Things to Check Before Calling the Pool Repair Guy
If you suspect a leak in your swimming pool, there are a few things you should check before bringing in the pool repair guy.
Trying to take care of the problem yourself initially may be good for you financially, as pool repair service calls are guaranteed to cost you some of those hard-earned dollars.
Does it only leak with the equipment on?
If this happens, it may be a pressureside return leak caused by the filter pump.
Check the backwash or waste line for continuously running water. Then, check downhill from your pool and look for weepers showing signs of underground leakage.
Does it only leak with the equipment off?
This may indicate a leak on the suction side or on the pipes bringing water from the pool.
If there’s air in the filter tank, air in the pump basket, or air bubbling out of the return lines, then it most likely means that this is the problem.
You can use a pencil or a tape to measure and mark water levels if you want to be sure.
Does it leak all the time?
If your pool leaks all the time, it could mean anything – from plumbing leaks to pool cracks.
If you notice anything that resembles a crack, turn off the pump and pour some test dye close to the crack to see whether the dye gets sucked into the crack.
Are the underground plum leaking?
If it continues to leak, then the problem is not with the pipes. But if the leaking stops, you can remove the plugs one by one to determine whether the leaking continues or not.
Once you have eliminated other possibilities, you can perform a pool plumbing pressure test on the underground plumbing to find out which pipes are faulty.
Are there leaks inside the tiles?
There are rare situations where the pool bond beam breaks behind the tiles – and cracks the tiles.
When this happens, water can seep through the cracks from the top of the pool wall and leak into the tiles.
You can easily solve this problem by using a high-quality sealant to fill the cracks in pool tiles.
Are the surface cracks leaking?
Concrete pools with big surface cracks tend to leak a lot.
You can check if it leaks by conducting a dye test.
For larger cracks, you can perform a twostage repair that involves the use of an injected sealant and a finish coat of plaster mix.
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