska or Alabama, California or Connecticut, these parents have two things in common: they love Jesus and they love their children’s schools. Here at Traverse City Christian School, a small group of parents are part of that international ministry called Moms In Prayer.
We caught up with TC Christian moms, Jenni Blodgett and Chelsea Leggett, to learn more about this vital ministry.
Tell us a little about yourselves.
Jenni Blodgett (JB): My husband, Andy, and I have been at TC Christian since 2015. We love Christian education! We have five children at the school and we worship at New Hope Community Church. I like helping out in the classrooms and with PTO activities, but Moms In Prayer is my favorite way to volunteer and serve our school.
Chelsea Leggett (CL): Ben and I have three children at TCCS and we’ve been a part of the school family for six years now. Lucy is in 11th, Hattie in 8th and Milo is in 2nd grade and we attend New Hope Community Church. I’ve enjoyed being involved with the school in a number of ways: through substitute teaching and helping in the classroom; lunch and recess duty; milk delivery (that’s all Ben); and helping run the Christmas store that the PTO funds for the kids to shop for their families each year.
What’s the ‘Moms In Prayer’ story?
JB: Moms In Prayer was started in the 1980s by one concerned mom who wanted to lift up her children to the Lord with other moms. It has gradually grown to now be in 140 countries all over the world! Moms in Prayer has been part of TC Christian for many years, much longer than we’ve been here! We meet every Tuesday between 8-9am, primarily after drop off, to pray for one hour. The nice thing is there’s no commitment. You don’t have to sign up or come to a certain number of sessions. It’s purely voluntary, whenever you can make it. If someone can only attend occasionally, that is still wonderful! We recently had a mom attend for just the first half-hour then leave for work. Right now due to Covid, we are meeting via Zoom but historically we’ve met at a variety of locations like private homes, the Table 12 coffee shop, the school library, and at the picnic tables in the courtyard outside the school cafeteria.
CL: We usually have a handful of moms joining us in any given week. They represent a variety of churches so it’s a very ecumenical thing. Their children are spread out over almost all the grades in the school so it’s not just one section of the school whose moms are praying.
JB: I love that we don’t just pray for our own children! We also pray for the school as a whole, for some of the staff by name each week, and some of the school families by name each week. We also pray for individually submitted teacher requests. It’s our goal that all the school staff and all the school families will have been prayed for throughout the year.
Take us through a typical meeting.
JB: One hour may sound like a long time of praying, however I think usually we are surprised at how quickly that hour goes! Moms in Prayer follows the format of the 4 steps (A.C.T.S.): Adoration, Silent Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication. We take turns praying aloud (except during our group silent time of silent confession), but no one has to pray at any time. Some people pray much more than others. There have been weeks I have been quite silent, especially five years ago when I was new to TCCS. In this corporate prayer group, we do not take time at the beginning to share prayer requests or talk about them; instead we introduce them in prayer. We also “pray in one accord”, where after anyone introduces a request in their prayer, someone else will agree with them by praying for it next also.
CL: I’ve been part of MIP for just over a year now. It was always something that I longed to be a part of, but due to a scheduling conflict, I wasn’t able to join until this past year when they switched the prayer time to Tuesdays. You could call me a rookie, but prayer is something that has been a part of every day of my life. All it took was attending one meeting for me to realize what a vital ministry this is! And it warmed my heart to no end, when I experienced firsthand, the sincere intention behind every prayer offered on behalf of me and my family for all of these years! Truly humbling to know that not one gets missed. Every staff member, every family is covered, whether they are involved in MIP or not.
JB: Prayer with faith is the first “effort” we are to make as Christ-followers in our spiritual battle. Our “weapon” is the Sword of the Spirit - God’s WORD. Moms in Prayer combines these two so well- God’s Word and Prayer. We read Scripture aloud and pray it aloud too. Every week our Scriptures focus on a name of God or a character of God. Focusing on God definitely changes our perspective! Prayer changes things! Every week we have reminders of how God has answered and what He has done! And just as importantly, prayer changes our hearts. I cannot tell you how uplifting and encouraging this group is for me every Tuesday morning!
CL: This has been impressed upon me during our prayer time together. Our requests are not some “pie in the sky” long shots or part of some “wish list” that we hope the “Big Man Upstairs” has time to look over. When we get our hearts right before God and come humbly, contritely, and reverently asking for what we know pleases Him; He not only hears, He leans down close to listen. And He answers. What amazing hope and assurance! Prayer is such a powerful weapon and we are privileged to have that direct access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Moms In Prayer meets each Tuesday from 8-9am. If you would like to learn more, including details on how to join the weekly Zoom call, please contact Jenni Blodgett directly.
Can you describe a memorable moment?
JB: There are many weeks where one of us is brought to tears, and so many times I have been thankful for the unity, the support, and the confidentiality. This summer we had the unique experience of having one of our teachers (who is a mom of TCCS students) joining us regularly. Over the years, we have had nursing babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with us - sometimes with childcare, sometimes without - and it is always memorable the sounds and voices and antics that they add!
CL: What has stood out to me the most through this experience is the connection to the gospel story in Mark 2:1-12. A paralyzed man desperately needed a healing touch from Jesus. Unable to walk on his own, he had to rely on some friends to help carry him (lower him through the roof of a crowded building no less!) to get to Jesus. These friends were “stretcher-bearers.” They each took a corner of the mat to bring the one in need to the feet of Jesus. This is the role that we, as moms, play in each other’s lives as we lift each other up in earnest, fervent, persistent prayer. We weren’t meant to do this life alone. We need one another to help carry our burdens. As moms, we share so much. We all desire similar things for our families. And that commonality, paired with a like-minded boldness in faith is dynamite.
What words of encouragement would you offer to parents considering joining MIP?
JB: You will be glad that you did! It is one of the best hours of my week! Even if you cannot join us weekly, we would love for you to be able to pray with us occasionally.
CL: I walked away from my first time meeting with MIP and thought, “There is no better way to spend an hour of my week than that.” I am sincerely blessed to be a part and I think you will be, too.